Chapter 592: The Rain Intensifies

ood up and said, "My lord, I will return with Leng Shuai."Mo Qing lightly waved his hand and said, "Go!"Leng Yichen and Lin Ruiguang turned around and left.Along the way, neither of them spoke until t...This roar condensed all of Xuen Yuan Xing's remaining strength.

Because he could see that Jiang Yun at this time had fallen into a state of near madness, all he could think about was how to save himself.

Although this brought him some comfort, he couldn't just let Jiang Yun continue like this.

Although Xuan Yuan's voice wasn't loud, it went straight into Jiang Yun's heart, causing his body to tremble violently. He felt as if he had just woken up from a deep dream and lowered his head.

Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is no longer the powerful figure who once shook the heavens and earth. He has returned to the wild boy he was when he was in Mangshan. Tears streaming down his face, he said to his third senior brother, "Third Senior Brother, I'm sorry. Little Junior Brother is useless. Little Junior Brother couldn't save you!"

A smile reappeared on Xuen Yuan Xing's face. He shook his head and said, "Silly boy, what are you saying We cultivators live and die by fate. If we die, we die!"

"Besides, before I die, having my little junior brother by my side, I have no regrets. Come, lean in closer, there are some things I need to tell you!"

"Master left more than a year ago without saying goodbye. We don't know where he went. We asked the sect leader, but they wouldn't say either."

But, a long time ago, before you had entered under his teachings, he once told us to remember a place, the Dao Ruins!

Although we don't know exactly where Dao Xu is, we speculate that it must be the place Master went to. That's why Big Brother and Second Sister left one after another to look for Master.

"I'd like to go too, but I'm not feeling well. Besides, someone needs to stay at the peak of the mountain, so I stayed behind."

"Now, I can't go on any longer, little junior brother. You must remember this place, Dao Xu. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must find your master, your senior brother, and your second senior sister!"

Moreover, Cangfeng must be guarded at all times because Cangfeng...

Xuan Yuan's speech speed was extremely fast, but his voice gradually grew softer. When he reached this point, a sudden light flashed in his already dim eyes, and with a powerful roar, he shouted, "I understand!"

As those four words fell, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, splattering Jiang Yun's face and body.

And his head, it was heavily leaning on Ginger Cloud's shoulder!

Jiang Yun's body stiffened instantly, followed by violent tremors. He gasped, "Third Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, are you tired Are you tired Then rest for a bit, rest for a bit, everything, I got it!"

"Third Brother…"

"Third Senior Brother…"

"Third Senior Brother!"

A soul-shattering, heart-wrenching roar erupted from Jiang Yun's mouth!


Then, amidst the thick clouds above, as if in response to Jiang Yun's roar, a deafening thunderclap echoed.

The rain, it's getting heavier!

In the midst of the heavy rain, Jiang Yun sat atop Zang Feng's peak, holding Xuan Yuan Xing's body that was gradually turning cold, motionless.

One person, one corpse, transformed into a statue.


At the same time, outside the Wudao Sect, there were already a large number of cultivators and monsters approaching the Wudao Sect slowly.

When the three major forces attacked Nanshan Prefecture, they brought nearly 60,000 cultivators and tens of thousands of demon beasts. Now, except for a small number remaining inside the Wending Sect, the rest are all stationed around the Wending Sect.

>That way, if anything really does happen, at least they won't be wiped out all at once.

Now, after witnessing Jiang Yun's immense power, the three major forces didn't even need to consider it. Almost simultaneously, they sent orders to their disciples and clansmen, instructing them to rush to Wudao Sect. Today, no matter what, they absolutely had to capture or kill Jiang Yun.

But miles away from the Temple of Inquiry, another group of people were also converging on it from all directions.

These people were the disciples of the Wudao Sect who were released by the three major forces after Dao Tianyou surrendered voluntarily.

They were able to escape not because the three major forces truly let them off the hook, but because someone was secretly protecting them.

This man is the old black in the tiger's lair!

Lao Hei, as a member of the demon clan, although always trapped within the Beast-Taming Forest, was well aware of the movements of his kind. He had long known about their intention to attack the Wenda Sect.

He originally wouldn't help the Wen Daozong or the demon clan, but ever since he met Jiang Yun, especially after Dongfang Bo gave him the Tongtian Pill specially refined for him by Jiang Yun, he changed his mind.

Even, he took the initiative to contact Dao Tianyou, which is why Dao Tianyou was willing to surrender and exchange his disciples' escape.

Although Lao Hei secretly protected these disciples of the Wenda Sect as they escaped, none of them were willing to truly leave the Wenda Sect. Therefore, they kept hovering around, hoping for a chance to return to the sect and restore its glory.

The reason they went to Wenda Zong at this time was because they met Xia Zhongxing!

After leaving the Luo family, Xia Zhongxing and his group had already arrived at Wenda Zong.

However, seeing the powerful forces of the three major factions stationed outside Wendaosong, they gave up their plan to directly enter Wendaosong and could only find a place to hide, waiting for Jiang Yun's arrival.

And their tracks were discovered by Lao He. Upon meeting, due to Jiang Yun, both sides naturally reached a consensus immediately.

So, as soon as Jiang Yun let out his first cry of alarm, they had heard it and immediately began to move towards the Wendaosong.

Jiang Yun had no idea about all of this.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't pay attention, because at this moment, his eyes were only on his third senior brother.

After how long he didn't know, Jiang Yun finally regained consciousness amidst the torrential downpour. The raindrops and tears on his face mingled together, obscuring his vision.

He gently lifted the body of Xuan Yuanxing, slowly stood up, and walked down from the peak of Cangfeng, towards Xuan Yuanxing's residence.

The four brothers lived in separate huts on this mountain peak. Though humble, these were their homes.

Now, Jiang Yun carried Xuen Yuan Heng's body back to the Xuen Yuan Heng's home, carefully placing him on the ground. With a wave of her hand, she wiped away the rain from his body. Then, she reached out and gently wiped away the bloodstains from his face.

Looking at the serene smile on Xuan Yuan Xing's aged face, Jiang Yun knelt down with a thud.

He still remembered the first time he saw his third senior brother, he was shocked by the other's appearance; he also remembered when he was about to leave Wentizong, his third senior brother gave him a storage ring, and now that ring was still on him, he never dared to open it.

But all of this has become a thing of the past, leaving only the cold corpse of my third senior brother before me.

Jiang Yun murmured, "Third Senior Brother, rest assured, no one will disturb you again!"

"Hidden Peak, I will guard it; Wen Dao Sect, I will save it; Master, I will find you!"

"Third Senior Brother, I'm sorry. Little Junior Brother is incompetent and can't remove the poison from your body. But from now on, Little Junior Brother will kill all those in the Sen Luo Ghost Prison, so they won't even be able to become ghosts!"

"Third Senior Brother, you rest well. Junior Brother will come back later to keep you company!"

After finishing, Jiang Yun bowed three times respectfully towards Xuen Yuan's corpse before standing up and backing out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Just as the door closed, the sadness on Jiang Yun's face vanished, replaced by boundless coldness!

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Networkngshen waved his hand. "Don't try to fool me now, just get on with it and tell me about your experiences over the years!"Ginger nodded, withdrawing the smile from her face and said, "Grandfather, I sa...