Chapter Twenty-One: The Azure Wolf's Enclosure

ior brother surpass you, see how I deal with him! I'm off!"After he finished speaking, he didn't even give the others a chance to respond. With a flick of his sleeve, he took Ginger Cloud with him an...Ginger Cloud, led by the little girl, walked toward Beast Mountain.

Probably because someone finally agreed to help her, the little girl's mood brightened. All the way, she skipped and hopped, pulling on Jiang Yun and chattering non-stop. From the little girl's words, Jiang Yun naturally learned about her situation.

This girl's name is Lu Xiaoyu. She just turned twelve this year, two years older than Jiang Yue柔. Now she has reached the second level of Tongmai.

Speaking of which, Lu Xiaoyu's background is quite similar to Jiang Yue's. Both lost their parents and rely on their grandfather for support. However, when Jiang Yun asked about her grandfather, Lu Xiaoyu hesitated and refused to say much, only saying that her grandfather sent her to Wudao Sect and left. It's clear there are some untold secrets.

Ginger Cloud naturally didn't pursue the question further, but their similar backgrounds made Ginger Cloud feel a touch more concerned about Lu Xiao Yu.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun, being just a handyman like her in the Wen Dao Sect, couldn't offer her any substantial help. He could only give her his residence and tell her that if she encountered any difficulties again, she could come to him and he would do his best to assist her.

Upon hearing Ginger Cloud's promise, Lu Xiao Yu's eyes beamed with joy, her nods of agreement quick and plentiful.

After more than a few hours, the two finally neared Mount Beasts. Before they even got close, they could hear the roars of beasts and the cries of birds echoing all around them. They also smelled a stench that filled their nostrils.



This made Ginger Cloud involuntarily furrow her brow. Having a firsthand impression of the situation for disciples performing menial tasks within the sect, she realized that compared to their treatment, she was practically living in paradise.

Lu Xiaoyu seemed afraid that Jiang Yun wouldn't be able to bear the environment here, and hurriedly said, "Senior Brother Jiang, it's a bit noisy here, and the smell is a bit unpleasant. I couldn't stand it when I first came, but after getting used to it, I don't think it's anything."

Ginger Cloud sighed inwardly. He wasn't saying he couldn't bear it; in the Mangshan Mountains, he had even slept wrapped in the carcass of a ferocious beast. It was just that he felt sorry for Lu Xiaoyu. Such a young girl had to live here long-term. It was truly pitiable.

However, this also made him realize that the path of monasticism was truly full of hardships.

"It's fine!" Jiang Yun said with a smile. "Where is the beast pen you are in charge of"

The tasks of disciples in different peaks vary, as does the expertise of each peak. For instance, disciples on Baishou Peak, whose focus is taming beasts, primarily care for various ferocious creatures. Each disciple has their own designated beast enclosure.

Lu Xiaoyu pointed to the rows of simple houses at the foot of the mountain and said, "That's where we live. There's a valley beyond it, and the animal pens are inside."

Although each beast enclosure is a separate holding area, there are many ferocious beasts in the Hundred Beasts Peak. For handymen disciples who don't understand how to tame beasts, it's extremely dangerous to live with them for a long time. Therefore, to be on the safe side, all the beast enclosures are concentrated together.

The entrance and exit of the valley were also fortified with formations. In this way, even if a horde of beasts went berserk and lost control, they would at least not be able to charge out of the valley.

However, even so, every year many miscellaneous disciples die at the mouths of ferocious beasts.

Standing at the mouth of the valley, Jiang Yun looked inward and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Before him lay a vast valley, at least hundreds of miles across. Within its bounds, every conceivable terrain existed: plains, forests, deserts, swamps, and even a sizable lake.

...whether underground, in trees, or underwater, there were circles of yellow light, some large and some small, encircling various areas. Within these circles lurked all kinds of ferocious beasts.

Amongst some apertures, one or several disciples in gray service robes were busily at work.

In a nutshell, in Gingercloud's eyes, this valley was akin to a miniature Wildmountain, where various ferocious beasts were categorized and raised according to their respective habits and living environments.

"Senior Brother Jiang, that halo is the Beast Circle. It's said to be a magical artifact that can prevent beasts from escaping."

Ginger nodded, feeling a bit emotional. The world was truly vast and full of wonders. Before coming to the Wen Dao Sect, he never would have imagined that someone could raise ferocious beasts in such a way.

After all, a beast that has lived in such a confined environment for a long time, over time, its ferocity might gradually diminish. In that case, even if it can be controlled by cultivators, the help it provides might be limited.

Of course Jiang Yun wouldn't say his thoughts aloud. He retracted his gaze and said, "Take me to the beast enclosure you're in charge of!"

"Well, Senior Brother Jiang, stick close to me. Although this valley's formation isn't complicated, if you lose your way, I won't be able to get you out."


Jiang Yun was utterly clueless about formations, so he dared not be careless. He followed Lu Xiaoyu closely, stepping cautiously into the mountain valley. After passing through several beast circles, they finally arrived at the beast circle assigned to Lu Xiaoyu.

This beast pen was only about a hundred meters in size. Inside, twenty-one azure wolves were either sitting or lying down.

As Jiang Yun appeared, most of the Azure Light Wolves immediately stood up. Their oily green eyes flickered with eerie light as they stared fixedly at Jiang Yun. Their mouths gaped wide, revealing rows of sharp fangs from which drops of saliva dripped.

Apparently, Qingguang Lang was very interested in this unfamiliar face, Ginger Cloud.

On the way here, Lu Xiaoyu proudly told Jiang Yun that most of the miscellaneous disciples on Baishou Peak were responsible for raising ten ferocious beasts. However, because of her outstanding spirituality, she was specially assigned to raise twenty ten-year-old Qingguang wolves.

Jiang Yun naturally didn't know what it meant to be outstanding in terms of spirituality. He only knew that Lu Xiaoyu emanated a peculiar aura and had easily passed the Dao Ling Guan, so this so-called spirituality must have something to do with Dao Ling.

Since there are twenty-one green light wolves in front of him, the extra one must be twenty years old. As long as Jiang Yun finds it, he will have done Lu Xiaoyu a big favor.

Ginger Cloud completely ignored the menacing gazes of those Azure Wolves. After scanning the surroundings, she retracted her gaze and turned her attention to a cage in the corner of the light circle.

The cage was made of wrought iron, each bar as thick as a child's arm. Hanging at the entrance of the beast gate was a broken iron chain, split in two.

Lu Xiao Yu pointed at the iron shackle, very angrily saying, "I don't know if these wolves colluded. They actually took advantage of my absence in the middle of the night to secretly gnaw through the shackle and let out that twenty-year-old Qingguang wolf."

Hearing this, Ginger Cloud's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashing in her eyes.

Seeing that Jiang Yun remained silent, Lu Xiaoyu continued to ask, "Brother Jiang, how do you distinguish the ages of these Qingguang wolves Do you need to enter their den"

"Well, I guess we should go take a look!"

Lu Xiaoyu hurriedly took out a fragrant pouch from her body and handed it to Jiang Yun: "If you go in, you must bring this sachet with you. This way, the Qingguang wolf won't attack you. However, even with the sachet, it's best not to get too close to them, especially avoid any physical contact, because if you get too close, your body odor will overwhelm the scent of the sachet and provoke the ferocity of the Qingguang wolves."

Gingercloud glanced at the sachet, a thought flashing through her mind. She said calmly, "No need, just open the beast pen and let me in!"

"Don't you" Lu Xiaoyu widened her eyes. "These Qingguang wolves are wild and untamed, they only recognize the scent pouch, not people. If you don't bring a scent pouch in, it's too dangerous!"

Ginger Yun smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, they will definitely recognize me!"

However, Lu Xiaoyu shook her head repeatedly and refused, saying, "I won't accept it! Even if you don't bring the sachet, I'd rather be punished than let my senior brother help me!"

Under Lu Xiaoyu's insistence, Jiang Yun could only helplessly smile and take the sachet, stepping into the encirclement of these azure wolves.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!d impression of him, but there was inevitably a trace of guilt in his heart.After all, the other party died because of himself, so Jiang Yun also raised his hand. A huge mist palm covered his head and...