."Where!" His voice dropped an octave."After we finish eating, I'll take Youyou home!"I won't tell him the address, so he can get a taste of "anxiety"!"Where are you!" he sounded impatient. "Tell me t...As expected, after a few days at Lu's house, Lu Youdao came looking for Lin Meng with his beloved camera in hand.

"Sister Mu Xi, I beg you for one thing!" He blinked his big, black eyes like a large black dog, innocent and adorable.

Lin Meng looked at him, feeling as if she were looking at a younger brother. Lu Youdao was only 14 years old this year, two years younger than Lin Meng, but he acted just like one. During the few days Lin Meng stayed there, Aunt Lu and Lu Youdao took very good care of her. Knowing that she was pregnant and some things were inconvenient for her, they helped her and made way for her.

Probably Auntie Lu guessed that Lin Meng was having some difficulties. She straightforwardly said that she would tell everyone outside that Lin Meng was her distant niece from now on, which would also make it easier for Lin Meng to integrate into this place faster.

Right now, looking at Lu Youdao, Lin Meng's heart felt a little softer. Looking at this clean young man, she thought of Jiang Po浪 who was also so pure and clean. Therefore, she was also very willing to chat with Lu Youdao.

"What's going on!" She put down the scissors in her hand. Life was hard, and she didn't have much money saved up, so she took some odd jobs from Aunt Lu to make a little extra cash. The money wasn't much, but it added up over time. When she first arrived, she could make a few dollars every day, which made Lin Meng quite satisfied.

Lu Youdao's face flushed, and a youthful shyness appeared.

"Mu Xi Jie, would you be my model!"

When Lin Meng was stunned, Lu Yuda blushed and continued awkwardly, "Ms. Mu Xi, you're so beautiful. I think if I took a picture of you, it would definitely be very beautiful too. My wish is to photograph all the beautiful things in the world, Ms. Mu Xi, hehe, let me take your picture, okay!"

Lin Meng hesitated.

Lu Yuda pleaded like a child. "Muxi Jie, please, please... Do me a favor and let me take your picture. If I don't take your picture, I won't be able to eat well or sleep well, and I'll become as thin as a yellow flower..."

The young boy, with stammering words, blushed and pleaded softly. In his eyes, Lin Meng, standing before him, was already the most beautiful sight for miles around. Compared to her, all other scenery would pale in comparison. These days, he'd been itching to take her picture – it was an instinctive pursuit of beauty for a photography enthusiast. But there was a simple side to his nature. Before photographing Lin Meng, he'd first ask for her permission; only with her consent could he raise his camera.

Of course Lin Meng refused. With the precedent of Lin Zi's video incident, she instinctively resisted anything similar to it. Besides, she was now a fugitive and didn't want to be filmed.

Qing'an Town might be remote, a small town that isn't developed or wealthy. None of the fifty or so households there have internet access, but there is a small internet cafe in town. It has ten older-model desktop computers inside, available for people to use. Word is that the establishment of the internet cafe was driven by bird photography enthusiasts. A fee of one and a half yuan per half hour allows some children in the town to occasionally go online to play games.

Lin Meng certainly didn't want to bring trouble upon herself!

Lu Youdao was disappointed, his immature face etched with dejection. His bright eyes looked pitifully at Lin Meng, resembling a dog begging its owner for a bone but coming up empty-handed in the end. Lin Meng hardened his heart and turned away, not daring to meet Lu Youdao's gaze again!

But Lu Youdao was a persistent person, and he still came to ask Lin Meng day and night. According to him, not being able to film Lin Meng made him feel like his heart was being torn apart. He looked at her time and time again with those innocent eyes, like a big black dog's, trying to please her. In the end, Lin Meng, who wasn't heartless, half-conceeded. She just set three rules: he wasn't allowed to film randomly, any videos she found unacceptable had to be deleted unconditionally; and while he could film, he wasn't allowed to show them to anyone else, nor was he allowed to upload them online. According to her, videos involving her could only be shared as a secret between her, Lu Youdao, and his aunt!

Lin Meng feels pity for this older brother. At such a young age, he had to drop out of school because of his family's circumstances. When he graduates from junior high next June, who knows what will become of him! Lu Yiduo said that he wants to be a photographer, traveling all over China, capturing the things he likes and finds beautiful. He said that a successful photographer can earn tens of thousands of yuan per month, and he is currently working hard towards this goal.

When he spoke about his goals, his eyes lit up, sparkling brighter than any jewel in the world. They were deep and dark, more beautiful than even the most precious black diamonds. If he wanted to practice, she thought, she could just be his model!

Lu Youdao, that kid, was about to go crazy with joy. He ran out into the street and screamed like a madman for a while, then swaggered in carrying a piece of paper, dragging his mother along. He even wrote up a formal written agreement, outlining all the terms and conditions, on the paper. Finally, all three parties signed it, with three copies made, which had both Lin Meng and Lu's aunt rolling with laughter.

This boy, sunny and genuine, but because of a series of experiences, he also appears to be more considerate and cautious than the average person!

Lin Meng's days in Qing'an Town drifted by like this, peacefully and gently. During this time, she thanked heaven more than once, thanked Aunt Lu and Lu Youdao, and thanked this turn of events. Thanks to Aunt Lu and Lu Youdao, her pregnancy went smoothly and safely.

Winter went and spring came, the weather warmed up and flowers bloomed, her belly also became apparent, round like a half basketball. The heavy winter clothes were taken off her body, but the thin spring clothes couldn't cover her belly at all. After staying here for four months, she slowly adapted to life here. It was peaceful and quiet, but it wouldn't make people feel cold. She also made some neighbors, who were all very kind and took good care of her as a pregnant woman. When they went to the big county town outside to buy things, they were always happy to bring back some supplements for her.

Sometimes tourists carrying cameras come to town, but most of them are in a hurry and head straight for the beach outside town. After all, there's really nothing to photograph in Qing'an Town in winter. The leaves have almost all fallen off, leaving the trees bare, and even the old tiled houses seem faded and desolate, not camera-worthy at all.

Thus, Lin Meng had always been safe and sound.

Before we know it, Tomb-Sweeping Day of the year has arrived!

When children were reciting "On the Qingming Festival, rain falls incessantly, and travelers on the road feel heartbroken..." with sweet voices, Qingan Town was certainly bustling with activity. The number of visitors was clearly increased, and even within a day, one could see many cars driving in.

Lu Da's auntie explained that these were villagers who had gone abroad and come back to pay their respects to their ancestors. Qing'an Town is an ancient town, and over the past hundred years, many people have left to live in big cities or even abroad. Only during Qingming Festival, when the Tomb-Sweeping Day occurs, do these villagers, some whom haven't been seen for years, come back from all corners of the world to visit their ancestral graves, burn incense, and offer sacrifices.

Qingming Festival is a big day in Qing'an Town. No other day of the year compares to the excitement of Qingming Festival, not even Chinese New Year! In the days before and after Qingming Festival, the town is bustling with people coming and going.

Such a festival also made Lin Meng feel a little sad, and she thought of her father far away. Although Lin Bao was able to safely leave the hospital when she left, the doctor said that there was still a blood clot in Lin Bao's brain, which touched the nerves. According to the current medical means, no further surgery could be performed, so he could only wait for the blood clot to slowly disappear on its own. The blood clot blocking his brain was always a hidden danger, and after this, Lin Bao's life had some more taboos. Lin Meng also hoped that Lin Bao could get angry less and avoid things like cigarettes and alcohol that would harm his body. Besides her baby in her stomach, she was the only relative she could think of besides Lin Bao, so she still silently hoped that Lin Bao would be well and healthy!

...and those other people…

Jiang Chengfeng, Jiang Xiaoxiao, Sun Papan, Miao Qing, Yu Xu...

She thought about it over and over in her mind, pitifully discovering that these were the only people she could remember! She also hoped they were all well and safe.

Of course, every time she thought about it, it would make her heart ache so much that she felt like crying. That man - Rong Ling - who was always thinking of her and letting himself be consumed by pain, she also didn't know how he was doing now She had rushed away back then, and she didn't know what he thought about her, probably...he hated her! He said he hated her anyway, so he must hate her even more now! She didn't dare to go online at the internet cafe. Carrying a child and being alone at night always felt incredibly lonely. Whenever she felt vulnerable, she would think of him especially, secretly crying, longing to see him, but she dared not touch the computer!

Just like that, pain is pain. Just bear it and get through it!

I only hope that he'll be okay too!

Lowering her head, she touched her stomach and took a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. She tried to push away all the things that would hurt her.

It's best for pregnant women to stay happy, so they can give birth to a healthy and cheerful baby.

She always encourages herself like that, so she can get through it alone!

The rain outside had been falling sparsely, but as she was lost in thought, it stopped. A faint sunlight shot out from the clouds, bathing the earth in warm patches of light. She came to her senses, looking at the spring scenery outside and hearing the somewhat muffled voices, a feeling stirred within her, and she got out of bed.

Just after the rain, she was afraid of catching a cold, so she picked up a big coat and put it on. Then, she stepped out of the house slowly with small steps.

Moderate exercise is beneficial for the healthy development of the fetus. When it comes to her child, she's always been devoted. She takes walks morning, noon, and night, almost religiously, except when the weather is bad.

She is now six months pregnant, the fetus is very stable in her womb, so she doesn't need to be so careful when going out. There's no need for someone to help or accompany her. She can walk back and forth along the stone path by herself very steadily.

There were indeed more people on the small street. She looked on with a touch of envy and a hint of sadness, but she could only force her lips to curve into a smile time after time, chasing away that faint bitterness.

She had just rounded a corner when a car suddenly sped towards her, causing her to jump back in fright. Her legs tangled up, and she fell against the green wall.

A piercing screech of brakes followed by a young man leaping out of the car and rushing to her side, asking in a flustered voice, "Are you alright!"

In her heart, that heart beat wildly. Lin Meng was terrified. Although she wasn't hit by the car, if she hadn't been alert, with her legs so nimble from her daily workouts, she might have been hit. Qing Shi Town wasn't a big town to begin with. Many of its streets and alleys weren't wide, usually only able to accommodate one vehicle passing through. The car just now was driving so fast, which was quite wrong.

Lin Meng couldn't help but glare at the young man! The fear had made her unable to calm down. For this baby in her belly, she had gone through so much hardship along the way, something outsiders couldn't know! To be hurt casually was something she absolutely couldn't tolerate!

"You can't drive so fast here, you'll hit people!" Her tone was rather stern. Just now she was startled and then suddenly took a step back, bumping into the wall. Now she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach and didn't want to waste time chatting with this young man. She had lost her desire for a walk and just wanted to go back and lie down properly.

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked away.


The car window rolled down, revealing the face of a mature man with a lot of presence. He looked to be in his fifties, with a square face. Although his complexion wasn't ruddy, his eyes were especially bright and powerful, giving off the feeling of a successful person. Even though there were wrinkles on his face, they couldn't hide his uprightness. He must have been quite handsome when he was young!

“Ma’am, what happened just now was our fault. I apologize to you. So, may I take you home” The man spoke clearly, his voice slightly low. In this small town in the southwest, it was rare to hear such standard Mandarin.

"No!" Lin Meng resolutely refused, instinctively resisting these successful people. What she needed now was peace. Such a life, although a bit bitter, was what she desired.

She turned her head and walked, sticking to the wall, carefully making her way back. The people in the car didn't speak again, and it seemed that the young man who had been driving also got into the car. Then, Lin Meng felt the car slowly following her.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she had to stop, turn around, and glare warily at the black limousine.

The car followed suit and came to a stop. The middle-aged man was still staring at her, half his face visible through the car window. His gaze was intense, but — there was no aggression in it!

Lin Meng frowned, feeling disgusted by being stared at out of the blue. Her face turned cold as she asked bluntly, "What do you want"

That middle-aged man smiled, trying his best to make his expression appear approachable!

"Ma'am, I just wanted to make sure you got home safely."

This surprised Lin Meng. She didn't expect this person's heart to be so kind. Logically, after she said those words to him, they should have been worried about causing trouble and left immediately.

Thinking about it, she retracted the coldness on her face and said, "It's nothing major, you guys don't need to do this, just stop following me!"

"That's not okay, I still don't feel comfortable. Let me walk you home myself. Otherwise, I'll just leave and feel uneasy all night!"

That person's tone was sincere, which made it impossible for Lili Lin to refuse any longer. This was her nature; more often than not, she couldn't maintain the strong demeanor of a powerful woman. She could push people away with just a few words.

"Nevermind," she thought, "let them go if they want to!"

If this person really has a problem, it's not something she can simply avoid. This small town of Qing'an simply wouldn't be able to hide her.

No longer speaking, Lin Meng turned and walked away slowly. When she returned to Lu Auntie's house and entered the room, she looked back and saw the middle-aged man in the car smile at her, then slowly rolled up the window. The car drove away quietly this time, but it wasn't as fast as before, very slow, slow enough for a bicycle to overtake it.

Lin Meng let out a low smile, a delicate and charming curve playing on her lips. She thought to herself, "This old man is quite interesting."

Just then, Lu Auntie came back with a chicken in her hand. Seeing Lin Meng giggling there, she smiled too and asked curiously, “What are you laughing at Did you see something funny!”

Lin Meng shook her head, glanced at Lu Da's hand holding a chicken, and smiled again, "Looks like we have another delicious meal today!"

Lu's aunt was immediately diverted by the topic, smiling and agreeing, "Yes, this is a free-range hen, the most nourishing for the body. I'll have it slaughtered later and give you a special meal tonight."

"Hee hee, thank you, Auntie…"

The two walked into the house together, with soft murmurs coming from within, hinting at a faint sense of tranquility.

Two days later, Lu's aunt carried a big bag of knitted goods to the factory to deliver them. She told Lin Meng to stay home and not go out, and if anything happened, she could just ask the neighbor's aunt. Lin Meng smiled in response. It wasn't the first time Lu's aunt went out to deliver goods, and she was already used to the days when Lu's aunt went out to deliver goods, Lu Youdao went to school, and she was the only one left in the house.

Smiling, she waved goodbye to Auntie Lu as she left. Lin Meng returned inside, picked up a children's fairy tale book that was lying on the side, opened it, and began to read softly. This—was prenatal education, reading to the baby in her tummy. In Qing'an Town, the conditions were simple, and there weren't many ways to offer rich and varied prenatal education. So she could only rely on herself to utilize everything she could!

After a while, a deep voice sounded outside.

"Is anyone there!"

The villagers of Qing'an Town are mostly simple and kind. Most leave their doors open during the day, so when you walk down the road, you often see both sides lined with open doorways. At a glance, you can see the halls of each household. This is very different from the city where doors are tightly locked, people try to install burglar-proof doors and windows, and then layer their houses with security. This is another reason why Lin loves Qing'an Town!

Lin Meng put down the book in her hand, placed it on the table, and walked out. The voice calling outside sounded somewhat familiar; she felt like she had heard it somewhere before. As she tilted her head to recall, her feet didn't stop, and she slowly walked out. When she saw the middle-aged man standing outside the threshold, she was truly taken aback.

This is the same man she almost hit that day!

Isn't this person gone yet!

Most people who drive to visit relatives and ancestors are in a hurry. He has stayed in this small town for at least four days and doesn't intend to leave And how did he come to find her again!

She frowned slightly.

But seeing this middle-aged man standing politely on the threshold, not boldly entering the hall directly, her brows relaxed again. Thinking that this person was probably here to find Aunt Lu and might even know her, she smiled.

"Hello!" she greeted softly.

The man also grinned along, and as he did so, though he was older, he still looked quite dashing with the charm of a mature man!

"Are you here to see Aunt Lu! She just went out!" Her smile didn't fade, and she walked a few steps further out. "Come in and have a seat first!"

Guests should always be welcomed, and she couldn't refuse him entry.

Only then did the man raise his foot and step across the threshold.

He picked up a chair from the hall and sat down. Lin Meng accompanied him with a smile and also sat down, sitting opposite him.

Only then did he speak, his face betraying a hint of uncertainty and nervousness.

"Actually, I came to find you!"

"Find me!" Lin Meng was startled, her heart pounding like a drum. Could it be, she had guessed right Was she really going to be taken back! She forced herself to calm down, putting on a neutral expression and asking in a flat tone, "What do you want with me!"

His eyes held a look of apprehension.

That man went silent all of a sudden, his eyes flickering several times as if he were plotting something. He seemed to be hesitating as well. Finally, he pursed his lips, clenched his jaw, and fixed his gaze deeply on Lin Meng's eyes. His unwavering stare gave it away - his mind was made up!

"I'm here, actually... to ask you to marry me!"

Marry him!

Such an middle-aged person

Well, that's a pretty old guy, isn't he

Lin Meng slightly opened her small mouth, staring in astonishment...

...This story was first published at Xiao Xiang Academy.


Lu Youdao let out a cry of surprise. He had just gotten home from school for the evening when he heard this terrible news!

"How did he just leave! Why, this is too sudden! No, I don't believe it, Mom, you're kidding me, right! April Fool's Day is long over, Mom, please don't lie to me!"

"You, child..." Aunt Lu sighed deeply. "Why would I lie to you! Look for yourself, this is a note left by Mu Xi!"

Saying that, Land Aunt took out a folded square piece of paper and handed it to Lu Youdao.

The handwriting on the letter was indeed Lin Meng's. She wrote that she was grateful to Auntie Lu and Lu Youdao because of some reasons, she had to leave this place, but they shouldn't worry, she was fine. In the letter, she told Lu Youdao to study hard, and if he was really not interested in studying and didn't want to go to high school, then he should work hard to be an excellent photographer. She was also looking forward to seeing his work.

Along with the letter, there was Lin Meng's rent for almost five months. Though she hadn't lived for a full five months, she had still paid in full. She also left behind 50,000 yuan, which was intended for Lu Youdao's studies. If Lu Youdao didn't plan on studying, then the money would be his anyway. If he wanted to travel all over the country, he would always need some travel expenses, and this could be considered her support for him.

Lu Youdao held the thin letter in his hand, stunned. When he came to his senses, his eyes were red and swollen, tears welling up and slowly flowing down his cheeks.

He had thought, Lin Meng was going to leave.

In his view, Mu Xi should be living with him and his mother all the time.

Then such a beautiful dream, Lin Meng, left. He felt his heart empty. The young boy, looking at the girl who was no more than two years older than himself, graceful like a fairy, his feelings were complicated, was it fondness! Admiration! Or sibling affection!

Everything is a little bit of everything!

"How could you let her leave!" he cried, wiping his face clumsily with his hands. He hadn't cried since his father died, but this time, tears came uncontrollably.

Well, I guess you’ll have to wait for me to say goodbye.

The boy was crying, his voice hoarse. The deep sadness washed over him like a tidal wave.

Lu Da's aunt let out a sigh. The wrinkles on her face, illuminated by the lamplight, also revealed a hint of pity and grief. "Silly child, Mu Xi isn't from around here. We can't keep her. She'll always have to leave."

"I don't care, how can she not be one of us She said she likes it here..." The boy was unusually childish, arguing back like a stubborn child.

Lu Daren sighed helplessly, reached out and pulled him into her embrace, hugging him tightly. Her large hand pressed against his head, gently rubbing it, muttering to herself, "We'll see each other again, don't be sad, if we are destined to meet, we will surely see each other again!"

Lu Youdao remained silent, only tears of sorrow flowing incessantly from his eyes. and two small masters, Lin Meng handed the hair dryer to Rong Ling, unceremoniously sitting directly in his arms. Without saying a word, she just enjoyed herself by gently squinting her eyes. This ti...