Chapter 346: Token of Affection

ur word, then this king can only..." He paused deliberately, then slowly made a gesture of slashing his throat.Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!Xiao Yu's heart turned..."It nourishes yin and moisturizes dryness, clears heat from the lungs, and is used for deficiency of yin with heat manifestation, dry cough with little phlegm or hemoptysis, as well as sore throat. " 。"

"Good!" Even though he didn't quite understand, Tao saw that Xiao Yuge was able to speak it fluently and applauded.

"Well, not bad " 。The merchant smiled and nodded, continuing, "As for the second one, it's called 'Scattering Flowers Like Heavenly Nymphs'." 。"

"Reduce incense" 。It can be used to treat bruises, bleeding, and pain. It is effective for treating external and internal wounds from falls, injuries, or cuts. 。" "very good" 。The merchant continued, “The third rule is: the cuckoo cries blood. " 。" Red flower 。Spicy, warm in nature, with a special aroma, it is often used to activate blood circulation, relieve pain, and reduce swelling. 。"Good!" Everyone who saw Xiao Yuge not only guessed the three names of medicines, but also spoke fluently about their effects, applauded. 。"I reckon the young lady must know medicine" 。“The merchant seemed quite satisfied: ‘Fourth one, Nine times nine is one’” 。"After a moment's thought, Xiao Yu Ge immediately thought of: 'Lily, calms the mind and soothes the spirit, clears heat and stops coughs. It is often used to treat lingering heat after a fever, insomnia and nightmares, and mental distress.'" 。"The girl is really amazing!" the merchant gave her a thumbs up: "Listen carefully, this is the fifth one, nine deaths and one life" 。"


It has a bitter taste and can clear wind-dampness, relieve pain and stiffness. It is very effective in relieving joint pain. 。“

"Good! This is the last one, girl, come on!" The merchant was a bit disbelief. He thought that a little girl would know two or three kinds at most, but he didn't expect Xiao Yuge to have said five in one breath, each effect was described impeccably. He secretly thought: this little girl must be from a family of famous doctors or something, right >>> 。“The last one, the old clam gives birth to pearls, and the child never leaves the mother!” Xiao Yu Ge frowned slightly. She should know this, but she couldn't remember it all of a sudden. She patted her head helplessly. The people watching around were also nervous for her, after all, this was the last one. 。"Miss, have you thought of it" The merchant thought she wouldn't be able to guess this time and was a little smug. 。"Fuzi!" At this time, a man wearing a hat walked out from the crowd and came before Xiao Yuge: "I'm a friend of this young lady, answering this question for her doesn't break the rules, does it"“Of course, since he is a friend of the young lady, it naturally counts” 。The merchant nodded. "Please, young master, tell me its uses." 。"It is mainly used for warming the meridian and relieving pain, supplementing fire and aiding yang. It can relieve chills in the limbs and improve symptoms such as headaches." 。Xiao Yu Ge stared at him in disbelief, her face under the veil flushed slightly. How did he know all of this "Good! Very good! It seems this young master is also well-versed in pharmacology" 。Even the merchants were greatly astonished. 。"No, I'm not familiar with pharmacology. It's just that my wife was feeling unwell a while ago, and I happened to ask the doctor about it, so I remembered." 。Xiao Yu's song touched his forehead and instinctively lowered his head. It turned out that he really went to ask his senior brother, it was so embarrassing. 。The merchant promptly took two beautiful flower lanterns and two river lanterns and handed them over: "Miss, Master, these are yours." 。"Thank you!" Xiao Yuge happily took the flower lanterns and handed one to Qing Luo, "Qing Luo, here!" "Miss, this is really for me" Qing Luo looked at the delicate flower lantern in disbelief. 。Of course, as we just said, two, one for each of us. Let's go over there and set some floating lanterns and make a wish. 。Xiao Yuge stuffed both the floral lanterns and river lanterns into her hands, pointing towards that direction. 。 "Thank you, Miss!" Qingluo happily took them and ran to the riverbank in one breath. This was her first time releasing a river lantern. In previous years during the Lantern Festival, Miss would always follow behind His Highness the Crown Prince and Young Mistress. The Crown Prince guessed riddles to win flower lanterns and never gave any to Miss, so Miss would sadly hide and cry every time. She always silently accompanied Miss by her side. This time, she could finally release a flower lantern! 。"As promised, why are you here again" Having reached a relatively less crowded place, Xiao Yuge pulled Qian Tingxuan down and sat beside him, not forgetting to glance behind them to see if anyone was following. 。The person who just appeared wearing a hat was actually Qian Tingxuan. 。Don't worry, I've checked, no one is following. 。"With a gesture, he pulled her into his arms. If not for her, he wouldn't be so restrained. He was smitten with her and just wanted to be with her every moment: 'I missed you, so I couldn't help but come.'" 。“Shall we set the lanterns adrift together and make a wish!” Xiao Yuge held out the lantern in her hand to him. Her voice, usually so cool and distant, was surprisingly tender, sending shivers down his spine. Her eyes, vast and deep like the night sky, brimmed with anticipation and quiet joy. 。"Okay, let's release them together and make a wish!" He stretched out his hand to hold hers, remembering the last time he accompanied her in releasing river lanterns was during the Hungry Ghost Festival... 。Looking at the river lanterns floating on the water, Xiao Yu Ge clasped her hands together and silently made a wish: "May my parents live a long and healthy life! May I avenge my great revenge!" She unconsciously glanced at Qian Ting Xuan beside her and silently added in her heart, "I hope he can be cured of his poison soon!"Qian Ting Xuan looked back at her, who was earnestly making a wish with her hands clasped together. The corner of his lips couldn't help but curl up slightly. He had never believed in wishes before, but at this moment, he silently muttered in his heart, "May all her wishes come true! May she have a thousand joys in the world, and only belong to me!"When Xiao Yu Ge opened her eyes, the river lanterns had already drifted away with the current. She subconsciously flicked the surface of the water, making the flowing water carry the lanterns farther: "Go, go far away, and all my wishes will come true!""What did you wish for" He took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the water off her face, then grasped her slightly cold hand, instinctively bringing it to his mouth and blowing warm air on it. His movements were so smooth and natural, as if this was something he should do all along. 。"If you tell someone your wishes, they won't come true." 。Xiao Yu's song tilted her head, a mischievous and cute expression on her face. 。"Actually, whatever your wish is, you don't need to make a wish to the river god, just tell me, and I will make your wish come true." 。"You can't do everything, can you" Seeing him taken aback, she quickly changed her words, squinting and smiling: "Just like giving birth..." 。He was amused and couldn't help but chuckle after hearing that: "I can't give birth, that's true, but..." He suddenly pulled her close, leaning into her ear and whispering, "I can still help..." "Don't be ridiculous," 。"Xiao Yu's song was hot on his face, so he pushed him away and looked at Qing Luo's side: "Go back first, I'll be back after a while." 。Maybe I was just seeing things, I need to ‘bump into’ them again to be sure. 。"Take this lantern, it's a gift from me. Don't lose it." 。"Qianting Xuan gently presented the delicate flower lamp beside her: "This lamp is a token of betrothal. By accepting my lamp, you are agreeing to be with me. You cannot go back on this for the rest of your life." 。"ed behind the screen. Now, even he knew. What a headache!"Eldest brother, there are matchmakers and hundreds of villagers as witnesses. My younger brother and she have worshipped heaven and earth and...