oked like it was about to be pulled away so easily!She was fed up!Her nerves weren't that strong to keep pretending everything was okay. She was already so stretched thin, why wouldn't he just let her...The little one opened their eyes and saw Rong Ling, naturally becoming excited with bright eyes. They circled around Rong Ling's long legs like a little dog. Their small mouth opened and closed, wanting to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

Lin Meng smiled. "If you're not in a hurry to leave, why don't you take Youyou out to play"

She ran around all day, completely trusting Ah Yi with Youyou. Sometimes, thinking about how young her child was and how little time she had spent with him, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Rong Ling agreed.

Lin Meng happily went out to work hard again.

Rong Ling, and Yu Xu who was shouting "I want to die for Youyou," came together with Rong Ling. The two of them, along with Ah Yi, went out to play together.

When he got back that day, it was already very dark. The little guy was nestled in Rong Ling's shoulders, sleeping all the way back. His drool ran down his teeth, which were clearly showing signs of hunger, for who knows how long. In short, when Lin Meng picked up the little guy, there was a large patch of wetness on the coat Rong Ling was wearing.

Lin Meng covered her mouth and chuckled, gently wiping the little one's face with a towel, whispering softly, "You really look like a pig!"

Rong Ling sat quietly on the side, watching the mother and son. When Lin Meng wiped the little guy's hands and feet clean and tucked him into bed, he asked, "When are you going back!"

"It's probably almost the New Year. It's not easy to come out, so I might as well run around outside a bit more and avoid coming out every few days!"

He frowned slightly. If it were the Lunar New Year, then it would be February. There were still ten days until the end of the year!

"Do you like this"

"Hmm" she tilted her head.

"Love this kind of life! Tired, sure, but it's like creating wealth with your own hands. This kind of strong woman's life!"

She didn't even think about it, she just shook her head.

"Who would like this!"

She already has ways to make money easily at home, why does she have to work so hard every day! Besides, manipulating people and building complex relationships through deceit is not her forte, it's simply not her nature!

He listened, feeling a little lighter in his chest. He didn't like how she ended up either. He was already strong enough, and sometimes when he got busy, he'd be gone for ten days or even half a month. If she became like that too, would there still be a home All he wanted was someone who could be there for him when he was tired, someone he could come back to, or someone who could answer his call and rush over immediately. But a strong woman just didn't fit his expectations! Even women who claimed to be caring, once they became successful, would turn into uncaring people!

She looked at him, not quite understanding why he asked that.

He gave her a cool-looking flick of his hips and headed towards the bathroom. She tiptoed after him, rushing to keep up.

In the bathroom --

"Rong Ling..." She stretched out the sound, softly calling him, clearly looking like she had ulterior motives.

He was brushing his teeth there coldly, but that image really couldn't scare people away!

"How long do you plan to stay here" she leaned in, tilting her head and smiling mischievously.

He calmly finished brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth before turning his head to give her a withering glare.

"What are you doing!" Trying to get rid of me! If she dares to speak up, he won't let her off the hook. He only does things so secretly because he wants to save face. If she dares to despise him, he'll make sure everyone knows!

She giggled mischievously, but her hands were like soft vines, winding around him. She puckered up her rosy lips and coaxed, "I just want you to stay here for a few more days so I can play with Youyou more. Besides, we might be going to the city in two days. Will you... come with us!"

What does this mean!

Let him follow her!

The man snorted coldly with pride, replying without hesitation, "I'll leave when you do!"

He wouldn't be a lapdog following her around!

"Hee hee, this isn't bad either!" she was easily satisfied. Smiling, she hung up the washed towel and turned to leave. He reached out his long arm, grabbed her, and bit her ear, whispering ambiguously, "Take a bath together"

A musky, masculine scent hits you straight on, laced with a subtle hint of seduction.

Her face immediately flushed, and she shyly shook her head. "No... no more!"

A misfire is inevitable, she doesn't want to court death!

He suddenly lowered his head, pressing her against the wall. Like a wild storm, he ravaged her lips fiercely before letting go and turning to let the water run.

Her face was so red it was almost bleeding, her legs were so soft they could barely hold her up against the wall. She hurried out while he had his back turned; if he caught her now, she was done for!

Hearing the bathroom door slam shut with a “click,” he smirked.

Two days later, Rong Ling really left. She didn't return to City B, she took a private jet directly to South Africa. This was legitimate business!

Lin Meng had been out for many days, but she couldn't stay away any longer. It wasn't because of Rong Ling, but because Ruan Chengyang, who was left at home, fell ill. The boy had a fever, but he refused to go to the hospital, insisting on enduring it at home. This was only possible because the new maid they hired was meticulous and caring. She noticed something was wrong with him and called the others who were away.

Overall, Ruan Chengyang is the most precious thing to the entire Ruan family. Naturally, Ruan Chengyi and others were anxious and hurriedly called home. Ruan Chengyang didn't say anything else, he directly ordered: "You bring Lin Meng back!"

This kid's voice was hoarse like a goose, and he could still shout his lungs out. So Lin Meng packed up gracefully and brought the little one back early.

This trip, we were divided into three small teams, led by Ruan Chengyi, Ruan Chenghui, and Lin Meng respectively. Each person brought an assistant, with Li Yuan added to Ruan Chengyi's team. At first, we all acted as a group because the Ruan brothers wanted to see how Lin Meng did business. Later, after the two brothers were convinced by Lin Meng, they humbly began to learn her way of doing business, even maintaining a calm and composed demeanor when they felt angry or frustrated. After learning about seven or eight points, the three teams started acting independently. So, when Lin Meng left the team, it caused some losses, but not too significant. After all, the year-end was approaching!

When they came, several people took the train to save money. When they returned, Ruan Chengyang strongly demanded and claimed an emergency condition, so Lin Meng took the plane. From this, it can be seen again that Ruan Chengyang holds a strong position in this family.

Even though Ruan Chengyang was sick, he seemed surprisingly subdued. Perhaps it was because of the fever that his complexion, usually as pale as a vampire's, now had a hint of peach blossom blush. He looked noticeably younger and less sharp than usual. Being ill seemed to have stripped him of his usual eccentricities. After all, maintaining that gloomy gaze takes effort! Now, he was lying there softly, hardly with the energy to feign melancholy.

Come, I'll take you to the hospital!

Ruan Chengyang refused, roaring: "No, it's just a fever. What hospital are you going to Just take some medicine!"

He finally caught a cold, got sick for a while, and went to the hospital where he easily cured his illness. What's the point then! He hoped that this woman could take care of him as meticulously as she took care of little Youyou when he was sick, but he's been waiting for a long time!

"I'm a medical student, I know my own condition, no need to go to the hospital!"

This 20-year-old boy was putting up a fight, it wasn't something Lin Meng's small arms could handle. She had to take Ruan Chengyang to the hospital, but he refused, gripping the bedpost and wouldn't let go. He was out of breath, how did he have so much strength

"You study veterinary medicine, after all, humans and animals are different. You should go to the hospital and take a look!"

"Hmph, I've already switched to clinical medicine. Don't underestimate me; I know quite a bit about common human diseases. If I said I wouldn't go to the hospital, then I won't!"

He threw a tantrum, just like a spoiled child! She had been with him for quite some time, to be honest, in this house, he was her favorite. Maybe it was because his inner self was like a child who never grew up, so sometimes she felt he was just her "Big Youyou"!

Sometimes you just have to coddle him, treat him like a child!

"Fine, then we won't go!"

It's very rare to hear about adults dying from fever. He's a doctor, he should have some sense of proportion! But when did he switch to clinical medicine How come she didn't know!

After putting that aside, she immediately fussed over him, asking if he had taken his medicine and using a thermometer to check his temperature. She poured him some warm water and was also thinking about making ice to lower his blood pressure. In short, she was busy running around taking care of him.

She was like a sweet cream puff, already deeply ingrained in his taste buds. That taste, once tasted, would be unforgettable for life!

He wanted her back, she was his little mom, and she had to take care of him!

But to match his gloomy facade was his awkward personality, making it harder for him to ask her to come back than to kill him. Now that he was sick and needed someone to take care of him, what a wonderful excuse!

Ru Chengyang let out a silly smile and giggled. With that look on his face, his complexion was flushed, his eyes clear, he looked just like a clean boy of seventeen or eighteen, very attractive.

However, he rarely smiled. To those who knew him well, seeing him smile so suddenly was really strange. The young boy sat on the soft rug, curiously watching him with wide eyes.

Ruan Chengyang's smile vanished, and he glared angrily, "What are you looking at, little brat!"

He was putting on a fierce act, practically baring his fangs and claws, but he wasn't a tiger after all. He was just a little sick cat, no matter how you looked at him.

The little guy immediately put down the toy in his hand, pulled his face, stuck out his tongue, and made a funny face at him.

Ruan Chengyang refused to be outdone and gave him a strange, eerie grimace back. Little brat, Humph, relying on his young age to follow her! Humph, he should stay here and suffer with him!

He couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

So, the two little kids started to fight and play all sorts of silly faces. This caused Lin Meng, who was peeking out from the kitchen, to burst into laughter. The two children blushed and finally stopped their childish behavior.

However, Ruan Chengyang still had something to say. He watched as the little one played with his toys and pointed here and there. The little one pouted and refused to follow his instructions. So, Ruan Chengyang came over and tried to take the toy. Originally, he would have won, after all, a young person's physique is several levels above that of a child. But now that he was sick, he barely managed to tie with the little one. The little one didn't give in either, or perhaps had a bit of cunning. He didn't dodge and instead huddled beside Ruan Chengyang, challenging him, finding amusement in making him shout and yell.

Unknowingly, during the process of Lin Meng cooking a bowl of congee with preserved eggs and lean meat, a faint friendship quietly sprouted between the two.

Having finished the porridge with a satisfied sigh, Ruan Chengyang was helped by Lin Meng to his room and laid down on the bed like a young master. He fell asleep unconsciously. When he woke up, he found Lin Meng lying beside his bed, squinting her eyes as if she was already asleep. [..tw super many good-looking novels] The dark circles under her eyes were clearly visible without any concealment. Ruan Chengyang frowned slightly when he saw them.

"Hush..." Just as he reached out, possessed as if by a demon, to touch Lin Meng's eyes, a childish voice rang out, followed by a small face that suddenly grew large.

"Mommy is tired, San Gege. Could you let Mommy take a nap"

The little boy held a just-wrung towel and awkwardly wiped the sweat from Ruan Chengyang's face.

Ruan Chengyang narrowed his eyes. No wonder, just now he vaguely seemed to hear some water sounds, it turned out to be made by the little guy.

"How long has your mommy been asleep!" he asked in a low voice.

The little guy looked up and glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. He tilted his head, thought for a moment, and then squinted his eyes, as if he was calculating something.

"Forget it!" Ruan Chengyang didn't expect a four-year-old to understand the calculation of time. But who knew, the little guy lowered his voice and told him very clearly: "One hour twenty-three minutes!"

He was slightly surprised, this kid's IQ isn't low at all! It's 1:09 AM right now. Looking back, this math problem would take even an adult some time to calculate down to the minute!

Ruan Chengyang glanced at the little boy again. The little boy was oblivious, with his big black eyes, he carefully wiped Ruan Chengyang's sweat.

Ruan Chengyang was stunned for a moment. For the first time, he felt that this little kid in front of him was both unfamiliar and familiar, somewhat like his mother. He hadn't been kind to this child, often teasing and playing pranks on him. But now, it was him taking care of the child.

"No, thank you!" he mumbled, turning his head slightly to avoid the little hand reaching for him.

The little guy had surprisingly good patience. He was being soothed in a babyish voice, like a little adult.

"No, no! Wipe more sweat, so you can cool down faster. Cooling down faster means recovering quicker. Being sick is really uncomfortable, Third Brother, I hope you get well soon!"

He frowned and muttered in his heart: Why get well soon! It's only because he's sick that his mommy can take care of him like this! He doesn't want to get well at all!

He thought childishly like that!

"Go to sleep!" he immediately hushed him away. He didn't want this little brat hanging around him, what a nuisance!

“No.” The little boy giggled, his big eyes blinking rapidly. A glimmer of bewitching power suddenly appeared in his dark, deep pupils. “I want to take turns taking care of you with Mommy. I finally persuaded Mommy to let her sleep. I'll take care of you for a while longer so Mommy can sleep more. Then when Mommy wakes up, I'll go back to sleep! I am Mommy's good helper, Third Brother, don't worry, I will take care of you just like Mommy does!”

The little boy had a pure smile on his face. He picked up the towel and washed it in the basin of water beside him. After awkwardly wringing it out, he naturally wiped the sweat off Ruan Chengyang's forehead!

Ruan Chengyang looked at the immature face and his heart suddenly ached. To think, this little kid had taken care of him for an hour and twenty-three minutes! Even his own mother hadn't been this meticulous. This little rascal had even surpassed his own mother!

Hurtfully teasing him, Ruan Chengyang could no longer speak. He thought of Lin Meng running outside all day, not even having time to eat, rushing back to the hotel after returning, packing her bags with the little one and taking a plane back. Then she had been taking care of him ever since. His heart was both sweet, sour, and moved! They weren't his real family, but he felt they were closer than his own family!

Stunned, Ruan Chengyang's mind flashed countless scenes, some involving Lin Meng and Xiao Youyou, others about his original family. The comparison only deepened his sigh of wistfulness.

"Third brother, the ice in the ice pack is almost melted. I'm going to get some more ice."

The little boy spoke, climbed down from the bed, and walked downstairs with short legs. Ice cubes are only in the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Ruan Chengyang watched the little figure disappear slowly into the darkness after pushing open the door, his heart tightened involuntarily with worry.

This is really some spooky feeling!

He shook his head, trying to shake off the feeling, but he couldn't help but fall into reminiscence: What was he like at this age! He couldn't remember the specifics, but he knew that when he was a child, he was afraid of the dark. He always felt that some frightening ghosts would emerge from the darkness. He often found himself curled up in bed alone on dark nights, his small frame huddled into a ball, foolishly thinking that if he covered himself with blankets, he would be safe. He never dared to walk alone at night.

Most kids are afraid of the dark and ghosts, aren't they But not this little one!

"Of course I'm scared!" The little boy came back with a plastic bag of ice, which Lin Meng had prepared beforehand and put in the refrigerator. Upon being asked by Ruan Chengyang, the little boy readily replied.

Ruan Chengyang was touched by this. Thinking that although this kid was annoying, he actually endured the fear of the dark and went downstairs to get him ice!

The little one unfolded the towel from atop Ruan Chengyang's head, taking out the ice pack that had mostly turned into water. They then placed a new ice pack on top and rewrapped it with the towel. Their small mouth moved in and out as they whispered softly by Ruan Chengyang's face, continuing to speak...

"Mommy said that only if you do something very bad will a ghost come to you. You-You didn't do anything bad, so a ghost won't come for me, hee hee, so You-You is not afraid!"

Lin Meng was a semi-materialist who did not entirely deny the existence of ghosts and gods. It would be better to teach children this way instead of using rigid professional jargon to impart "atheism." Moreover, because there is reverence in one's heart, one will conduct oneself properly and avoid irreversible paths of destruction. In ancient times, when legal systems were imperfect, the belief in ghosts and gods served as a tool to prevent evil-doers and maintain social stability! Lin Meng sometimes wondered if it was precisely because this country had thoroughly denied the existence of ghosts and gods that people became so wicked and vicious, committing all sorts of illegal acts and treating human life as insignificant. They wouldn't think about "there are gods watching you from above" or "karma," or "doing good deeds accumulate virtue." All they wanted was to maximize their own interests and live well for themselves, unconcerned with the lives of others.

For now, that's all she can do. When the child grows up, gets educated, or is exposed to other things, their views may change. Then it won't be something she needs to worry about. A grown-up will have their own mature worldview.

As soon as Xiaoyou said this, Ruan Chuyang felt a twinge of jealousy. When he was little and terrified of ghosts, no one had ever spoken to him like this. Otherwise, why would he have been so scared as a child Why would he have chosen medicine and the company of corpses to overcome his fear This was overthinking, becoming numb, and therefore fearless!

No matter how he put it, Ruan Chengyang's perception of the little boy had changed. Watching the little boy scrub the towel behind his back, he also felt a warmth in his heart. When the little boy brought the towel over and pretended to wipe him, he reached out and grabbed it, rubbing it haphazardly on his own face.

"Hey, you should sleep too. I'm awake and can take care of myself!" No more calling me a little kid!

Xiao Youyou thought for a moment, nodded, but didn't sleep. She lay beside Ruan Chenyang, trying very hard to keep her eyes open and look at him. The little one clearly looked like she was about to fall asleep, yet she was putting in so much effort, which made Ruan Chenyang feel a bit heartbroken.

"Go to sleep quickly!" He reached out and pressed the little guy's head down.

The little fellow grunted, but still said in a "naughty" tone: "Third brother, let's chat!"

If you talk, it's harder to fall asleep!

Ruan Chengyang was speechless and couldn't figure out where the child inherited such stubbornness from!

"Alright, alright..." he conceded, agreeing to the little guy's proposition. Most of what they did wasn't really chatting; it was more like Ruan Chengyang speaking in a low voice, talking about his childhood, his old friends, and all the mischievous things they used to do...

The little one answered incoherently.


Ruan Chengyang felt as if he had been talking for ages, but the little boy didn't say a word for half a day. He lowered his head to look carefully, but saw that the little boy had already fallen asleep there.

"Dumb kid!" Ruan Chengyang cursed lowly, his face twisting slightly. He had shared his childhood experiences with him, and he dared to fall asleep! This was a treatment that even his older brothers hadn't received!

This brat!

How blind can you be!

Although he thought so, Ruan Chengyang gently crawled out from under the covers, intending to carry the little one back into bed. The movement of pulling the blanket woke Lin Meng, and she blinked several times before suddenly sitting up alertly.

"Oh, I'll go!"

Lin Meng immediately stood up, went around to the other side of the bed, took the little one, and walked upstairs.

Ruan Chengyang looked, his heart feeling a little lost because the night was probably ending. But unexpectedly, Lin Meng soon came down again.

“You… you’re not going to keep her company!” Ruan Chengyang's ears turned a faint red, he looked at Lin Meng, his eyes flicking away slightly, but also occasionally glancing back at her, like a child who clearly wanted to, but was pretending otherwise!

"No, I'm staying here with you!"

Lin Meng sat back down at the bedside and said softly, "Go to sleep. Get some rest, a cold is easier to get better with!"

But he secretly hoped that this cold could last forever!

He lay down, and she began to take over Xiao Youyou's previous work. He wanted to say that it wasn't necessary, but his heart was filled with reluctance.

That's what a mother would do for her own child, isn't it

Let him savor it a little longer!

Night, deep… deeper…

In the silence, even the ticking of the second hand on a clock could be heard!

He was looking at her serene profile, his heart racing a thousand times over. Finally, when she turned back and smiled softly at him, the words burst out of him.

"Stepmom..." A soft whisper, it came out so naturally. Actually -- it wasn't as difficult as he thought!

She was truly taken aback, her beautiful eyes widening comically for a moment. There was a unique kind of cuteness to it. Then, a blush spread like a virus, rapidly covering her entire face, causing her to bloom with visible speed.

He was nearly holding his breath, watching her, watching her long, curled eyelashes that could hold a matchstick, fluttering like butterfly wings. They fluttered several times before finally, he heard a response.

"Hmm." Just one word, so light and shy, like a gentle whisper, yet it almost made him swoon!

The stepmother was truly beautiful. He let out a sigh of relief, but didn't forget to compliment her. Then, he added a dismissive remark --

Such a person, yet she married such an old geezer, it's truly like putting a flower in cow dung!

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Over twenty days, Jiang Chengfeng was able to piece together everything about Lin Meng. He had tried to investigate her before, but with no success. His eventual rise to become an international criminal police officer couldn't be entirely divorced from Lin Meng. Now he realized this woman was intelligent; she had truly been determined to evade Rong Ling. Before leaving the country, she had adopted an English name and altered her photo in American personnel files, intentionally distorting it to make her appear less attractive. Of course, she looked much different. Otherwise, with her beauty, she would have undoubtedly stood out in a country of blondes and blue eyes. Abroad, she mostly kept to herself, spending the first two years raising and nursing her child at home while receiving online education. It wasn't until the next two years that she started participating in school activities, always in a hurry!

It'll be really hard to find her if we do things this way!

Lin Meng would marry Ruan Cangsheng, an old man on his deathbed. Jiang Chufeng, a seasoned criminal analyst, immediately guessed that this was another way for Lin Meng to hide. He didn't know the specifics of their relationship, but he knew the woman was deeply devoted. If she truly loved Ruan Cangsheng, she would surely stay by his side during his final years, instead of returning home alone. Moreover, her full support for Ruan Chengyi and others indicated that she seemed to be repaying them in a unique way.

He is still an enigma, but one thing is certain, he will help her. And it can also be certain that Rong Ling is still on the move. With Xiao Youyou being Rong Ling's son as a premise, the entanglement between Rong Ling and Lin Meng is impossible to truly sever!

No, we can't let Lin Meng and Rong Ling get too close! Especially, the two of them can't be together! This will make it hard for me to take action later!

Jiang Cheng rode the wind and found Lin Meng on the afternoon of the second day.

"You're expanding the company's business and didn't even tell me! Don't you think of me as an insider anymore!"

Ever since their hospital encounter, Jiang Chengfeng came to look for Lin Meng several times. That time Rong Ling became jealous and took Lin Meng away, but left the medicine prescribed by the hospital in Jiang Chengfeng's car. Taking advantage of delivering the medicine, Jiang Chengfeng learned about Lin Meng's address and naturally introduced himself to the Ruan family as Lin Meng's friend.

After all, Jiang Chengfeng looked more righteous, and he was a policeman besides. Moreover, his position was high. Ruan Chengyi and the others treated Jiang Chengfeng much warmer than they treated Rong Ling.

Lin Meng heard Jiang Chengfeng say this and felt a little embarrassed.

"You're not running a company, so what's the point of talking to you!"

Jiang Cheng smiled wryly, his voice low. "How do you know it's useless"

Lin Meng blushed from being teased and became even more embarrassed.

Jiang Cheng reached out and patted Lin Meng's head naturally. "Alright, I won't make things difficult for you!"

Lin let out a sigh of relief. To be honest, she respected him deeply, a respect that stemmed from her relationship with Jiang Po Lang and had remained unchanged for the past four years. She also cared about him because he was Ah Lang's brother, someone who had genuinely cared for her and helped her in the past.

"I have a job here that I think you should be able to take on!"

Jiang, who has trained to be a sharp-eyed policeman riding the wind, noticed the attitude of the Ruan family towards her during his first visit. Therefore, he will help her stand firm in the Ruan family!

At first, Lin Meng felt a little embarrassed, thinking she shouldn't trouble Jiang Chengfeng again. But when she met his warm and sincere eyes, her embarrassment disappeared. This person truly treated her like family! Why should she be so reserved with him He was A-Lang's brother, and she was the one carrying on A-Lang's life!

"Brother Jiang, you go ahead and say it. I'm all ears. If it's really suitable, I definitely have to thank you profusely!"

Her face had a touch of playfulness.

This bluntness is exactly what Jiang Chengfeng needs! After he briefly explained the situation, Lin Meng became increasingly touched as she listened. This was a huge favor, an incredibly big one!

"Brother Jiang, you..." She didn't know what to say!

Both of them are so sincere and caring towards her, she feels overwhelmed and doesn't know how to repay them!

"Look at you, so excited!" Jiang Chengfeng reached out and gently touched the corner of her eye where a few teardrops of touched emotion were welling up. "This matter, for me, is just a small effort. I would have given it to someone else anyway. I thought, this can't be given away cheaply to outsiders, so I took it over. Hehe... don't be polite with me, or else, I'll be heartbroken!"

Lin Meng sniffed, took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and broke into a wide grin.

"Well, I won't be polite then. Big Brother Jiang, I'll take this job. I'll treat you to a big meal, a real feast!"

This statement is so cute, it melts my heart.

Jiang Cheng, looking at such a dreamy Lin Meng, felt his heart melt. He softly replied with a "yes"!

He -- couldn't show his coldness toward others in front of her!

They chatted about other things for a while, and just before leaving, he took out a newspaper from his pocket and handed it to Lin Meng. Lin Meng was puzzled, she took it over and hadn't even had time to look at it when Jiang Chengfeng grabbed her hand through the newspaper.


"Hmm" She looked up from the newspaper.

"I still say the same thing, stay away from Rong Ling. You two are from different worlds and can't be together! Besides—"

He paused, his handsome eyes narrowing slightly, a flash of ruthlessness passing through them. "He's too dangerous, he could endanger you... and your children!"

She trembled, her lips slightly parted, and stood there stunned.

He pinched her soft hand again, the harshness receding, replaced by a warmth like spring sunshine. His voice, like a gentle stream, flowed softly and solely towards her.

"Mengmeng, if anything happens, just give me a call. We're not strangers. Also, I'll protect you, just like what happened four years ago, it will absolutely never happen again!"

"Brother Jiang…" Lin Meng murmured, her eyes shimmering with reflected light, a full and captivating image of him within them.

He smiled, picked up the police cap, tapped it lightly with his hand, and put it on his head. In that uniform, he looked truly imposing, making him appear tall and strong, standing like a tree.

This is trustworthy!

It's reliable!

It's okay to ask for help!

A fleeting thought crossed her mind.

And after he left, she opened the newspaper, curious about what was written on it that had made him give it to her so seriously. The moment her eyes fell on a photo of a man and woman embracing intimately, she covered her mouth with her hand.

Bitterly cold, it swept across her heart like a thousand armies!

That's why Brother Jiang warned her that she and Rong Ling were impossible!always been all talk and no action, blindly following the trend, but they wanted to bring down Rong Ling with this That was impossible. Because the benefit of power is that you can completely shut the...