swore, there would come a day when he would change this situation.She listened, finally unable to hold it in any longer, and broke down crying. That man was gone, who was she putting on a show for!Xia...Chapter Title: 254

Six people, including Lin Meng, Miao Qing, and阮承輝, as well as three employees from the Guangda company, returned to their hotel. Contacting the headquarters was the most urgent matter at hand. When Ruan Chengyi heard this, his mood also became heavy. They had been presented with a long-awaited big cheese, they had already taken a bite, but now suddenly someone reached out and snatched it away! This taste was simply unbearable! To have them just give up and make way for the government, how could they bear it!

Now, with Secretary Li threatening them, they have no choice but to let go. But what price would be acceptable Anyone who isn't foolish knows the value represented by those massive stocks could easily evaporate if, in the end, SenGong has the government backing them up and starts playing dirty, turning all their careful planning into a wasted effort!

That's tough!

Not to mention, from an emotional standpoint, everyone has blood in their veins. People like Ruan Chenghui and Ruan Chengyi are even more proud. To have them suppressed like this is a slap in the face!

If this were legitimate market competition, it would be fine, but look at what's going on now...

How can this be so frustrating!

After some deliberation, Ruan Chengyi stated that he needed time to think things over and instructed them to confer with each other. With that, the online meeting came to an end.

Lin Meng bit her pen and sat on the bed, feeling quite frustrated. The more she thought about it, the more her mind raced. So, she threw down the pen and paper, deciding to put it aside for now and relax a bit before her head hurt even worse!

Over there, the television was turned on and started broadcasting entertainment news. Lin Meng watched for a while, and suddenly a piece of news shocked her so much that she widened her eyes in disbelief. On the TV, a beautiful female news anchor, in a crisp voice, said:

Yatong Group's influential figure, current CEO Rong Ling, has once again been embroiled in a murder scandal following the previous paternity controversy involving his illegitimate son. It seems our esteemed CEO has been experiencing a string of bad luck lately...

Further reports, with details bordering on tedious, covered the so-called "murder." The reports claimed that according to eyewitnesses present at the scene, a man named Xu Yong, who was apparently filming a report about Rong Ling and Lin Meng using his phone, was taken away by Rong Ling's subordinates as revenge. He then disappeared without a trace. This morning, his body was found in an alleyway. An autopsy revealed that Xu Yong had been stabbed to death. The police found no signs of robbery at the scene, so they initially ruled out robbery as a motive. Subsequently, the police launched a thorough investigation, leading them to suspect Rong Ling. They also suspected that Rong Ling might have tortured Xu Yong's body during the time he disappeared out of revenge...

By the time this report was finished, Lin Meng's face had turned as pale as a sheet. She naturally wasn't unfamiliar with Xu Yong on the screen; she had personally seen him being taken away by Rong Ling's men that day. But now, this man was dead!


Lin Meng jumped up in fright, rushing to the bedside and frantically grabbing her phone. Her hands trembled as she dialed a number, unsure if it was fear or worry that caused the shaking, or perhaps both!

That man, though he rarely resorted to violence in front of her, she didn't doubt his brutality one bit. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so afraid of him at first!

As soon as she answered the phone, her voice was almost choked with sobs.

"Róng Líng…" She called out softly, her lips trembling. "Are you alright!!! I just saw the news, it said… it said that about you… You… Are you okay!" she asked anxiously.

There was no answer for a moment.

Her eyes immediately welled up, and she cried out urgently, "Why aren't you talking I was so worried! Waaaah..."

She finally burst into tears, overcome with emotion. “Speak quickly! Why aren’t you speaking!”

"I'm fine!" it sighed.

She sniffed and couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth, revealing a hint of relief. "It's okay, it's okay," she said urgently. "You almost scared me to death! I told you so, how could you possibly kill someone Those news media are the worst, making up stories out of thin air and spreading rumors. It's too bad, too much... I knew that person wasn't killed by you, definitely not! You wouldn't be so petty. Just because a few photos were taken, you murdered someone This is simply ridiculous. Those reporters don't even think for themselves, and those police officers are just as bad, randomly suspecting people without any evidence. It's wrong, terrible..."

Her little mouth chattered non-stop, listing off each complaint. This overly eager attempt to deflect and justify actually revealed from the side the lack of confidence and panic in her heart, as well as the kind of release she felt after receiving his affirmation.

She chattered on for a long time before finally realizing her faux pas. Immediately, she felt a little embarrassed, so she became like someone who suddenly couldn't speak, only muttering repeatedly, "It's alright, it's alright..."

There, Rong Ling chuckled softly, his voice a low, husky whisper, laced with a hint of disbelief. "Where are you now!"

"In the house!" She gave him a very silly answer. (..tw)

He laughed again. "What are you doing!"

"Speaking to you!"

"One person!"

"Well. Ah!……No, and Miao Qing is also here, but she's not with me right now!"


"Huh!" She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. "It's alright!"

Lin Meng finally reacted, and began to ask him.

“So, where are you now!” That’s the right way to question and answer!

"In the car!"

“Oh, going home!”

"It's not..." He paused, then changed his tune. "Or maybe it is!"

"Be careful on your way! Oh, by the way, you're not driving yourself, are you" She raised her voice. It was dangerous to drive and talk on the phone at the same time.


“Oh.” she breathed, a little relieved. “Were they the police!”


What did they say!


Afterward, the two held their phones and chatted about the case. Rong Ling explained that it wasn't a big deal, after all, he hadn't committed murder. He was innocent and had nothing to fear. Besides, the police were only suspecting him, with no concrete evidence. They couldn't really arrest him.

"Oh, wait a minute!"

Lin Meng heard a knock on the door, so she jumped out of bed and started walking towards it. She wondered what Miao Qingjie was doing. Why did she go to the bathroom and not come out!

"Whom are you looking for"

Lin Meng asked through the door, her voice crisp and clear. Despite being away from home, she still maintained a sense of caution.

"Here I am!" Rong Ling's voice came from the phone.

Lin Meng chuckled lightly and retorted, "You're not asking me, what are you answering"

She asked the people outside again, "Who are you Who are you looking for!"

It's still Rongling snatching the answer from her phone. “It’s me, I found you!”

"Rong Ling!" Lin Meng warned in a low voice, hinting for him to stop causing trouble.

"It's me, open the door!"

It's still that magnetic voice, like grains of sand rolling!

Lin Meng was stunned!

I can't believe it!

“You… you… you…”

She was speechless! If she couldn't hear the depth of his words anymore, she'd be a fool. But... but how could he... How could he possibly be here! How did he just magically appear at her doorstep!

A faint chuckle came from him, laced with amusement. "Open the door!"

She blushed suddenly, and opened the door. She widened her eyes to look, and after truly confirming that the person standing outside was that sharp-edged, irreplaceable Rong Ling, she excitedly sniffed, blinked back the sourness in her eyes, flung open her arms, and plunged into his embrace, holding him tightly!

The lighthearted and relaxed tone she had on the phone just now was half intentional. Being watched by the police wasn't a pleasant experience for anyone, no matter who they were. She thought about him, such a favored son, being suspected of being a criminal, he must be very uncomfortable inside. So, she could only try her best to comfort him, lead him to talk, give him confidence, encourage him, so that he could worry less. But how could she not worry at all in her heart! He said he was on the road and was going home, wouldn't he encounter the police Wouldn't he be called to the police station in the middle of the night Wouldn't he attract a group of paparazzi chasing him...

All in all, there were so many things to worry about! But she couldn't ask about any of them, and she didn't even dare to bring them up.

Now, he truly stood before her, clean and whole, seemingly untouched by hardship. Only then could she finally let go of her worry.

Thousands of "I'm worried about you" went unsaid. All she could do was hold him tightly, again and again, to express her concern.

Rong Ling gently rubbed her temples, tenderly muttering to himself, "Silly woman," before patting her shoulder.

"Go inside first!"

This is right at the entrance, with people coming and going all the time. It's easy to attract attention here, and it could also lead to unnecessary trouble.

Lin Meng, as if burned, immediately pulled her hand back. Just as she was about to reach the doorway and hug him, she felt her eagerness was almost embarrassing.

Come in!

She blushed, stepped back, and turned sideways to make way for him. But she hadn't expected that as soon as he moved, another figure appeared behind him!

He actually came with people!

Lin Meng's heart skipped a beat, she blushed even deeper. She must have looked ridiculous in front of others just now. They definitely thought it was funny.

What a shame!

She smiled sheepishly at the person and ushered them inside, then shut the door. But the moment the person took off their outer coat, all her shyness vanished!

Under his coat, he was wearing a police uniform! That dazzling badge was almost blinding!

Didn't Rong Ling just say he was fine! But if he's fine, why is there a police officer still with him!

Her heart turned cold, she didn't ask, but walked to Rong Ling's side. As soon as he took off his coat, she quickly took it and at the same time, tightly grasped his big hand. That slightly sweaty little hand felt cold, deeply transmitting into Rong Ling's brain. He lowered his head, glanced at her, catching sight of the deep worry in her eyes, and the flustered panic she was trying to hide. A wave of intense heartache flashed through his heart.

"Zhao Xinmin, the same surname as me, is in charge of this. It's to cooperate with the police station's work, it's just a very ordinary case-handling procedure, don't worry."

She pursed her lips slightly, still unconvinced.

He changed his identity and immediately became the master of this room. After asking the policeman to sit down, he took Lin Meng's hand and sat down with him, continuing to explain: "Currently, I am the number one suspect in the police department. Before clearing my suspicion, I cannot leave City B easily. But you have some trouble here, I'm afraid you can't handle it, so I came over for a visit. That being said, the police station sent an officer to come with me. Don't think too much, there's nothing wrong, isn't that right, Zhao Ximin!"

“Yes!” The policeman named Zhao Xinmin let out a hearty laugh. He looked cheerful and approachable. “Don't worry, I was sent here by my superiors just to go through the motions. Once Rongzong returns to City B, I won't be acting as this little minion anymore!”

Lin Meng smiled, following Yang's lead. A shadow lifted from her heart, but it was replaced by a knot of tension. She found herself hesitant to speak freely with others present, especially when that someone was a police officer. Even Lin Meng suspected that some things remained unspoken between them.

Thinking that Rong Ling must have come by plane, he had mentioned being in the car before, so he must have gotten off the plane and rushed here all the way. After such a long journey, he probably didn't even have time to eat!

Aren't you all hungry yet! Haven't you eaten

She asked softly, also taking care to give Zhao Ximin a look. Zhao Ximin smiled without answering, Rong Ling humming in response.

"Then you wait here, I'll go get you two some dishes!"

She picked up the phone, and Miao Qing emerged from the bathroom shortly after. Meeting Rong Ling's gaze, she gave a slight smile.

Everything is in the unspoken.

If it weren't for Miao Qing's announcement, how would Rong Ling have known that Lin Meng was in trouble here!

If Miao Qing hadn't deliberately avoided it, how could Lin Meng personally open the surprise that Rong Ling had given her!followed suit, lifting one leg to execute the "Autumn Wind Sweeping Fallen Leaves" move. Rong Ling cleverly retreated his legs backward and then shifted to the right, dodging the attack. Unwilling to...