Chapter 768: Chu Yang's Apology

moment Qin Jingwen saw them, she wanted to hide her own grievance. Who knew that the more she tried to conceal it, the less she could control her emotions. 。Tears flowed uncontrollably. 。"I'm going b...Shocked, even unbelievable, but all of this has nothing to do with her Qin Jingwen.

She wasn't sure what attitude Qiao Shunchen was holding, maybe he just liked being deceived 。If Qiao Shunchen likes it, then Ye Wen can continue. 。Whether or not to tell Qiao Shunchen this shocking secret depends on her mood. However... however, it can be used as leverage to threaten Ye Wen. 。Yes, Ye Wen must be very afraid of her secret being exposed. As long as she has her leverage in hand, she will definitely get her money back. 。At this thought, Su Qin's heart couldn't help but smile. 。"By the way, weren't you and Ye Wen supposed to go back as a team How come only you came back"Su Qin steered the conversation back on track. As for the bombshell Ye Wen had just dropped, she didn't need to dwell on it any further. 。Joe Shunchen is no longer her type, she just laughs off the drama between them. 。Now the most important thing for her is to take good care of Jonny and help him become his own person as soon as possible. Then her second half of life will be triumphant. 。They won't be back until the day after tomorrow. I'm so anxious to see you, I'm afraid you'll find another boyfriend and leave me behind. 。Jonny turned the lies into love words in an instant, making Su Qin overjoyed and ecstatic. 。You're overthinking it, I would never leave you. 。You think I'm Ye Wen So sentimental and so dirty. 。Su Qin couldn't stop smiling. From this sentence, she saw a detail. 。The person I can't live without now is Jonny, and the person I'm worried about now is also Jonny. 。If so, she's one step closer to success. 。Qin Jingwen was unable to return to school because of a foot ache and stomach ache. 。...could only thick-facedly cling to Qiao Shunchen's room... 。But the two children were happy because they could play with their mother for one more day. 。Qin Jingwen lay in bed, still keeping a hot water bottle on her stomach. 。The whole person was dizzy and curled up. 。"Maybe you should go to the hospital. You don't look well enough to work tomorrow." 。Joe Shun-chen had always been worried about Qin Jingwen. Although he could see her state at all times, seeing her uncomfortable made his heart ache. 。"No need to go to the hospital, I'm already much better." 。"You're so busy with work, it's Monday again. " 。It's still best if you take the children home. I'll rest here for a day and be fine. 。Qin Jingwen was afraid that she would delay Qiao Shunchen's work, for him, work was the most important thing. 。"Without me, the company can still run well" 。Don't worry about my affairs, just focus on getting better yourself. 。Joe Shunchen no longer cares what happens to the company. Now he only feels sorry for Qin Jingwen. 。"By the way, Winnie, about last night...""Don't bring up what happened last night, it's not good for the child to hear." 。Just as Qiao Shunchen opened his mouth, Qin Jingwen interrupted him. 。Qin Jingwen thought Qiao Shunchen was going to talk about them having a relationship, thinking he was going to make a fuss out of it again. 。All that she was thinking about were things she didn't want to hear. 。"I wouldn't just say something like that, I just have one thing that keeps flashing before my eyes but I can't quite remember it. " 。Did I promise you something last night I can't remember what it was, but I have a feeling I did. 。"

After waking up, Qiao Shunchen knew he seemed to have forgotten something, or hadn't done what he had promised Qin Jingwen. " 。If you're feeling uncomfortable, try to recall what might be causing it. 。I can't seem to remember it no matter how hard I try, my head hurts from thinking about it but I still haven't come up with anything. 。Joe Shunchen's words left Qin Jingwen somewhat disappointed, for she didn't know what he had forgotten, so the disappointment was only faint. 。"I don't know, don't you have a diary Just check it." 。"

Qin Jingwen could only give such a reminder " 。I read your diary. I remember what happened before you woke up at 3 am, but I fell asleep after that and don't remember anything else. 。"

But I remember...didn't I promise you something"

Jo Shunchen briefly recounted what he remembered, then asked Qin Jingwen which part she had forgotten

After hearing Qiao Shunchen's narration, Qin Jingwen was utterly disappointed. 。She knew whatever he had forgotten must be related to her. He had forgotten exactly what she had asked him to help find - the other party involved in her father's accident. 。Although she eventually dismissed the idea, she also said that if he was determined to find out, he could figure it out even if she didn't say anything. 。But he was heartless...heartless, meaning he forgot everything she said. 。Qin Jingwen bitterly raised the corner of her mouth, unconsciously comparing herself to others. 。If it's Ye Wen's matter, if it's Su Qin's matter, if it's Li Mo's matter, will he still forget

"You didn't promise me anything, what you just said is all..." 。"

Qin Jingwen finally gave such an answer, she said that things people don't take to heart, no matter how many times she says it, it's just talk. " 。But I... Just as Qiao Shunchen was about to speak, his phone rang. 。He took out his phone from his pocket, and when he saw it was Ye Wen, Qiao Shunchen immediately felt a bit embarrassed. 。If she doesn't pick up, Qin Jingwen will overthink it. If she does, Qin Jingwen will also overthink it. But when Qin Jingwen is present and she answers Ye Wen's call, Qin Jingwen's heart must be uncomfortable. 。Joe Shunchen hesitated for a moment, then finally picked up the phone in front of Qin Jingwen. 。"Is something the matter" His attitude immediately turned cold and aloof. 。As for what Ye Wen did to Qin Jingwen, he hasn't found a suitable opportunity to deal with it yet and hasn't had a direct explanation to Qin Jingwen. 。"Shunchen, where are you I have some business I don't know how to handle. I want to hear your opinion." 。Yè Wén's soft voice came over, although a little afraid of Jiāo Shùn Chén's coldness, she still told herself to bravely move forward. 。This was her last chance, and also her only chance. 。The opportunity was created by Qin Jingwen, but whether she succeeds or not is her own problem. 。"I can't help you with this, please ask someone else. " 。"

Joe Shunchen was about to hang up the phone in disdain, when Ye Wen stopped him. " 。"Jun Chen, where are you Is it inconvenient" Hearing Qiao Shunchen's displeased attitude, but Ye Wen still pressed on. 。For her own future, she felt that everything she was going through now was worth it. 。Joseph was cold to her, distant from him, always better than Jonny's double whammy of physical and mental comfort. 。Compared to Jonny, who is a devil, Qiao Shunchen's coldness can be considered an angel's slight smile. 。"I am not in City B, and there's nothing inconvenient about speaking." 。I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that. I don't have the time. 。You'd better find someone else. 。Joe Shunchen coldly rejected Ye Wen once, and then hung up the phone without regard for Ye Wen's continued nagging. 。Qin Jingwen probably heard Qiao Shunchen's phone call and knew that it was Ye Wen who had called. 。Although Qiao Shunchen's attitude was cold and annoying, at least he didn't show the kind of contempt and disgust he had for her back then. 。Only after comparing with others can one truly know where they stand. Sadly, Qin Jingwen's position is outside Qiao Shunchen's heart. 。"You're busy, just go back. I'll be able to return to school tonight." 。Qin Jingwen didn't want to continue dragging down Qiao Shunchen, nor did she want to affect his personal life. 。"It's Ye Wen, nothing important, no need to go back." 。Joe Shunchen didn't hide it, and directly said it was Ye Wen's call. 。However, after he finished speaking, Qin Jingwen never spoke again. 。It didn't matter who was on the other end of the phone, or what Qiao Shunchen did, she just needed to do her own thing. 。"Wenwen..." Just as Qiao Shunchen wanted to break the silence, Qin Jingwen's phone rang again. 。Qin Jingwen looked at the phone, the caller ID showed Chu Yang, her heart suddenly became nervous. 。She was afraid that this phone call from Chu Yang was a complete severance of their relationship, fearing that she would expose her desolate appearance after being abandoned by everyone in front of Qiao Shunchen. 。But the phone always needs to be answered, she can't just keep staring at it. 。Qin Jingwen sighed, then reluctantly picked up the phone. 。“Chu Yang” 。"

Sorry, I was drinking yesterday when I said those things. 。"I..."

Chu Yang said sorry in a very remorseful and dejected tone. He had thought about it for a long time and always felt that his approach was too dirty, so he mustered up the courage to make this call.

His words calmed the unease in Qin Jingwen's heart. Whether or not he was drunk, at least he hadn't made her look pathetic in front of Qiao Shunchen. 。"It's fine, whether you've had a drink or not, as long as you need me, I will definitely cooperate." 。“ Qin Jingwen is very narrow-minded and cares a lot about losing these two friends. 。But she had to be magnanimous, had to sacrifice herself for their happiness. 。If she could sacrifice herself, if leaving this circle could bring them happiness, that would be some comfort to her. 。 "Wenwen, I'm really sorry " 。"I was momentarily blinded by anger…"

Qin Jingwen's magnanimity only deepened Chu Yang's shame. He felt despicable for the things he had said.

However, Qin Jingwen didn't think so. She felt that she was still causing trouble for others and adding to their burden. 。If Chu Yang didn't think that way, he wouldn't have said such words even if he had drunk a lot. 。Is it that she didn't do well herself, or did she give others a sense of crisis 。She admitted that no matter what the matter or person, as long as others put the responsibility on her, she would admit it. 。Even when Qiao Shunchen pinned the blame on her, she didn't clear things up, so Chu Yang's little incident was insignificant. 。If you're going to apologize, just don't. If I could make it so that you and YaoYao could be together, I'd think of myself as a hero. 。But from now on, if anything happens, let me know in advance so I'm not caught off guard. 。No matter what, we're still friends, right Friends can always sacrifice for each other. I'll do everything I can for you. 。Qin Jingwen's heart was sour, it wouldn't turn sweet just because of Chu Yang's apology. 。Upon closer inspection, she is indeed innocent. 。But she had to bear this innocence, she had to become a sacrifice for other people's love. 。 Whether Chu Yang was momentarily confused or unintentional, Qin Jingwen had already become a stumbling block. 。Right now, she is hurting just as much as she was when she first found out the reason for their breakup. 。"Warm Warm, don't say that. I really just didn't think it through for a moment." 。My rambling has caused you trouble, I... I'm sorry. 。Yesterday's words are as if they were never spoken. I won't end our collaboration, nor will I break our friendship. 。Upon hearing this from Qin Jingwen, Chu Yang felt even more cruelly. 。How could you say such things to your own friend How could you be so callous towards a friend for your own happiness 。Won't he become a jerk if he does that Who would dare to be his friend in the future 。asked my friend to keep looking into it. He's keeping a close eye on things and will let me know as soon as he has any news." 。“ I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help," Officer Li said, a little embar...