Chapter 4609: He Will Also Make a Move

d. Hou Mu then said, "Well then, Brother Jiang, how about we head to the Nine Layers Blood Pagoda together""No, thank you!" Jiang Yun politely declined. "I have some personal matters to attend to. Bro...Gingercloud found Fengling, the domain lord, and told him about the five major domains coming together.

"Wind Sovereign, I know that you did not willingly submit to my Heavenly Domain."

"But this battle will truly determine the life and death of my celestial domains, so I hope you can do everything in your power to help us."

"As long as you win this battle, you can either stay in my Myriad Heavens Territory or choose to return to your Wind Soaring Territory."

Of course, if you choose the former, then we are friends. If you choose the latter, then although we will eventually become enemies, we will not proactively attack you until the very last moment!

Originally, Jiang Yun planned that once he broke through to the Void Realm, he could suppress Feng Ling Domain Master with his strength. With the help of the Celestial Patrol, they could make Feng Ling gather domain truly submit.

But now, he simply doesn't have that time, so he can only confront the Windstorm Domain Master directly.

After hearing Jiang Yun's words, Feng Lingyu, the domain master, had a look of shock on his face. Apparently, he was also truly surprised that the Zhutian Gathering Domain would be so unlucky.

Just after being attacked by three major domains, in just a few days, it has been met with the attack of five major domains.

But she also knew that Jiang Yun was truly desperate.

If I were to refuse Ginger Cloud at this time, I'm afraid she would have dealt with me first in the Fengling Gathering Domain.

Besides, these days, she's also gained quite a bit from that tiny wind chime given to her by Jiang Yun.

So, she finally nodded and said, "Alright, we'll give this battle our all!"

Thank you!

After bowing to Lord Ling Yu, Jiang Yun continued, "However, let me be frank with you. If any of your people slack off in battle, or even dare to betray us in the midst of combat, then I can assure you that even if we are defeated, we will drag you all down to hell with us!"

Feng Lingyu, the domain master, said coldly: "Since I have agreed, I will naturally not go back on my word."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then please help me with something now, Domain Master.

Feng Lingyu, the domain master, frowned and said: "What can I do for you"

Ginger replied, "Bring a few people with you to the Yaozhuan Gathering Area and Fengling Gathering Area to bring back the strong fighters there."

Feng Lingyu, the domain master, is strongest in her incredible speed.

And now, what the heavens lack most is time.

So, if Feng Lingyu was to lead his people on a hurried journey, perhaps he could manage to visit all three gathering domains before the arrival of the Five Great Gathering Domains.

Feng Lingyu, the domain master, pondered for a moment before readily agreeing. "Alright!"

Then, Jiang Yun let Feng Lingyu go to the outer domain by himself. The Angel of Heaven and Jiang Shan were already waiting there.

Standing outside the realm of celestial gathering, Jiang Shan had already raised his hand and thrown out a golden scroll.

The scroll unfurls like a painting, slowly.

This is the golden road unique to the ginger clan, which can travel through the domain path.

Although the Three Realms had already been established, this golden road could only lead in one direction at a time, and the Angel of Patrol chose the Demon Grave Realm first.

Because the Yaozu gathering ground is inhabited by demons, and the celestial guardians are humans, he doesn't have Jiang Yun's idea of equality for all beings. Therefore, his first priority is to bring back as many powerful figures from the Yaozu gathering ground as possible to the Zhutian Gathering Ground.

Even, I was prepared that once the battle began, these demonic cultivator would be used as vanguard, to die first.

Although the Yaozhuan Assembly was completely destroyed, a quasi-emperor escaped. There is still a quasi-emperor within the assembly's territory, so to be on the safe side, the Guardian Angel sent Feng Ling Domain Master to go with Liu Yue and Yuan He who has recovered from his injuries.

The three Quasi-Emperors' mission is to bring back the strong from other domains as quickly as possible. Either kill them or subdue them; there is no third option.

Jiang Yun was already standing within the space between realms, his divine sense covering the entire Fengming Heaven. In his mind, he pondered how to help all the celestial domains overcome this crisis.

Although he still doesn't know the specific strength of the Four Great Domains, Yin Beast Split Soul has already learned of Beisheng's return.

This also means that the Celestial Guardian, the strongest being in this celestial domain, will be utterly unable to exert any influence in the upcoming domain war.

Besides the Heavenly Angels, the Zhutian Collection Domain has only eight quasi-emperors in total! In the other four collection domains, even if each domain only has two quasi-emperors, the number is already equal to that of the Zhutian Collection Domain. Not to mention, the number of quasi-emperors on their side must be more than two.

As for the number of Great Heavenly Lords and Heavenly Lords, needless to say, their combined number far exceeds that of all the heavens within the Cosmic Domains.

"I wonder where Master is. If Master were here, this battle would be much easier."

Ginger Cloud shook her head. She couldn't pin her hopes on assumptions.

"The Laughing Bee can still be used twice and can kill two potential Emperors."

"The flameless puppet lanterns still have fifty flames, so if you want to strike a decisive blow, you can only use it at most three times."


Last but not least, the five peaks of Great Desolation. These are all my cards!


"If used correctly, it could kill six Quasi-Emperor experts, should be possible…" In the vast domain path, five parallel golden paths appeared, maintaining the same speed and continuously extending in the same direction.

Naturally, this was the seven clans of the Jiang clan's collateral branch, each leading their own exclusive domains, who joined forces to attack the myriad heavens domain as soon as the territorial war began.

Because of the last time the Yaozhu Gathering Territory was ambushed by Jiangyun, resulting in the entire army being wiped out before they could reach Zhutian Gathering Territory.

This time, the five major domains not only marched together, but also deliberately placed their respective golden roads side by side.

Thus, even if Ginger Cloud attacks again, the five of them can support each other, leaving no opportunity for Ginger Cloud to take advantage.

Ginger Chunyu, Ginger Luo, and Ginger Jin, the three of them, stood on the same golden road.

Behind them stood the grim-faced Bei Sheng! Bei Sheng had originally thought that since the Zhutian Jiyu had already won last time, Jiang Chunyu should have given up on continuing to attack the Zhutian Jiyu.

But he didn't expect that just a few days later, Jiang Chunyu would actually find him again and want him to attack the Zhutian Collection Domain once more.

However, Kang Chunyuan also gave his assurance that this time it was truly the last time, and his mission remained the same as before, only needing to keep the Heavenly Patrol Angels of the Zhutianshijyu occupied.

If the other four domains could kill the Celestial Domain, they would naturally be the ones to kill the Angel of Watch.

If the Four Realms still lost to the Heavenly Realms, then Beisheng could still leave on his own.

And the other four cultivators from the domains, some had excitement on their faces, while others wore a numb expression.

As always, in the cruel world of rules and results, some thrive while others are merely passive recipients.

As for the seven, including Kang Chunyuan, although they all agreed that this attack was absolutely impossible to fail again, there was still a trace of solemnity on each of their faces.

The reason for this is that the target of their attack this time, besides the Zhutian Collection Domain, strictly speaking, also includes two direct descendants of the clan, Jiang Shan and Jiang Yun! In the history of the Jiang Clan, there might have been instances where direct and collateral branches fought each other, but at least they had never heard of it.

Even if such a thing truly exists, it would be suppressed by the higher echelons of the Jiang clan through all sorts of means. Such an ugly incident would absolutely never be allowed to spread.

Therefore, what these seven people are doing now can also be considered a precedent for the Ginger clan.

If they still had a way out after last time's failure, this attack leaves them with only two options: success or death! Jiang Jin suddenly transmitted to Jiang Chunyu, "Jiang Chunyu, are you absolutely sure we're foolproof this time"

Jiang Chunyu nodded and said, "Of course, it will be foolproof. Don't forget, besides their five domains, we seven people will also take action!"

Although our seven people are not as strong as the Quasi-Emperor, each of us has a life-saving artifact that can kill a Quasi-Emperor.

Five cultivators from the Wuzu domain, with a myriad of thoughts in their hearts, walked almost in silence along the golden road that stretched endlessly beneath their feet, heading towards the direction of the Zhutian domain.Di Xinghe and Er had praised Jiang Yun to high heavens, making him seem invincible, the beauty and the big man remained unfazed.After all, Gingercloud is a human and still a demon cultivator!Their onl...