Chapter 799: Find a Person

she dragged him directly towards the ground."Boom!"Another series of continuous booming sounds erupted, and the body of the Third Ancestor was suddenly pulled out from deep within the earth, appearing...If you understand the meaning of one sentence, you'll understand why Xuedongliu gave up on taking over his own body. This made Jianyun curious, and she frowned as she pressed further: "What sentence"

The sound of blood gushing echoed faintly: "One mountain, one sea, one boundary!"

Upon hearing these seven words, Ginger Cloud's body trembled involuntarily. A glimmer flashed in her blood-red eyes.

Because, this sentence immediately made him think of the Shanhai Realm!

However, just as he was about to ponder it further, Xue Dongliu followed up with, "You can consider the meaning of this sentence later!"

"Now, my time is limited, so let's discuss the previous matter. Do you want to save your loved ones, your homeland, yourself Do you want to leave this prison"

Although Ginger Cloud still doesn't understand Blood East Flow's reason for giving up on possessing him, he certainly wants what Blood East Flow said!

With Jiang Yun's nod, Xue Dongliu continued, "To be honest, your path of cultivation is very special. Your achievements today have surprised me greatly."

As a human, you actually have nine different powers within your body. If I'm not mistaken, you should be wanting to nurture nine different Dao Spirits!

To date, Xue Dongliu is the only one who has seen Jiang Yun's cultivation progress.

Because Ginger Cloud has chaotic energy within him, no one, and no power, can see his dantian. However, Blood East Flow previously performed a soul-stealing ritual on him, which was almost like becoming Ginger Cloud himself, so he is the only one who knows this.

It has to be said, even someone as powerful as him was deeply shaken when he saw Jiang Yun's dantian, vast like a world, the cave of heaven made up of nine different powers, and the five Dao spirits: wood, water, fire, earth, and ghost qi.

Although Xue Dong had revealed his secret cultivation method, Jiang Yun remained silent, listening intently.

Xue Dongliu continued, "Your idea is very creative. Although I don't know if it can be realized, I noticed you were interested in my blood crystal before, so I might as well fulfill your wish!"

"Not only will I help you complete the nurturing of the Blood Dao Spirit, but I will also teach you some of my spells, after all, you are capable!"

It's not a big deal to cultivate one's own blood essence, but it means something different that Xue Dongliu is willing to teach me his techniques.

A gleam flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes once more as he said, "What do you want me to do"

"You take that Firebird with you, no, put it into your Refining Demon Pen. Before leaving the Blood Dao Realm, don't let it out."

Then, I will help you and it go to a place. When you get there, you take the firebird to find someone!

Hearing this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask, "Why put the firebird into the demonic refining pen"

After entering the prison, Ginger Cloud was separated from Huo Niao. Although he already knew that Huo Niao had also been captured by Xue Dongliu, he never expected Xue Dongliu to ask him to deliver Huo Niao to the Refining Demon Pen and then take her to meet someone.

"Don't ask why, just do what I say. As long as you can find that person with the firebird, he will not only give you a great fortune, but also allow you to leave this prison and save your loved ones!"

Ginger furrowed her brows and asked, "Where are you taking me And who are you looking for"

"Heh heh, you'll know when you get there. As for the person I'm sending you to find, he's my big brother!"

Blood brother!

Ginger Cloud understood now. Actually, after saying so much, Blood East Flow just wanted him to inform his older brother and let his older brother find a way to save him.

However, Ginger Cloud's heart was still filled with many doubts: "How can I find him What is his name What if he is no longer there"

"You found me the same way you'll find him! As for not being here, that's impossible! Even if we all die, my older brother will live well!"

It's not hard to see that Xue Dongliu has great confidence in his older brother.

And Ginger Cloud also knew that his question was redundant. Blood East Flow would definitely send him to another world belonging to the Dao Prison.

Even Lian Xue Dongliu, with his blood flowing freely, was suppressed within this prison. Then his elder brother must have suffered the same fate.

If you just find the "prison within a prison" in that world, you'll naturally find Big Brother who has blood flowing all over him.

After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Yun finally nodded and said: "I agree to you, but I can't guarantee whether I can find your older brother!"

"Don't worry, just do what I say and you'll definitely find it!"

After a moment's pause, Jiang Yun spoke again, "Could you please take me to the Jinding Realm first, and then send me to where your elder brother is"

"The Golden Dao Boundary"

Jiang Yun's request made Xue Dongliu stunned at first, but then he suddenly realized, "You are still missing a gold spirit among the five elements. You want to go to the Jin Dao realm to find Lao Jin to help you conceive a gold spirit!"

"You're quite a resourceful one, aren't you! Though this does add some complications, the higher your strength, the more it benefits me."

Anyway, Lao Jin can also find a way to send you there. Alright, I'll send you to the Jinding Realm first!

Jiang Yun's true purpose in going to the Jindao Realm was simply to see Xue Mu Cheng. He never considered conceiving a Jindao Spirit, and he had no idea who Lao Jin was.

But hearing Xue Dong's words, his heart suddenly moved.

Lao Jin is most likely a golden celestial demon, just like Xue Dongliu.

If one were to see him, then perhaps it would truly be as Xue Dongliu said, allowing oneself to conceive a golden Dao spirit!

"When are you going to take me home"

"Don't worry, wait until you complete the cultivation of the Blood Dao Spirit and learn my techniques. Then you will naturally know how to leave."

"After a while, there will be a major change in this blood dao world. The Dao Three Palaces will definitely send people to suppress it. At that time, you should take advantage of the chaos and leave."

Furthermore, although I gave up on possessing you, once I help you cultivate the Blood Dao Spirit, I will fall back into slumber. Therefore, I will temporarily entrust this Blood Dao Realm to you and ask you to find someone trustworthy!

"Alright, no need to say more. From now on, you'll be closed off here with me."

"I am completely safe here, and I will use all my remaining strength to seal this prison shut. Not even someone from the Sanctum of Three Palaces will be able to enter."

"Hehehe, that old geezer set up a Seven Star Dao seal on me back then, but he never expected that I would turn the tables and use it against him now."

As those words, "flowing with blood," left his lips, his voice fell silent. Above the prison yard, a deafening roar echoed through the air as a gigantic black hole materialized.

From that black hole, a tremendous suction force was first released, sucking in all those lying unconscious on the ground, including Jin Xinyào.

And immediately after, streaks of red light shot out from the black hole, like raindrops, covering Jiang Yun's surroundings. They were blood crystals!

After the mountains of blood crystals had piled up, the black hole in the sky suddenly closed.

All entrances that had been opened throughout the prison were closed again, sealing it off completely.

With the closure of this prison, Hou Muran and Jin Cunyao and others awakened in different locations within the Blood Dao Realm, each with a look of bewilderment on their faces.

Because all the memories they had of their time in prison had been erased by Xue Dongliu, they could only return to their homes with confusion.

Thus, the entire Blood Dao Realm seemed to have regained its tranquility.

However, outside the Third Palace, which was in charge of guarding the Path to Hell, things became restless!

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novels Networkitude towards investigating this world.However, Leng Yichen didn't continue to ponder it further.For him, his own safety was now the priority, there was no time or energy left to concern himself with...