Chapter 3229: I'll Take Him (Cultivation)

had been touched, Ginger Cloud did not immediately agree. Instead, she looked at the man and said, "You just said that your family is near Peach Blossom City"Upon hearing Jiang Yun's question, the ma...This sudden scene took everyone by surprise, leaving them all stunned and speechless.

But when they came to their senses, they were shocked to find that the Eight Heavens, one hundred cultivators, had all been killed, not a single one left!

A river of blood, corpses littering the ground!

They came originally to kill Jiang Yun, seeking revenge for their clan. But not only did they fail to avenge themselves, they lost their lives in this Linggu Domain, in this just-begun Linggu Domain War!

Looking at Jiang Yun standing amidst the corpses, enveloped by a hundred-zhang life fire, with nine colored markings in his eyes and scars all over his body, everyone's faces displayed an extremely complex expression.

No one expected that even with the simultaneous attacks of Qitian and Qianhuan Tian controlling Jiangyun, Jiangyun would still have the ability to counterattack!

You need to know that the attacks of these two great heavens target cultivators' souls. Most people find it difficult to escape or resist.

But Ke Jiangyun easily escaped the predicament, and his counterattack was so fierce.

Not only did he strike with great momentum, successfully killing the remaining eight Sky Cultivators, but even the Seven Emotions Heaven and Thousand Illusions Heaven suffered casualties as many of their cultivators were tragically killed.

The next moment, all eyes turned to the towering figure with three heads and six arms amidst the cultivators of Qiqing Heaven and Qianhuan Heaven. It wielded its immense power with reckless abandon, smashing towards the crowd with its six arms.

Finally, the towering figure stopped its movements, took a step forward, and stood behind Jiang Yun once more.

Some whispered, "This is the image of an ancient demon, and it's a domain artifact. What kind of person is this Jiang Yun"

That which appears is, of course, the Extinction Demon Statue!

Although the Demonic Statue of Annihilation, a technique that Jiang Yun used against Tenno, it remained a secret known only to Ishibumi due to the presence of Haku's Void.

Therefore, for everyone present, this was their first encounter with the Extinction Demon Statue, and their hearts were no longer filled with shock but rather a sense of bewilderment.

To this point, Jiang Yun has already displayed the Mirage Pavilion, the Severing Execution Sword, the Burial Universe Coffin, and the Annihilation Demon Statue before the world!

Four artifacts!

If he were to add the Tianji Sword he just snatched from Tianxiang, that would be five domain artifacts!

In the myriad realms of Heaven, even if you consider minor sects and factions, or even mighty heavens like the Eight Departments and Seven Emotions Heavens, their combined number of realm artifacts would likely be dwarfed by Jiang Yun's possession.

This naturally also made them truly curious, even wondering if they were dreaming. How could someone like Jiang Yun, a mere cultivator from the lower realm, possess so many artifacts

Does he still have more domain tools on him

However, after the confusion, greed flashed in the eyes of all the cultivators.

Kill Jiangyun, and you'll get at least five domain artifacts!

Feeling the greedy gazes of everyone on him, Jiang Yun naturally understood their thoughts.

In fact, with Ginger Cloud's personality, she wouldn't normally be so ostentatious and bring out so many domain instruments.

But there was no way, he knew very well that if he wanted to stand out from among nearly 500,000 cultivators and kill all the members of the Eight Parts Heaven, he had to use a domain artifact.

Especially the actions of Qitian and Qianhuan at critical moments forced him to take out the Miemo statue as well.

He possesses the power of the seven emotions, and his life fire can burn with intensity, leaving him unaffected. He can also counter illusions with mirages, but doing so would prevent him from dodging attacks from the Dragon Clan's claws.

With no other choice, he finally gave up on retrieving the mirage tower and instead summoned the Annihilation Demon Statue.

At this moment, although he wasn't at the point of utter exhaustion, his inner strength had been depleted to a significant extent.

After all, since he stepped into this ancient domain, he has been constantly engaged in battles.

And now, looking at the many cultivators around him who were eyeing him hungrily, he knew that he was probably going to face even more brutal fighting next.

However, although many cultivators had already developed murderous intentions towards Jiang Yun, his frenzied killing spree also gave them a considerable shock.

What's more, they didn't know how much power Jiang Yun still possessed, or if he had any other life-saving artifacts hidden. Thus, for a while, no one dared to charge forward.

Therefore, Jiang Yun, and all the cultivators, were temporarily stuck in a stalemate.

Could it be that this Ginger Cloud is the master blacksmith

At the same time, within the Eight Divisions Heaven, the Eighth Division Heavenly Lord's mouth uttered a similar hoarse voice tinged with bewilderment.

He was beyond angry at the slaughter of his entire clan.

Like other cultivators, he was more concerned about how Jiang Yun could have so many artifacts.

Before, the Heavenly Tribe leader thought that Ji Kongfan might be a master of refining tools, but now, seeing Jiang Yun's consecutive domain weapons appearing on his body, he had to suspect that Jiang Yun was the one who promoted the Broken Execution Knife and Burial Universe Coffin to domain weapons.

If it were Ji Kongfan, then why would Ji Kongfan only use a dagger and give all his other domain instruments to Jiang Yun

The chieftain of the Heavenly Tribe smiled bitterly and said: "Whether it is or not, he is no longer something we can obtain!"

The Eight-Parts Heavenly Master slowly closed his eyes and silently nodded.

Even if Jiang Yun could escape the clutches of those covetous cultivators, he would undoubtedly become the target of all cultivators in the future.

Moreover, the Eight Lords of Heaven know that after this first round of slaughter ends, the Nine Heavenly Venerables and cultivators from the three great families will also enter the Linggu domain.

That was when the War of the Linggu Realm truly began.

If Jiang Yun didn't expose the artifact on his body, with his strength and ruthlessness, he might have a real chance to be one of the hundred who survived and left this place. However, now, it's absolutely impossible for him to survive and walk out of the Linggu Realm.

Those who share the same idea as the Eight Buddhist Masters are not few!

Within the void, the Void Heaven Lord's brow was deeply furrowed. Gazing at Jiang Yun in the mirror, he hissed, "More than just five! Including my Voidless Staff, that makes six domain artifacts!"

"The innocent are often accused when they possess something valuable!"

"Even if these domains were left to you by your father, don't you know when to stop"

If Jiang Yun could hear the words of the Void Heaven Venerable, he would surely be astonished, for the Void Heaven Venerable seemed to know his origins.

Even, knowing who his father was!


The Void Heavenly Venerable let out another helpless sigh. Although he spoke harshly, he also knew that it wasn't really Ginger Cloud's fault for being unrestrained.

Even if anyone were placed in Jian Yun's situation, they would only be able to rely on their domain artifact to save themselves.

After a moment of thought, the Void Heaven Venerable produced a communication jade slip from his hand. He crushed it with force and said: "All one hundred cultivators of the Void Heaven listen up! At all costs, bring me Jiang Yun back alive!"

Feng Ming Tian Nei, Feng Ping secretly watched the equally furrowed brows of the esteemed Elder Feng Ming Tian Zun beside him. Gathering his courage, he said: "Ancestor, things have become even more dire for Jiang Yun now!"

"Can just our hundred disciples of the Sealing Mandate lineage safely bring him into the Heavenly Gathering Region"

After a long silence, Fengming Tianzun finally spoke slowly: "If they can't bring back Jiang Yun, then I will go and get him myself!"


Feng Ping's eyes widened suddenly, staring intently at Feng Ming Tianzun, wondering if he had heard wrong.

The Heavenly Venerable, it seems, is going to personally travel to the Spirit Ancient Realm to bring back Jiang Yun.

Doesn't this mean that the Heaven-Conferring Divine Lord will betray the rules jointly established by the Twelve Families and the Xun Tian Lineage

The consequence of breaking the rules is that you could very well become the enemy of other forces!

Although he was shocked, Feng Ping could finally be sure that Jiang Yun was definitely the descendant of the Celestial Venerable!

The stout, broad-shouldered man had risen again from his bed, rubbing his hands together and muttering to himself: "Could it be that Tian Yu is so optimistic about Jiang Yun because he sees the domain instrument on him"

After all, this kid has always wanted to make a domain tool!ing for those who were now, although back in their positions, too afraid to reappear—the three Heavenly Blessing powerhouses like Gu Luo.At this moment, Jiang Yun was already standing in the midst of...