Chapter 17: Goal

shot, and he struggled to hold back his tears.When Lao Liao saw the taxi charging towards the sidewalk, he knew he was in trouble. He could only go crazy chasing after the fugitive, wishing he could s...Chen Yannian opened the door and said, "Oh, my dear apprentice, you're here! I thought you'd forgotten about me after a few days!"

Seeing that Wang Lin was wearing his practice uniform today, could it be that there were guests at home

Later, hearing Chen Yannian's complaints, he immediately smiled and said, "How could I forget you, Master I couldn't possibly forget anyone but you! Look, I even brought you a gift!" He gestured to the bottle of wine he was carrying.

Chen Yen-nian saw the wine Wang Lin was carrying, his eyes lit up immediately. He took it and said, "Good boy, you still know how to show respect to your master, not bad, not bad, keep it up next time."

He looked at the wine in his hand, quite satisfied. Well, it was his favorite kind, but he had never mentioned it to Wang Lin, hadn't he Could it be a coincidence

Chen Yenan looked at Wang Lin in confusion, "This wine You chose it yourself"

Wang Lin nodded. "Yes, I know you like drinking this, so I bought it especially for you."

"But I didn't tell you what kind of alcohol I like, how did you know"

Wang Lin smiled, "I saw them in your restaurant last time I came, so I guessed that you, the chef, like this kind of wine."

"Haha, as expected of my disciple, your observation is meticulous, and your wisdom is also invaluable." Chen Yannian's voice this time was a bit loud, just as if he deliberately wanted others to hear it.

"Lao Chen, I said, you don't have to boast about your apprentice so loudly, right Is this the new apprentice you just took in" A middle-aged man with a stern face walked out of the restaurant, looked at Chen Yannian with disdain, and then turned his gaze to Wang Lin.

"Well, not bad. This apprentice of mine, I'm quite satisfied with him, what do you think" Chen Yannan looked at the middle-aged man who had just come out proudly.

"With steady steps, a rounded chin, bright eyes, a full forehead, high cheekbones, it's quite good, Lao Chen! You've found a treasure!"

Hearing this, Chen Yenan became even more smug. "That's a must, old man has started turning things around. By the way, Wang Lin, come here."

He beckoned to Wang Lin, who immediately walked up to him. He patted Wang Lin on the shoulder and introduced, "This is the head of a special police unit, Lao Liao. You can just call him Uncle Liao."

Wang Lin bowed to Lao Liao. "Hello, Uncle Liao,"

"Alright, alright, alright. Don't just stand there. Come on, let's go get a drink." Uncle Liao said three "alrights" in a row and then pulled Wang Lin towards the restaurant.

"This is my house! Don't act like it's yours!" Chen Yenan ran after him, angrily.

"Oh, it's all the same. We're so familiar with each other. Isn't your home my home Haha!" Lao Liao laughed and looked at Chen Yannian, then turned to Wang Lin, "Sit down, sit down. It's just like being back home, don't be restrained."

Wang Lin obediently sat down on the stool, "Uncle Liao, I've already eaten. You and Master continue eating. I'll just keep you company here."

"It's nothing, nothing. Let's have a drink together, you and I"


"Haha, that's great! Lao Chen, let's change the wine, and drink the one Xiao Wang brought." Lao Liao called out to Wang Lin and then looked at Chen Yannian.

At this moment, Chen Yannian had no presence whatsoever, so he roared, "You really treat this place like your own home Don't think that because you beat me once, I become your subordinate! My apprentice will definitely help me get back at you!"

"Oh It seems you have high hopes for Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang, why don't you try it first with Uncle Liao"

Wang Lin turned his head and looked to Chen Yannian for help.

"Don't even think about it, my apprentice is nowhere near your level yet. Try again in a few years. Don't act like you're the only one who's awakened!" Chen Yannian glared at Lao Liao with red eyes.

"So, Little Wang is a Awakener too That's great, Old Chen! Crazy Dog Fist can now flourish. You can also let go of your obsession." At this moment, Lao Liao's eyes were filled with congratulations for Chen Yannian.

"Hmph, don't even try to flatter me. When my apprentice becomes a master, I'll make you beg for mercy!" Chen Yenan seemed to have a deep grudge against Lao Liao, always hoping that Wang Lin could one day avenge him.

"Haha, I'll be waiting," Lao Liao said after finishing his sentence, then took a sip of wine. "Come on, let's have another round." He grabbed the bottle and poured it into his cup.

Wang Lin, listening to the conversation between Chen Yenan and Lao Liao, also understood their relationship. They must be very good friends, otherwise they wouldn't speak so harshly to each other.

"Little Wang, what realm are you at now" Lao Liao looked at Wang Lin and asked casually.

"Just awakened last week, still in the Mortal Realm," Wang Lin answered honestly. As his master's friend, it was necessary to show due respect.

"Well, cultivation should not be rushed. It's important to proceed step by step, solidify the foundation, and only then can you go further. Understand" Lao Liao, as an awakened one, certainly understood cultivation better than Chen Yannian, and offered some guidance to him.

He didn't ask Wang Lin what his abilities were either. If others wanted to say, they wouldn't need him to ask, and if they didn't, it proved that it needed to be kept secret. Asking would be pointless anyway, after all, this belonged to someone else's privacy

"Understood, kid."

If you have any questions about cultivation that your master doesn't understand, you can ask me.

Chen Yannian didn't interject this time either. He knew that in the realm of cultivation, he was completely a layman. As a master, the most fear is to mislead his disciples.

"Youngster, I have a question. Could you enlighten me, Uncle Liao" Wang Lin lowered his head in thought for a moment, then looked up and said, "Just now, you said that we need to lay a solid foundation. What do you mean by foundation"

Old Liao smiled and said, “It’s simple. When you feel like you can break through your seal, resist the urge to break through immediately. Let your energy settle in your body for a while longer. When your energy has settled to its peak, even if you don't actively break through, your energy will guide your body to break through on its own. Do you understand”

"Understood, in short, just leave it alone and let it play by itself." Wang Lin nodded.

"Haha, that's exactly what I mean." Lao Liao laughed heartily, adding, "Remember also, 'To cultivate one's character, first nurture one's heart. Be neither hurried nor flustered, neither anxious nor agitated, only then can you attain the blessings of Heaven.'"

"Yes, little one, I will heed Uncle Liao's teachings." Wang Lin stood up and raised his cup. "Uncle Liao, I toast to you."

"Haha, kid, you're right up my alley." Old Liao chuckled and clapped his hands, then followed up with, "Have you set yourself a goal"

"Goal What goal" Wang Lin stared blankly, asking in confusion.

"Listen up, kid. A goal without a target is like a ship without a rudder – you'll never reach your destination. You’ve started on the path of cultivation, haven't you But do you have any goals Think about where you want to go, set your sights on that specific step, and let it fuel your relentless pursuit."

Wang Lin was silent. He had never thought about what specific steps to take, at most he had imagined reaching the pinnacle of life and marrying a beautiful and wealthy woman, but he had never thought about how to reach the peak of his life.

"Whatever your specific goals are, I don't care, but practice, you must have a direction, otherwise, you'll only be working twice as hard for half the result."

"Understood, thanks Uncle Liao."

"Don't be so polite, come on, have another." Lao Liao picked up his glass with a grin and drank it down in one go.

Wang Lin looked at Lao Liao, his heart was a mixture of emotions. Drinking isn't about taking one sip at a time, but since Uncle Liao had already finished his drink, Wang Lin couldn't refuse without seeming insincere.

“Forget it, all out! Even if I get drunk, there's still the master."

"Have you joined the association yet" Lao Liao suddenly asked, watching Wang Lin finish his drink.

"Huh Joined I went to the branch yesterday too."

"Well, joining the association has many benefits, but you also need to always have a sense of caution. Not everyone is as kind as I am," Lao Liao gave Wang Lin a word of warning. "The association isn't as simple as you think."

"Yes, are there... shady aspects within the association too" Wang Lin didn't know how to describe this feeling. It was like suddenly discovering that the bread you were enjoying had a layer of pebbles mixed in.

Every organization has a dark side, it's just that you haven't reached that level yet, so you can't see it.

"Well, Uncle Liao, are you a member of the association" Wang Lin asked curiously.

"No, I'm not interested in that organization."vacant and mouth slightly open, looking utterly despondent."Have you all become so aware of scams now I should be happy, but don't you dare treat me like a scammer! I have the uniform, whistle, hat, b...