Chapter 320

just about asking him to leave!Li Yusa didn't expect that after Master Si had a European-looking wife, his attitude towards her changed 180 degrees.Let me know if you have any other text you'd like m...Chapter 320

Please let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

If we sell any more shares, the company will fall into the hands of outsiders! Wouldn't Mom want to keep the family business in our control

Li Yue'e said coldly, "What can be done If you are incapable of managing the company well, it's better to hand it over to someone else sooner rather than later. Don't bankrupt the company. Even when I'm dead, I won't be able to explain to the ancestors of the Bai family."

Perhaps they didn't expect the old woman to say that. Bai Zhenhai and Xu Aqin both thought inwardly: trouble.

"Mom, for all these years, haven't I proven my ability to manage the company You've seen it with your own eyes. Now that the market is down..."n your way, and what underhanded things they'll do..." Li Yuanfu was vaguely worried."Don't worry, I will handle it.""My eldest son, you said that..." Li Yuanfu felt a little relieved. "Dad knows you'...