rrified just now. But Rong Ling felt a perverse satisfaction – he seemed to enjoy scaring her.Well, let's try scaring her again next time! Seeing her reaction would be a huge enjoyment in itself!I ha...Rong Ling received a notice from the bodyguard guarding the door. After a moment's thought, he put down his chopsticks and let the bodyguard bring them in.

"You guys eat first, I'll be right back!"

Rong Ling walked over. Lin Meng listened and also stopped her chopsticks, looking at Rong Ling with some worry.

About ten people dressed in elite attire came in. They were all wearing suits and ties, with youthful faces that radiated energy and a degree of shrewdness. As soon as they saw Rong Ling, their voices became animated.

"Mr. Rong, we're here to ask you to come back!"

"Yes, we all support you!"

"The company is being too harsh, they can't just fire you like this!"

"General Rong, we just want to follow you and work for you!"


Several different voices sounded quite urgent. Even sitting there, Lin Meng could feel the sincerity in their tone. These people must be employees of the Yadon Group. Are they trying to force their way back in!

As Lin Meng had expected, these people were indeed employees of the East Asia Group. Some were from the Rong family clan, while others were top talents recruited from outside. They found it unacceptable that what happened this morning. Having joined the company, they deeply understood how outstanding their boss was and shouldn't be dismissed just like that. They expressed dissatisfaction with the upper management's arrangement. However, they were all self-disciplined people, so they endured their impulses, quietly doing their jobs, and rushed to come over after work at noon, not even bothering to eat lunch.

Although Rong Ling felt touched by the support and affirmation from his followers, he knew in the short term, he hadn't fully won their hearts. At least, a part of them were family members, so he didn't want to elaborate further.

He raised his hand slightly, just a small gesture, which instantly silenced the noisy crowd and naturally drew their full attention to him.

This is the charm of Rong Ling. Over so many years at the top, she has conquered them with her personal charisma in the end.

"Thank you all for coming to see me. I appreciate everyone's kindness, but I won't be going back to Far Eastern [Medical University] anymore."

A few people became anxious, opening their mouths as if they were about to say something. Rong Ling, however, gave a faint smile. It was just this smile that made them shut up. Because their boss had always been cold and aloof, rarely smiling. Even if you did exceptionally well, the only reward from the boss was a look of affirmation, generous bonuses, and promotions regardless of your status or background. Just this smile, directed at so many people, even if it was just a faint one, made them feel overwhelmed with surprise!

I know what you're thinking, but I'm leaving and I won't be coming back. You are all excellent, and in the future, stick to your duties and do well!

His words were soft, yet they conveyed his unwavering determination.

Those who came here fell silent all at once, and some whose emotions were more apparent even showed signs of sadness.

"General Rong, are you really not coming back We still want to follow you!"

They still addressed him as "President Rong," even though he had resigned and was no longer their CEO. But, Rong Ling's image was deeply ingrained in their hearts!

"Go back!" Rong Ling said lightly.

Several people, upon hearing this, even had tears welling up in their eyes.

A few quick-witted ones gritted their teeth and hurriedly said, "That Rong Zong, you'll still open your own company, right You hire us! We just want to work with you!"

As soon as these words were spoken, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over them, or as if a lighthouse had appeared, suddenly illuminating the path ahead for everyone.

"Yes, yes!" they all agreed.

Rong Ling didn't give a definite promise. "Things for later, we'll talk about them later. Now, all of you go back to your work and do well. Lunch break is only an hour and a half, don't rush back, you'll be late this afternoon!"

A chill ran through everyone's hearts. Though they didn't get the desired outcome, their hearts were filled with unwillingness deep down.

Rong Ling looked at these young and sincere faces, it was impossible for him not to be moved. These people came together like this, it was impossible not to reveal any clues. He was already a retired person, but these people still came to him, if some ill-intentioned people took advantage of this, then they would have to bear a lot of risk. It is estimated that there are many people who don't want him to retire, but those who are brave enough to come and find him are few. Because there are too many people in the world who need to consider their livelihoods, they think carefully about everything before they do anything, and can't be so bold. These people gave up everything to find him, then - he would give them some hope!

"After I go back, work hard. Don't worry, if I need anything, I'll definitely come to you!"

This is a veiled promise, meaning that if he really opens a company, then these people will definitely be welcomed.

These shrewd individuals who had thrived in the company immediately grasped the meaning behind Rong Ling's words and were overjoyed.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Rong, we'll remember that!"

"Yeah, I'll be waiting then. It's just a matter of time!"

Ronger laughed again, for these adorable people!

However, the break time was really rushed. So he turned cold and looked at them sternly, just like he did when he was the CEO before. He snapped, "Work is about to start in the afternoon, why don't you go back to work quickly Let me make it clear beforehand, those who are not qualified won't be kept!"

That is to say, he will still be watching their performance this period of time.

The crowd didn't feel pressured, instead they felt even more at ease. Because Rong Ling's words added weight to his previous promises, making everyone believe even more that they could still follow him in the future.

"Well, then we'd better go back!"

One by one, people bid farewell to Rong Ling, coming and going in a hurry. However, before leaving, some people were still quite thoughtful. Their eyes glanced at Zhao Linmeng and Rong's mother, nodding slightly. After all, these were the people who had sat with Rong Ling for lunch. They must have a close relationship. Leaving a good impression on them would be beneficial!

Lin Meng quickly smiled and nodded at them. She had been watching the whole scene from beginning to end, and now she was truly relieved. She was really afraid that these people were here to cause trouble. Now that they said this, for some reason, she suddenly felt a surge of courage in her heart, and then she thought—her man is so amazing!

When Rong Ling returned and sat down, Rong Ma wanted to speak but hesitated. That was because she didn't know that her son was no longer the head of the family. Although what those people just said wasn't very clear, there was one crucial point she understood. Her son seemed to have been driven out, and these people seemed to want to follow him!

The son was kicked out!

Mother's heart was suddenly tossed about like a stormy sea, she felt restless and uneasy!

"Rong Ling..." Rong Mama couldn't hold back any longer and spoke up.

Feng Ling knew what she was going to ask, so she cut her off. "Mom, let's talk after dinner!"

As he was speaking, a chopstick reached out and placed a beautifully sliced, plump squid into his bowl.

Rong Ling raised her eyes, following the chopsticks, and saw Lin Meng.

"Eat up!" Lin Meng narrowed her eyes at him.

Rong Ling picked up his chopsticks and ate silently. Then, Lin Meng clipped a lot of dishes for him. It seemed that only by doing so could she vent the unspeakable liking she had for him. Rong Ling ate in silence, occasionally returning her a chopstick, and at that moment, she would smile sweetly at him.

Yu Xu watched from the side, a smile occasionally flashing in his eyes.

After the meal, Lin Meng took the initiative to wash the dishes, because she knew that Rong's mother was eager to talk to Rong Ling. The two little ones also joined in the fun and followed Lin Meng to the kitchen. Yu Xu then slipped into the computer room to play on the computer.

Then, Rong Mama worriedly asked Rong Ling.

"What did they just mean!"

"It's nothing, I just don't serve as the head of the Rong family anymore!"

"What!" Mom screamed, she truly couldn't accept this result even though she now knew.

Her scream was indeed shrill, causing the two little boys to peek out from the kitchen. They widened their eyes and looked warily in the direction of Mom Rong. Lin Meng also followed behind, sticking her head out. Seeing that Mom Rong and Rong Ling hadn't had any accidents, Lin Meng lowered her head and gave the two little boys a word.

"Youyou, Haohuo, come back and help Mommy wash the dishes!"

Two little ones looked at Mom Rong's direction, but in the end they decided to listen to Mommy, so they pulled their heads back.

Rong Ling looked at the three of them as they went back into the kitchen, and then turned to her mother Rong Mama and said.

"Master, I didn't really want to do this job anyway, so I quit. Mom, don't make a fuss about it!"

Mother’s face flashed with a touch of embarrassment. Being told this by her son, she felt a little ashamed. She did believe in her son and supported him. Since her son didn't want to do it anymore, she could put half her mind at ease. But she was still puzzled.

"Why don't you want to do it!"

Originally, he had worked so hard to get that position. The effort and dedication he put in were immeasurable, there's no way to sugarcoat it!

"It just doesn't feel right, so I don't want to do it anymore. Mom, please don't ask any more questions. Rest assured, even though I'm not the head of the household anymore, your life will not change in any way!"

"Mom immediately grumbled, "It's not that Mom is worried about this, but she's worried about you!"

Then you have nothing to worry about, I'm fine!

Mom frowned, her mind racing trying to figure out what else she should ask. But for a moment, she didn't know where to begin. When it came to finance, she wasn't very knowledgeable. For so many years, she had settled into her own little world. If you were talking about perms, straightening, styling, skincare, makeup, she could chat with you endlessly. But when it came to money matters, she was clueless. She and her son simply didn't speak the same language in that area.

"Don't even think about it, your son is doing just fine!"

Mom could only nod, then added with lingering concern.

"Rong Ling, if you have something going on, please tell me. Don't keep it from your mother. I know I'm not very capable, but I am a living person after all and can always lend a hand!"

Rong Ling hummed in response but still wasn't willing to elaborate on the subject. Instead, he changed the topic.

"Mom, I'll be discharged this afternoon, don't leave!"

"So sudden!" Mom Rong felt that strange, ancient feeling well up inside her again. It was just that everything had happened so quickly today. She had just become the head of the family and now she was being rushed out of the hospital. Was there... some connection here!

He listened as Rong Ling explained there.

"Mengmeng and Haohuo are both fine now and should be able to go home from the hospital. There's really nothing like being at home!"

That's a reasonable explanation. Considering Mom's straightforward nature, it's not really possible to overthink things too much, so I just agreed.

Then you take care of it!

"Well, I'll send you back first, then I'll take Mengmeng out for a trip to bring back her old luggage!"

"Then I'll go help too!"

"No, you should just bring the children. Both of them are still young and need an adult around. By then, with Little Four helping me, I'll have enough."

As soon as she heard the names Xiao Youyou and Xiao Haohuo, Mama Rong's heart softened, and she immediately agreed without any objection. Looking at her children was what she enjoyed most of all.

When Lin Meng and the two little ones came out of the kitchen, Rong Ling brought up the matter. (..tw a good-looking novel) Lin Meng was slightly surprised, then obediently followed Rong Ling. The two little ones were very excited, they said that they were moving house, their eyes sparkled with excitement. After all, children are curious and love to experience new things. It's just a pity that Xiao Youyou had to go to martial arts class in the afternoon and could only see his new house at night.

The little guy was a little unhappy, his small mouth slightly pouted. He was well-behaved, not acting spoiled or mischievous, just quietly expressing his displeasure.

Lin Meng saw this and came to ask the little boy what was wrong. Only then did the little boy honestly explain under her questioning.

"Mommy, can Yoyo skip martial arts this afternoon Yoyo wants to help move too. Yoyo wants to go to the new house and play, and see what the new house looks like!"

"Hee hee, silly little one, so you're unhappy about this!" Lin Meng pinched the little guy's extraordinarily soft cheek playfully and explained with a smile. "It's called a new house, but it's not really new, oh. Mommy took Youyou there before, remember You even played dominoes with Daddy there. Your set of dominoes is still there! How come you forgot!"

"Oh, that's where it is!" The little guy laughed, his mouth no longer pouted. Then he hugged Lin Meng's arm and said in a sweet, crisp voice, "Mommy, Youyou likes there!"

It's great there! There are many rooms and lots of things to play with!

"Then go to sleep quietly, Mommy will take you to school in a while!"

"Hmm." The little boy nodded seriously, then walked over and pulled Little Haohao along. The two of them went to take a nap together.

Children are growing rapidly, and unless something unexpected happens, Lin Meng always lets the little ones take an afternoon nap. Now, Little Youyou has also joined this activity!

Lin Meng was also full and a little sleepy, but because she was about to pack up and leave, she went to tidy up her things. Rong Mama also joined in. As for Rong Ling, he went into the computer room, probably to talk to Yu Xu.

When the time came, the two little ones were woken up. Rong Ling first sent the smaller one to Old Master Yan's place, then sent Mama Rong and Little Haohao to that small villa in Haiyi District, and finally went to the Ruan family with Yu Xu.

In the car, Lin Meng dreamed of Yu Xu driving behind him and said to Rong Ling, “Actually, I don’t have much stuff, so there’s no need for Xu to follow me. It would be a bother for him!”

"It's fine, he's free. Just use him as one of your own!"

"Well, we can't always keep him busy like this!"

Rong Ling just laughed. "He usually spends his daytime slacking off, only doing serious work at night. Having him follow you would at least keep him active!"

Lin Meng just laughed.

Forget it, she overthought it. She saw through them. These brothers of Rong Ling are really just like family, always messing with each other and relentlessly teasing one another!

When the three of them arrived, the three Ruan brothers were waiting at home. They had received a phone call from Lin Meng in advance and knew she was coming back to get something.

The Ruan family is completely different now. No one dares to underestimate the Ruan family anymore. After Lin Meng announced his departure from the Ruan family, some of their peers tried to suppress the Ruan family. After all, the Ruan family was too popular. Their rivals envied them, and the Ruan family's success meant a decrease in their own business. This is naturally something that businessmen are unwilling to see.

They also understand that even if Jiang Changhao had invested so much money in Guangda Group, it was probably out of face for Lin Meng. Now that Lin Meng is gone, there are probably no more taboo things to avoid. If they unite and take the form of collective price reduction, and fight a price war with Guangda together, Guangda is estimated to be unable to withstand it. After all, Guangda's original capital is still there! Jiang Changhao invested ten billion, but that ten billion was also implemented in batches!

"Where could anyone have known Before they even had a chance to react, Ji Da, who had originally split off from Guangda, suddenly announced a merger with Guangda, reforming into Guangda once again. And with this merger came tens of billions in overseas orders. These orders were none other than the amount that Ruan Chengyi had previously incurred losses on, and even the company that placed the order remained unchanged!"

Insiders noticed something off right away and started speculating wildly.

The three brothers, including Ruan Chengyi, learned the whole story from Li Song. It turned out that at that time, Ruan Chengyi had made a careless mistake, causing nearly ten billion yuan in financial losses. This was entirely planned by Ruan Cangsheng, which was his backup plan. In order to force the three brothers to succeed, he had to use this "cutting off the grass and rooting out the weeds" tactic, letting the three brothers hone themselves in difficulties and truly grow!

Suing his way through the division of assets, he left the three brothers with a dilapidated and almost hollowed-out Guangda. Although this was difficult, it provided a wonderful stage for the three brothers to shine. From selecting people and laying the foundation to utilizing their strengths, planning strategically, and commanding overall operations, this empty shell of a platform allowed them to fully unleash their potential!

Now, under Lin Meng's guidance and encouragement, the three brothers have all grown tremendously. Ruan Cangsheng feels it's time to reveal the truth. After all, Lin Meng is about to get married, and he can't keep hiding it any longer. He's even preparing a big gift for her! He treats this woman like his daughter, and on such an important occasion as her wedding, he has to make a statement. He can't let Rong Ling bully her in the future!

The lawsuit was originally entrusted to him by his elder brother, Ruan Cangsheng, and he made the crucial move of dividing Guangda at a critical moment. Now, Ruan Cangsheng contacted him by phone, saying that it was done, and he returned with the original team. The merger of Jida and the original Guangda, plus the injection of various foreign capital, has resulted in a rapidly growing Guangda that is stronger and more glamorous than before.

Within China alone, no other home furnishings company can rival the scale of Guangda!

This absolute strength, in the form of an unstoppable torrent, has left those companies that had plans to engage in underhanded activities too afraid to move. Because if they were truly to initiate a price war as planned, the first to be dragged down by the low prices would undoubtedly be them!

Lin Meng was unable to go out recently because she was recovering from her injuries. Even after she healed, she had to focus on Rong Ling's affairs, so she didn't know much about Guang Da's changes. In fact, these were insider information. Other people might know some things, but they definitely couldn't know everything.

When Lin Meng heard from Ruan Chengyi’s full confession, she had to admire Ruan Cangsheng's foresight. Before she returned home, Ruan Cangsheng told her to just do her best and not push herself too hard. He even comforted her, saying that if she wanted to leave, she could at any time, and not to consider guiding the three children as a mandatory mission, because he already had a backup plan!

Come to think of it, this must be his backup plan!

Thus, the conflict between Li Song and Ruan Chengyi would naturally dissipate. As a result, things between Li Yuan and Ruan Chengyi would become much easier, and they would receive more blessings!

And it's estimated that the day when Ruan Cangsheng is brought back by his three sons won't be far off. Lin Meng believes that since everything has been laid bare, the three brothers, Ruan Chengyi, will definitely go to America to bring their grandfather back. Otherwise, the three of them wouldn't be the ones she knows!

A father who has brought a child to this state, a father whose life is filled with irretrievable sorrow, how can you demand anything more from him!

She didn't ask at all if Chengyi was planning to pick up her grandfather because she had that confidence!

Luggage, Lin Meng had packed some early on, and after a quick tidy up, she was almost done. Rong Ling and Yu Xu took the initiative to carry things, and Ruan Chengyang pulled Lin Meng aside.

"Stepmom, let's go. Let them handle the moving. We can chat over here."

Lin Meng thought this was a separation, her heart felt a little sad. In fact, she had a lot to say to Cheng Yang, so she followed him. Ruan Chenghui also followed. As for Ruan Chengyi and Rong Ling, they stayed behind together to move.

Three people went to the small study, and after they all sat down, Ruan Chengyang first asked Lin Meng where she was living now, and how the two little ones were doing.

Lin Meng replied, telling a few anecdotes about the little ones. Turning back, she instructed them to look after each other well and be kind to people, not being hasty or impatient. She also reminded them that one should always be wary of others and not stay up late, but eat properly and take care of themselves.

Both of them were moved to tears by Lin Meng's words.

Ruan Chengyang sniffed and asked her, "Little Mom, is Rong Ling really going to marry you!"

Lin Meng blushed and nodded shyly.

Then what actions did he take to show that That man seems very cunning, you mustn't be deceived by him!

"No, I believe him!" To reassure both of them, and also to reassure Ruan Chengyi, because brothers united are strong, the two of them actually represented the three brothers. She added, "I've already chosen my wedding dress, and it's being made now!"

Ruan Chenghui didn't feel happy at all when he heard this, instead his lips tightened.

"I heard that Rong Ling was kicked out of the Rong family and is now nothing!" Ruan Chengrui said coldly. "He's so poor and pathetic, he doesn't deserve you at all!"

"That's right, that's right. Little Mom, don't rush into marrying him just yet. Take some more time to get to know him. He's really down on his luck right now. If you marry him, what if you end up suffering What then!"


"How is that even possible!" Ruan Chenghui coldly interrupted her. "I saw enough, the one Rong Jia sent over first wasn't someone easy to get along with!"

Guangda stood up again, just like a giant. As such, all sorts of people started swarming around the three brothers of the Ruan family, wanting to know some news, something that should be easy to obtain! They knew very well that Rong Ling had been driven out and was now jobless. Moreover, through a channel, they learned that the Rong family wouldn't just let it go; there seemed to be more actions to come! And as for Rong Qinkeng, who had been suppressed by Rong Ling for so many years, he was like an old prince pretending to be obedient before he seized the throne. Once he took the throne, how could he treat those who had once occupied it kindly

"Don't rush into marriage, he isn't worthy of you right now. Think about it, you are from the Ruan family, finding someone better than him would be easy!"

Lin Meng let out a laugh. "What's worth matching and what's not, I think Rong Ling and I are a perfect match! So what if he was kicked out As long as we live our little lives peacefully together, isn't that enough"

"Stepmom, you've really driven me crazy! You're so clueless. Women don't aspire to marry someone who is poor and struggling. Marrying him will only make your life miserable in the future!" Ruan Cheng hui acted as if he was deeply distressed.

“That’s right, Mom. Don’t be fooled so easily and let Rong Ling take you away like that. I say, you should stay here first and observe Rong Ling for a while before making any decisions. Wait until he gets back on his feet, then you can consider marrying him again. Our house is small now, but don’t worry, it will be renovated soon and we’ll add some rooms. Then, Mom, I promise you’ll have a big room to yourself, and Youyou and Haohuo will each have their own rooms too. Even the lawn and yard outside will be expanded, making sure Youyou and the others have plenty of space to play happily!”

Lin Meng laughed again. "What are you two brothers thinking about Did I move out because there wasn't enough room You guys, don't worry, I know what I want, and I'm very happy now!"

As soon as she mentioned happiness, Ruan Chenghui's spirits wilted.

Ruan Chengyang didn't know how to interface anymore.

"...Nguyen Cong Huy simply couldn't bear it. His purpose for coming here was to keep her by his side. "Little Mom, Rong Ling is truly unworthy of you. Don't be with him anymore, that kind of person..."

"I think he's perfect for her!" Lin Meng immediately interrupted Ruan Chengrui, looking at him with unwavering determination, so much so that Ruan Chengrui felt even more downcast.

"They deserve it," she chuckled softly, then turned her attention back to her two sons. "You see, you mustn't judge people based on their backgrounds. What truly matters is what's inside!"

"...his insides aren't necessarily that great either..." Ruan Cheng hui muttered.

"Alright," a cold voice rang out. Then, the door swung open and Rong Ling's tall figure appeared at the doorway.

Lin Meng was stunned!

Rong Ling walked over and enveloped Lin Meng in his arms. Without any hesitation, he lowered his head and passionately kissed her. In front of the three brothers, including Ruan Chengyi who was trailing behind him, he deeply kissed Lin Meng. When she opened her lips slightly out of surprise, he even stuck his tongue inside, indulging in a wild and lascivious kiss. With the other hand, he pressed against Lin Meng's back, not allowing her to struggle too much.

That intimate warmth, it makes your heart ache just looking at it!

When Ruan Chenghui saw this scene, he couldn't help but clench his fists. He wanted to beat Rong Ling up!

This man is too wicked, it was him who stole Lin Meng away, from this home, he stole the woman who rightfully belonged to this family!

Then, Nguyen Cheng Yang turned his head to look at Nguyen Cheng Yi, his eyes filled with both disappointment and helplessness!

This was their last resort, to hold onto Lin Meng's last hope. So the three brothers came up with a plan: to separate Lin Meng and Rong Ling, then have Ruan Chengyi lead Rong Ling back, letting him hear their conversation with Lin Meng.

Naturally, getting Rong Ling to obediently follow their arrangements would be a technical feat. Therefore, this heavy responsibility was entrusted to Ruan Chengyi. Ruan Chengyi intentionally provoked Rong Ling.

"If you want to take her away from this house safely, you'll have to get past the three of us brothers first. You know we've all grown up and now have many people willing to serve us. It wouldn't be difficult for us to send you back empty-handed!"

But this could not truly threaten Rong Ling! In his view, even if Guang became powerful enough to frighten many people, it would still be insufficient in his eyes.

What truly made him agree to this arrangement was what Ruan Chengyi was about to say next.

Don't you want to hear what Lin Meng really thinks of you! Don't you want to know, after all that's happened, if she still wants to be with you deep down! You are a possessive person. When you marry a woman, you must want her to love only you, right Can you tolerate her not loving you wholeheartedly!

This is actually, a gamble!

If Lin Meng, under the persuasion of Ruan Chengyang and Ruan Chenghui, agreed that Rong Ling was unworthy of him, or even agreed to Ruan Chenghui's suggestion to stay at the Ruan family for a while and observe Rong Ling again, then the three brothers would win. Lin Meng wouldn't be able to leave with Rong Ling. But if Lin Meng completely ignored Ruan Chenghui and Ruan Chengyang, then the three brothers would lose and would no longer be able to keep Lin Meng for any reason!

They did this out of unwillingness, simply watching Lin Meng leave like that.

Their Ruan family isn't weak either. They could also keep her and provide her with wealth and respect for her entire life, giving her everything she desires.

They just don't want her to leave!

Because they have deep feelings, even though they are wealthy now, each person could afford several luxury cars, but they are reluctant to leave this house. They would rather build on the foundation of this house than move away from this middle-class community!

But obviously, they lost!

The loss was truly—so unwilling yet so undeniably inevitable!

What kind of person is Lin Meng, don't they understand!

Easy-to-get wealth, say let go and they just let go! How could they possibly hold onto it!

The last attempt wasn't a glorious probe, it was just to fulfill their last shred of hope!

Because, I can't bear to part with it!

It's really heartbreaking!

Ruan Chengyi looked at his younger brother's eyes, shook his head gently, and closed his eyes.

This is admitting defeat, giving up!

The outcome is decided!

Rong Ling kissed Lin Meng for a full three minutes before letting go. He then gave the Ruan family's three brothers a warning glare. Don't think he didn't know what those three little rascals were up to! His woman was not someone they could covet! Hmph, he only cooperated because he wanted them to give up completely and never bother Lin Meng again.

After that, she would be a married woman. If they had any sense, they would know the importance of this face and avoid suspicion!

"We can go now, right!"

With a panting breath, Lin Meng finally looked at Ruan Chengyi coldly. Because she knew, Ruan Chengyi was the true leader.

Ruan Chengyi's response was impassive!

Now, he also has the capital to be arrogant!

Rong Ling looked at him like that, and she just wanted to tear off all his pretense of coldness! Acting aloof in front of him was like brandishing a big knife before Guan Yu, utterly overreaching! But considering Lin Meng, her heart softened.

Well, that silly woman thinks highly of those three little brats, so he'd better not upset her!

"Let's go!"

He deliberately reached out and stroked her swollen lips, which were like blooming flowers, to provoke the three Ruan boys. Then, he hugged her waist and walked out intimately.

If you tell them they can't, that'll just make it more tempting!

Lin Meng's mind was in a mess, about Rong Ling's sudden appearance. And then to be kissed like that, it was really embarrassing. She lowered her head, unable to do anything but let him hold her and walk away, she didn't dare to look at the expressions on other people's faces. Then, she thought again, those words just now, I don't know how much he heard!

Suddenly, she felt a mix of shame and slight apprehension!ly adding another.She lowered her head, her long hair cascading down her face, not daring to look at him. She lay there like a turtle hiding in its shell, afraid to move. Only the low moans and the oc...