Tony tapped his fingers on the table, deep in thought. He mused to himself, "Since Fury sent over the files, they obviously know the outcome as well. Looks like SHIELD has no solutions, we're the only hope left.",The big shot of the zombie world was being chased all over by a little Taoist priest. The news spread, it was truly a shame to his face. But in order to save his life, he had to abandon his dignity. The general, with a flustered expression, waved his claws at him again and again: "Master Guan, can't you just let me go After all, there's only one zombie on Earth. If you kill me, you... you'll be out of a job.",Guan Heng closed his eyes and, before falling into a coma, mumbled, "Tony, one day, I will avenge this...ugh..." His head tilted to the side, and he fainted!。