for Xiao Yi's reply and directly got into the car. Because he could be sure that in the short term, he would definitely be able to successfully threaten Xiao Yi and prevent him from moving. His fight...Lin Meng also saw the familiar car parked in the snow, but she didn't want to go out. She wasn't his toy to summon and dismiss at will. She had a temper too.

"I'm asleep. I don't want to go out." She coldly refused.

He slammed his long finger on the steering wheel and looked at Lin Meng's eyes, becoming somewhat fierce.

"Isn't this already awake!"

I'm tired, I don't want to move, and Youyou is asleep too!

"You can hold him down, he'll keep sleeping!"

"It's too late, it's snowing outside. Let's talk about anything tomorrow!"

Her coldness shattered his last shred of tenderness.

"Lin Meng, I give you fifteen minutes. If you're not down in fifteen minutes, I'm leaving!" he roared, hanging up the phone with a cold stare.

Lin Meng listened to the silence on the other end of the phone and slowly put it down. She stood there, looking at the cars below, unable to understand why the man in the car was angry! Didn't he know she had a say Did he really think he was the emperor!

Pursing her lips, she narrowed her eyes, drew the curtains shut, and walked away.

Let him sleep, she continued to sleep!

She put down her phone, got into bed, closed her eyes, but she couldn't fall asleep.

Time, each second passing, all she could feel was the pounding of her own heart. Thump, thump, faster than any clock. She didn't know how many times it had beat before a sudden restlessness seized her. In the darkness, she opened her eyes and stared into the blackness.

Tonight is New Year's Eve!

I thought that cold and ruthless man would continue to maintain his seemingly vanished state. Unexpectedly, he still came. Although the man's tone was harsh, tonight is New Year's Eve!

After all, it's special!

She blinked, letting out a sigh she couldn't quite contain. The man's roar echoed in her ear, Fifteen minutes! Fifteen minutes!

She acted so cold, but goddamn it, she still remembered the time he hung up. That man was going to take her and Youyou somewhere, where! What did he want to do! To find them on this special day and say he wanted to take them away, did he know what that meant! Or, was this man just insane for a moment, couldn't find anyone else, and then came back to play with her!

I'm so frustrated! She ran her hand through her hair, feeling like screaming.

That man's final words, filled with rage and threats, truly gripped her heart!

"Damn it!" she muttered under her breath, reaching for her phone and glancing at the time. Eight minutes had already passed. Seven more minutes… seven more minutes…

Her heart pounded, and she inexplicably began to feel anxious. This feeling was somewhat like taking a test in the middle of an exam.

She stared at the screen, her eyes fixed on the time that jumped by one minute. Her eyelids twitched in sync. Six minutes left... Six minutes...

She muttered to herself, her heart becoming increasingly agitated. Finally, she couldn't bear it any longer. She got out of bed and tiptoed to the bedside, quietly pulling open the crack and peering down. In the snow, the car was still there. A light dusting of snowflakes fell gently, making one's heart feel as unsettled as the swirling snow.

What on earth is this man trying to do!

She lowered her head anxiously, glancing at her phone. There were only five minutes left… Oh no… Time jumped… There were only four minutes left…

Her hands began to tremble, so much so that even standing still, she could hear her own pounding heartbeat.

"Damn it!" she finally exclaimed.

She just can't win against that man! She just inexplicably worries about him! When will she truly become a cold and heartless person

Stamping her feet, she grabbed the coat hanging on one side and threw it on haphazardly. Then, she picked up the little guy's down jacket and put it directly on his small quilt. She scooped him up along with the quilt and the clothes, all in one go. Luckily, the little guy was covered with a small quilt, otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to carry him.

It's too late!

I don't have time to get dressed!

She rushed downstairs, clutching her little one tightly. The child had only just fallen asleep after midnight and was now sleeping soundly, none the wiser to their sudden burst of activity. She opened the door and scrambled out, gasping for breath, without even bothering to put on her boots; she remained in her cotton slippers. Only when she saw Rong Ling's car still parked outside did her heartbeat calm and her steps slow.

She was so angry with herself, feeling utterly defeated and pathetic. She had let this man walk all over her again, giving in to his every whim so easily. Now, seeing the car, she hesitated, her steps slowing down. She didn't know if she should approach it, because it probably felt like another ridiculous game that would only hurt her!

Rong Ling sat in the car, watching Lin Meng run out like that: wearing a coat on the outside, revealing two slender legs and a short piece of nightgown, even her feet were only wearing cotton slippers. It could be seen that she was in a hurry. The child in her arms hadn't even put on clothes, just wrapped in a blanket.

This woman must have hesitated, she must have gone through a psychological struggle, and in the last few minutes, she still rushed out hastily. But when she saw him, she hesitated again!

He -- hesitated too!

Snowflakes painted the world white and pure, falling on her, highlighting her porcelain skin. She walked closer slowly, embracing that nearly white mass, as clean as a snow sprite, so clean it made his heart skip a beat.

He suddenly felt a pang of panic!

Is this it Just like that, taking her away and then going to see his mother! How is he supposed to introduce her And what will he do with her after that! If they reach that point, then he has made a promise. No matter what happens, he needs to give her an identity. But can he Is he ready for this! Is she ready too!

Can this woman be so trusting!

She walked closer and closer, finally hesitating to a standstill just two meters from his car! He watched her through the glass, meeting her gaze. She should have been unable to see him, yet her eyes were fixed directly on him.

Those eyes, so dark, held an icy purity, like a deep black ice pool, bottomless. If one were to be caught in them by accident, they would sink deeper and deeper, unable to escape.

He jolted with a start, intimidated by the alluring power. His hand gripping the steering wheel tightened suddenly.

She took a step, just a small one, her left foot barely touching the ground, when he slammed on the gas and sped away like an arrow released from its bow.

---Rong Ling---

She widened her eyes and roared, the volume of which would surely have ripped through the heavens, yet she only opened her mouth, not a single sound escaping. The roar that threatened to tear apart, hummed and resonated, but it remained trapped within her heart.

She could no longer scream!

That car was driving very fast, and it quickly drove far away from her.

With tears transparent as the falling snow, she slowly slid them down her cheeks.is misery and helplessness.This is just a child, a child who craves his father! Even though Rong Ling is quiet most of the time, the pain in his heart is no less than anyone else's!"Brother…" Little H...