looked at Jiang's mother, all she could offer was an apology."Excuse me!"After she finished speaking, she took the little boy and left.Jiang Mu's figure moved, as if to chase after. Jiang Chengfeng im...Faced with this situation, Xiao Yi knew that the matter could no longer be delayed. It had to be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it dragged on any longer, Jiang Yancheng would gain even more evidence.

If he used to be like boiling a frog slowly, then his methods now are like swiftly cutting through tangled weeds. His swift and decisive actions have caused dissatisfaction among some in the team, particularly those led by the elder members.

Xiao Yi analyzed the pros and cons to these people, pointing out the danger of being targeted by Jiang Yancheng. However, those people ignored him and threatened to simply get rid of Jiang Yancheng. Asking them to transfer their money-making businesses or destroy them outright was met with absolute refusal; after all, they were real cash cows, bringing in stacks of cash. Besides, didn't Silver Wolf Gang operate without being laundered before They had been sailing smoothly under the old leader's watch, making money just fine. Now that it's Xiao Yi, things have suddenly become impossible. Being so timid and afraid of everything is not the Silver Wolf Gang's style.

Now these high-ranking members of the Silver Fang Group, they all climbed up from the battlefield, fearless in the face of death. However, they can't stand being overpowered or their interests taken away!

At such times, Xiao Yi could only go against the tide, being a lone voice, and forcibly stopped many illegal businesses he was involved in.

>But he didn't know, Jiang Yancheng's brilliance lay in the fact that he had already found his man within the Silver Wolf Gang. This person was not low-ranking, but rather a veteran of the Silver Wolf Gang.

Jiang Yancheng promised Sun Yuanlao that as long as he cooperated with the police by becoming an undercover agent and gathering evidence against the Silver Wolf Gang's illegal activities, he would guarantee that Sun Yuanlao wouldn't go to jail. At most, he would only receive a few years in prison, and it would definitely be served outside of prison. Furthermore, Jiang Yancheng also said he could turn a blind eye to the wealth under Sun Yuanlao's name!

Sun Yuanlao, under Jiang Yichen's threats and inducements, agreed.

Under his instigation, two elders who were very dissatisfied with the two measures to exonerate Xiao Yi set a trap to assassinate him. If Xiao Yi were successfully killed, they could easily install a new leader. This kind of underworld change of leadership has happened many times in history!

Because they all had a general understanding of each other's backgrounds and movements, they knew each other's routes and the approximate number of people around them. Even though Xiao Yi was careful and his men were not simple characters, when faced with the sudden hail of bullets, he would have to endure it even with his defenses up!

The incident occurred late at night, in a relatively secluded area. Because the qiang was equipped with a silencer, even though bullets were flying through the darkness, there was not too much noise, and it did not disturb anyone unrelated to the situation.

Both sides engaged in a silent battle for about half an hour. In the end, Xiao Yi managed to escape under the cover of his men, returning to the villa. However, he was shot in both the shoulder and abdomen, a bitter defeat indeed. Not to mention the brothers who had died or been wounded covering his escape!

It must have been premeditated!

Xiao Yi could figure it out just by thinking with his toes. This had to be done by an insider. In his mind, he had already pinpointed a few highly suspicious individuals.

He returned covered in blood, frightening Lin Meng.

Except for herself, she was seeing such a bloody scene for the first time. Her heart beat rapidly when she saw it, her eyes darkened slightly, and her legs felt weak and shaky as if she were the one who had lost blood.

She's actually a little squeamish about blood!

The doctor from the Silver Wolf Group was quickly summoned to perform surgery on site. Lin Meng really wanted to hide, but Xiao Yi grasped her hand so tightly she couldn't escape. This was the first time she had seen someone use a scalpel to cut flesh open, the first time she had seen real bullets, and the first time she had seen someone suture wounds.

She felt a wave of dizziness, it was so shocking.

After the suturing was complete, at the very last step of bandaging, he refused the assistance of the doctor's assistant and instead stared at her with his own eyes.

"Here you come!"

She shook her head.

He pursed his lips, his gloomy eyes lingering on her, until she surrendered! She helplessly reached out, forcing herself to stay calm, and took the bandage. Then, biting her lip, she tried her best to steady her hands, not letting them tremble, before carefully wrapping the bandage around his waist to secure the wound. Afterward, it was his shoulder!

After finishing, she almost fainted. She turned her head to glance at the massive maw and her body involuntarily began to go soft.

He seemed to sense it, reaching out to embrace her and pressing her head against his lips, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead, a low murmur of comfort.

"Don't be afraid!"

How could she not be afraid!

Nodding randomly, she wanted to leave.

He, however, hinted that she should lie down beside him, and nowhere else.

He was injured now, and she couldn't refuse. Or maybe this was the right to refuse. Under the gaze of several pairs of eyes, she obediently lay down beside him, pulling the thin blanket up over them. She considered herself a pet now, Xiao Yi's little bird, doing whatever her master commanded, obeying him meekly.

Here, she was on an IV drip, while over there, several of Xiao Yi's brothers came rushing over. One didn't know what Xiao Yi was thinking; he wasn't even discreet about discussing some internal matters of the Silver Wolf Gang in front of her. Lin Meng had thought that Xiao Yi would be guarded around her, never allowing her to touch upon those things of great consequence again. And for these past few days, Xiao Yi had indeed been acting that way. He informed Jiang Po Lang that he wouldn't be needed and also prevented her from leaving the house. Hua Zhi spent more time by her side. ( ..tw好看的小說) The fixed-line phone in the house had already been disconnected; she couldn't make any outgoing calls, and naturally, no one outside could reach this place either. The study where the computer was kept was locked up tight, preventing her from entering. In short, all communication with the outside world had been severed. She saw everything but couldn't say a word. Sometimes, she even had to deliberately ignore his piercing gaze, that probing look!

It was inevitable that she would be suspected!

This man had said himself that when necessary, he needed to be ruthless, to suspect everyone who needed to be suspected, not just for himself, but also for his brothers, for the Silver Wolf Gang. She didn't want to delve into the truth behind his words that day, how much of it was real, nor did she want to ponder whether it was him comforting her. All she knew was that she had to be obedient, to not inquire about things that weren't meant for her, to simply close her ears and eyes!

So, Xiao Yi forced herself to close her eyes and count sheep while her brothers had a heated discussion. She managed to fall asleep successfully. As for Xiao Yi, when she found out that she had fallen asleep after the discussion ended, she immediately turned black in the face, but it wasn't something she needed to worry about.

The atmosphere in the villa had become tense ever since Xiao Yi was shot. She wanted to be a lazy pet, just drifting through life in a daze, but she could still sense everyone's on edge, as if they were ready for battle at any moment.

Xiao Yi told her that he had probably already figured out who was behind the shooting this time, and he would make those people pay. Lin Meng didn't know why he wanted to tell her these things, even outlining his plan in detail, including the time and location. It was too detailed, which was creepy.

She didn't know if he was testing her, seeing if she would leak information or betray him. Whatever the case, she was too lazy to delve deeper into it. She'd just listen and keep her mouth shut as much as possible.

Then late that night, around 3 AM, which was also the day Xiao Yi planned to eliminate the two suspected elders within the group, she was pulled out of bed by Xiao Yi. He told her that a crucial person had escaped with several of his confidants. It seemed this person had received some advance notice and was supposed to meet at a designated location, but suddenly left in a hurry with his men.

"My plan is very detailed, only a few people know about it!"

He glared at her menacingly. Before she could fully process the implication behind his words, her head still spinning, he suddenly barked out a cold command.

"Bring her down!"

Then, she was locked up in a room with walls on all sides, no windows, but only an electronic door. The room was dark and there were no lights. When she was roughly pushed into the dark room, she hadn't recovered yet. When the electronic door hissed shut, plunging everything into darkness, she shivered.

Like most girls, she was a little afraid of the dark.

Feeling her way through the darkness, she followed the vague outline of her memory until she touched the wall. Then, leaning against it, she sat down. Pulled from the warmth of her bed, suddenly thrust into this place, a chill seeped around her, pressing in with icy fingers. She remembered that she was still in her pajamas – comfortable enough for slumber in the cozy warmth of her bed, but here, on the cold, hard floor, it offered little protection against the biting air. Goosebumps erupted all over her skin.

The chill finally drove the sleepiness from her head. She pondered over Xiao Yi's last words to her, and his attitude, unable to help but smile wryly. It turned out that he was indeed testing her. It turned out that she had finally been convicted by him. She took the blame for the pot, but the man didn't even give her a chance to explain. It seemed he was determined that she was guilty.


She let out a long sigh. Even though she was in this state, she didn't feel too sad. All the sadness and heartache had probably been released through crying before. Now, besides a faint bitterness, there was only calmness left.

She sat quietly against the wall, lost in thought for a while. She didn't bother to figure out who she was taking the fall for, it wasn't necessary and beyond her intellectual capabilities anyway. Even Xiao Yi, so intelligent, had decided it was her doing. She figured it was pointless to waste her energy trying to figure it out.

Just behave yourself!

She shook her head and sighed again.

Though the floor was cold, if you leaned against it for long enough, your body heat would probably warm it up a little. Lying down was definitely more comfortable than sitting. So she lay back, her back against the cold wall, her side pressed against the cold floor, and began her familiar counting of sheep exercise. Drowsily, in the midst of darkness, she successfully fell asleep again.

Thus, awake and asleep, asleep and awake, yet unaware how long time had passed outside nor what the scene might be!

The room was bare, a fitting description would be "homeless." Having to pee was unbearable; her shame wouldn't let her relieve herself on the floor. So she held it in. Her stomach rumbled with protest, both from hunger and the need to urinate. There was nothing to eat, so she endured the pangs. Slowly, all stored nutrients within her body began to be consumed by this internal struggle, and the feeling of needing to pee faded away.

Neither taking nor expelling, this is also good!

It is said that a person can lie there without eating or drinking for quite some time. Lin Meng thought, if no one came to see her, she could probably die with dignity. Her clothes were clean and she was relatively tidy. She just hoped that after she died, someone would find her immediately, and please, don't let her corpse rot and stink before being discovered. Just thinking about it made her shudder.

Letting her imagination run wild, she had also made her final preparations.

At this moment, her mood was fairly calm, which she found rather satisfactory. If only she could ignore the hunger pangs her body was sending.

After an unknown amount of time, she was exhausted to the point of helplessness. The floor was cold, but she couldn't resist its closeness. Then, the heavy electronic door creaked open. After days without any light, a sudden burst blinded her, causing her eyes to instinctively squeeze shut.

Then, Xiao Yi walked in. As the electronic door slid shut, a faint dim light flickered on in the pitch-black shack, like a tiny candle flame.

Oh, so this house still has lights!

She rambled in her thoughts, and suddenly she realized that at this point, she still had the heart to lament this, which made her feel a little ridiculous.

He approached, and she could only watch with open eyes, unable to move, for hunger had taken all her strength.

He crouched down, and under the dim light, his face was sullen, looking anything but approachable.

She gave a strained smile, and finally, with only tired eyes, she looked at him silently.

And he -- moved!

He suddenly reached out and grabbed her clothes, without a word, ripped them open!

The sound of fabric tearing echoed through the silent room, sounding unnaturally sharp and amplified. It was almost deafening to her ears. She stared at him in terror, her eyes wide with disbelief.

And he, continued his tearing action.

She was only wearing a nightgown, that thin material, where could it withstand this man's tossing and turning!

As he covered her chest with his hand, roughly pulling at her bra, she struggled, putting all her strength into it. But her body, starved for days, simply couldn't muster any energy, weak as a mere creature wouldn't be.


A voice, raspy and dry like that of an eighty-year-old woman, startled her. Only then did she realize she hadn't spoken in a long time. Her throat was parched from lack of water, so when she finally spoke, her words were scratchy, as if being honed on sandpaper.

"Agreed… No… Not like this… We have to… Have to wait six months…"

Even speaking normally has become a difficult thing!

He ignored her, his movements relentless. He ripped open her clothes with a savage force, tearing the bra from her body. In the dim light, his impassive face, lips pursed tight, said nothing. He was like a devil, or a sinister butcher.

She reached out her hand, wanting to push him, but sadly discovered that even raising her hand was a difficult task. She helplessly dropped her hand and stared at him with sorrow and anger in her eyes.

"Promise... six months... promise, I... am... trusting you..."

He still doesn't say a word!

He tore through her top, then came for her thin cotton panties. With each ripping sound, she felt the fabric being pulled apart until it was finally shredded. The thin cotton panties were ripped away, followed by her underwear. Naked and exposed on the cold floor, she shivered uncontrollably, trying desperately to curl into a ball.

And he, beginning to lower his head and kiss her, kissing her heavily, biting her lips until they were swollen, then letting go. A slight metallic tang crept into her mouth, she tasted blood.

This man, bloodthirsty like a wolf!

Her heart was filled with anger and disappointment.

"Little man... I hate you..."

He remained silent, as if all the words that came out of her mouth had already lost their meaning.

He started kissing and biting her frantically, like a busy little bee, working hard to plant strawberries all over her body. He was practically gnawing on every part of her; it was almost as if he were a carnivore, biting with such intensity that she suspected he might actually bite chunks of flesh from her and eat her up piece by piece.

Then he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his zipper. Just as her legs went rigid in surprise, there came a "crack" sound. The belt slapped onto the floor like a firecracker exploding beside her ear. She was startled, fear flashing in her eyes!

Is he going to hit her... Is he going to hit her...

She screamed like an animal in terror, her pale and slender frame trembling with fear!

Then, her hands were forcibly pulled away from her. As she whimpered in protest, he lowered his head and sealed her lips with a kiss. His tongue probed deep into her mouth. Then, she felt something slippery being pressed against her back, just beneath the belt. She shivered involuntarily, but it was only a helpless tremor that followed.

His body tossed and turned hers, tormenting her for a long time. There was something slippery, like bath gel, rubbing against her skin, while his desire glared hungrily at her.


Her weak wail!

The next moment, his lips sealed her voice.

His kiss was hot and fierce, with a hint of wanting to consume her. His breath was heavy, yet he didn't let go, then roughly kneaded her body with one hand.

Finally, he suddenly let go of all his strength, his head falling heavily onto her shoulder, panting softly. And a strong scent of musk spread rapidly.

She was not an innocent little girl; she immediately knew what had happened. This man... he didn't possess her, but instead... alone... solved it all by himself!

She blinked, then blinked again. Besides another tear rolling down her cheek, she couldn't think of anything!

I don't understand, what's going on! I also don't understand, what does he want to do!

And he, after his breathing had subsided somewhat, began to kiss her again, kissing her roughly, pressing against her harshly, and then taking her hand, forcing her to help him two times.

She cried until her tears were almost dry, she was terrified and had no idea what he wanted to do!

He suddenly became very tender, kissing her with tenderness, almost meticulously kissing her entire face before lingeringly kissing her lips and finally opening his mouth.

This was the first time he had spoken since coming into the room.


Her ears twitched, unable to control herself she shifted her head, trying to get away from him. He immediately followed, biting her ear and saying word for word:

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

“I know you don't want to stay by my side, so the agreement we made six months later can be voided. But you have to agree to another condition of mine. After I leave this house, you are not allowed to speak, become a mute for two months. If anyone asks you about me, just shake your head. After two months, you'll be free, do whatever you want, say whatever you want, and I won't bother you. In a while, I'll have someone send you home. Once back home, try not to go out, stay inside obediently for another two months. That's my only condition, will you agree!”

She cried, nodding her head, choking back sobs, lips trembling, and stuttered out, "I promise... sniffle... I promise..."

She was so scared, she just wanted to run away!

"Good girl!" he murmured softly, extending his large palm and rubbing her head.

Then, he lowered his head and gently kissed her face. As if that wasn't enough, he grabbed her bleeding lip firmly and kissed her hard.

Then, he let her go, stood up, and started to pull up his pants, zippering them up, then putting on his belt.

Then, he picked up her ripped and torn pajamas. With a flick of his wrist, the tattered pajamas cleverly covered the important parts of her body.

He strode toward the electronic door, perhaps carrying a controller. The electronic door swung open with a sound, letting in another splash of light.

Xiao Yi came in with a composed face and left with a composed face. But compared to before, his clothes were now crumpled and could not be restored to their original neatness. Just looking at him, anyone could guess what he had done inside. Especially the air of lust that he carried, made the two subordinates waiting outside understand instantly.

Xiao Yi coldly scanned the two people, frowning and commanding in a slightly disdainful voice: "Tell Huazhi to come over and help her clean up. After it's done, send her away immediately. I don't want to see her again!"

After finishing his words, he left with a cold and ruthless aura.

Two subordinates respectfully replied and sent him away. When they saw that he was gone, they couldn't help but be curious and peeked into the room. All they saw was the room that had been relatively clean just a moment ago, now in utter disarray, with shocking bloodstains everywhere. The woman lying on the floor seemed unable to move. Her tattered clothes couldn't conceal the scars all over her body. Those horrifying bloodstains were clearly from being whipped with a belt. Some blood seeped through the torn nightgown and slowly spread across it like a blooming flower of blood.

On the woman's shoulders, arms, and exposed thighs were visible whip marks. Although the important area between her legs was covered by her pajamas, one could still see blood slowly flowing down the inner thigh, along with streaks of a murky white that mixed with it.

Take another look at the discarded bra, panties, and pajamas. The two underlings couldn't help but click their tongues, thinking that Brother Wing was too ruthless. Although Lin Meng had done something wrong to Brother Wing and deserved punishment, she was still a beautiful woman after all. Being whipped and violated like this was excessive! Besides, this woman had been starving for three days, and Brother Wing wasn't afraid of exhausting her to death!

Look at her poor little face, all bitten and bruised with tears welling up in her eyes. There's even fresh blood dripping from her lips. It's really pitiful!

Men probably all have a bit of that sentiment of pitying and cherishing women. The two guards glanced at each other and couldn't help but shake their heads. One remained to guard, while the other went to find Huazhi!

When Hua Zhi arrived and saw the scene, she exclaimed in surprise, then immediately calmed down, pursed her lips, and silently helped Lin Meng put on her clothes, supporting her out. Unfortunately, Lin Meng was so weak from hunger that she couldn't walk at all. Hua Zhi then asked a guard at the door to bring some milk and fed it to her. After she had regained some strength, Hua Zhi helped her up. Then, in front of many people in the villa, she took Lin Meng, who was wearing tattered pajamas and revealing wounds covered in blood, onto the car and personally sent her back to the Lin family.

In broad daylight, only Mrs. Lin was at home. When she saw Lin Meng being carried in, still looking like a ghost, she was greatly startled.

"Take good care of her!"

Hual Zhi tossed out that remark and sashayed away.

Lin Mu was stunned, a little confused. After seeing Lin Meng in such a pitiful state, she finally thought to ask her what had happened! Was she alright now!

Lin Meng pursed her lips and shook her head, saying nothing, but with her hand, she made the gesture of putting something into her mouth.

She was starving!

That milk only made her feel hungrier!

Mother Lin was stunned, stammering, "You... you... why don't you speak!"

Lin Meng shook her head, didn't speak, and still made a gesture of wanting to eat. Her body was so soft that she couldn't move, she couldn't find food herself!

Seeing her gaunt face, covered with visible scars, Lin's mother felt a pang of anxiety. She hurried to the kitchen and brought back bread and milk, piling them before her daughter. Watching her tear at the bread like an African refugee, stuffing large chunks into her mouth without chewing, Lin's mother felt a wave of sadness wash over her, leaving a bittersweet taste in her mouth. She couldn't bear it any longer. She rushed back to the kitchen and brought out some ham, urging her daughter to eat slowly and patiently, telling her she would have a bowl of hot noodle soup soon. When Lin's mother placed the noodles before Lin Meng, she didn't hesitate. She squatted on the floor, using a low coffee table as support, unfazed by the hot soup. She ate ravenously, as if possessed by a starving ghost reborn.

Mrs. Lin watched from the side, feeling a little restless. After thinking for a moment, she immediately called Lin Bao and told her to come back quickly, saying that their youngest daughter was back, but the situation wasn't quite right.

Seeing Lin Meng's frenzied way of eating and her disheveled appearance, Lin Mu could almost smell the man's scent on her. She discreetly glanced between Lin Meng's legs. The ripped pajamas couldn't hide everything, revealing a glimpse. Thinking back to how Lin Meng couldn't even speak, Lin Mu instinctively had a bad feeling. She thought that perhaps she had been raped by a man, and worse, that something terrible might have happened!

On the phone, it was impossible to explain clearly. Lin Mu, also known as Jin Sai Mei, impatiently urged Lin Bao to come back immediately. Lin Bao had no choice but to put down his business and rush back. When he saw Lin Meng, who had already fallen asleep on her small bed after eating and couldn't bear the fatigue, her eyes were wide open, a dull ache filled his heart!

What has this little daughter experienced!

How can people be so inhuman and ghosts so unlike ghosts!

Jin Sai held onto Lin Bao, stretched out her finger, pointed at various places on Lin Meng's body, and bit his ear, whispering her suspicions. The more Lin Bao listened, the darker his face became, as if it were covered in charcoal.

"Go out first, don't disturb her sleep!"

Lin Bao mumbled, pulling Jin Sai Mei out. He carefully closed Lin Meng's bedroom door.

Jin Sai Mei pulled Lin Bao into her master bedroom, but she couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out crying. She probably suspected that Lin Meng had done something shady. After all, the newspapers weren't saying she was being supported by a wealthy businessman Maybe she encountered some kind of pervert. Since Lin Meng committed suicide and left the hospital, their family hasn't contacted her again. No one knows what she's been up to lately. Looking at her like this, she's definitely still with a man...

Jin Sai Mei was wildly guessing, but Lin Bao only lit a cigarette and stared blankly, silently puffing away.

"Oh my!" Jin Sai's voice cut off abruptly. Her face suddenly changed, she looked around, glanced at Lin Bao, and lowered her voice, asking with a hint of fear, "Do you think...Dream Dream...she might have caught...caught something when she came back!!"

"What nonsense!" Lin Bao glared fiercely at Jin Saimei.

Jin Sai Mei was caught in a spiral of anxiety. The more she thought about it, the more her fear intensified, making her feel like she was spinning on the spot. “People say AIDS is the most terrifying sexually transmitted infection,” she muttered to herself. “What if Mengmeng contracted it and brought it back What then! We live together! What if we were accidentally infected!”

"Shut up!" Lin Bao's eyebrows furrowed, and he let out a frustrated roar.

Jin Sai Mei was scared, shrinking her shoulders and momentarily closing her mouth like a timid little daughter-in-law. However, she didn't keep quiet for long. Her concern for her own safety overcame her fear of Lin Bao, and she mumbled in a low voice: "Perhaps when she wakes up, we should take her to the hospital She has so many injuries, they should be treated. Or maybe she has some internal injuries too. It would be good to have a doctor give her a full check-up... perhaps even test her blood..."

In the end, Jin Sai Mei still ended up checking if Lin Meng was sick.

Lin Bao took a hard drag from his cigarette, exhaled heavily, and snarled at Jin Saime: "Does she deserve to be flaunted like this now! You, as her mother, how did you raise her! Aren't you ashamed! If you want to check on her, wait until her injuries have almost healed!"

Kim Sai Mei thought about it. Otherwise, if this matter got out of hand, she probably wouldn't have the face to see her friends either. After all, this youngest daughter was still under her name. If she made a fool of herself, it would be a family affair. So, she gave a dry smile. She thought for a moment, immediately changed her clothes, tucked up her small bag, and went to the drugstore.

I want her to heal quickly, wouldn't it be wrong not to give her medicine! Very close, close enough that the scent of her perfume could reach the man's nostrils.This is a high-value seductive fragrance, its introduction is "Silent Enchantment." The woman seductively reaches...