iately became flustered!The man left and came back!What the heck is going on!Then, she felt the man tugging at her pants, pulling them down. The way he was doing it clearly indicated that he had no go...Rong Ling once again carefully looked over what Ruan Cangsheng had sent him, his face contorting with conflicting expressions as he did. His brows were furrowed, his eyes deep and thoughtful, yet the corner of his mouth was slowly curving upwards, the smile widening with every passing moment!

This man rarely has such a strange expression.

After spending dozens of times longer than he would on normal things, memorizing them deeply in his mind, he still had a smirk playing on his lips. He let out a long sigh and then hissed softly.

"Stupid woman, you're finally back! I thought someone would have taken you away!"

He set up a new folder on his computer and carefully put everything in it, then encrypted it and locked it! Then he suddenly felt an urge to call that woman. He didn't want to say anything, just listen to her voice.

He was rarely so impulsive, rarely so unrestrained.

He took out his phone, the incoming call immediately capturing his attention. He only then remembered that he had been ignoring calls all along. Though he put on a strong front in front of Ruan Cangsheng, he couldn't help but pour all his focus into their conversation, proving that he wasn't as cold and indifferent as Ruan Cangsheng imagined!

At least, when it comes to Mengmeng, he is mostly a normal person!

Oh, and that little guy who called him!

I called him directly, and when he answered, it was a joyful shout. “Uncle, you’re finally done with your work!”

He didn't answer three calls in a row, no wonder the little guy is so excited.

"Well, I'm done! What should I say to my godfather when I call him" He unconsciously softened his tone and wasn't as aloof anymore.

The little guy was a bit flustered because he hadn't finished a story yet, when the phone rang. He answered the call, but he didn't want Mommy to hear what he was talking about!

"Daddy, wait for Youyou a moment, please!"

The little guy ran out of the house with his phone in hand, thumping away. Turning back, Miao Qing shrugged helplessly and came in.

"I was driven out by that little rascal! Such a two-faced kid, he didn't even come to chase me away himself, but instead ran over to my side and kicked me out!"

Lin Meng listened, and laughed out loud.

Miaoqing also started to laugh!

This house would always be filled with joy if there was one more child!

The little guy had claimed a room for himself, quite satisfied. Looking back, hmm, the door was shut tight, good, good!

"Dad, are you busy!"

As expected of Lin Meng's child, even their first words are so considerate!

Rong Ling relaxed his body and leaned back in the chair. "What's the matter Speak!"

The little boy fidgeted and rubbed against the window, his ears turning even redder.

"Dad, do you... like Youyou"

Rong Ling raised an eyebrow, what kind of question was this kid asking! Didn't he see that he liked him! But thinking he was a child, he still helplessly put on a bit of a show and hung his liking on his lips.


"Hee hee..." the little guy immediately laughed. "Youyou also likes her godfather, she does, she really likes him!"

What a child!

Rong Ling smiled silently.

" Godfather --" the little guy called out to him softly.


"Yoyo...Yoyo..." The little guy blushed, strained for ten seconds or so, gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and shouted urgently: "Yoyo can call Daddy 'Daddy'!"

Ronger was amused instantly!

Doesn't this kid realize he's reminding him that he's his own son!

He suppressed a smile, deliberately lowering his voice a few degrees, and replied in a somewhat stiff manner. "Well, you can call me Daddy!"

The little guy was stunned because Rong Ling's reaction wasn't what he expected. That deep voice, without any fluctuation, was cold like a big monster in an animated film, not a bit happy!

The little boy's expectations were dashed in an instant. He stared wide-eyed, lost in thought, and two tears streamed down his face, hanging on his fair cheeks, making him look pitifully sad. If Lin Meng saw this, she would surely be heartbroken!

Rong Ling on that end was feeling mischievous, just waiting for the little guy's reaction. But the little guy didn't say a word, which left him somewhat puzzled. Then, after a few seconds, the sound of sobbing and crying suddenly rang into his ears.

He immediately clenched his phone, his face changing colors.

"Yoyo" The raised voice betrayed his anxiety.

Little Youyou was wiping her tears in a panic, crying out. "It's not like that, it's not like that! Daddy isn't happy at all, Mommy lied to me, boo boo, Mommy said that after Youyou called Daddy, Daddy would be very, very happy, boo boo, Mommy lied to me, boo boo, lied to me, lied to me..."

The little guy roared, his big black eyes filled with the childlike despair of hope crushed!

How could Rong Ling remain calm How could his heart not be racing!

“Yoyo, don’t cry, be good. Daddy was wrong, it was Daddy's fault. Daddy just wanted to scare you on purpose, it was a joke, don't cry. Daddy is so happy, your mommy said, Daddy is very, very happy. Then when I was happy, I wanted to play with you. Don’t cry, be good, don't cry. Daddy was wrong, next time Daddy will never play like this again, okay Don't cry, don't cry…”

This was the first time he had ever been so serious in coaxing a child, yet under these circumstances, Rong Ling felt as if he were digging his own grave!

Hearing the little one's cries weaken, though he was still sobbing, something ached in his heart. Children are pieces of their parents' flesh and blood. Especially, he had long since grown fond of the little one.

"Don't cry, be good, Daddy apologizes to you. A-you, be good. Forget what Daddy told you, a boy would rather bleed than cry. Do you forget what Daddy said!" His tone slightly turned stern!

Of course, the little fellow choked back a sob and tried hard not to cry, replying loudly, "No!"

"Then don't cry, Daddy loves Youyou, don't cry. It's Daddy's fault, I shouldn't have joked with you!"

"Does Daddy really, really love Youyou!"

"Well, I like it."

"Well, do you like it when Yoyo calls you daddy!"

"Especially like it!"

The little guy still had tears in the corner of his eye, but on the other hand, he was giggling mischievously.

"Daddy just scared Youyou to death, Youyou thought Daddy didn't want Youyou anymore!"

"That's not true!" Rong Ling thought for a moment, then quickly added, "How about this, Father will apologize to you and say sorry. Tell me, my little Yu-Yu, what gift do you want When Father returns home, I'll bring it to you!"

"Anything you want"

The little boy's tears at the corner of his eyes had almost dried up. A child's face is like June weather, it can change from wind to rain in an instant, and sunshine just as quickly. The little fellow was already shining with anticipation for a gift, and his eyes, recently washed by tears, glittered with a mischievous light.

"Daddy, can Youyou have anything she wants!"

Rong Ling was so sincerely apologizing, and still to his beloved son, of course he readily agreed. "Go on, even if you want the moon in the sky, Dad will find a way to get it for you!"

"Hee hee ho ho..."

The little guy chuckled softly.

"That YouYou needs to think carefully, really think about it!"

"Well, think it over carefully, darling. Daddy's waiting for your answer!"

"Hmm..." The little one tilted their head, their dark eyes flashing before they spoke in a way that was both heartbreaking and touching. "Yoyo wants Daddy, Mommy, and Yoyo to always be together, okay!"

Rong Ling was slightly dazed.

The little one chased after him, asking again. "Can I Daddy, Daddy—"

He became adept at flirting with him so quickly. This was almost Lin Meng's trademark before, but perhaps it was because of Rong Ling's confirmed status as his father that the little guy could start acting recklessly now.

A faint tenderness appeared in Rong Ling's eyes. "Sure!"

Isn't it wonderful to always be together!

He was lost in thought, remembering his past. As a child, when he was led outside by his mother, he seemed to have had that same yearning. It was just that time was so long ago, he almost forgot about it. When the young boy said those words just now, he remembered a little bit.

The instant thought that solidified was, my own son, absolutely cannot endure the same experience as him!

"Wonderful!" the little fellow exclaimed on that side, his laughter as brilliant as a sunflower!

"Daddy, Daddy, this is what you promised, don't lie, liars are like little dogs!"

"You little punk, my word is law!"

"Oh, he understands this word! That's right, once words are spoken, they can never be changed! The little guy giggled happily for a while. Then he remembered to ask, "Daddy, when will you come back! Youyou misses you!"

I want to practice martial arts with father, I want to participate in military exercises with father, I want to go hunting with father, I want to hear father tell me lots and lots of stories...

So, as boys grow older, their hearts tend to lean towards their fathers. After all, father and son are naturally bonded, and many things about a son often inherit from his father! And Rong Ling was so powerful, naturally, he was easier to win over the younger boy's heart.

"Daddy won't be back for a few days, he has lots of things to deal with, it's very urgent!"

"Oh, then Daddy take your time. But, Youyou and Mommy both miss you!"

Rong Ling smiled, the little rascal was trying to be clever and get away with it.

"Daddy knows, Daddy misses you, and so does Mommy!"

"Hee hee..." the little guy laughed again.



"Daddy gives you a mission!"

The little guy was instantly excited and raised his voice, responding in a clear and strong tone. "Yes!"

Just a salute away!

"Help Daddy protect Mommy!"

This is no problem at all, the young boy immediately replied loudly. "Yes, commander, mission accomplished!"

This is still a line he learned during rehearsals!

"Let's go into detail about the task!"

"Yes!" The little guy stood up straight and continued shouting. He was really getting into it!

Rong Ling's eyes flashed a hint of amusement, but he cooperated with the little fellow and gave an order in a serious tone.

"Firstly, you can call me 'Daddy' in private, but before Daddy returns home, when there are other people around, you must call me 'Uncle'. Understand"

Since he had seen what Ru Cang Sheng had passed on, he knew that the little woman's words about leaving the Ruan family were probably true. Although he didn't quite understand the specifics of the little woman's plan for "repaying her kindness," he was willing to cooperate with her at this point and stop pressuring her! Anyway, once he returned to his country, it would be his word that counted!

"Why!" the little guy asked in bewilderment.

Rong Ling's voice immediately turned cold as he shouted, "Soldiers, do not question your commander's orders! When a commander gives an order, there is only obedience!"

The little guy started to think the game wasn't fun anymore, but he still insisted on continuing in a principled manner, shouting back, "Yes!"

"Second, stay home obediently and don't go out. Uncle Yi reported to me that you ran out to fight those adults who came looking for trouble. Don't do that again next time! Those people, Uncle Yi is responsible for taking care of them!"

The little fellow puckered his lips and bargained sweetly, "Daddy, Youyou finally has a chance to practice. This time, just treat it as Youyou's practice session, okay!"

It's not easy to have a chance to fight adults!

"Such a small thing, thinking of such big schemes!" Rong Ling rebuked in a low voice. To be so young and already scheming against adults! This little rascal, he really wants to become fat overnight!

"If you want to practice, wait until Daddy comes back home, and then I'll satisfy you. But don't go fighting with those people anymore, okay!"

Don't stoop to their level, it's beneath you! If you argue with them, they'll just find more ways to pick on you and start trouble even when there is none. The best way to handle them is to completely ignore them. That way, no matter how much commotion they make, eventually no one will play along and they'll have to slink away defeated! Besides, there might be ulterior motives at play here. This little guy, with such a small frame, could get hurt if he's not careful. That wouldn't just be a loss, it would be foolish!

Seeing that the little fella seemed a bit reluctant to leave, Rong Ling immediately shouted, "Soldier!"

"Ah, here!" the little fellow immediately straightened up again and replied solemnly.

"Do I need the commanding officer to repeat the order!"

The little boy hung his head, a little dejected, and muttered softly, "No need!"

But it's such a pity, he could have beaten up so many people. He had Uncle Yi to protect him, if his hands were itchy, he could beat people openly and aboveboard!

It's a pity!

Three, listen to your mommy!

"Youyou has been so well-behaved!," the little one immediately argued loudly.

Rong Ling raised her eyebrows, neither confirming nor denying. To be truly obedient, wouldn't she go and beat someone up!

Fourth, your studies must not fall behind. When you come back, I will check on your progress!

No problem!

"Okay, you did well on this task, so I'll reward you. If you don't do well, you'll be punished!"

"Hehe, so daddy, what's the reward!" The little guy grinned with confidence, already sure he'd get a reward!

Everything depends on how well you complete the task!

The little boy's eyes lit up, feeling that he was facing a serious challenge, and he became excited all of a sudden. He liked this kind of life with challenges and excitement! Now, he found it fun again!

"Sir, I guarantee completion of the mission!"

"Now, go for a run. Give your phone to mommy and let her answer the calls!"


The little boy "dandadan" ran back and handed his phone to Lin Meng.

"Mommy, Daddy -- ah, no, Godfather gave you his phone number!"

Because, he suddenly realized, Aunt Miao was still there. This wasn't a private conversation!

I almost made a mistake!

He stuck out his tongue and slithered between Lin Meng's legs like a mudfish, nestling in her arms. Then he opened his eyes, perked up his ears, and was very interested to know what Daddy was going to say to Mommy!

Is this also about assigning tasks!

The little guy was thinking to himself secretly!

Lin Meng looked at the little guy whose cheeks were flushed with excitement. She gently reached out and touched them, smiling softly. Then, she gave a soft "hey" on this side.

“I’ll have the third brother handle all external communications. You've confirmed Youyou’s father's identity, but for various reasons, we can't release it to the public yet. This way, fewer people will come knocking.”


"Wait for me when I get back!"

She was taken aback by his assertiveness, and simply let out a soft "um."

"You don't have to do anything, just stay at home. When I get back, I'll take care of this!"

Lin Meng thought for a moment, then replied trustingly. "Then you handle it. I'll wait for you to come back. I... I'm really almost done here!"

He knew exactly what she meant!

He didn't care anymore because he already had the ace in hand!

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he suddenly said, "Little sweet, kiss me!"

Her heart skipped a beat, and she nervously glanced at her son's wide, curious eyes. There was also Miao Qing, sitting beside him, appearing nonchalant but never to be underestimated. She felt as if she were being watched!

Why does this man always make things difficult for her

"Next time!" She blushed and quickly hung up the phone.

Rong Ling raised an eyebrow, feeling quite good and choosing not to dwell on it. Turning around, he called the third brother Xiao Qiang.

"How is Rong Qikeng's matter progressing!"

His half-brother wanted to take his position as the head of the family, which was understandable. But what he did wrong was using his women and son every time to attack him! This time, he even directed a play and secretly incited people to come to the Ruan family's doorstep to cause trouble. He thought that no one else knew what he was doing!

"I already have it!" Xiao Xiang grinned wickedly. "It's on its way!"

A hint of malice flashed across Rong Ling's face. "Then you better arrange it well!"

"Okay, I promise there won't be any problems! Oh, by the way, about Rongjia, are you sure we don't need to intervene Rong Qikeng has been running around like a headless chicken over there. It's really an eyesore!"

"No!" Rong Ling had already made up his mind this morning. "There's no need to expose the Shuangmu, otherwise, things will be difficult for me here! It won't be easy to get rid of the burden later!"

If those old folks from the Rong family knew he had such wealth, they wouldn't have driven him out with such hostility! He wanted to sever ties with the Rong family and let outsiders see how he was forced out by them. This way, they would never dare to ask him back in the future!

The falcon pondered for a moment, feeling that this was the case. "But when you step down, give him some lessons. Watching him is really an eyesore!"

Rong Ling laughed wickedly. "This is necessary!"

He would never be someone who couldn't fight back!

The hawk then chimed in with a smile. "Count me in!" It was his hobby, and he was really good at it!

"Okay, won't forget you!"

The sparrow then went on to talk about several major events in China. Rong Ling made sure he understood everything, then hung up the phone!

Rong Qi-kang --

He savored the word, Rong Ling thinking of the sperm about to be sent into someone's stomach. His eyes flashed with cold light! He hated nothing more than being schemed against, especially when it came to his sperm. Zhuo Yiy and He Ya were both examples!

He thought that resolving the issue with Zhu Yiy was the end of his worries, but he hadn't expected He family to be one step ahead and had already taken away a copy. After receiving this investigation result from his subordinates, he was so furious that he even considered killing He Ya!

This design must have existed a long time ago. The thought that the He family, to whom he had shown so much kindness, would ultimately turn on him like those ungrateful people, filled him with fury!

Zhu Yiy's example is right there in front of us. The He family also mixes in the circle, so it's impossible that they didn't know Zhu Yiyi had mental illness, and what kind of situation led to her being forcibly sent abroad in the end. But they still did it!

What a nerve!

What's even more infuriating is that despite the He family being in such a dire situation, they still have such intentions!

Hmph, one head befriends He Rongqi while the other refuses to give up on getting He Yayi pregnant. This kind of fence-sitting by the He family is truly outrageous and they're not even afraid that a strong wind will blow them over and uproot them!

I initially wanted to give He Jia a way out, as Li Yi Ping had wished. But now it seems he can't afford to be too merciful! He doesn't know if Li Yi Ping knows about He Ya's plan to have a child through sperm donation, but at this point, he doesn't want to know.

He Ya and the He family dare to scheme against him, so they should just bear the consequences of "losing the chicken and the rice"!

Just so, He Jia and Rong Qikang are close friends. He let them get closer!

If Rong Qikeng hadn't stirred up so much trouble, he would have really liked to make He Ya give birth to a black child. Then, it would disgust her to death! But that way, she was still too cheap to be punished. A child could be aborted, or if born, given away or killed. It wouldn't cause too much negative impact! Instead, let He Ya carry Rong Qikeng's child. Let her be so proud and pregnant until delivery, then even if she finds out something is wrong later, she has to give birth to the child and raise it well!

Then it's going to be a blast!

Rung Chi-Keung's wife, Mo Sin-Fung, is definitely not someone to be trifled with. Her family has quite the influence! Rung Chi-Keung frequents nightclubs, but despite his charisma that could tempt many women over the years, he hasn't fathered any illegitimate children. This speaks volumes about Mo Sin-Fung's capabilities!

He was looking forward to the day when Mu Xin Feng would stir up chaos in both the Rong family and the He family, turning their homes upside down!

Let the old man see for himself what kind of person he chose to sit in that position!


To take something from him, you have to shed your own skin first, how is that possible!own children, and you will definitely have more and more loved ones who love you."He chuckled immediately, her words prompting him to think of the phrase "from generation to generation, forever and ev...