As long as there is still breath left, whether it's Rong Ling or Xiao Yi, they will definitely save Lin Meng.

As she was wheeled out of the emergency room and into the intensive care unit, Lin Meng was eerily still. The sedative was still coursing through her veins. Her pale face lay there, devoid of any color, contrasting with the blue and white sheets. A fragility, a pitifulness, emanated from her that was hard to express. The silence was so profound it made one's heart ache with every beat.

She lay there in a coma, her face pale. Rong Ling and Xiao Yi each picked up a seat and sat down, keeping company on either side of her, both with somber faces, silent. The room was lit only by a dim small yellow lamp, not very bright, but enough to prevent complete darkness, also convenient for the patient's sleep.

After holding back for so long, a voice came from the shadows. "Leave. She doesn't want to see you when she wakes up!"

Rong Ling tightened his jaw, after several minutes he coldly replied, "This is between me and her, it's none of your business!"

Don't push me to get my hands dirty, you know exactly what you did. She pulled through this time, but there's no guarantee next time will be the same. So, leave, don't stay here any longer!

Rong Ling immediately let out a cold snort. "This kind of thing, happening once is already enough, how could there be a second time!"

"You're here, which means that things are not as they should be!"

“I won't give her a second chance.” That feeling of being completely drained, he didn't want to experience it again. “Hmph, don't lecture me, take care of yourself first. Let's be honest, she's not doing well staying by your side. I think you should just let her go. Whatever help you've given her, I'll return it. Money, land, or anything else, I'll give it back to you!”

This isn't a suggestion, it's Rong Ling issuing an order!

Xiao Yi became enraged once again, hating the man's self-assured posture and even more so his tone as if he could send him away with just anything.

“What I want, you don't have it, so don't spout nonsense there. She's following me, it's a foregone conclusion, don't make a fuss! Besides, wasn't it you who, in front of all the media, said that you had nothing to do with her anymore! So, how are you, a big CEO, going to go back on your word!”

Rong Ling was startled, and a fresh wave of icy anger and unbearable pain surged within him. He darkened his face and didn't utter another word.

Two men remained there, their bodies seeming to sink into the darkness. They were silent, radiating a sense of death, or perhaps like the rulers of the night, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to burst forth from the darkness and capture their prey in a flash.

Silence, a different kind of silence!

Time flowed, quietly passing by for countless hours. Two men stared intently at the tiny figure on the bed. Their eyes were open, yet there was not a hint of weariness or fatigue. Their equally cold eyes held an unreadable depth, leaving one to wonder what flickered within.

"Rustle --"

A barely perceptible rustle, the mere fluttering of fabric, yet in an instant, it startled both men! Almost simultaneously, they both craned their necks, their eyes fixed on her without blinking. After a while, sure enough, her eyelashes trembled ever so slightly, then slowly opened.

Under the dim light, the cyan eyes were cold and clear, yet they inexplicably emitted a bewitching glow that made one's breath catch.

Rong Ling's heart pounded rapidly, then skipped a beat. At that moment, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief, joy, and fear all at once. He was afraid of this letter being held tightly by her, the pain caused solely because of her!

"Awake" The soft voice, laced with careful consideration, was Xiao Yi asking.

Lin Meng blinked, and blinked again, as if lost in a daze, unable to tell where she was. She blinked several times, but still felt like her whole body was floating. The room was dark and gloomy, and her body felt unusually weak. She even made a wild guess: Could this be hell!

But the next moment, seeing Xiao Yi's face, this ridiculous guess vanished immediately!

Xiao Yi is here, then where am I!

Memory, followed by a cage, so frenzied, it dissolved my own wrists, lying in the bathtub as if facing death...

Was this discovered! Have we been rescued!

She felt shame, a deep, bone-chilling shame! She couldn't face this man! Suicide, after all, was cowardly, dishonorable. If she could have died, that would have been fine; but now, having been saved, she felt she couldn't face him, couldn't face this situation.

And so, she tiredly blinked and turned her head slightly, facing another direction, but was even more startled to the point of nearly jumping out of bed. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest. She stared wide-eyed, unbelievably at Rong Ling, her breathing suddenly becoming rapid. She who had been lying peacefully just a moment ago, now trembled visibly. This sudden, dramatic reaction made both men feel scared, and they simultaneously spoke: "Don't get excited!"

Although the words were spoken, a surge of anger welled up within him. He wished he could simply wave his hand and obliterate the person across from him, making them vanish into thin air!

Rong Ling reached out and gently grasped her intact left hand, holding it tight.

She trembled even more violently, her bloodless lips quivering with each shake, making her appear all the more pitiful.

Rong Ling's heart tightened, a sharp pain piercing through him. He hadn't expected to hurt her so deeply, nor had he anticipated her fierce resistance. If he had known beforehand, he wouldn't have sought her out with his resentment.

"You..." He paused, softly coaxing. "Don't get worked up! Those things I said before, just consider them... as if you never heard them!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, "whoosh," two lines of crystal-clear tears slid down her cheeks. She slowly closed her eyelids, her lips slightly parted, her jaw clenched tightly, refusing to appear too vulnerable or embarrassed in front of him!

She felt so ashamed, more than ever before!

It would be fine if only Xiao Yi had discovered her suicide attempt, but this man knew about it too! He would definitely ridicule her and think she was useless for choosing such an easy way out. He must be laughing at her now, probably laughing until he's tears rolling down his face. He'd definitely despise her in his heart...

As soon as she thought about it, she found it unbearable.

She turned her head away, unable to face him. Her small hand trembled slightly, yet she had no strength whatsoever, held tight by his grasp. She wanted to pull away, but there was no strength in her. The sedative made her whole body feel soft, yet only tears flowed, like a gentle stream, falling slowly.

Rong Ling glanced at her like this, his eyes darkened, a dull ache in his heart, his voice following closely behind, becoming hoarse and low, tinged with an almost imperceptible sob.

He wasn't actually as indifferent as he seemed. He was also terrified by her suicide. Seeing her like this, his heart ached too. If he could, he would rather have had the knife cut his own wrist before. He teased her, hated her, blamed her, and even hurt her, all to make her feel pain, but he never imagined that he would push her to this point.

This petite girl, this fragile girl, so small, so young, and so innocent, he also knows that things have come to this point, he is also wrong. It's just that his pride and arrogance can't bear her taking the initiative to break up, can't bear her silently rolling around with another man, can't bear her seeking help from other men!

He knew everything, when the newspapers spread her disgrace across every page. He saw through almost everything, yet couldn't bear the fact that she had been touched by another man; even less could he stomach her self-righteous assistance! She had destroyed herself completely. Every time he thought about it, he was racked with pain, with anger - anger at her, and anger at himself. This tiny frame, he always felt like he could crush her with a single finger, but what kind of force propelled her to such madness

Facing the media, she smoked, giving off an air of wanton seduction. Her posture was alluring and tempting, tinged with a subtle hint of decadence. He watched this scene countless times, trying to catch something in her slightly hazy eyes, but every time she smiled lightly, blowing out smoke rings, it seemed as if all her expressions were obscured by the smoke, leaving them vague!

He felt like he had grasped something, but also like he hadn't understood anything at all!

In the face of media, he had made it abundantly clear that there was no relationship between them, and it was the truth, the whole truth. He rarely changes his decisions! He just thought she would leave like this and there would be no further connection, but when he was on a plane circling in mid-air, she unexpectedly did so much!

So, he couldn't let her go! He had people watch her while also gathering information about her. In the midst of his frantic work, he numbed himself with her hazy eyes and completely immersed himself in it. He worked nearly twenty hours a day, like a robot or a madman. Even his trusted aides had hinted at him taking a break multiple times, but he just couldn't. As soon as he lay down, images of her would flash through his mind - her every smile, frown, anger, and joy. Then, he couldn't help but guess her motives, feeling excitement at the possibility. But after the excitement subsided, a coldness would spread throughout him, and then his heart would harden.

It's crystal clear that he and she have no possibility of being together!

She has become a public figure, and every word and deed she makes will likely cause ripples in the media world. As for him, needless to say, he is a focal point that the media must chase.

Words once spoken are like water spilled, they have no further connection with you, and there can be no further connection!

When she ruined her own image, he could only distance himself from her. Because he was the head of the Rong family, and when he went out, he represented the entire Rong family! Unless he gave up his position as head of the family; unless he was willing to be ordinary, then it would be possible for them to be together again. But these were impossible!

He worked so hard to reach where he is today, holding onto a grudge, doing it for others to see, also hoping that the woman across the ocean would regret it, would turn back! The other women, like toys, could be put down if you wanted to.

Although Lin Meng caused him pain, it was only pain!

I can't bear it, to come back and find her again. It's just that I can't stand this kind of manipulation, this kind of pain. She and the other her are the same age, have the same personality, attend the same school. So many coincidences, he suffered once on the other her. Back then, helplessly letting the pain engulf him, he swore that there wouldn't be a second time. If there was ever another time, he would absolutely not be passive again. Whoever hurts him, he will definitely make that person suffer in return.

So, torment her, humiliate her!

This is just the beginning of his revenge, it's far from over. He got a taste of his own medicine first! This little woman is really bold and ruthless. She truly is a master at disguise, her counterattacks are truly shocking!



Why must he be so cruel!

Why is he being so mean to a little girl!

It's enough to drive someone to death!

A tear, as if by accident, quietly slipped from her eye and landed on the palm of her hand!

It startled him!

It startled her too!

She suddenly turned back, her eyes wide open in astonishment. He, however, had already lowered his head, hiding his face beneath her small hand, hidden in the dim light! One could not see his eyes, only hear his low voice, muffled and heavy.

"Lin Meng, let's just forget about this. I won't come looking for you again. Take care of yourself!"

She listened, her heart, in the unseen place, shattering little by little, the wound oozing blood, throbbing with pain!

He let go of her hand, that release was so light, yet so heavy. She felt her body floating away, but also plummeting downwards with great force. Instinctively, she wanted to grab him, but her small hands were limp and powerless.

His face, clean and spotless, showed not a single tear! A cold expression was all that remained, the very image of his original self.

She stared with tears blurring her vision, but still gritted her teeth and watched him!

He took out a rectangular small box from his pocket, opened it, and then slightly lifted the small blanket at her feet. She couldn't see clearly, but she felt something cold slowly encircling her ankle.

"This was made for you. Once I give something away, there's no taking it back. I wanted you to promise me you'd never take it off, but that's unrealistic. You promised me a lot before, but hardly any of them were kept. This time, I won't make any demands. Do whatever you want with it - throw it away or sell it, I don't care."

He put the small box back in his pocket and then pulled the thin blanket over, covering her feet again. He turned his head and looked at her faintly.

If you ever find yourself with nowhere to go, just come home! If you don't cherish your own life, then at least think of your family, think of... those who might miss you and would... be heartbroken because of it!

His figure, submerged in darkness, had a kind of melancholy parting, and also an untouchable remoteness!

Her eye sockets couldn't bear the weight of her tears. When they burst forth and cascaded down, he turned and walked away, his figure melting into the darkness. Tall, aloof, distant, yet he drifted further and further away...

Her fingers twitched, but so weakly that they couldn't grasp anything!

And so, she wept helplessly, allowing the sorrow to consume her, but could only watch as he walked out of her life!

She had wanted to walk out of his life, but in the end, he still beat her to it!

She knew this time, it was over for good!ve a long, long, long way to go…”“I’ll give you all the time in the world!” she said in a crisp voice, her eyes shining brightly at him, her face expressing an indescribable pride.That confident radia...