Chapter 1198: No Breath Left

y appear to hail from some smaller factions.How could you possibly team up with the people from Myriad Demon CaveThis also puzzled Jiang Yun.Although the Five Major Sects and the Sea Clan occupied mos...This surge of power from the Netherworld appeared above this desolate wasteland, and it immediately ceased, even trembling slightly. For even though it originated from the Netherworld, it felt a sense of fear towards this place.

Just at this moment, a voice aged like ancient parchment suddenly boomed across the desolate sky: "A mere dog under the command of a Daoist master, daring to use the Three Lives Mirror and investigate my disciple's origins If I don't give you a lesson, I would be unworthy of being called a teacher!"

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

As the sound echoed, countless tombs scattered across this desolate wasteland surged with power. They rose into the air, coalescing into a colossal hand that reached out to grasp the encroaching power of the Netherworld.

"Master Dao, you destroyed my avatar, stole the soul of my eldest disciple, wounded my second disciple's body, and pursued my young master. These grudges, once Gu Mo awakens, will be repaid to you one by one!"

"Poof poof poof!"

In the great hall of Leiyuan Mountain, Lei Ji Tianzhu spat out three mouthfuls of fresh blood in succession. His figure was struck with a powerful force, staggering backward until he crashed into a wall before finally coming to a halt.

Di Xinghe and the other three stared dumbfoundedly at Lei Jiutian.

After a long while, Di Xinghe finally spoke, "What are you up to Using the San Sheng Mirror to check Meng Guan's origins would cost so much"

"You've coughed up blood four times already, I advise you to stop investigating."

"I suspect that by the time you've figured out Meng Guan's background, you might already be dead. What's the point anyway"

Lei Ji Tianzhu completely ignored the cold and sarcastic remarks of Xinghe, his face now covered in shock!

The opponent, relying solely on a single divine sense, was able to locate his true self and even seriously injure him. The strength of this person is simply unimaginable.

"Could it be... Dao Zun himself"

In his opinion, only Dao Zun would possess such terrifying power.

But he also knew, absolutely not a Daoist.

Because if the Dao Zun found their divine consciousness, they should at least ask themselves what happened.

"This Meng Guan, what is his background Why are the people close to him, one by one, terrifying!"

"One last time, one final try. If I can't find it after this, I give up!"


At this moment, in the hundred-zhang area at the heart of the thunder sea, Jiang Yun had lost all signs of life.

Although the aura emanating from his body was undoubtedly the strongest he had ever possessed, his eyes were shut tight, and his mind had lost all capacity for thought, almost as if he were dead!

After seven sacrifices to the heavens, he had exceeded the limits of his life force that he could offer. His life flame was now extinguished completely.

At this point, he was practically a dead man.

The only thing that supported him and prevented him from dying or falling completely was the sole obsession that existed in his mind, which was to seal the path of the Thunder Mother.

Therefore, his right hand, which was completely shattered both inside and out, still retained the shape of a palm, tightly clutching the Demon Refining Pen.

Although his eyes could no longer see, his ears could no longer hear, and even all his senses had vanished completely, his palm still used every ounce of its strength in an almost instinctive way, painstakingly writing the character "mother" stroke by stroke on the Daoist talisman for sealing demons.

Just then, from the depths of his extinguished life force, a faint sigh escaped him.

And amidst the sighs, a pallid hand appeared suddenly.

This hand, like a phantom, passed straight through Ginger Cloud's body, reaching out to grasp the power of the Netherworld that she couldn't see or feel at this moment.

Are you looking for me


"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, within this vast sea of thunder, a series of earth-shattering explosions suddenly rang out.

As for these voices, the others who were caught in the storm of thunder originally didn't want to pay them any mind.

But when the ten thunderous explosions finally subsided, they suddenly felt the lightning energy they had absorbed earlier starting to flow uncontrollably back outward from their bodies.

The speed was so fast, even exceeding their absorption rate.

This bizarre change left them all bewildered and puzzled.

Although each of them tried their best to hold onto the lightning within their bodies, no matter how hard they struggled, they were still unable to prevent its loss.

Of course, some sharp-minded individuals immediately realized that this change might be related to the explosion they had just heard.

Thus, he abandoned his attempt to absorb the lightning and instead turned his gaze and divine sense towards the direction of the sound.

Wei Heng is one of these people!

The process of frantically absorbing the lightning allowed Wei Heng to clear six blockages in his body. However, no matter how much lightning he absorbed afterwards, he could no longer break through any more blockages.

Now, even the thunder within his body was starting to leak out. He naturally opened his eyes and saw at a short distance from him, Lei Bufan, who was under the protection of Shen Qingyu and Leidong!

At this moment, Lei Bufan was radiating with a brilliant golden light. His body was almost transparent, allowing Wei Heng to vaguely see that a large amount of lightning continued to flow into Lei Bufan's body, but unlike him, it didn't seem to be leaking out.

At the same time, Shen Qingyu and Lei Dong's faces also became solemn.

Lei Dong was even more nervous and asked, "Senior brother, what's going on"

Shen Qingyu's eyes flickered with brilliance as he said, "They ten are only one step away from achieving the Primordial Dao Body or the Thunder Body!"

"And this final step required a power far beyond what they had absorbed before."

"Besides, some others also absorbed a considerable amount of thunder, so the remaining thunder in this sea of thunder should not be enough for all ten of them to achieve the Primordial Dao Body or Thunder Body."

Even so, perhaps only one person can attain it.

Therefore, at this moment, they must begin to seize all the remaining thunder.

Whoever first achieves the Primordial Body or the Thunder Body, then the other nine will be utterly defeated!

Lei Dong was startled and said, "Nine people Wasn't there also Meng Guan"

"Meng Guan!"

Shen Qingyu sneered coldly: "From the beginning to now, he has never absorbed even a single bolt of lightning power. So even if he is exceptionally gifted, even if he starts absorbing lightning right now, it's impossible to catch up to these ten people!"

"Lei Dong, you're in luck this time. There's a high chance you'll witness the birth of a Heaven-Born Lightning Physique or Dao Physique with your own eyes!"


At the same time, Ginger Yun's right hand, which had been tightly gripping the demon-subduing brush, finally wrote the last stroke of the character "mother" on the Daoist incantation for sealing demons.


With a muffled groan, Jiang Yun finally loosened his grip on the Demon Refining Pen, causing his right hand to completely explode and vanish.

But his body remained steadfast, his ashen face with closed eyes, yet his mouth slowly and deliberately opened, word by word: "Today, the demon tamer Jiang Yun, seals the path for the Thunder Mother!"

"Condemn him as a demon, elevate him to the path of Dao, seal him as—the way of thunder, a demonic entity!"

With the utterance of the last word, a satisfied smile appeared on Jiang Yun's face. Then, his whole body heavily collapsed backward.

No breath at all!

You're bold and lucky, but whether you survive depends on your own fate.

At that moment, a voice, old and weary, spoke.

From the depths of the crimson flames, a ghastly white hand reached out. It seized that surge of deathly energy and slammed it into Jiang Yun's extinguished life fire!

First Release by Chinese Novels Network at all."Alright, the game is on! You can attack anytime!"Although Jiang Yun had already issued the command, and although Yi Zheng and the other nine people had each taken their positions, protecting...