Chapter 1664

e on several projects."When He Ning heard this, his steps stopped. 'CEO Ou I seem to have heard a man's voice Are you hiding a man in your office' "On the other end, Aoki seemed to hear his voice and...Before Ou Yan came to England, she had never heard of the Fourth Master.

“But Zou Xun said seriously, “I heard that this Fourth Master is very powerful and no one dares to offend him. I don’t know what he is all about.”

Even if she was curious, she didn't have much good feeling towards a man who played with women and looked down on them.

"You know When you made your debut tonight, you completely blew my little ones' minds. At first, you told them you could only move forward, backward, and brake, which terrified them."

Upon hearing this, Ou Yan smiled faintly.

"You said you hadn't participated in any competitions before, but as soon as you got on the court, you stunned them all. Tonight they kept asking me if I could get you to join their team, even as a coach. They have so many questions for you."

"Then are you going to ask me to teach, Captain Zu" Ou Yan smiled faintly.

Moreover, she is the same age as Li Yusa, only eighteen years old. At eighteen, she probably hasn't even passed her driving test, let alone touched a steering wheel. It's unlikely that an ordinary family would allow their daughter to learn to drive so quickly, let alone reach this level of skill.

So, the thought only flashed in his mind for a moment before he dismissed it.

How is it possible that his own younger sister has better driving skills than him Let me know if you need anything else translated!d no reason to put up such a big welcome scene."I don't know either." Li Qianqian felt a twinge of jealousy. The only people who could get the club manager to greet them personally were members of the...