Chapter 553: Found You

Sword Cave.It did help him reduce some unnecessary trouble.However, this also means he cannot absorb the lightning strikes from the tribulation.Otherwise, constantly absorbing lightning strikes would...As for whether the world of turbidity, chaos, and desolation was something the mysterious man had deliberately placed within the beast's body, this was a question that Jiang Yun naturally wouldn't know the answer to. However, he believed his guess should be pretty close to the truth.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, his mind continuing to replay the following scene.

With the mysterious man's departure, the Netherworld beasts returned to their usual lives, day after day, year after year.

Thus, after another extremely long period of time, it suddenly felt a huge tremor all around it, causing it to stop again.

Before it could figure out what was happening, it saw countless black stones rushing towards it from all directions.

Even a portion of it directly surged into its mouth, causing it to panic and run away head over heels.

It kept running, running non-stop, not daring to stop at all, until a group of people appeared before it.

Relying on its monster instincts, it sensed among this group of people a human who filled it with immense fear, a top-tier demon cultivator. Therefore, it immediately turned around again, wanting to stay far away from this person.

It's a pity, this person's speed is extremely fast, instantly catching up to it and striking it with a hand seal!

This is all that Ginger Cloud saw of the spectral beasts' past experiences!

Although the Yinling Realm Beast's experience ended, Jiang Yun still kept his eyes closed and mumbled to himself, "The tremor that the Yinling Realm Beast encountered was actually me in a dream. It was caused by my palm shattering that square, massive black stone!"

As for the black stone Yue Rou gave me, it was actually a fragment of the giant rock I was sitting on in my dream. After it shattered, this piece broke off... and its original function was...

Jiang Yun remembered very clearly that in his dream, the huge stone was still located in the endless darkness, surrounded by countless hazy light clusters.

Now he understands that those orbs are worlds!

And from Bai Ze's mouth, he also learned that the world was divided into the Wilderness Realm and the Dao Realm.

If the desolate world cannot produce Tao, then it will gradually become barren and even destroyed over time.

Just like those lights in his dreams, they had lost their brilliance and faded into nothingness!

And those rays of light grew brighter and brighter until they reached their peak, with a burst of light emanating from them, naturally giving birth to the realm of Dao!

According to Jiang Yun's guess, the light emitted in the Dao realm and falling into the black stone should be the Dao intent.

Because black stones only transform into water after absorbing Dao intent, and can then be placed into items and branded.

"The black stone's purpose is to absorb Taoist intent. However, when it is whole, it doesn't seem to transform into water. It only turns into water after becoming fragmented."

The Bloodrobe finally struck the Yinling Realm Beast with the Fuyao Seal. Although he didn't know if he had successfully subdued it, next he should have entered its body and found the Clear and Turbid Wasteland!

"The Blood Robes entered the Murky Wasteland to seal it, preventing him from achieving apotheosis."

But why would he do that

What makes the chaotic wasteland so special that he would go to such great lengths, even going inside the body of a beast to prevent its birth

Who was that mysterious man, and was all of this related to Xiao Village

Moreover, about my dream, if it was truly once a real event, then who in the dream—was it me, or someone else

With countless questions swirling in his mind, Gingercloud finally opened his eyes again.

He had no idea how to answer these questions, so he stopped thinking about them. Now, he needed to find a way to return to the world of mountains and seas as quickly as possible.

Before him, the shadows were still clearly in the shape of people sitting cross-legged, writhing ceaselessly, not aware that Jiang Yun was no longer within their grasp.

As for these shadows, Ginger Cloud also had some understanding.

"The passage that the Qing Zhuo helped me open is still located within the body of a Yinling beast, and these black shadows are perhaps some kind of creature born within the Yinling beast's body, similar to parasites."

They could silently invade living beings, capturing the deepest memories from the core of their beings, and then creating corresponding illusions.

Therefore, they knew about my memories of Ginger Village before I realized it, which is why I had hallucinations.

“And what I just saw, those scenes, were memories captured of the creatures from the netherworld!”

"Now that they have been lured out by me and separated by Taoist arts, logically speaking, I should have already broken free from the illusion."

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around, his eyes narrowed slightly. "But now, I'm still in an illusion. Does that mean there are actually these shadows existing within my body!"

The appearance of this thought shook Jiang Yun's heart. He took a deep breath and hurriedly closed his eyes again, focusing his mind. He released his divine sense and began to carefully search for these shadows within his own body.

Before this, he had searched over ten times, but found nothing at all.

This time, it was the same. He thoroughly examined every inch of his body, but there wasn't even a shadow to be seen.

"Where is it hidden" Jiang Yun's brows furrowed, and she was starting to get anxious.

Although this illusion is not dangerous, if you stay in it forever, you might end up trapped inside the ghost beast's stomach and be unable to return to the Shan Hai Realm.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to give up, his eyes finally caught sight of something—a black stone!

Even a black stone will only react when it has absorbed the Dao or glimpsed its realm.

But this shadow is intangible, invading oneself without any feeling. Then is there a possibility that it entered the black stone

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Yun took out the black stone and a few spirit stones. Watching as the stone absorbed the Dao intent and transformed into water.

And in that fourth layer of water, he indeed saw a black shadow, swimming freely in the water!

Finally found you!

A glint appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes, just as he was about to reach out and take the shadow, he hesitated again.

Because he didn't know if these shadows could be touched, or what other abilities they might have.

Even if the other party retaliates, though I am not afraid, if this stone is destroyed, then I will have cause to regret it.

After a moment's thought, Jiang Yun didn't go to touch the shadow in the water, but instead looked up at the shadows that had gathered together. He decided to test them first.

General attack methods, whether they are spells of the five elements or other types of magic, even Taoist practices, may not necessarily harm them.

"And once they are startled and run away, it will be very difficult to lure them out again, so I have to strike with precision."

Gingercloud's mind raced, searching for any spell she knew. Ultimately, she decided to try the Demonic Suppression Seal.

Although he didn't know for sure if these shadows were demons, he was certain they weren't human!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately raised his hand and silently condensed several Fu Yao Yin, slapping them towards the group of black shadows huddled together!

This novel is first published on the Traditional Chinese Novels Website.e did not come from the boy, but from the powerful ruler!Besides, Ginger Cloud had a clearer understanding.From this moment on, this boy has completely detached himself from his dream, even from his o...