Chapter 83: Mild Depression

go..." 。"Qin Jingwen was a bit embarrassed, but she had to help out for the software development." 。Instead of calling Joe Shunchen, she called Sun Xu. 。She told Sun Xu about the basic situation. 。...However, Qin Jingwen did not approve of Qiao Shunchen's explanation. 。In the surveillance footage, she clearly heard Qiao Shunchen leave after taking a phone call. 。"Can you give me your other number"Qin Jingwen then remembered that she had once seen Qiao Shunchen with another phone that he hardly ever parted with. 。“Cannot ” 。Joe Shunchen's voice turned cold, refusing flatly. 。The warmth that rarely appeared on his face also vanished instantly. 。"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, why such a big reaction" Qin Jing smiled sarcastically. She didn't even give him her phone number, so how lowly she was in his eyes. 。"Let's go out and have dinner. You can talk to Xuan Xuan more." 。" Qin Jingwen said bitterly, not caring whether she cared or not. She already had two children, which was enough. 。From now on, she's going to treat all men like trash and have the mentality that it wouldn't be a shame to throw them away. 。After Qiao Shunchen finished dinner, he left. Qin Jingwen watched Qiao Zixuan who always seemed unhappy and worried, so she called Song Xinzhe. 。"How come you called me, aren't you afraid that Qiao Shunchen will go crazy" 。 "I need your help with something" 。"Qin Jingwen had no mood to cooperate with Song Xinzhe, she said seriously," 。 "Is something the matter What is it" Song Xinzhe quickly restrained himself because he heard the seriousness in Qin Jingwen's tone. 。"Help me make an appointment with a doctor, it has to be confidential..."The next day, Qin Jingwen didn't go to work again. Instead, she brought the two children to the hospital and found Song Xinzhe 。Song Xinzhe led them to the neurology department, where an old professor was already waiting for them. 。The professor first inspected seriously, and then did some psychological tests. 。Lastly, Song Xinzhe was asked to take the two children outside first, and then he cautiously gave his conclusion. 。

“Mild depression” 。The old professor's words hit Qin Jingwen like a bolt from the blue, stunning her so much that she couldn't recover for a long time. 。"Doctor, the child is still young, you must help the child" 。Don't let depression destroy him. 。Qin Jingwen pleaded, although she herself suspected it was the illness, she couldn't accept it after the doctor confirmed it. 。"Don't worry first, children recover better than adults, and the symptoms are in the early stages. As long as they are guided correctly and actively cooperate with the treatment, they can recover quickly." 。" The doctor gave advice, understanding the urgency felt by every mother. 。"I will, I will definitely follow the doctor's instructions and cooperate actively with the treatment. As long as the child's illness can be cured, I can do anything." 。Although the doctor said it was not serious and could recover 。But Qin Jingwen was still very worried, after all, Qiao Zixuan was still a child and couldn't bear too much psychological pressure. 。"Alas, how pitiful the hearts of parents are. It's not easy being a mother." 。Don't worry, I'm confident I can get this child back to full health. 。The doctor thinks Qin Jingwen must be the child's mother, otherwise she wouldn't be so worried. 。Since Qin Jingwen didn't deny it either, the doctor became even more certain. 。"First, I want to thank the doctor " 。"

Qin Jingwen walked out of the examination room, her face pale. Song Xizhe also guessed the result " 。"Wait for me here a moment, I'll go in and thank the professor." 。Song Xinzhe came to the doctor's office 。"Professor, this is a friend of mine, thank you for your help" 。"The child isn't having any major issues, is he" 宋新哲 tentatively asked. 。"I have told the child's mother about my condition, it is a mild case of depression and it can be cured. " 。“ The old professor repeated himself. 。"By the way, these two children are twins, aren't they" The old professor asked curiously. 。"Dragon and Phoenix twins" Song Xinzhe was suddenly taken aback, it seemed that he wasn't the only one who thought the two children looked alike. 。"No, the girl belongs to that lady, and the boy is her friend's. " 。"

Song Xinzhe gave an answer that even he questioned.

" 。"Isn't he How could he look so much like him You said the boy wasn't your friend's That's impossible! Who else would be so worried about a child besides his mother" This time it was the professor's turn to be confused. 。"She might be more worried because the child has always been by her side." 。"Professor, thank you very much today" 。Please keep busy, I'll come over when you have time. 。Song Xinzhe walked out of the consulting room, but kept thinking about what the old professor had said. 。 Qin Jingwen hadn't been back for long, why was her relationship with Qiao Zixuan so deep Why did several people look alike, to the point of being mistaken as family, even twins Song Xinzhe sent Qin Jingwen out, after the two children got in the car, Song Xinzhe and Qin Jingwen chatted for a few words. 。 "Xuanxuan's illness is in its early stages, don't worry too much." 。This doctor is the most authoritative neurology professor in the country, his diagnosis is almost never wrong, so you don't have to think too much about it. 。Besides medication and psychological counseling, the emotions of those around him are also very important. 。When you are with XuanXuan, always be sunny and cheerful. This will greatly help her recovery. 。"

Song Xinzhe kept urging, the child's illness has already taken shape. Now it doesn't matter who is responsible. The important thing is to help the child recover as soon as possible. " 。But Song Xinzhe felt that Qiao Zixuan's depression must have something to do with Qiao Shunchen's coldness and distance. 。I know, I will definitely take good care of Xuanxuan. 。Doctor Song, I have something I want to ask you. 。"Could you please not tell Qiao Shunchen about the child being sick" Qin Jingwen thought long and hard, for the sake of keeping the secret, she could only conceal it from Qiao Shunchen. 。Song Xinzhe pondered for a moment. 。This matter also requires his cooperation. I don't have to tell him, but I must strategically talk to him and can't be indifferent towards the child. 。"Well, with his cooperation, XuanXuan should recover faster." 。" Qin Jingwen was more in agreement with Song Xinzhe's actions and believed that he could keep her secret. " 。After saying goodbye to Song Xinzhe, a few people went home together. 。But Qin Jingwen's heart was not at ease. 。The child eventually still developed depression. All of this was caused by Song Yien, she as a mother absolutely can't endure it any longer, she must learn to fight back, defeat Song Yien in order to ensure Qiao Zi Xuan's future is not abused. 。In the evening, Qin Jingwen cooked a lot of dinner and invited Chu Yang to join her for a meal. 。At the beginning, a few people just chatted and laughed, trying to make the atmosphere friendly and pleasant. 。After both children finished their meal and went to the living room, Qin Jingwen officially got down to business. 。"Chu Yang, I called you here today because I have something I need your help with. 。Qin Jingwen was unwilling to ask for help, her face full of helplessness. 。But this matter she is absolutely unable to solve. 。"What's wrong" 。"I don't think the car accident was that simple. I asked the police to investigate again, but they said there were no suspicious places..." Then Qin Jingwen recounted Song Yiren's behavior at the hospital that day. 。"You suspect Song Yien" Chu Yang frowned, his voice becoming serious. 。He wasn't surprised, because he believed Song Yiren was the kind of person who could do such a thing. 。“Yes, I suspect her” 。But I can't find the truth with Qiao Shunchen, so I can only ask for your help. 。Qin Jingwen didn't mince words. Since she had already put on a brave face and asked Chu Yang for help, she needed to explain the situation clearly, otherwise, how could he know what to do 。"Song Yiren is going too far, this is a matter of life and death!" 。Leave this to me, I'll investigate it for you. 。It's clear Chu Yang is furious. He's been holding back for a long time, but for Qin Jingwen's safety, he absolutely can't indulge her any longer. 。After things were settled, the two continued to eat, but unexpectedly, Qiao Shunchen appeared uninvited. 。I saw two people eating at the restaurant, and my face instantly turned black as ink. 。As always, Mr. Chu Yang's opening 。 "Joe, it's been a long time." 。After Chu Yang greeted Qin Jingwen gracefully, her heart skipped a beat, afraid that Qiao Shunchen's coldness would make Chu Yang feel awkward. 。Qin Jingwen was just about to speak, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere, when Qiao Shunchen spoke first. 。"CEO Chu, it's been a long time..." 。Joe Shunchen's face was cold and his brows furrowed. His tone was stiff. 。But it wasn't as bad as Qin Jingwen had thought. 。"Didn't you have dinner I'll get you some cutlery." 。"

Qin Jingwen spoke, getting up and going to the kitchen to get tableware 。"Mr. Chu is really free, he still has time to come over for dinner" 。 Qiao Shunchen walked to the dining table and sat beside Qin Jingwen. 。His tone was not sarcasm at all, but a sharp warning. 。It's okay, there's still time to eat here at Winnie's. 。Chu Yang could hear Qiao Shunchen's possessiveness, but he was still gentle. 。After all, this is Qin Jingwen's home. Talking too much and doing too much would make her feel uncomfortable. 。"Since Mr. Chu is so free, we can talk about the cooperation when you have time." 。" Joe Shun-chen's eyes were deep and his voice was cold. 。He didn't think Chu Yang had much time, but he felt that he spent all the time he could spare on Qin Jingwen. 。Chu Yang, with such great effort, Qiao Shunchen really couldn't understand why. 。Back then, he almost got scammed and was lucky enough to escape. 。Now wanting to throw oneself into the net again, it's really baffling. 。Jo Shaun-chen also analyzed Chu Yang's strange behavior. One is to seek revenge and avenge his past humiliation, the other is that he still loves Qin Jingwen. He knows she is a liar but still wants to win her heart. 。Now it seems the second possibility is more likely. Thinking of this possibility, Qiao Shunchen's face became even darker. 。"Well, it's an honor for me, Chu, to do business with someone of such high standing as General Joe." 。As long as Mr. Joe has the time, I am always available. 。Chu Yang spoke modestly. 。The collaboration with Qiao has been going on for a long time, and there hasn't been any progress. Especially after Qin Jingwen came back, Chu Yang knew the reason was Qiao Shunchen. 。But now if he has to put his business and Qin Jingwen together, he would rather choose Qin Jingwen 。Business can be recovered, but once a woman misses this lifetime, it's a regret. 。Qin Jingwen returned with the clean cutlery, just about to place it in front of Qiao Shunchen, but had to stop her movements. 。I use your 。Joe Shunchen moved Qin Jingwen's used tableware to his front and directly picked up the chopsticks Qin Jingwen had used and started eating. 。Such an action made Qin Jingwen embarrassed, and also inexplicably made her heart flutter. 。What on earth is Qiao Shunchen doing, swearing his sovereignty How close must their relationship be to feel comfortable using each other's cutlery 。This small gesture from Qiao Shunchen made Qin Jingwen's heart warm involuntarily, but Chu Yang... in a situation where she couldn't show it 。Qin Jingwen awkwardly sat down and placed the new tableware in front of her. Just as she picked up her chopsticks, Qiao Shunchen spoke again. 。"I haven't had any rice yet" 。" 喬舜辰冇有了剛剛的冷硬,卻像個小孩子一樣耍賴 。"Oh, I'll get you some rice right away." 。">cuss. 。Don't you have something to say Say it. 。"After all, big brother is a man, he's more steady than sister. " 。When I broke up with Qiao Shunchen, he gave me a villa. 。That villa is vacant now,...