ally. "I'll just turn it off!""Look!" he commanded coldly. He pulled her into his arms, forcing her face towards the television. On the screen, the man was nearing climax, his powerful hips thrusting...Who could get his whereabouts first, or rather, who has been secretly watching him all along!

For example, he definitely encountered a lot of harassment like being secretly photographed. He had received specialized training, so his senses were sharp. Even the slightest click of a camera or someone's gaze lingering on him too much, he could feel it. That's why he immediately detected that he was being photographed.

Over the past two years, because of his methods, quite a few people who overstepped their bounds and tried to pry into his privacy or find something on him have been given a lesson. Most have learned their lesson and such incidents are now rare. However, recently, some bad signs seem to be emerging again.

For example, the interception on the highway that night before the Chinese New Year, to this day he has not been able to find the mastermind behind it.

For example, this time the inexplicable appearance of the child's incident, as well as the person who secretly takes pictures!

"Who sent you!" he demanded again.

That man hummed softly, being suppressed by Rong Ling with a special technique that was incredibly painful. He just had a stubborn mouth and endured it all, refusing to say anything.

A cruel thought crossed Rong Ling's mind. He punched the man again without mercy and stood up.

Since this person won't drink to a toast, he has to be punished. Why waste time with him!

"Qi Wu, I'm leaving it in your hands!"

He casually ordered one of his bodyguards.

Upon hearing this, the stranger immediately panicked. He gritted his teeth through the pain all over his body and started to make a fuss.

“I just took some pictures. Big deal, I can just delete them! What are you going to do about it!”

Rong Ling ignored the man and walked straight towards Lin Meng.

Qi Wu walked over, his strong arms lifted the man like a child and dragged him aside.

That person roared, their voice sharp and shrill, seeming somewhat deranged.

What are you doing, what are you doing! Come here, tie them up! I'm calling the police! Call the police!

Qi Wu reached out and took a roll of tape from his pocket, firmly sealing it over the man's mouth. He moved his lips coldly.

"What You don't know what you did! You have the guts to do it, but not the guts to take responsibility for the consequences!"

“Mmm… Mmm…” The man mumbled and groaned, his face flushed red from struggling too much. His eyes bulged out like those of a water buffalo!

On the hallway, there were other patients or families, or doctors, who looked at this scene with curiosity and a hint of fear. But—no one moved!

This is the very state of affairs in our country. As long as things don't happen to them personally, they consider even major events as trivial matters and remain detached observers, taking the spirit of "clearing snow before your own door" to the extreme.

Qi Wu wasn't a simple man, he also knew how to conceal his intentions. He smiled, looked around the room, and slightly raised his voice, saying...

"This person is taking pictures of my boss with their phone. Who knows what dirty things they might be up to I'm going to take them aside for a talk, and everyone else should just go home. Let's wrap this up!"

Reporter, and secretly filming this kind of profession, has always been hated by many people. Once these words were uttered, the indifference towards that stranger became even more severe. Thus, Qi Wu took the man away.

He won't speak, will he! He's putting on a brave face, isn't he! He won't tell the truth, will he! Well, he naturally has ways. I'll make him reveal everything about himself and his ancestors, clear as day!

On the other end, Rong Ling was about to approach Lin Meng when he stopped and called over Dayang, whispering a few instructions in his ear. Dayang nodded several times, indicating that he understood, then walked away.

When Rong Ling finally came to Lin Meng's face, he reached out and tried to hug the little guy. The little guy pouted and swatted his arm in resistance, letting out a "humph" before turning his head away.

"Even you would sentence me to death just like your mother!"

Rong Ling's tone was filled with displeasure, low and heavy like a layer of dark clouds. The little fellow hung his head and clenched his fists tightly.

"Don't take it out on YouYou!" Lin Meng accused. "If you have something to say, come at me!"

Rong Ling stared at her, but with a long arm stretched out, he was quite rude yet determined, and wouldn't allow her to resist, directly scooping the little one back into his arms.

The little guy protested, twisting his small frame, but was subdued by a slap on the head from Rong Ling!

"Do you still want your godfather and your mommy to be together!"

He only asked that one question, and the little boy immediately became obedient. However, he still grunted and puffed up his cheeks, showing everyone that he was unhappy.

Rong Ling doesn't care about the details, anyway, the big picture is the most important to him. If he takes care of the big things, the small ones will naturally fall into place.

"This isn't a place to talk, come with me!"

"No!" she refused, her expression still somewhat cold, as if his concern just moments ago had been merely an illusion!

"You have to come with me!" He gripped her hand tightly with his large palm, almost squeezing the bones in it. She bit her lip slightly from the pain, but stubbornly didn't cry out.

Even a death row inmate gets to speak before they die. Mengmeng, don't be so willful, and please don't kill me like this. Let's talk it out, it'll be good for both of us!

Lin Meng lowered her head.

He continued to grip tightly with his hand.

She bit her lip, hesitant and uncertain in the throes of pain. And he, stood silently beside her, waiting.

She finally released her teeth and let out a soft sigh.

"You're squeezing my hand!" she mumbled.

He immediately softened his grip, but still held her small hand, starting to walk outside. And she, silently followed, just as he had anticipated.

He got in the car, handed his little boy to Miaoqing, closed the car door, and then there were only he and she left in the car.

"I told you, I didn't touch her, so that child, isn't mine!"

But, the medical report seems to be more convincing than what you're saying!

Lin Meng's expression was very calm, but the slightly sharp retort still revealed some of her resentment!

"Besides, she said she's been following you for three years. Rong Ling, do you have anything to say in response!"

Rong Ling choked slightly, pinched her eyebrows impatiently after a moment, took a deep breath, and said coldly.

"Okay, then I'll tell you the truth. I didn't lie to you. That woman, since you came back, I really haven't touched her, so that child in her belly, I absolutely won't admit to. She was with me for three years, but that's all in the past, from now on, we have nothing to do with each other. The day I invited her out to dinner, it was about this!"

Lin Meng immediately lowered her head, a sharp pang of pain flashing through her heart!

Three years, not three days, not three months, but three whole years!

"Rong Ling, you're still so cold-hearted!" She said and cut him off. So, is that woman's today, her tomorrow! Because she seems even worse than that woman! She follows him, but has always been nameless and faceless!

"I was cold to her, wasn't I!"

Rong Ling immediately sank his face, his voice cold and unpleasant.

"Do you still hope I'll be concerned about that woman!"

She bit her lip!

He immediately sneered. "Woman, you always say one thing and mean another, always getting hung up on ridiculous details. Normally, I should be happy that I've completely cut ties with her. You should be happy for me! Why are you sighing like this! Mengmeng, don't be too demanding of me! For three years, you disappeared without a trace, ran off and who knows if you would ever come back. I took care of another woman, do you think that's unfair to you! Then look at yourself these past few years, what have you done! At least, I didn't give my marriage to another woman, but you, you got married!"

Lin Meng's face immediately turned pale.

Rong Ling let out another cold snort. "That woman, once gone is gone, I have no need to appease you with these things. If you can't let go because of this, then it can only be your fault. Which woman, when in love with a man, would become enraged because of the man's past relationships! Dwelling on the past is foolish and unreasonable!"

"So, it seems I've made a mistake after all!" she said with a cold smirk.

He immediately pressed his lips to hers, then pushed her down.

"Don't smile like that!" He smoothed the smile from her lips and leaned down, taking a bite. "I'm not blaming you, I just want you to let go of all this. The most important thing is that I am with you now, and since you came back, I haven't been with any other women. Mengmeng—"

He tightened his grip on her delicate face slightly, staring deeply into her eyes and speaking in a low voice. "I have been worthy of you! You must understand, I have been worthy of you!"

Lin Meng turned her face, narrow eyes filled with a scattering of sorrow.

That woman is three months pregnant...

He froze instantly.

"How can I trust you!"

She still didn't look at him, but a bitter and desolate smile played on her lips!

He paused for a moment, instantly understanding that before he could unravel the truth behind this situation, anything he said to this woman would be largely pointless.

I'll give you an explanation!

He let her go and sat down.

“I assure you, since you came back, I haven’t touched another woman. I’m saying this for the last time, believe it or not! I don’t even understand how that woman ended up with my child, but when I figure it out, I’ll tell you! But Mengmeng—“

He paused, his handsome features tightening, as if frozen by a chill of ice.

"You have to trust me! Four years ago, I was plotting everything for you. You acted on your own and ran away, preferring to give your trust to a strange old man and marry him instead of me. Now, are you going to run away again!"

After he finished speaking, he pushed open the black car door and walked out.

Lin Meng sat in the car, watching as only that tall figure walked further and further away. Gradually, in her tear-blurred vision, it disappeared!

She doesn't not believe him!

But the report was right there, how could she believe it!

That woman stayed with him for three years. Three years! They definitely slept together. She thought about it and couldn't stand it!


She's insanely jealous!

I even wanted to turn around and slap that woman a few more times!

What he said, she wasn't unaware of. But how many women, consumed by jealousy, could be rational!

Jealousy makes her ugly!

She understood, but she couldn't escape the layers upon layers of jealousy!


Because I care too much!

When Rong Ling got out of the car, he also had some regrets in his heart. Maybe he shouldn't have spoken so harshly, maybe he should have been more gentle and tried to coax her. But as soon as he thought of the man who was secretly taking pictures, his heart was filled with restlessness!

If Rorin dreams are his legitimate woman, then what does he fear about being photographed!

If Ro-Lin didn't wear his wife's hat, then what would he have to fear about being photographed!

He is Rong Ling, what does he have to fear! Over the years, people who have slandered him, mocked him, plotted against him, fawned over him on the surface, but stabbed him in the back behind his back, how many fewer could there be!

He only thought about how he should be concerned with Lin Meng's reputation, so he was tied up in everything he did. So even if he took her home for the night, he had to resort to tricks to keep that woman there. Just thinking about these things made him feel stifled!

As long as she is still Mrs. Ruan, there will always be a thorn in his heart!

Those cold, hard words just now might have been too much for her. She might feel wronged by them. But---doesn't he feel wronged inside as well!

And that damn Zhu Yiyi! Where did she get the child from! Forget about the fact that he used to wear a condom when he was with her before, even now, he hasn't touched her in days, how could she possibly have a three-month-old baby!

Never mind!

A murderous intent flashed in his heart!

Anyway, no matter what method she used to bring the child into this world, the woman made him feel disgusted! He didn't want a woman who would give him ten or eight children, even if they were magically created. He would kill them all. He wasn't an old-fashioned man who softened at the sight of children and let them walk all over him!

In fact, beneath that thick disgust was a coldness of anger and disappointment. The girl who seemed so innocent on the surface, he had chosen her because he believed he had treated her with utmost kindness. Even though he wouldn't admit it at the time, because she bore some resemblance to Lin Meng, he still felt a tinge of love for her by association. He even hesitated to break up with her decisively, fearing that he would hurt her too much, so he specially invited her out for a meal.

Because of Lin Meng, he held a certain kindness towards those who seemed innocent and somewhat delicate. But now it seems, in this world, Lin Meng can only be the one and only such person. Even if their appearance and personality are similar, deep down, their souls are destined to make Lin Meng unique, irreplaceable, and uncopiable!

Then, this one-of-a-kind piece, he will cherish it!

Just let her cool down. Things are chaotic on his end right now. Separating from her for a few days will prevent her from getting involved and potentially harmed. He'll give Lin Meng a satisfactory explanation once he deals with Zhu Yiy, that child, and the matter of the filming.

That woman, no matter how much she resented him, annoyed him, or hated him, in the end, she was still bound to him!s voice, a hushed murmur, continued as if speaking to himself."At that time, although things were difficult, it wasn't a complete disaster. If you had trusted me, and we had weathered that storm, ever...