, the person who came to kill him was a tough guy too. He had blood all over his head, but he still charged towards Ling Chong and fired his gun!Rong Ling's shoulders ached with pain, she had been sho...Two months pregnant, her belly wasn't noticeably protruding yet. She still had a defined waist and hips, with a lovely hourglass figure. Her cool outfit highlighted the curves of her chest, making people want to steal more than a glance. And don't even get me started on her legs! That short skirt barely covered her backside.

Fang Qi knew very well that Rong was a seasoned player in the game of love. With He Ya dressed up this way, how could he not see through her deliberate disguise and the hidden meaning behind it

He twitched the corner of his mouth, gazing at her with unrestrained arrogance, his desire for a woman as prey undisguised.

He Ya slowly sat down, at the same time, straightening her legs. Rong Qi's eyes swept over her legs and into the space between them, then he smiled knowingly.

He stood up and then sat down beside He Ya. He Ya turned her head, looking at him with a complex expression. Rong Qikeng smiled, his fingertips touching her chin.

She didn't move!

His smile broadened, turning into a wanton grin as he began to caress her face. He looked at her unabashedly, studying every detail. Up close, he found her even more beautiful than before. He'd noticed she was pretty, of course, but back then, she belonged to another family. He wouldn't have dared to think about her beyond a fleeting fantasy. And later, when she started dating Rong Ling, there was absolutely no way he could give her any more attention!

And now, this woman belongs to him!

Everything that once belonged to Rong Ling now belongs to him!

His heart raced with excitement!

Another stunning little face came to mind, a being as captivating as a goddess!

That—probably will be his next target of conquest!

Heart filled with contentment, he slowly brought his face closer, inch by inch, to her little mouth. And she, without struggling, only her eyelashes fluttering wildly, half-lowered her eyes, softly waiting. And finally, his kiss fell upon her lips.

She — did not dodge!

Rong Qi kept staring at her, observing her facial expressions without missing a beat. In the end, he was very satisfied with the result. This woman, although she seemed somewhat cold and hard, definitely didn't show any disgust. And her current gentleness implied her approval of him. Therefore, he gradually increased the pressure on his lips, deepening the kiss continuously!

Very sweet!

He kissed her, tasting the sweet nectar of a woman's lips!

She looked a little inexperienced, but that satisfied him even more. It meant she hadn't been around much, and he could take his time training her!

This is not some woman you wouldn't even bother mentioning, this is the daughter of the He family!

And now this woman is going to become his plaything!

This idea thrilled him. He immediately reached out, grabbed her head and kissed her fiercely, his other hand following suit, boldly landing on her back and then, with burning intensity, crawling from the spot where she had stopped up to her waist!

She still didn't struggle too much!

He kissed her enough, let go of her, his eyes holding a hint of playful charm.

"The first one was given to me!"

She looked at him with a touch of humiliation.

That's probably just the default!

He changed his angle and continued to ask, "Between you and Rong Ling, is there really nothing at all!"

She suddenly pulled her face down and snapped, “Don’t mention him in front of me. I have nothing to do with him!”

Rong Qi immediately burst into laughter!

Great! Great! Great!

That's exactly what he wanted!

"Follow me, and I promise you won't be treated badly!"

Sweet words and promises, spoken casually!

He Ya listened, only lowering her head!

Fung looked at her like this, his heart stirred. Although she had slept with him, he really didn't remember much about that day. What would she be like in bed Would she be a chaste and virtuous woman Or a wild temptress Or perhaps, a pure but untamed lily

Thinking about it, there was a slight warmth in his lower abdomen, but he did a good job of suppressing the feeling. The future was long, and he couldn't be too eager for results. The agreement with the He family was just beginning, he couldn't rashly let himself get caught. He had to observe for a few days!

As for this woman…

A scorching gaze fell upon He Ya. In his mind, an image of her naked body had already formed involuntarily. He narrowed his eyes, a hint of mischief playing on his lips. No rush, if the He family truly wanted to make things difficult, then this woman would be at his disposal in the future!

Rong Qikeng just went back like that. It goes without saying that Rong Feiwu and Du Caoyi would be extremely dissatisfied with him! Rong Qikeng certainly wouldn't tell them his true intentions, he would only offer a vague explanation, essentially saying that the He family wasn't planning to abort the child, so he couldn't do anything about it. He completely blamed the He family for this whole thing.

Feng flew into a rage and scolded Rong Qinkeng.

"You are the head of the Rong family, a mere He family! What can you possibly do That's just a shapeless lump of flesh. Toppling him would be child's play!"

"We have always had a good relationship with the He family. It's not good to just make things awkward between us!"

"A businessman seeks profit above all else, even if it means causing a rift. As long as enough benefit is presented to the He family, they will surely submit! They are not short of one more child, are they If they want another child, just let that girl give birth!"

"I've said these things already, but the He family just won't listen!"

Feng Wu just stared, and vaguely had an idea that this son was really useless. If this had happened to Rong Ling, he wouldn't even need to take action. Rong Ling would definitely be able to handle this cleanly.

Ke Rongqinggao still had something to say. “Dad, I think that's fine. If the He family is willing to have the child, then let them. It's not a big loss for our Rong family anyway. After all, illegitimate children are common in every generation of the head of the family!”

Rong Fei's heart grew increasingly angry!

It seems this son not only failed to dissuade the He family, but was instead persuaded by them!

"What benefits did He Jia give you! Why are you helping them so much!"

Rong Fei wanted to kick him again impulsively!

Rong Qi was startled. Thinking of his grandfather, a man who had once been powerful and influential, he realized that the old man truly knew how to get to the point. But if he didn't say anything, what could the old man do about it

So, Chung Kwai-kwan denies that such a thing happened!

Rong Fei frowned, a mixture of belief and doubt in his heart, as he said, “He family, you just can’t get involved with them. That family is full of wolves and tigers, getting mixed up with them will only cause trouble. Besides, are you just going to ignore this How will you face your in-laws, how will you face your wife!”

"There's nothing stopping me. I'll tell her myself when we're at Fengfeng's place!"

"Don't tell me you really didn't see the vested interests at play here!"

Rong Qi's teeth clenched tightly, and a sense of annoyance welled up within him. "Enough, Dad. I can handle my own affairs!"

"If you could handle it, would I even be sitting here talking to you!"

"Look at him, his face is stretched so long, he looks like a donkey!"

"Dad, I'm the head of the family now. Please stop controlling me and let me go my own way, okay!"

"Then you're disliking me as your father!" Rong Feiwu glared.

"It's not that I dislike it, but Dad, you should do whatever you want. When Rong Ling was here, didn't you just act the same way Just keep doing what you did before!"

"Are you Rong Ling!" Rong Fei blurted out, his voice filled with righteous anger!

When these words were spoken, Du Caiyi's face darkened. Rong Qingen's complexion was even worse, as dark as it could be!

Rong Fei suddenly understood that he had spoken too hastily. He immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking.

However, after a moment of silence, Rong Qi suddenly let out a cold snort.

"Humph, Rong Ling is Rong Ling, and I am me. Dad, I won't be worse than him, just you wait and see!"

After that, he left with a dark face and a gloomy expression.

Du Caiyi started complaining to Rong Fei Wu, grumbling about how he was stirring up trouble where there was none. Rong Fei Wu frowned, enduring his wife's incessant nagging, but inwardly, he was also seething with anger!

This son, one by one grew up, wings all hardened! Each of them doesn't listen to their father anymore! Rong Ling is like that, now Rong Qi Keng is like that too!

This is outrageous!

How can something as important as this be left hanging like this! The child in Ya's belly isn't a human, it's a gluttonous monster – a Taotie, perhaps capable of swallowing half the Rong family in one gulp! Seeing her own daughter-in-law get into an accident clearly shows how deep He Matriarch's thoughts are! That child must be removed! This is for the sake of the Rong family and also for the safety of my eldest grandson!

This time, he had to make sure there were no accidents whatsoever!

Rong Fei had his own calculations in mind. He intended to first see what his son would do. If the outcome wasn't satisfactory, he would take matters into his own hands!

On the other hand, Rong Qikeng, who intended to just brush it off like this, couldn't get past Mu Xinfeng! As soon as he heard Rong Qikeng say that what happened with He Ya was just over, a surge of anger flared up in Mu Xinfeng's heart.

"Don't worry, those children outside, even if they are born, won't affect you or the two children. After all, it's just an illegitimate child, you don't have to think about it at all!"

Look, what kind of crap is this!

Mu Xin's anger flared, and with lightning speed, she slapped Rong Qikeng across the face! This slap completely stunned Rong Qikeng. How dare this woman! Many times she had been noisy and disruptive, but it was all confined to petty squabbles. Never before had she dared to strike him!

Yongqi's heart immediately felt very unhappy.

Anyone dislikes being slapped in the face. Especially men who care about their image, dislike it even more. Especially Rong Qikeng, who has reached his current position. He was beaten by his father before, and he just accepted it because he knew it was his father. But now, being beaten by his wife is something he can't tolerate!

...and as he listened to Mu Xinfeng's scolding, he felt even more annoyed.

"Fang Qi, you bastard! How could you promise me that You said you wouldn't let women outside of our marriage get pregnant. Where are your promises now! Did you just fart them out! A man of honor doesn't break his word. Do you even deserve this position anymore!"

"Shut up!" He hated most when people used this position to subtly mock him.

But Mu Xinfeng didn't stop talking. "The child is pregnant, I admit it, but you are still planning to let the child be born now. Rong Qikeng, can you be any more despicable Can you be any more pathetic You, the head of the Rong family, can't even handle a piece of flesh, how do you plan to command respect!"

"What's the big deal! Doesn't every head of a family have illegitimate children outside With such a powerful support system, who would dare criticize the He family!"

Back then, men could have three wives and four concubines. They joined forces and it was always the choice of every household head. During the Republic of China period, behind those secondary wives were all powerful backgrounds!

Mu Xin Feng's heart skipped a beat, her facial muscles contorting violently. She pointed a trembling finger at Rong Qi Keng.

"Well then, Rong Qikeng, so this is what you really had in mind all along, is it This is what you truly thought! You bastard, you son of a bitch..."

As if to push her away, Mu Xinfeng feigned another attempt to grapple with her.

He shoved her away impatiently.

"Pay attention to your conduct and demeanor. You're the mistress now, so stop acting so unrefined. When my father had a child with another woman, my mother didn't act like this!"

Saying that, she stomped off huffily!

Mu Xinfeng went crazy, shouting curses to the heavens and threatening self-harm. He cried out in anger, throwing things around the room! This quickly attracted everyone else in the Mu family once again.

"Men really do turn bad once they have money, don't they He's only been the head of the family for so long, and he's already treating me like this... sniffle..."

Mu Xin Feng lay in her mother's arms, crying sadly.

Others are a little resentful!

In the end, Mu Xin Feng still returned to her family home. Accompanying her were four bodyguards sent by the Mu family, two men and two women!

Mu Xinfeng staying at the Mu residence like this is not the way to go. Matters concerning the Rong family should be resolved within the Rong family. Only by returning to the Rong main house can she conveniently contact her in-laws and exert pressure on Rong Qikeng through them. Moreover, the Mu family has also felt Rong Qikeng's lack of control. They have a sense of Rong Qikeng's evasive tactics when it comes to business proposals within the Mu family. Therefore, Mu Xinfeng, as the mistress of the Rong family, should return and assert her rightful authority as a wife. Absolutely not, she must not allow outsiders to take advantage of this situation and climb their way up!

It's a child's issue, not easy to resolve!

Mu Xin Feng went to find the elders in his clan, but there was no solution!

Because, the system of illegitimate children, has always been tolerated by the Rong family!

Mu Xinfeng was unwilling to accept this, hating He Ya to the bone. So he used some means and exposed the fact that He Ya was pregnant. Moreover, he directly smeared her as promiscuous, now it's unknown whose child she carries. She is hiding in the He family and refusing to come out!

This includes Rong Qi-keng as well!

Suddenly, the He family once again came under the spotlight, but this time, the attention was negative and unwelcome! However, the He family had learned from Lin Meng's success in promoting Guangda. They secretly manipulated the media and used public opinion to build momentum, hyping up He Ya's various excellent qualities. Then, without revealing themselves, they used the media to publicize that Rong Qikeng was the father of He Ya's child! Later, the He family completely distanced themselves from the situation, portraying themselves as victims who had endured great hardships and pleaded with Mu Xinfeng not to be so aggressive.

"Rong Qikeng was furious!"

The matter of the illegitimate child, although tolerated in the Rong family, was not exactly something to be proud of! According to his original plan, he intended to keep this a secret and only announce it at a suitable time. At least, before the child was actually born, he had no such intention. He and the He family had also reached a secret agreement about this!

But now, all his carefully laid plans have been disrupted by his wife Mu Xinfeng. He had only just settled into the position of family head when he made such a disgraceful thing as having an illegitimate child. This is undoubtedly a disadvantage for him.

Thus, Rong Qikeng gave Mu Xinfeng a severe scolding! Mu Xinfeng was now like a walking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. He refused to yield and started arguing with Rong Qikeng. Enraged, Rong Qikeng ran straight to the He family's home!

"Aren't you trying to force the public announcement of my relationship with He Ya sooner Well, I'm doing as you wish now!"

Out of spite and with a cold demeanor, he decided to stay at the He family's residence!

Mu Xin's heart was filled with fury. Her liver, spleen, stomach, all ached violently. She waited until the middle of the night when her phone rang and woke her up. Then she received a provocative photo from He Ya. In it, He Ya and Rong Qikeng were sleeping in the same blanket, their naked bodies clearly visible under the thin sheet. Seeing this, Mu Xin immediately screamed as if driven mad!

The Mu family and the He family, they are sworn enemies!

The Rong family's inner courtyard will never know peace again!

Mu Xin Feng couldn't swallow her anger, and in the middle of the night, she started calling people, asking her own family to stand up for her. They went straight to the He family, intending to make a big scene. But the He family weren't just sitting ducks either. The two groups clashed outside the He family gate. In the dead of night, it became noisy and chaotic, waking up many residents nearby. The next day, the news spread, and everyone started gossiping about the He family, the Mu family, and the Rong family!

This matter, further embellished by cunning media outlets, even made the front page of a certain newspaper. The Rong family reacted when they realized it was out of control!

"Hoh oh!"

Several old men from the Rong family gathered together, and their faces were not looking good.

This head of the Rong family is too disappointing! How could just these two women not understand each other! In the end, they even dragged down the entire Rong family's descendants, so that everyone who went out was ashamed!

What is all this!

During Rong Ling's time, such things would never happen!

Several elders had a thought in their minds. The more they compared Rong Qikeng to Rong Ling, the worse they felt. However, Rong Ling had been driven out. No matter how dissatisfied they were, they could only swallow it. In the end, Rong Qikeng was called back. The elders talked to him, both explicitly and implicitly, just to remind him to pay attention to his influence. Although he made some deals after becoming the head of the family, and the company's overall performance slightly increased, the head of the family represented the face of the entire Rong family. Besides doing business, a head of the family also had to know how to be a person! Compared to a notorious head of the family who only knew how to do business, they would rather have an ordinary but respectable head of the family!

Rong Qikeng went home with a dark face and listened silently. Though he disliked these elders' interference, he knew the bigger picture mattered. He wasn't powerful enough to fully control the family yet, so some compromises were necessary. So, he returned home without blaming Mu Xinfeng, merely saying something lightly.

“You shouldn't have made such a big deal out of it. I was just angry with you that day, so I deliberately went to He's place. Don't make things difficult for me, we've been married for many years, haven't we weathered every storm together You hold a special place in my heart, don't you understand! If you don't like He Ya, I won't go looking for her.”

Then, he coaxed her every which way. Although Mu Xinfeng still kept a cold face and treated him like she wasn't seeing him, after he forcefully pinned her down on the bed and indulged in their passions, Mu Xinfeng calmed down considerably! From then on, even though he felt annoyed, he continued to pamper Mu Xinfeng as usual, almost sharing nights with her every night. He even used all sorts of attentive tactics, readily agreeing to certain requests from the Mu family side. There was a hint between them that they were back in their honeymoon phase. Mu Xinfeng no longer publicly picked on He Ya!

However, the friction between the Mu family and the He family did not cease. Instead, it played out silently and increasingly fiercely in the shadows!

"There's bound to be a collision! Boom—it'll explode!"

Yu Xu smiled, summing it up like this with a tone of schadenfreude!

Rong Ling remained noncommittal. The two chatted about other things, and he hung up the phone!

Shortly after, Lin Meng pushed in a cart full of dishes. The meal was ready. The two little kids followed behind her like two newly hatched chicks, still inseparable!

It seems that even after this long reunion, the little ones are still pining for each other!

It's time to eat!

Lin Meng greeted Rong Ling, putting the food on the table and casually saying, "I'll feed you!"

Because Rong Ling was injured in his right hand, it would definitely be inconvenient for him to eat. Lin Meng made this decision, but she probably didn't know that relying on just his left hand, Rong Ling could absolutely handle something as simple as eating. This man has equally capable hands!

But, this woman was so proactive in offering to feed him!

Rong Ling smiled inwardly, why should he explain this beautiful misunderstanding!

To be fed by her, what a luxury!

He swaggered over and sat down as if he were the master, waiting to be served!

Lin Meng placed the meal in front of him and then handed him a spoon.

Here you go!

"Use this to eat!"

Let me know if I can help with any other translations.

Rong Ling raised an eyebrow slightly. If he wasn't going to feed him, why would he even give him a spoon

"Youyou, Haohuo, come here, here you go!"

Lin Meng drew out clean chopsticks and handed them to Xiao Youyou and Xiao Haohuo respectively.


Two little kids who had received the chopsticks both said "oh" at the same time, but instead of picking them up, they just looked at their father and mother with mischievous eyes.

Lin Meng naturally scooped up some vegetables and rice into Rong Ling's bowl, smiling at him. "Eat!"

Rong Ling looked at the dish in the bowl, feeling a bit downcast. Because it was not what he had imagined!

He didn't move!

Lin Meng felt strange and urged him. "Why aren't you eating!"

"My hands don't work!" A certain man brazenly and openly told a colossal lie!

She was clueless and tried to help. “Just use a spoon to scoop it up and eat!”

"Didn't you say you were feeding me!"

A smile appeared on the woman's face. "I didn't get you a serving of food, eat it quickly!"

She leaned closer, picked up the spoon, and pushed it toward him. "Here, eat this!"

Fearing he still wouldn't understand, she demonstrated again, scooping both the vegetables and rice onto her spoon. "Mumble, eat like this!"

"You feed me!" he continued, brazenly lying again. "With a flick of my left hand, I could strain my shoulder and reopen the wound. Just do me a favor and feed me directly!"


Is that so!

She didn't think much of it, might as well feed him! Though she felt a little embarrassed in front of the two children, who made her do this This man was hurt after all!

Raising her hand, she brought the spoon to his lips and instinctively said, "Ah—"

It's just like when she used to feed the little ones!

But she quickly recovered, realizing that the person before her wasn't a child, but a man. A blush crept onto her face. The man looked at her with an intense and deep gaze, something indescribable that sent shivers down her spine. This made her feel increasingly strange inside.

"Eat!" She quickly licked her lips, immediately adding.

The man opened his mouth wide, and a spoonful of rice and vegetables was sent straight into it!

Then, now the dishes are going to be ruined!

When Lin Meng was feeding the third spoonful, two little radish heads suddenly stood beside her. As she looked at these two naughty children who weren't sitting properly in their places and eating well, the two little guys simultaneously raised their faces and opened their mouths wide.

"Ah--" Little Youyou let out a small exclamation. Her round mouth seemed like she was about to have her teeth examined by the dentist.

"Ah—" Xiao Hao's mouth was slightly less open, but you could still see the soft pink tongue and delicate throat inside.

This is---

Lin Meng's mind suddenly flashed this scene, it was something she had seen in the countryside when she was a child. A newly hatched swallow chirped excitedly as its parent returned with food, each raising their heads and opening their mouths wide to be fed.

"Ah—" The little guy called out again, his voice soft and tender, with a hint of coquettishness. His big eyes looked at Lin Meng so pitifully that she felt like he was just a little fledgling!

“Oh!” Little Haohao wouldn't back down either. He leaned his little face closer to hers.

Is this… making her feed it!

How did these two children suddenly become like this!

Lin Meng smiled in disbelief!

Could it be that things have changed because we've been apart for so long!

Two children are being cute, they're seeking attention. How could she, as a mother, not know that!

"Ah---" The little guy tugged at her clothes, urging her on. He stared eagerly at the spoon in her hand, then turned his head to look at her, wrinkling his small brow and acting all sweet and endearing.

"I'm hungry! Mommy, feed me!"

"Ah—" he cried out, his little face lifting slightly as he urged on, and called out two more times.

"Ah... Ah—"

Lin Meng suddenly felt, this child, how could he be so cute!

She's about to be melted by cuteness!

---- Off-topic ----

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