Chapter 437-Cooperate with Ordermen?

Divine Sword.therefore, generally speaking, although Baiyu Divine Sword has a negative impact, it has little impact.for the other feather, this is definitely a good least it is useful to kill..."you. Are you sure " Jiangshima was pale and asked.

Heijie saw that the eldest brother was so afraid that the rest of his strength disappeared, and his legs trembled and said, "Yes, yes." I have confirmed over and over again that this gas-refining friar who defeated the baby. It's called Fang Yu. "

Edo only felt his heart beating violently and seemed to burst every minute.

is Fang Yu still alive

how is this possible!

it has been more than two thousand years! He either became an immortal and left the earth, or he had already been exhausted and buried in the ground!

how could he still be alive

"maybe it's just a coincidence." Just the same name. " Jiangshima raised his head, opened his eyes and looked at the black, gasping for breath.

"that's what I thought at first. However, this Fang Yu is also in the gas refining period, and he can beat the baby. " He was so scared that he could not go on.

Edo gasped for breath and his forehead was cold and sweaty.

he can't think now.

the name Fang Yu is like a tornado, making his mind a mess and a blank!

if, if this person is really that Fang Yu! What should he do What should they do

the elders used the last technique to seal the souls of several of them and saved them to wake up today more than two thousand years later, in order to keep the Ziyan Palace alive!

but if Fang Yu is still alive. And found that they exist.

Jiangshima dare not think about it any more!

"Big Brother, what should we do now" He asked in a trembling voice.

Edo turned to look at the blackness, and his eyes recovered from the dullness.

he took several deep breaths and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

fear is useless.

what's more, it is not clear that that person is Fang Yu of that year!

". First of all, we have to confirm the identity of Fang Yu. " Jiangshima calmed down a lot, said.

"for example, what if we confirm that he really is" The black and fierce face was full of horror.

"if. He is really that Fang Yu. Then the restart plan of our Ziyan Palace will be reformulated. " Jiangshima said hard.

that said, but if he is really sure that this gas-refining monk is Fang Yu, he really doesn't know what to do!


Fang Yu doesn't know what the outside world is saying about him.

Today, he is focusing on weeding in the vegetable garden.

in just a few days, many weeds have grown on the soil of the vegetable garden. If we don't get rid of them, the whole soil will be destroyed.

after working for more than an hour, the weeds were finally removed.

Fang Yu walked out of the vegetable garden and suddenly saw a pheasant walking through the woods in front of him.

A minute later, Fang Yu grabbed the pheasant and walked to the stream.

after killing the pheasant, he went aside and picked up many dry branches to live.

after roasting pheasants on the fire, Fang Yu sat down by the stream.

this is the deepest part of the eco-park, and usually no one comes in, so the environment is quite quiet.

Fang Yu sat quietly beside the stream, watching one tadpole after another swim through the clear stream.

he has experienced similar scenes many times over the long years.

"Fourteen floors, fourteen floors are missing."

Fang Yu's desire for ten thousand layers in the gas refining period is growing day by day.

the closer you are, the more impatient you are.

although I know this mindset is wrong, I can't help it.

"after all, it is still mortal, and the seven emotions and six desires cannot be abandoned." Fang Yu Xin Tao.

at this time, the aroma of roast chicken slowly drifted away.

Fang Yu turned around, took down the roasted pheasant, grabbed it and ate it. As soon as

took his first bite, the cell phone in Fangyu's trouser pocket rang.

Fang Yu frowned, put his right hand into the stream and washed it, then took out his cell phone. The

call is from Qin Lang.

"Mr. Fang, Zhao Jidao, president of Huaibei Wushu Association, wants to see you. I don't know if you..."

"I don't have time." Fang Yu replied.

"OK, I'll take a message for you." Qin Lang said.

"by the way, Zhao Xuan lost 100 grand in a bet with me last time. Please get the money for me." Fang Yu said.

"one hundred thousand" Qin Lang was stunned.

"mm-hmm." Fang Yu said.

"OK, I see." Qin Lang replied.

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after hanging up the phone, Fang Yu continued to eat roast chicken.


by the time I got back to the apartment, it was 12:20 at noon.

Fang Yu sat on the sofa, poured a glass of boiled water and was about to drink it.

"Please allow me to enter your home, Fang Yu."

at this time, an old voice came to Fang Yu's ear.

Fang Yu frowned and said, "what's wrong now"

"I have something important to discuss with you." Said the other.

"is it about the immortal family again" Fang Yu asked.

". Yes, it is. " The other party replied.

"I've already told you everything I know. Why are you bothering me" Fang Yu said impatiently.

"not only immortal people... You'll be interested. " Said the other.

Fang Yu has nothing else to do now. After thinking about it, Fang Yu promised, "all right." As soon as the voice of

fell, a twisted whirlpool appeared in the space in front of Fang Yu.

then a blue-robed old man appeared in the living room.

this old man is the teacher of the branch of order, the six-star wizard Mo Xiu.

"if you have something to say, if you have something to fart, I'm in a hurry to take a nap." Fang Yu said.

if the outside world, especially those in the wizard circle, knew that Fang Yu had such a bad attitude towards the six-star wizard, he would be stunned!

in the whole of China, the number of six-star wizards can be counted with two hands.

in China, the status of the mage is much higher than that of the martial arts.

because there are so many people who can become warriors, the threshold to become a mage is very high.

the six-star wizard, which is even more rare, is regarded as a national treasure.

and Moxiu is not only a six-star wizard, he is also one of the top figures of the orderliness organization.

A big shot like this can shake the whole area by stamping his foot.

however, in the face of Fang Yu's attitude, Mo Xiu did not show the slightest displeasure. Instead, he smiled and said, "Fang Yu, your deeds yesterday have spread all over China."

Fang Yu did not speak.

"it seems that you don't really want to chat with me, so let's get to the point." Mohr paused and said, "on behalf of the orderers, I offer you cooperation."

"Cooperation" Fang Yu raised his eyebrow and looked at Mo Xiu.

"Yes, recently there have been a large number of controlled warriors in the Huaibei area, posing a great threat to the lives of ordinary people." But our understanding of the immortal family is still in a state of extreme poverty. " Moxiu said, "you are the only one who has dealt with immortals several times."

"haven't I already told you about the immortal family" Fang Yu asked rhetorically.

"that information is not enough. We need more information." Moxiu sinks his voice.

"then you have to investigate by yourselves. What do you want with me" Fang Yu said.

"We. It is impossible to conduct such a large-scale investigation. Our orderly organization is hidden in the dark and cannot appear in front of the public unless it is a last resort. Moreover, the orderly organization still has a large number of affairs to deal with at present, and it is difficult to send more forces to Huaibei for the time being. " Mo Xiu said.

"then find people from the martial arts association to investigate. There are enough of them." Fang Yu said.

Moxiu shook his head with a wry smile and said, "We have just received a request from the Huaibei Wudao Association to help deal with this matter."

Fang Yu sat on the back of the sofa, looked at Moxiu for a few seconds and said, "what can you give me if you want me to investigate for you"

Moxiu smiled, touched the white beard on his chin, and stretched his right hand forward.

the blue light rises and a mirror appears in the sky.

and the picture in the mirror is a vast expanse of white snow.

and the picture is not fixed, it is constantly drawing closer.

the snow went all the way forward. After passing through more than a dozen snow-capped mountains, it suddenly went down into the ground.

and beneath the snow, there is a dark space.

and in the total darkness, suddenly appeared a line with blue light!

the picture zooms in, and the line is getting thicker and thicker. It looks like a beam of light and stretches very long!

"recently, a large number of mercenaries and killers from various countries have poured into our territory in China in various ways." Moxiu said, "after investigation, we found that their destination is in the far north of China, which is the snowy mountain you just saw."r own fault that they are too bad, otherwise how come they haven't been bought all the time " Wang Tianshi said viciously, "these dogs have just offended the saints of Fang Daneng and Zhixi. I will te...