Chapter Eighty-Six: Hitting a Wall

you" 。I curse your phone to be lost. 。" Song Yiren hesitated for a moment, her eyes showing a hint of panic. 。At this moment, she wished she could bite off her own tongue. Why couldn't she control h...Qin Jingwen walked into the secretary's room. Su Qin raised her eyes and saw that it was her, so she disdainfully turned her gaze away and lowered her head to look at the documents on her desk. 。"Secretary Su, I don't understand why you have such hostility towards me. I don't think I've done anything to offend you." 。"

Qin Jingwen directly questioned 。"General Qin, you're overthinking things. I have no hostility towards you." 。Su Qin didn't even lift her head, answering Qin Jingwen with disdain. 。"Don't treat me like an idiot. If you're being serious, then get your act together and stop rejoicing when I leave and resenting me when I return." 。Qin Jingwen didn't believe Su Qin's ghost stories. She was so bad at concealing it, even a fool could see through her. 。"Su Secretary, I know why you're acting this way towards me. " 。It's your business whether you like Joe, and it's also your business if he likes you. Don't treat me as a rival or an obstacle between you two. 。Qin Jingwen knew that saying this directly would also hurt people, but thinking about Su Qin's ruthlessness that day, she felt unusually resentful and wanted to scold her. 。It's understandable if you don't like her, but at least be able to distinguish between public and private matters. How could Su Qin ignore her situation when she was so anxious Is her heart also cold and wicked 。"You... General Qin, please don't talk nonsense. You're making my job very awkward. 。I don't like Joe. 。Su Qin never expected Qin Jingwen to hit her where it hurt the most, and she certainly didn't expect Qin Jingwen to know about her feelings for Qiao Shunchen. 。The secret she had kept hidden in her heart for years was exposed like this. Su Qin felt like she had been stripped bare and put on display for everyone to see. 。She was beet red with embarrassment and anger, but she couldn't just accept it. She could only angrily retort to Qin Jingwen against her own conscience. 。"What's awkward about not liking it Just think of me as a fool, Su Qin. But let me tell you, it's best to be clear about the company's stance and don't jeopardize things because of your personal feelings." 。"Besides, I'm not someone you can just treat casually. 。Because I've never done anything wrong to you, I don't owe you anything. 。From now on, pay attention to your eyes. When you look at me, don't always have emotions in them. 。Qin Jingwen wasn't the type to hold a grudge, but this time, Su Qin was becoming increasingly unreasonable. 。If she keeps putting up with it, she'll make even bigger mistakes next time. 。Qin Jingwen said angrily, then turned around, but saw Qiao Shunchen standing behind her with a dark face. 。And at this moment, Su Qin actually burst into tears. 。Qin Jingwen finally saw through this Su Qin, she was even more scheming than Song Yiren. 。At this moment, she couldn't help but reevaluate Qiao Shunchen's ability to judge people. How could there be such a mentally twisted person around him 。"I'm sorry" 。" Qiao Shunchen spoke coldly, the chill in his black eyes already expressing his anger. 。"An apology Me What did I do wrong to apologize for" Qin Jingwen said unconvincedly, if she had to apologize, then she wouldn't have said those things just now. 。"I'm making you apologize" 。Jo Shun-chen suddenly roared, his face filled with dark clouds. 。"Mr. Qiao, you probably don't know me well. I wouldn't apologize even if a knife was held to my throat if I hadn't done anything wrong." 。So no matter how loud you shout, it's useless to me. 。Since Qiao Shunchen wouldn't give him face, she didn't need to worry about Qiao Shunchen and directly retorted. 。“You still say you are not wrong, in this rambling and spreading rumors still say you are not wrong” 。You're a liar. What is there to respect about you What should be treated with care 。Joe Shun-chen was furious. He didn't expect Qin Jingwen to not give him face in front of others. 。Words spoken in anger are often too hurtful. 。Qin Jingwen's heart was pierced by a knife, blood gushing out as if it had been stabbed. The pain made her unable to breathe. 。Joe Shunchen was saying something He said she was a fraud, and he was condescending to her in front of Su Qin. 。Even if she was a liar, she still has her dignity and shouldn't be treated this way. What right does Qiao Shunchen have to insult her It hurts so much, I'm so disappointed, and I regret ever knowing this man. 。"Yes, you are right" 。I am a fraud, I am not worthy of respect. 。But I didn't lie to her, so she can't just treat me casually. 。"Qin Jingwen retorted loudly, her face full of stubbornness and hurt. " 。"Mr. Qiao, I didn't expect that you would care so much about women, and there are quite a few women who you would come to protect." 。Please protect your woman well, don't let me, this con artist, hurt her. 。Qin Jingwen angrily rebuked and then pushed Qiao Shunchen away, leaving directly. 。Her expression was stubborn, but her heart ached. 。Here she was always the most unnoticed one, the scapegoat who took the blame no matter what. 。Such a man doesn't deserve her love, such a man get lost and don't ever bother her again. 。Qin Jing left angrily, Su Qin was still wiping away her tears. 。"Mr. Qiao, I'm fine, Director Qin didn't mean any harm, it's probably just a misunderstanding. " 。Su Qin cried and spoke, acting the role of a good person to the extreme. 。"In the future, show more respect to General Qin. She is a valuable talent our company needs." 。 Qiao Shunchen coldly warned and then turned to leave. 。Qin Jingwen had a belly full of grievances, nowhere to pour them out, she could only swallow them in her heart. 。When picking up the child from kindergarten, pretend nothing happened and still greet them with a smile. 。In the evening, after dinner with her two children, she lay on the sofa in the living room. While the children watched television, she was absent-minded. 。As she was lost in thought, the sound of the door opening came. 。Two children hurried over to greet him. 。Daddy 。" Uncle 。The children, unaware of what had transpired, were all smiles and excitement. 。Qiao Shunchen first glanced at Qin Jingwen lying on the sofa, his gaze then returned to the two children. 。Have you had dinner yet Qiao Shunchen tried his best to keep his emotions calm, and he didn't want the child to see what had happened between him and Qin Jingwen. 。“Have you eaten yet, Uncle” Half-Moon answered first. 。Uncle hasn't eaten, is there still food at home Joe Shunchen's voice grew louder. Qin Jingwen, who was lying on the sofa, heard him clearly but didn't react. 。"No, let Mommy make you something." 。" The moon-worshipper said so, but pushed Mama to the front. 。Half a month's words made Qin Jingwen have to get up from the sofa, however she didn't go to the kitchen but walked to the door 。"Half a month ago, Mommy just said she had something to deal with, so you order takeout for Uncle." 。Qin Jingwen smiled as she finished speaking, then raised her eyes to look at Qiao Shunchen. Her smile remained, but there was a hint of hatred in her eyes. 。"Just in time you're here, go play with them for a while. I have something to take care of and need to step out." 。Qin Jingwen endured the anger in her heart and said softly. 。If it weren't for Qiao Zixuan's illness, she would have kicked Qiao Shunchen out right now. 。Qin Jingwen put on her shoes, pushed open the door and left. 。When she reached the elevator, Qin Jingwen realized she had nowhere to go. Her mind started to wander aimlessly. 。The elevator arrived at the first floor very quickly, but Qin Jingwen hadn't figured out where she wanted to go. Luckily, she ran into Chu Yang on the first floor. 。"Where are you going Where's the child" 。The child is with Qiao Shunchen upstairs, I came down to buy something. 。Qin Jingwen casually found an excuse and was trying her best to hide her bad mood. 。 "Hold off on buying it. I've made some progress with what you asked me to look into." 。Come to my place and I'll tell you all about it. 。“And so, Qin Jingwen and Chu Yang returned home together.” 。"What's the progress Was it Song Yien who did it"As soon as Qin Jingwen entered the room, she eagerly asked. 。"Please, sit down and tell me." 。The two people came to the living room and sat down. Chu Yang became serious. 。There is no conclusive evidence yet to prove that it was Song Yiren who did it, but this matter was deliberately covered up by Qiao Dexiang, and the police were also suppressed by Qiao Dexiang. 。Based on this, it seems like Song Yi'en hired someone to do it, otherwise Joe Chao-xiang wouldn't have blocked your way. 。"The chairman came out for Song Yien Does that mean the chairman knew about it"Qin Jingwen tightened her brows, it seemed things weren't as simple as she thought. 。"Towards 。Joe Shang locked down this whole thing, and I can't find out any more information on my end. 。" Chu Yang felt a bit ashamed. Qin Jingwen trusted him to help her, and he had vowed to do so. However, he had reached his limit and couldn't find the truth. 。"What about Qiao Shunchen Did Qiao Shunchen come forward to intervene in this matter" 。Joe Shun-chen didn't interfere, but he was also investigating 。I'm hitting a roadblock too. 。“

This is also what Chu Yang investigated, Qiao Shunchen couldn't do anything about it, he could only watch.

” Let me know if you need anything else translated!。Qin Jingwen let out a sigh of relief. If Qiao Shunchen was involved in this, she had absolutely no hope left. 。"So there's nothing we can do about it then" "Joe Xiang has made his stance clear, and for now, no one can challenge him." 。

Warm warm, I'm sorry, I couldn't help you.

“ I'm so sorry. 。"It's okay, why are you apologizing" 。I really appreciate all that you've done for me. 。Qin Jingwen absolutely couldn't make Chu Yang apologize. He had already done his best to help her. 。"Don't thank me, if you thank me I'd feel ashamed." 。Wenwen, if this isn't urgent you can wait a while. Time will make Joe Xiang relax, and I'm helping you look into it. 。“ Now this is just a futile attempt. 。"There's nothing we can do but wait." 。Could you help me analyze why the chairman favors Song Yien This is illegal, and if it's found out, he can't escape responsibility. 。Qin Jingwen couldn't understand, Qiao Dexiang already knew that Song Yien treated Qiao Zixuan like this, why was he still protecting her "He has a way out, so he dared to cover it up." 。As for why I would favor Song Eon, I'm not sure. 。" Song Yien is Qiao's daughter-in-law, this is definitely one reason, and also because Qiao Dexiang is a genuine businessman, in his heart nothing is more important than business. " 。Chu Yang paused after saying that, Qin Jingwen interjected and asked. 。"What does this have to do with business" Qin Jingwen still couldn't figure it out. How was her business with Song Yien and the Qiao family connected 。Joe Xiang has been keeping an eye on Song's company. It is said that he started planning this even when they were arranging the marriage alliance. 。If Song E-eun were to collapse at this point, it would be the most detrimental to the Qiao family. All his efforts over the years would be in vain. 。These are all things Chu Yang heard during his years in business, and they are very realistic. 。"Song Family" Qin Jingwen wondered. 。"Oh, I forgot to tell you " 。The Song family is the maiden name of Song Yien's mother. His father and mother both have the surname Song, so his name was not changed. 。After being brought back by the Song family, she refused to change her name even when her father asked. 。"g Yien stared in shock, her eyes wide as she looked straight out the car window. 。This message is too shocking, too creepy. 。She would rather believe that this was just a dream, or that Song Wei was...