om head to toe.Jiang Chengan put her in the back seat. Lin Meng's eyes met the clean car mat, and she let out a soft gasp, immediately shifting her little butt to stand up. Jiang Chengan had already r...Chapter Name: 280

Wong Chi-kong was instantly enraged. He felt that Jiang Yan-cheng's tone was an insult, a slight to his intelligence! What he hated most was when others questioned him! With Jiang Yan-cheng saying this, Wong Chi-kong couldn't possibly say he hadn't considered it at all, so on this matter, he wasn't going to say anything more. (..tw)

Although it's best for us to keep our contact minimal, I still think it's important to communicate when necessary and clear things up. That way, we can avoid misunderstandings between each other!

“Sure!” Jiang Yichen responded faintly, hearing that on the other end, Rong Qikeng seemed to be somewhat angry and hung up the phone early. A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was obviously not comparable to Rong Ling in terms of being brothers. I really don't know what Rong Feiwu saw in this son and why he favored him so much! In the past, Rong Feiwu was also a powerful figure. Unexpectedly, his ability to judge people is really not good!

Well, what's the point anyway!

He actually hoped that Rong Fei Wu could directly push Rong Qi Keng to that position and force Rong Ling to abdicate, so it would be easier for him to make his move!


* Let me know if you'd like me to translate any other text for you!

"This is impossible!" Zhu Yiy exclaimed, resolutely refusing to believe this fact. Didn't they say they wouldn't let her testify How could they suddenly require her to appear in court!

"Brother, are you mistaken How is this possible!"

Rong Qi's eyes flashed a trace of disgust. Who was this woman's brother This woman was too shameless! Was a woman like her worthy of calling him "Big Brother"!

“We've done everything we could, but Rongling found some powerful allies. We have no choice but to accept this outcome. Don't worry, you just need to appear in court. Your security detail won't be reduced!”

Feng Qi cunningly pushed the blame onto Rong Ling, using the idea of letting these two women fight each other. After all, no matter what, Rong Ling had to bleed!

Zhuo Yiy's face lost its color!

Rourngling, it's Rourngling again! How could that man be so cruel She had been with him, and she was carrying his child in her womb. But she had forgotten how the child came to be, and she had forgotten that to Rourngling, she was nothing special. To provoke and scheme against that man was to invite death!

"Big brother, is Uncle not busy now I want to give Uncle a call!" Zhuo Yiy was so anxious that she could only place her last hope on Rong Fei Wu!

Yong Qi's face instantly turned cold, and he shouted angrily: "Don't you trust me!"

Zuo Yiyi's heart skipped a beat, and she was instantly stunned, her mind going blank for a moment. .tw[] She was wrong; she shouldn't have spoken like that. Someone like Rong Qikeng, a superior figure, would not tolerate being questioned about his abilities. She wouldn't normally be so clumsy and rash. After all, she had worked in a big company before. It was just that during this time, she had become too complacent and pampered, relying on her family connections and forgetting her own identity!

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it, I just..."

Zoe rushed to save the situation, but it was too late!

“Needless to say, my decision is also my father's decision. Zuo Yiy, you should know that since you became pregnant with our Rong family’s child, both I and my father have been wholeheartedly supporting you! You should be grateful that you are able to stay safe until now!”

Having said that, Rong Qi-keng quickly left, just like a hurricane.

"...and so on!"

The word was still in her mouth, and Rong Qingen had already left. Zhu Yiy stared at the wide-open door, and suddenly she felt a void in her heart, and inexplicably began to panic. She had a very bad feeling!

Call my big cousin!

Instinctively, she reached for her phone, but only after dialing the number and hearing the unanswered ring did it slowly dawn on her: nobody answered. Her cousin had already quit his job. She had wanted to use Rong Fei Wu's and the media's influence to get her cousin out of Rong Ling's grasp; thus, because her cousin was a government official, she thought this would force Rong Ling to release him! But Rong Ling had played a smarter game. Not only did he let her cousin go, but he also arranged for him to leave the country. That powerful man forged documents stating that her cousin was ill, and in the end, he even used the government's name to cover the costs of her cousin's free medical treatment abroad!

What an honor!

Those who don't know would be so envious!

But who could have known, Big Cousin was always in good health, where did such a serious illness come from! Going abroad for medical treatment, who could have predicted what he would go through!

Zoe stared blankly at the phone, its white light flickering. She listened to the clear female voice saying coldly, "Sorry, the user you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later..." Finally, she felt remorse; finally, tears welled up in her eyes!

But she was still unwilling to give up!

She has come this far, she will never take a step back!

"Lin Meng, I will never lose, absolutely not! I will give birth to a child, I will marry into the Rong family, I will make you lose all face, I will make you beg me on your knees, heh heh, just wait, just wait..."

Nervously mumbled words slowly filled the room.

Zoe appeared in court, but without Rong Fei Wu's protection, the situation was extremely unfavorable for her. Under Rong Ling's efforts, someone from the hospital finally came forward and presented a report showing that when Zoe was first brought to the hospital, all examinations showed she was normal. This report ruthlessly exposed the lie that Zoe told the media, claiming that Lin Meng and her child had caused her to almost have a miscarriage!

Furthermore, it's not that close relationships disqualify someone from testifying for the party involved. Previously, Miao Qing was denied testimony, but that depended solely on the judge's attitude. Now, the judge only needs to handle the case impartially, and everything will naturally proceed smoothly! In addition, the judge asked the parties involved to describe what happened that day. Lin Meng and others' testimonies were largely consistent, but Zhuo Yiyi, due to insufficient preparation, seemed to be hesitant in her words, making her appear evasive and causing people to frown. When Lin Meng confronted her directly, Zhuo Yiyi repeatedly failed to respond, appearing defeated. Seeing the unfavorable situation, Zhuo Yiyi immediately requested an early adjournment citing illness.

Because of her special physical condition, the judge had no choice but to allow it.

The moment Zhu Yiy appeared, she was bombarded by a flash of camera lights from the news media. The reporters' clamoring voices were like ducks quacking, piercing her ears. Although bodyguards surrounded her heavily, Zhu Yiy still felt impatient. She was both angry and annoyed at some reporters' sharp questions, almost losing control on the spot. Holding back, she put on a pre-prepared pair of sunglasses and planned to leave directly by car. However, as she descended the stairs, for some unknown reason, she suddenly tripped. Because the bodyguards were busy fighting with the surrounding reporters, no one could reach out to help her. Zhu Yiy stumbled, ending up sitting heavily on the high steps of the courthouse. In an instant, a warm sensation slid down her leg. When Zhu Yiy incredulously lowered her head to look, she saw red liquid slowly staining the cold white staircase!

Zoe's eyes widened. At that moment, she could only gape, forgetting to scream. The bustling clamor suddenly fell silent.

Then, with Zhu Yiy's earth-shattering shout, "Ah---" a burst of sound, those reporters seemed to be re-infused with souls, instinctively pressing the shutter button rapidly. In an instant, the flashbulbs flickered, even more intensely than before! That frenzied state was almost like bloodthirsty flies!

Zoe sobbed and screamed, this time truly from the heart. But unfortunately, in the eyes of the onlookers, she was just a captivating news story.

The bodyguards finally pushed through the throngs of reporters, carrying Zhuo Yiyi away in large strides and rushing to the hospital for emergency treatment. At the courthouse steps, Lin Meng, who came out a while after Zhuo Yiyi, quietly watched this scene, unable to help but let out a sigh. She would sympathize with Zhuo Yiyi at this moment, this was just a kind of goodness that was hard to erase from her personality, but she would absolutely not forgive Zhuo Yiyi for it!

The reporter, having lost their target Zoe, immediately excitedly turned their attention to Lin Meng.

"Lin Meng, how are you feeling now!"

"In court, you forced Zhu Yiy to have no words to return. Don't you feel particularly satisfied!"

What do you have to say about her recent fall from grace!

"Do you hope that child will be saved!"


The endless stream of questions made him feel disgusted. Lin Meng, with a stern face, simply stared coldly at each questioner until he drove them all away with his icy gaze!

"I think, when you choose a profession, you have to love that profession. But all of these preconditions are based on the fact that you must possess basic professional ethics! Remember, you are journalists, go back and think carefully about your true job, what it really should be!"

Among the reporters, the more astute ones subtly shifted in their expressions. The less perceptive ones, feeling as if they had been insulted, became sharper in their tone and accused him bluntly.

"Lin Meng, don't you think what you're doing is heartless and aggressive! Zhuo Yiyi is pregnant, yet you made her, with a baby bump, be forced to go to court, and ultimately accept your brutal attack. Isn't this too much Zhuo Yiyi bled because of this, and perhaps she might even lose the child. Don't you think you're being cruel! Or, is this just your way of doing things!"

Lin Meng raised her eyes, a flash of fierceness crossing her gaze!

What's your name!

That reporter was stunned!

"Which newspaper!"

That reporter was still a little stunned. On the other hand, another reporter next to him gave his newspaper's name!

“Okay, comrade, you go back and wait for the subpoena from the court! I will sue you for your outrageous remarks just now! You can speculate, anyone can speculate, but after you become a media reporter, your arbitrary speculation becomes a crime! In front of so many reporters, you publicly and arrogantly slander me, sentencing me. This has caused me great harm. This, I cannot tolerate!”

That reporter's face turned sour, but he still stubbornly snorted. "If you really have that ability, don't just target me. There are other journalists who write about these things besides me. Don't pick on the weak!"

Lin Meng gave the person another cold glance, but then smiled faintly. "Don't worry, I will definitely report it and handle it properly! Not a penny more or less! I will definitely return what is owed."

This faint smile, as if he had it all figured out, was even more intimidating than his previous coldness. The reporter pondered for a moment, rubbed his nose, and finally realized something was off. He started to back away awkwardly, not intending to say another word.

Because at this moment, this scene is so eerily quiet!

Lin dreamed that the reporter before her would start with such a shocking slander, making her heart ache with anger. She really couldn't understand how that person's brain could come up with such words! If she didn't respond to such slander, then just wait, eventually major media outlets would definitely say she was harboring ill intentions and trying to harm someone!

She needs to explain now, no time to delay!

Zoe can gain sympathy from the media because she acts weak, pitiful, and vulnerable, like a weeping willow. The weak are always easily pitied by others, even if they are in the wrong, people will instinctively side with them and plead for them.

She wouldn't have wanted to appear weak in front of the media, to shed those cowardly tears. But if she didn't want to fall into a disadvantage again, if she didn't want her son's pain this time to be for nothing, then she had to show weakness, she had to resort to underhanded tactics when necessary!

“As for what happened to Zoe…”

Lin hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a soft voice tinged with a sigh. His words, as if spoken with a hint of longing, immediately captured the attention of the reporters.

“I express my regret, and I absolutely do not feel any joy. She is a pregnant woman, and I was once a pregnant woman too. Both she and I are women. How could I possibly wish to make things difficult for her! She slandered me first and ultimately brought this matter before all of you present. At the time, did I even try to argue!”

She looked up, her eyes filled with a hint of sadness, scanning the surroundings. Under such gaze, most of the reporters lowered their heads, almost afraid to meet her eyes! Because what Lin Meng said was all true!

“I know her situation is special now, so even if I am slandered, it’s fine. I really intend to let her off the hook. You guys speculate every day, and newspapers bombard me relentlessly. I can only endure it because I really don't want to make things difficult for a pregnant woman. But, I have my baby who I swear to protect with my life. She has touched my baby, as the mother of my son, I have to stand up!”

The reporters' eyes lit up, and they all stared at her with newfound intensity. Because their intuition told them that what Lin Meng was about to say next was what they needed, the kind that was groundbreaking and explosive!p in a voice that was unexpectedly low and seemed to belong to someone else!She let out a low "Oh" and froze for a moment, not knowing what to do!Squinting, she tried her best to recall the content sh...