Chapter 4511: Paying Respects to the Master Ancestor

fine.Back then, Old Hei, when he first saw Jiang Yun refining medicine, had an idea.He hopes that one day, those self-proclaimed alchemists will be able to see with their own eyes how Ginger Cloud thi...The Immortal Elder's words caused a look of astonishment to appear on Jiang Yun's face.

This master uncle of mine not only wants me to meet someone again, but also wants me to go pay respects to them.

But then, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that when he went to the Yuanjian Realm and Huanzhen Realm, the storyteller had mentioned that there were two others who had also been to the Yuanjian Realm to inquire about their master's whereabouts before him.

Those two people are their own master uncle and master ancestor.

Now, the Master Uncle is Immortal Elder, standing right in front of me. The other person the Master Uncle wanted me to see must be my Grandmaster!

However, ever since Master appeared, up to now, he has always been alone. Grandmaster has never shown up at all.

As a master, his strength might not be as strong as Master Uncle and the others, but it definitely wouldn't be weak.

Master has never appeared. Could it be that Master was seriously injured and unable to show himself

Just as Jiang Yun was pondering, a bead appeared in the hand of the Immortal Elder.

But seeing this bead, Jiang Yun's eyes widened suddenly, and even her eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

Because I know this pearl!

This is clearly a bloodline bead, formed by the condensation of the Forgetfulness Elder's bloodline.


The Bloodline Bead trembled slightly, and a virtual elderly figure appeared within it.

Although a cunning smile played on the elder's face, his eyes, when they met Jiang Yun's, held a mixture of satisfaction and contentment.

When it appears, it is naturally forgetting the old!

At this moment, Gingercloud's mind was blank, her eyes staring vacantly at Wǎnglǎo, completely devoid of the ability to think.

He would never have imagined that the person he had already met and who had been hiding within him, accompanying him for a long time as Wànglǎo, was actually his master!

As for the others, they looked utterly bewildered.

They knew little about the Undying Elders, let alone this being who seemed to have only his soul remaining. How could they possibly know his true origins

However, they knew this person must be closely related to Ginger Cloud, so no one spoke up. They all stood there silently watching.

Just then, Wànglǎo suddenly put on a stern face and said, "Hey, you young man, I see that you pay your respects to your master uncle. Why don't you bow to me"

Wànglǎo's voice made Jiāng Yún's body tremble violently. He finally came to his senses, but he still looked at the undying old man beside him with disbelief and said: "Master Uncle, he, he is..."

The undying elder had learned from the Forgetful Old Man that the Forgetful Old Man had once concealed his identity and hidden within Ginger Cloud for a period of time.

So for Jiang Yun's reaction now, he also understands it in his heart, smiling and nodding: "He is my master, and your grandmaster!"

Wàng Lǎo also deliberately let out a cold snort and said: "Your master doesn't know how to teach you. When I next see him, just watch how I deal with him!"

Forgetting the old, this is not the first time he has complained about Gu Bulao in front of Jiang Yun.

It was precisely because of this that Ginger Cloud always believed that Wànglǎo and his master had a grudge, so he never dared to tell Wànglǎo who his master really was.

Now, hearing the phrase "forget age" again, and with the affirmation from the Immortal Old Man, Jiang Yun could finally confirm the identity of Wàng Lǎo. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and bewilderment.

Under heaven, only Wàng Lǎo dares to challenge his own master!

Ginger Cloud no longer hesitated, facing the Forgetful Old Man respectfully bowed down to the ground, with force kowtowed three times and said: "Grand-disciple Ginger Cloud, pay respects to Master Ancestor!"

"Aha!" Wǎo Lǎo burst into laughter. "Alright, my good grandson, get up quickly!"

Jiang Yun had just stood up when suddenly another figure rushed towards Wàng Lǎo and Bù Mì Elder, kneeling on the ground: "Liu Peng greets Master Uncle and Grandmaster Uncle!"

Liu Peng has always been respectful to his teachers. Seeing his uncles and grandmasters here, how could he dare not bow

The Undying Old Man and the Forgetful Sage were stunned at first, but then burst into laughter once more.

The Immortal Elder even reached out and took out a formation stone, smiling as he handed it to Liu Peng: "Your master has more good things on him than we do. I won't give him anything for meeting him."

"This is a gift from your master's ancestor."

Wàng Lǎo shì then felt a bit embarrassed and rubbed his head, saying: "Grandmaster Tai Shi, my current circumstances aren't very comfortable. Let me put the gift of greeting aside for now and I'll make it up to you later."

Liu Peng didn't dare to take it. He only reached out and took the spirit stone after seeing Jiang Yun nod, then thanked the Immortal Elder.

Looking at the four people, smiles appeared on the faces of the surrounding crowd.

Among them, the smile on Tianzun's face was the most profound.

He was extremely satisfied with Liu Peng, his future grandson-in-law.

The most important thing is, with this son-in-law around, the familial relationship between myself and Jiang Yun will bring me too many benefits.

At this time, Ginger Cloud also introduced the Sealed Mandate Heavenly Venerable and others to the Undying Elder and the Forgetful Old Man.

After a long while of polite greetings and pleasantries, everyone finally sat down.

"Master, Senior Master, have you both entered the Illusory Realm of Truth"

"There isn't one!" The expressions of both men changed. Wang Lao asked, "Did you go in"

Ginger nodded and said, "Yes!"

Forgetting Old and Immortal Elders' inability to enter the Illusory Realm, Jiang Yun was not surprised.

To enter the Illusory Realm, what's needed isn't strength, but rather a kind of divine ability similar to the Eight Sufferings Technique.

While the Master knows the Eight Hardships, Lao and the Immortal may not necessarily.

Jiang Yun recounted his experiences in the Illusory Realm, especially how he was defeated by the Annihilation Emperor and how his master, to save him, left a four-petal flower imprint on him and forcefully sent him back to the Gathering Domain of the Heavens.

Besides the Lord of Heavenly Orders, everyone present was hearing this story from Jiang Yun for the first time, and naturally, everyone was greatly shocked by what they heard.

I never expected that the Heavenly Domains could lead to a realm of illusions.

Ginger then explained to everyone, just as her father had told her, about the relationship between the Illusory Realm and the True Realm.

When Wang Lao heard that Gu Bulao had been captured by the Annihilation Emperor, his expression instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

Jiang Yun's gaze was also fixed on Wáng Lǎo. "Master ancestor, you should already know about Master's past life identity, right"

Wàng Lǎo silently nodded.

Then Jiang Yun continued, "So you came to the Zhushen Gathering Domain to find the Emperor of Annihilation, right"

Originally, Ginger Cloud only knew that Wànglǎo came from the bitter realm. She didn't know anything else about him.

But after his journey through the Illusory Realm, he naturally understood the true purpose of Wànglǎo's arrival in the Zhūtiān Jíyù.

After a long silence, Wàng Lǎo finally spoke: "That's right, I came here for the purpose of finding the Great Emperor Jìmìng."

"The Extinction Emperor, within the Realm of Suffering, is similar to your Great Heavenly Venerables in status. He is an old-school emperor with a high position and unparalleled strength."

But he committed a heinous crime, and was hunted by several major forces in the bitter domain. As a result, his whereabouts were never found.

Because the Bitter Domain has clear regulations, emperors are not allowed to enter any Gathering Domains.

"In order to prevent some emperors from disregarding this rule, a ban was placed on all domains."

"As long as the emperor enters, the prohibition will activate automatically, suppressing the emperor's cultivation realm below that of an emperor."

And once such a prohibition is triggered within a certain domain, the Suffering Domain will immediately be aware of it.

"Until one day, the restrictions of the Heavenly Domains were triggered, making us realize that the Annihilation Emperor had entered the Heavenly Domains. That's why I'm here, ready to capture him and bring him back."

"I also suppressed my cultivation and entered the Heavenly Domain, secretly searching for the whereabouts of the Great Emperor Oblivion."

Speaking of this, Wang Lao suddenly stopped and turned to look at the Everlasting Elder beside him. A kind smile appeared in his eyes as he said, "Although I still haven't found his trace, during this process, I met my four disciples one after another."

Withdrawing his gaze, Wang Lao continued, "Originally, if I truly couldn't find the Great Emperor Jie Mie, then I should have returned to Ku Yu to face my fate."

And once I fall, the suffering realm will carry out a purging of all heavens and domains!reats."Liu Peng's answer left Jiang Yun feeling somewhat disappointed.If the Liu family and Peach Blossom City were always under the cover of fireballs, that would be great!After a moment of silence,...