choed softly, laced with a palpable regret. "Oh dear, so after two years of studying veterinary medicine, you still can't handle a measly little fish! It seems I, an amateur, will have to step in and...What Rong Man said did indeed have an impact on Lin Meng, causing some turmoil in her heart. (..tw) When Rong Ling came back at night, Xiao Mumu hopped onto her legs like a little rabbit and called out "Uncle" in a sweet voice, excitedly recounting her day's bug-catching achievements. She has always been close to Rong Ling, and since she hadn't seen him for some days, now that she had the chance, she naturally wanted to shower him with affection.

Lin Meng listened, her mind drifting. She was thinking about what Rong Man had told her, but also about Lin Zi's affairs.

Rong Man had just left when Lin Zi arrived. In fact, Lin Meng didn't have much of a good feeling about her. However, after four years, Lin Zi seemed to have undergone a change in humanity, and her attitude was not as sharp and sarcastic as before. When Xiao Youyou had an accident before, she called to comfort him. After that, when she was kidnapped by the enemy, and Youyou also got into trouble, she called again to comfort her, and at the same time said that she was filming commercials abroad and couldn't rush over immediately.

Today, she rushed over with a bunch of bags, claiming to have just returned from City B. And indeed, the things in her hands were local specialties from other cities. She couldn't coldly turn her away because, during her four years of absence, this woman had held up the family. Although she declared that she had severed ties with that home, there were some things she couldn't let go of. For Lin Zi's efforts over the past four years, even if they weren't perfect, she couldn't speak harshly to her!

The little boy ran up to meet the so-called "aunt" and then ran off coolly. He also knew that this aunt wasn't someone close to his mommy!

Since returning home, the young boy has experienced a great deal, coming face to face with life and death several times. He has adopted some of his father's traits when dealing with strangers: coldness and aloofness.

Lin Zi didn't feel embarrassed about it. She put her things down and took out a few special supplements, handing them to Lin Meng and telling her how to eat them. Then she put the rest of the packages aside.

"Now that you've left the Ruan family and are out of the courtyard, do you have a place to stay! If not, I'll find one for you first. I'm currently living in a company apartment, and it wouldn't be good for you to move into that small place with me. But, I can ask my friends to help you find a suitable rental!"

She expressed her friendliness appropriately, bringing up the most crucial point at hand—the house!

She observed deeply, as if she truly had Lin Meng's dreams in her heart.

But Lin Meng outright refused without any consideration. She didn't want to accept her sister's kindness. Maintaining a distant relationship with this half-blood sister was something she had planned from the very beginning!

"You don't have to be so guarded around me, I just help where I can. Besides, I'm an aunt now, for little Youyou's sake, I should at least try my best."

"No, I've already made arrangements for the house!"

Lin Zishi wisely kept silent on the matter. She sat for a while and looked at the little boy again. Even though the little boy ignored her, she didn't get annoyed. Instead, with a smile, she just kept watching him like that. In the end, she didn't say hello and left silently without making a sound!

Compared to four years ago, there was too much impetuousness in her temperament, it seemed to have settled down. She didn't look repulsive, but Lin Meng would definitely not get close to her.

As for the house, she had originally intended to let Rong Ling make the arrangements. The man was used to being in control; she would just follow him at that time. But now it seemed inappropriate. Rong Man's arrival was a warning. Although she was innocent, with Rong Ling's wealth and status, if she truly moved into the house he arranged, she would be pointed at by everyone. She could care less, but her son couldn't!

She is perfectly capable of renting a place to live, so why go out of her way to save trouble and let her son get attacked!

What are you thinking about!

Lin Meng looked up, surprised to find that at some point the children had all disappeared, as had Rong Ma. All that remained beside her was Rong Ling, who she didn't know when had sat down beside her.

"And what about Youyou" she asked with concern.

"Mom took them to take a bath!"

"The head of the big turtle has a wound, so it needs to be protected and can't get wet."

"Got it, I told Mom already!"

That's great!

"What are you thinking about, so engrossed!" Even after the person left, he walked closer, and she didn't even notice!

"I was thinking..." She grasped his hand in both of hers, playing with them affectionately. Her delicate body leaned sweetly against his side. "I want to rent a house!"

"Why!" Rong Ling asked, his voice deep and slightly displeased. "Because Rong Man talked to you today!"

It seems he knows too!

Yes, but also no!

Lin Meng slowly analyzed it for him. "You see, you probably haven't decided when to marry me, so I have to find a place to live. Haohao's injury will take a few more days to heal, and he should be able to leave the hospital soon. I need to make arrangements in advance. Sun Fei said that I could stay at her place temporarily, but living in someone else's house is always uncomfortable and inconvenient. So, renting a house is more suitable!"

Buying a house is completely unnecessary! In this city of B, housing prices in the city center are 7-80,000 yuan per square meter. It's like playing around, only fools would spend that much money to buy it! She can wait for Rong Ling for another six months at most, just like she promised him before when she was living with the Ruan family. Six months, if she still can't persuade this man to marry her, then she can take Youyou away! While the child is still young, if they break up, the bond will not be so deep. Buying a house is completely meaningless!

“You can stay at that house in Haiyi District, there’s no need to go through the trouble of renting elsewhere. Living in a rental outside isn't safe!” That house in Haiyi District is the same villa that Rong Ling lived in before and then gave Lin Meng the key card to.

She chuckled lightly, but still shook her head.

He said to himself, "That's settled then. On the day you're discharged from the hospital, I'll pick you up and take you home!"

She lifted her head and looked at him with a hint of pleading in her eyes. "Rong Ling, don't be so domineering. For Yoyo's sake, let me rent an apartment myself, okay "Golden House Concealing Beauty," this hat is a bit uncomfortable to wear, and Yoyo wouldn't feel good about it either!"

“Ridiculous insistence!” he tightened his jaw, criticizing bluntly. “Sometimes your stubbornness makes absolutely no sense! Do what you want, and ignore what others say!”

"The child is still so young!" she sighed.

He narrowed his eyes and said nothing, a faint air of menace about him!

"Hey, don't give me that look!" she tugged at him, knowing he was in a bad mood. After all, he hated being contradicted and his plans disrupted.

She reached out, cupped his face gently in her hands, and rubbed it softly. "That's so scary, you're not allowed to look like that!"

He opened his eyes and glared at her.

She giggled and leaned in to give him a quick kiss, saying in a babyish tone. “Good boy!”

He suddenly pulled her, and because of his strength, she was yanked onto his lap. She hurriedly tried to get up, but he pressed down on her.

"You've gotten so fat!" and dare to say "good boy" to him!

She figured the kids still had a while before bath time, so she stopped struggling and let him hold her down. Then she reached out and started playing with his big hand.

Wrapped in her soft little hands, and looking at her reassuringly beautiful little face, his expression slowly became somewhat peaceful.

"Today, Rongman told me you're in trouble!" She lowered her eyes slightly, playing with his palm without looking at him, and continued on her own. "She said some people in your family are restless and want to pull you down from that position. I am the last straw that will crush your position. If you marry me, you're definitely going to be finished, right!"

He answered crisply. “Probably like that!”

"Look at you, your older brother wasn't finished either, was he How come when it got to you, everything just ended Your family, you double standards in how you treat people and situations!"

Rong Ling reached out and suddenly grabbed her chin.

"Look at me!" he commanded in a low voice.

Lin Meng lifted her eyes, falling into a pair of dark, bottomless pools.

"Little one, if I were to marry you, I might lose everything. At that time, there might be nothing I could give you. So, you have to think carefully, do you want to marry me! I'm not joking!"

Lin Meng didn't hesitate at all, quickly replying: "Then I want to tell you, Rong Ling, I don't mind that you're a penniless bum. You decide for yourself whether or not you want to marry me. Right now, there's no problem on my side, the problem is on yours. Let me tell you, this time it's still six months. From today onwards, I'll just wait for you for six months. If you still haven't married me in six months, I definitely won't cling to you, I'll leave cleanly!"

He grabbed her suddenly!

He hates any words about "leaving" that come out of her sweet little mouth!

"Don't worry, you can't leave!" He stared at her intently.

Lin Meng giggled coquettishly, opening her arms and batting her eyelashes as she playfully said, "Hug me!"

His eyes flashed, he reached out and pulled her up from his lap, holding her close.

She embraced his neck, her stunningly beautiful face captivating him. So close to him, he could feel her presence like the fragrance of orchids. She parted her lips and breathed onto his.

"Rong Ling, I would never be the one to keep someone hidden away like a treasure!"

She winked seductively, letting her long eyelashes cast shadows beneath her eyes, and she lightly kissed him.

"I don't care what your family thinks, or what you're thinking or planning to do. But I hope I will be your only choice. I don't have a wealthy background to offer you, but I can promise that I will never drag you down and I will always try my best to help and support you. I'm not useless, just look at how I helped the Ruan family - in the future, I can put in double the effort to help you. It doesn't matter if you have nothing, even if you become penniless, I still want to marry you because all I want is you."

Rong Ling looked at her, his gaze filled with longing. His index finger gently traced the outline of her red lips.

A flash of grief and anger just crossed her eyes, only to be disrupted by a fingertip. With a soft giggle, she smiled, her pearly teeth gently nipping at his finger, murmuring complaints in a sweet voice.

"Tsk, I don't know where your family gets that sense of superiority from. Always saying I'm not good enough for you, dragging you down... It's really annoying! Hey—"

She puckered her pretty little face and stared at him intently. "You can't possibly think the same way, can you!"

"After finishing her words, she hurriedly blocked him again. "In short, don't nod, don't think like that, understand! If I find out you're thinking like that, I'll make you pay!"

She raised her fists menacingly and brandished them in front of him.

He smiled, his handsome eyes twinkling, he pulled her little fist over and lightly nibbled at it. Soon, the little fist was thoroughly wet from his nibbling.

"Haven't you eaten" she teased, sheepishly trying to pull her hand back.

He lifted his head, and the breathtakingly handsome face loomed larger before her, sending shivers down her spine.

"What kind of wedding dress do you like" he asked her in a husky voice, continuing to linger on the touch of her lips. He loved the softness of it.

She was very shocked!

How... how did you suddenly bring up wedding dresses!

"You... What are you going to do!" she asked in a hushed voice, her heart pounding and trembling slightly.

"Marry you!" he looked at her, teasing. "Have you gone stupid Isn't a wedding dress just for weddings"

She suddenly fell silent.

He murmured softly, “Some wedding dresses are more romantic and elegant, like those from France; some are more ornate and vintage, but very noble, like those from Spain; some are simply chic and straightforward, like those from America; and there are also some with national characteristics. Do you have any particular ideas in mind”

Her ears were a little red, and she mumbled shyly, "You know quite a lot!"

"I did some special research on this!"

Her heart suddenly felt as sweet as honey!

I don't quite understand either!

Although I was married once, it was just a formality. We signed an agreement, there were no wedding dresses or ceremonies!

"You're not being very diligent!" he lightly tapped her cute nose. "You're getting married to me soon, don't you hurry up and pick out your wedding dress!"

Her heart instantly calmed, just like when someone swallows a piece of soothing stone.

As he spoke, it was a certainty. This man wouldn't joke about this kind of thing. And so, she felt like making a joke with him.

"I hear there's someone who supposedly wants to be 'completely penniless,' right Well, I've already picked out a wedding dress for you. Can you afford it! Don't even think about those fancy French or Spanish dresses, they're incredibly expensive!"

"Because I'm about to be broke, I decided that while I still have a job, I better make this wedding awesome and save some money for our honeymoon!"

"Hehe, forget it! For the sake of the wedding, messing up your reputation wouldn't be good. And I don't want any fancy wedding dresses or anything like that. Let's just find a quiet place and get married peacefully, okay"

"Fool, there's only one time in a lifetime like this, I can't let you suffer!"

"It's okay, not wronged at all, not a bit!" She smiled sweetly, shaking her head like a tambourine.

He chuckled softly and kissed her. "Relax, just pick out your wedding dress the way you like. I'm not going to become a pauper before then, after all. I’ve already contacted a French wedding dress designer who will arrive tomorrow. For now, take a look at some other designs to get an idea of what you want. Then, when she arrives, you can tell her your requests!"

At the sound of that, you know it's custom-made!

Lin Meng was so touched that she didn't know what to say. This man had even contacted the designer.

If I don't say it today, are you going to wait until the designer arrives before telling me

Her eyes welled up again.

He nodded silently, as if conceding.

She sniffed, even more touched. "Whatever you do in the future, you have to tell me, don't just do it secretly on your own, really!"

She suddenly hugged him tightly, burying her small face in the crook of his neck.

"Rong Ling, you're so good to me!" she softly pouted.

He smirked, a dashing smile playing on his lips, he pulled her into an embrace and collapsed onto the sofa, letting her lean against him softly.

Two people, embracing so silently, until a childish voice, curiously rang out.


Right after, the sofa sank slightly and a youthful face came closer. Lin Meng looked up and met the innocent face of the little one, as well as eyes that were so clear and bright.

"Mommy, what's wrong with you!" The little one looked at her with some concern, is she sick!

Lin Meng blushed and tried to get down from Rong Ling's lap, but Rong Ling held her tightly. Turning back, Rong Ling gave Xiao Youyou a little scolding.

"You little brat, you're allowed to be held by your mommy, but Daddy isn't allowed to hold Mommy! After you're done showering, go help MuMu with her hair!"

"Oh!" It turns out Mommy wasn't sick! He thought Mommy was feeling unwell just now, so he let Daddy hold her. When he used to feel bad, he liked to be held by Mommy.

The little guy actually doesn't think there's anything wrong with his father holding his mother. In a child's world, the act of the father holding the mother is just as pure as the mother holding him!

"Mumu, come here, let me help you dry your hair." The little girl waved the towel in her hand and beckoned to Mumu, who had been left here by her mother.

Little Mumumu put on a little suit that was one size bigger than her own, happily ran over, and sweetly smiled at Youyou. "Thank you, Brother You!"

Then the little lady sat gracefully on the sofa, while Youyou stood on the sofa and got to work.

Lin Meng knew the two little ones had come out, so Haohao and Mama Rong must be coming out soon. She hurriedly leaned into Rong Ling's ear and whispered, "Your mother is about to come out, you have to let me go! If she sees this, it will be very embarrassing!"

Rong Ling reluctantly let her go.

The next day, Lin Meng excitedly started tinkering with wedding dresses. Because she was inconvenient to move and also needed to take care of three children, she didn't plan to go out. So, the only way seemed to be online.There were indeed many wedding dress pictures on the internet, but the types were somewhat complicated. She felt like searching for a needle in the sea when looking at them. She really had no clue where to start. Moreover, the pictures were too distant and always seemed distorted, often showing only a side view. She thought they all looked very good, but she also understood that wedding dresses with different prices must be somewhat different. But where exactly was the difference It was hard for her to explain as someone who wasn't familiar with them.

Her troubles were quickly resolved by Miao Qing, or to be more precise, by Rong Ling. Considering Zhou Xiang's man directly brought Miao Qing over. Along with Miao Qing came the manager of a well-known bridal shop and two sales assistants.

The wedding photo album was spread out before Lin Meng, along with several wedding dresses and various fabrics.

When it comes to choosing a wedding dress, professionals are naturally the most knowledgeable. Lin Meng just sat there, listening to the manager's explanation, while two assistant salespersons on either side cooperated by holding up fabrics, allowing Lin Meng to feel the difference between each kind of material.

Don't say, the wedding dress has a lot of attention to detail. Lin Meng listened and benefited a lot. Even Miao Qing benefited from it. The three children are all children, and they have an innate love for beautiful things by nature. They didn't practice calligraphy or painting there, but they all ran over, some standing, some sitting, listening to the wedding dress lecture together. Although the three little ones listened vaguely, judging by their expressions, they were all listening with relish.

At lunchtime, Lin Meng asked the three little ones, "Do you all understand!"

Three little kids put on a synchronized act, nodding and shaking their heads at the same time, which made the adults laugh out loud. There they were, with their three pretty little faces, how could you not be charmed by them

At the enthusiastic invitation of Yinglin Meng, the manager and two shop assistants stayed for lunch. In the afternoon, everyone got along very well, a meal's charm unknowingly bridged the gap between them. The two shop assistants were genuinely fond of the three children, so they started talking about their childhood experiences.

How can a wedding be complete without the innocent and adorable presence of flower girls!

The three children were ecstatic when they heard they could be flower girls and accompany the beautiful mommy (Aunt Lin) to the wedding. Their excitement was even higher than in the morning. They buzzed around the two sales assistants, chattering away. Their eyes shone as they looked at the flower girl photos, more excited than even Lin Meng, the bride-to-be herself. In the end, Lin Meng couldn't help but join the three little ones and helped them plan together!

What could be more endearing than the innocent smiles of little ones!

When Rong Ling returned in the evening, he was warmly welcomed by the little ones!

"Uncle, Mumu wants to be a flower girl, oh! A beautiful flower girl!"

The adorable Xiao Mumu is still immersed in the excitement of wearing a beautiful floral dress and following behind the beautiful bride, basking in the attention of everyone. As soon as she saw Rong Ling return, she excitedly ran towards him with her little short legs.

"Wow, Little Mumu's going to be a flower girl! Who's getting married" Laughter filled the air, and another figure emerged from behind Rong Ling.

"Oh, Uncle Xu! Hello, Uncle Xu!" Little Mumumu immediately greeted him politely.

"Good girl!" Yu Xu and Rong Ling were good friends, and with their status, they knew about Rong Man's daughter very well. As the only precious granddaughter of Rong San from the Rong family, she was famous throughout Kyoto. She was a true princess, a prodigy from heaven, incomparable to He Ya or Xiao Bingbing from the He family.

"Little Mumumu, are you going to be a flower girl for someone" Yu Xu picked up Little Mumumu very affectionately. Little Mumumu smiled sweetly, her two cute dimples showing, and obediently let Yu Xu hold her.

"Mumu is going to be Aunt Lin's flower girl, along with Youge brother and Haoge brother. Aunt Lin agreed, giggle..."

Xiao MuMu giggled with delight. When she saw several men emerge calmly from behind Rong Ling, she immediately greeted each of them politely. This group consisted of Rong Ling, Yu Xu, and some of Rong Ling's brothers, including Yao Feiqian who had returned from Africa. However, Lao Liu, who had always been mysterious, was still absent.

Lin Meng stood up and quickly beckoned a few people to sit down.

Yu Xu is quite a joker, holding onto Xiaomum and giving Lin Meng an ambiguous smile. "Mengmeng is getting married, huh Who's the lucky one"

Lin Meng blushed instantly!

The palm of the rear hand hit over, heavily slapping Yu Xu's back of the head.

This is a rhetorical question, isn't it

Yu Xu let out a "hehe" chuckle, his head seemed to have been forged from iron, feeling no pain whatsoever. He even had the energy to continue with that strange smile.

"Oh oh oh, I see. Got it, got it..."

He looked at Lin Meng with an increasingly ambiguous smile.

It's rare to see someone blush so easily, especially such a kind and beautiful woman. So Yu Xu, emboldened, made several advances toward Lin Meng. As a result, Rong Ling slapped him on the head again.

"Stop playing tricks, Mengmeng! Your face is too thin!"

"Wow, big brother, you're so biased! You haven't even married your sister-in-law yet, and you're already protecting her like this. What will happen when she moves in Sister-in-law, you have to talk some sense into your big brother!"

Lin Meng's heart fluttered with embarrassment. She couldn't help but blush at his teasing and hastily said, "I'll make you some tea," before scurrying into the small kitchen. This ultra-luxurious ward was designed like a regular home, complete with all the necessary rooms. In the little kitchen, Lin Meng occasionally cooked simple dishes like side dishes or soup for convenience. As for proper meals, she didn't have to worry about them. Rong Ling, concerned she would overwork herself, had already instructed others to handle the cooking.

First, Lin Meng's figure flashed into the kitchen. Rong Ling immediately slammed his palm against Yu Xu's head, hard!

"Your skin is itching, aren't you Want to fight Tomorrow my buddies and I will be there. Right now, Dream needs to come out and don't bother her anymore!"

His woman, he can bully, others can't!

Although Yu Xu's actions weren't bullying, he didn't want to see her embarrassed because of others!

Yu Xu knew when to stop, casually responding with a "Understood" to the shopkeeper. Then he went off to play with Xiao Youyou. The other brothers didn't have children either, and they were all getting up there in years. They found it endearing watching children, especially since this was Rong Ling's child, so they followed suit and crowded over as well.

Yao Feiqian had just emerged from several gemstone mines, and with a flattering smile, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black bag. He then handed its contents to someone.

Well done! In a flash, red, black, pink, and green - a dazzling array of colors. These gems, though uncut and somewhat impure, are still incredibly valuable!


Mumbling, 'Let's play marbles!'


Yao Feiqian, like a nouveau riche, pushed these jewels before the three children and giggled with glee. That little rascal was so smug. These days, he had been in Africa, domestic affairs had been in a state of "absence," this time back, he was going to make up for it! He spent his days circling these things, and with one hand, they naturally became his.

Yu Xu was always willing to argue with Yao Feiqian, and seeing this, she immediately clicked her tongue and criticized. " nouveau riche , a complete nouveau riche, tacky, too tacky, so tacky!"

Yao Feiqian raised his big foot and kicked him, sneering. "Oh, you actually dare to show me up! I tell you, with your pathetic abilities, you can't even manage to be vulgar!"

Yu Xu immediately went to Rong Ling's face and complained. "Big brother, look carefully! I suspect someone is lining their own pockets and engaging in serious corruption and bribery. Look at these gemstones, a whole handful! They must have embezzled a lot privately. I insist that we thoroughly investigate this person!"

"That's great, that's great!" Yao Feiqian was overjoyed. "Big Brother, look, Little Four has such sharp eyes! This matter needs to be investigated thoroughly. I strongly recommend Little Four take charge of this investigation! His eyes are poisonous, his mouth is even more so! If he went to Africa, I guarantee everyone would be well-behaved and transparent! Big Brother, you must send Little Four to Africa! I repent, I apologize, my sins are too heavy, I'm willing to accept the organization's investigation. I've decided, I'll stay in the country honestly and not run anywhere, waiting for our wise and brave Little Four to thoroughly investigate and return!"

Just right, he can hang out freely in China and doesn't have to eat all that flying dirt in Africa every day!

Yu Xu's face suddenly changed. Now he had gotten himself into a predicament! He had originally wanted to make fun of Xiao Wu, but who knew Xiao Wu was so cunning that he ended up tricking Yu Xu in the end. Who would want to go to that hot and humid place in Africa

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, I was wrong, wrong…" Yu Xu immediately acted like a dog's tail wagging and ran to Yao Feiqian with a flattering smile. "How could you be that kind of person who takes bribes You are the shining example, Jiao Yulu! You are the dedicated Wang Jinxi, working tirelessly for the people! You are the living Lei Feng, giving away every last cent from your pocket! You are Dong Cuirui! You are Qiu Shaoyun! You are Huang Jiguang! You are Ren Changxia!"

"Ugh..." Yao Feiqian had initially been listening with a hint of pride, but the more he listened, the more he felt it was getting stale. What was this Dong Cunrui doing What did he have to do with anything! Was he also going to be sent to blow up bunkers! Also, Ren Changxia was a woman, alright Comparing him to a woman!"

"You failed your culture class, so don't embarrass yourself by showing your face. Just shut your stinking mouth! There are three children here, don't corrupt them. Otherwise, I won't be the only one to make you pay, big brother will too!"

He was very rude and hurt Yu Xu.

Yu Xu immediately stammered, "Uh, wasn't this just a slip of the tongue"

"Oh, your Shunzi is so skilled that he can turn a male into a female! You're asking for it!"

Saying that, Yao Feiqian immediately greeted everyone open.

Yu Xu jumped aside, dodging the attack and immediately retaliated.

Several children were watching with great interest, their eyes wide open. Especially Xiao Youyou's pair of eyes, they were so bright and sparkling, more brilliant than diamonds. His passion for martial arts was self-evident!

As soon as Lin Meng came out, he saw this scene. Carefully avoiding the battlefield between the two people, Lin Meng walked to the sofa side and put down the tea water, softly asking Rong Ling with some worry in his eyes.

"What's wrong with the two of them!"

"It's alright!" Rong Ling suddenly shouted. "Come and have some tea!"

The two were fighting with great excitement, for a time it was hard to tell who was winning.

Róng furrowed his brows, this time letting out a furious bellow. "Come here!"

The stern voice was unmistakable, carrying a warning and a threat within its tone!

The two boys' hearts skipped a beat. They immediately retracted their fists and feet, letting out an "Ai" sound as they scurried over like monkeys.

We can't provoke the big boss! Their majesty, they absolutely can't challenge casually!

The two of them obediently sat well, took the tea offered by Lin Meng, quickly drank a mouthful, and didn't taste what it was. They hurriedly rushed to Lin Meng with fawning smiles.

"So delicious, so delicious..."

"The tea brewed by my sister-in-law is just delicious, it's not like any other!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

These two people actually saw eye to eye at this moment, as if the previous teasing hadn't happened at all.

Lin Meng couldn't help but chuckle softly at the two people's demeanor.

Just like two little treasures!


These few people got together today, in fact, to celebrate Yao Fei's return. He was busy, always staying abroad, and among his brothers, he was the one who least went home. So every time he came back, his brothers would celebrate properly. In the past, places for celebrations were mostly bars, nightclubs, or other nightlife venues. However, now that Lin Meng was inconvenient to go out, Rong Ling also didn't want to just leave her behind to meet with a few brothers at those places, so they directly pulled them here and changed it into a family dinner!

A-zhen also joined quickly, she was brought here by the driver of the tycoon.

When Mom came back, she was carrying a plentiful dinner. In the afternoon, Rong Ling had specially called Lin Meng and said that his brothers would be coming back for dinner tonight, asking her to prepare something.

This man's consideration lies in that he would never give her a sudden shock, making her flustered and embarrassed in front of others.

When Lin Meng told her mother Rong about this, Mother Rong volunteered to go and keep an eye on the chef in the large kitchen downstairs.

Her own several brothers were very good to her son. Mom vaguely knew that these brothers had been supporting each other for so many years, so when they gathered together for a meal, as the mother, she had to show her appreciation. She couldn't say that every dish was made by her own hand, but there were definitely some of her signature dishes here, also as a thank you gift from this irresponsible mother to these brothers!

Rong Ling's brothers were very supportive, and Rong Ma laughed with a smile and without any embarrassment as she said that she had personally made several dishes. The first thing the brothers wiped out was those plates of dishes, especially to give Rong Ma face. This pleased Rong Ma immensely, her heart filled with joy.

As before, after a good meal and plenty of drinks, several brothers would light up cigarettes, drink some alcohol, and chat animatedly about everything under the sun. From Eastern to Western Europe, from the Southern to the Northern Hemisphere, they'd discuss anything and everything - men, women, military politics, astronomy, geography – you name it. They were well-traveled, knowledgeable men with plenty to say. However, now that they're in the hospital surrounded by three immature little kids, the guys have all put on their best behavior. No smoking, no drinking, just straight up yelling and playing mahjong!

Let's play mahjong!

This has become a popular recreational activity nationwide, and it's also a rather unique kind of "national treasure." These men who play mahjong were trained by their families because the older generation from that era, whenever they had even a little bit of wealth, couldn't do without mahjong. When adults are playing and there's one person short, or when they want to play casually but can't find any partners, they always pull in a younger member of the family!

Lin Meng didn't understand this, she was pulled by Rong Mama to play cards with Ah Zhen and Miao Qing. She was quite clumsy. A few half-grown kids surrounded her, also looking confused. Rong Mama, who claimed to teach her how to play cards, was definitely not a qualified teacher. Her explanations were confusing and unclear. Lin Meng played three rounds, losing miserably each time!

The little boy couldn't take it anymore. His eyes rolled, and he went to find his father for help.

Over there, the men had set up their own table and were playing cards.

"Daddy, Daddy!" the little one went to pull on Rong Ling's clothes. "You quickly go teach Mommy, Grandma said it so messily oh, Mommy doesn't understand la, Youyou doesn't understand either!"

The little boy frowned, a bit unhappy! Subconsciously, he didn't like it when Mommy was "bullied"! Although this bullying was just the ordinary win or loss at the card table!

Rong Ling stood up and let Yu Xu, who was standing beside him, take his place. He went over to help Lin Meng. As soon as he stepped down, the situation immediately became clear and bright. After two rounds, Lin Meng had basically gotten the hang of it!

After several more rounds, Mom started complaining, “Son, you can’t always help your wife. You also need to look after your own mother!”

Mom Rong's luck wasn't very good. She could still make do when Lin Meng was at the bottom before. But when Rong Ling joined, how could she possibly let Lin Meng win So Mom Rong quickly became the bottom one!

Lin Meng pushed Rong Ling over to help his mother, and over there, Ah Zhen had also gotten acquainted with these people. She didn't treat herself as an outsider and immediately greeted her husband with a crisp smile, asking for Xiao Quing to come and lend a hand.

"Rong Ling, you can't let your mother and wife treat people like this!"

The crow, who hurried over naturally had his own wife in mind. For Ah Zhen's jokes, he nodded repeatedly in agreement.

This way, the men can't sit still either. After all, everything is more fun when men and women work together!

The men didn't fight, they crowded around to watch the women fight. Soon, each woman had two or three people standing behind them, of course, including the three kids. Even Miao Qing, who was very smart and capable and looked like she didn't need any help from men, had Shi Yu and Yao Feiqian standing behind her. The two of them would occasionally chime in with their comments.

Now, this table of mahjong players had completely lost their composure. There were no longer any rules or etiquette about speaking during play. They chatted and gossiped as freely as if they were at a gambling den. Luckily, since it was just family playing for fun, none of the four women minded. Their hearts were open and carefree, and they enjoyed themselves even when losing.

That night, it was quite lively. The children chattered excitedly for a long time. When it was time to leave, the children's eyes were drooping with sleepiness, each one yawning widely. Lin Meng and Rong Mama worked together to wash the three children clean and put them to bed. They still slept in their usual arrangement: the three children with Rong Mama, and Lin Meng and Rong Ling together!

Perhaps because she had made up her mind, and also because she was touched by this man, as they lay together in bed, she did not say anything more.

When she returned to the room, Rong Ling put down the book in his hand, which was as thick as a brick. He got up from the bed and handed her two large red notebooks!

"Take good care of it!"


She smiled and lowered her eyes to look. When she saw the six crimson-gold characters at the bottom of the big red book, she was stunned!

Those six characters, clearly stated – a house deed! new tactic, but it's effective, so Rong Ling still used it. And the He family aren't slackers either; they brought in a specialist from overseas to start battling Chen Zhi head-on. Regardless of the...