and the door opened automatically. But unexpectedly, coming in weren't only the female attendant, but also two people Lin Meng really didn't want to see -- Gao Changming and his son, Gao Xi!Lin Meng's...Night, quiet as a mouse. (..tw) The corridor was devoid of any light. The door creaked open with a sound, and a blurry figure suddenly darted out from behind it. Her petite frame suggested she was a woman. The woman tiptoed along, using her hand to feel the wall for guidance. She finally reached another door, extending her hand and gently placing it on the doorknob!

She realized the doorknob could be turned by her with just a twist. She couldn't help but let out a soft "咦" and then gently pushed open the door, still deliberately taking light steps as she walked inside. The room was pitch black, not a single ray of light. The woman frowned in displeasure. However, she still tiptoed cautiously into the room.

Even in the darkness, the outline of the large bed was still visible. The woman's goal was that big bed. But during her advance, something suddenly hit her foot, causing the woman to gasp. Although she quickly realized she couldn't make a sound and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand, the sound had already escaped. The woman abruptly raised her eyes and cautiously looked at the lump on the bed!

Anyway, the bump didn't move at all. It seemed completely undisturbed.

The woman let out a breath of relief and continued to creep forward, but this time, she was even more careful. Just as she was about to reach the big bed, the woman suddenly changed direction and reached for a nearby armchair. On that chair, there were some clothes hanging. She frowned again, bent down, leaned close to the clothes, sniffed them, and smelled them lightly. Like a little dog!

She sniffed the air and then raised her head, walking toward the lump on the bed. Because the lump was sleeping in the middle of the bed, she had to take off her slippers and carefully climbed up. As she climbed, she kept a close eye on the movements of the person on the bed! When she got to him, the man didn't seem to be waking up at all!

"Tsk, your awareness is too low!" she muttered softly.

Then she remembered something, leaned her head down, and snuggled up to his face, continuing to twitch her little nose and sniffing lightly. After smelling only the scent of body wash and the man's own fragrance, she lifted her head!

Now, stay here and tempt him. See what name he calls out!

Or, sneaking out!

After some thought, she felt that she couldn't let this man off too easily! Because, she was basically certain that if the man woke up, he would definitely call her name. But if she just stayed here, it would be like offering herself up, which would be far too cheap of her.

Well, he'd have to coax her back, wouldn't he

Well, that's just how it is!

Okay, she quietly twitched her butt and stretched her legs back, intending to retreat!

But suddenly, the man opened his eyes. Two cold lamps blazed to life in the darkness!

The man reached out and suddenly grabbed her arm, pulling her forcefully toward him before she could fully retreat!

"Everyone's here, and you want to leave!"

The man's voice was playful, cold and devoid of any sleepiness. It was clear he was awake. Or perhaps, he never slept at all!

He lied to her!

She was a little annoyed, feeling like she'd shown him something embarrassing!

He extended his other arm as well, encircling her waist with it and pulling her closer.

"Baby, wouldn't you be able to sleep without me!"

He chuckled softly, a look of smug satisfaction on his face that made her want to punch him.

Where does he get his confidence from!

She wouldn't possibly be unable to sleep!

He didn't make a sound. She pushed him and rubbed against him frantically, trying to get away!

He rolled over, effortlessly pinning her beneath him. Then, his large hand traced along her slender waist, giving it a quick caress before slipping between her legs, pulling one of them apart. His muscular frame descended upon her with sudden force, resembling a predator poised for attack!

She was startled!

Because, I felt that the area below him was "full of life"!

This… she… she just arrived, right He… how did he get so easily captivated! This… this is too fast!


She suddenly scowled, or was he waiting for someone on purpose!

Although she knew he must have misunderstood, she couldn't help but feel jealous. So, she asked him in a sour tone.

"Hey, why are you sleeping without closing the door properly!"

Not only was her specially prepared key rendered useless, but there's also another woman in the house now! He doesn't even bother to lock the door when he sleeps Be careful, someone might take advantage of him and "force himself" on him in the middle of the night!

He abruptly kissed her little mouth, then felt it wasn't enough. He bit down on her lips, so soft and tender like ice, before replying, "How did you get in here Close the door!"

It sounds like he was waiting for her specifically, or perhaps he already knew she would come!

How could she feel like she was being completely devoured by him!

At that moment, I felt a surge of competitiveness towards him!

"Hey, how did you know I'd come looking for you! You tell me, weren't you playing some kind of trick on me Were you waiting for someone else and not me at all!"

"You little vinegar bottle!" He reached out and pinched her cheek hard. "If I don't wait for you, who else am I going to wait for!"

"This house... is... not... only me—"

He suddenly kissed her, silencing her protests. "But," he said, "I'll only let you into this room to strut your stuff and climb onto my bed!"

His expression suddenly became very serious.

She retorted defiantly, "How have I been arrogant!"

He said to her, “The moment the door creaked open, I knew it was you. After you came in with such a loud noise, I still had to act like I didn't know anything and play along with you. You touched this and that, looked left and right, sniffed around—you practically screamed 'I snuck in here!' Aren't you arrogant”

She immediately felt embarrassed!

How, she did all these things, he knew them all!

It feels like she really has become a clown!

He smiled and asked her, "Little darling, you've been working on this for so long, are you satisfied with the test results!"


This man is indeed too shrewd!

He found out about all of this!

"Tolerably satisfied, I suppose!" She still sniffed haughtily. "But your attitude towards not coming to find me is incredibly unsatisfactory! Tell me, do you just want me to sleep with Youyou"

"Idiot, I told you to wait!"

That is, he figured she would come over tonight!

Then she became a little curious. "How did you know!" She knew she would come.

He mysteriously tickled her little nose. "Secrets, can't tell!"

"What's there that can't be said!" she pressed relentlessly. He wouldn't tell her, and she clung to him, writhing beneath him like a little bug. The skin contact, the soft embrace, soon had him completely bested!

I know you, so I know you'll definitely come!

As if everything about her was laid bare before him!

Could this be a profound expression of love!

She was stunned, and foolishly felt a little sweetness in her heart. She also laughed foolishly.

He looked at her and thought she was adorable. His heart fluttered, and he leaned down to kiss her. She realized something was wrong and dodged several times before finally getting away.

"Stop, stop!"

She called a halt, and then with her hand, she pushed hard against his shoulder!

Since you know me so well, you should know why I'm here! Come on, is there anything else you need to say

Saying that, she pushed him again, signaling for him to stop with that ambiguous posture pressing down on her. Since she hadn't been able to pull away in the end, and he had woken up, then she made a decision. No matter what, tonight, she had to know about everything that had happened between him and Li Lanqiu! And he, had to tell her!

Rong Ling was an extremely intelligent person. How could he possibly not know what Lin Meng wanted! She wanted to know, so he let her go. ( ...tw a good looking novel) In fact, before Li Lanqiu interfered, at the time when he invited her to dinner, he was going to tell her. As she said, once she figured it out, she would look for him.

Let go of her, withdraw from beside her, he sat down on one side, then pulled her up again, circled into his arms, and held her!

"Actually, I didn't want to tell you this so soon. I was going to wait until after she was gone to tell you. But Xiao Gua, you—"

He pressed his chin heavily against her forehead with a helpless sigh. "You're too much trouble, and I—I just can't get enough of you!"

I just can't help but give in to you!

He's Rong Ling, how could he speak like this And besides, he looks completely defeated!

He probably knows in his heart what this little woman means to him!

Lin Meng was also astonished! This conciliatory tone from a man was, to her, an immense compliment! It was almost more lethal than his sweet words. All her resentment and dissatisfaction, in the face of this statement, were simply crushed, like smoke being quickly blown away!

This man, he couldn't have meant to do that, right!

She grabbed his large hand, her fingertips tracing the slightly prominent veins on the back of his hand. She felt the pulse beating beneath them, strong and powerful, and couldn't help but think that she definitely wasn't this man's opponent, neither in terms of physical strength nor intelligence! This man was too smart, too cunning, and too eloquent. He certainly knew exactly what to say to make her defenseless!

She... she's the one who truly has you figured out!

There's nothing you can do about him!

She was slightly distracted, but as Rong Lingyi mentioned his past with Li Lanqiu, she immediately focused her attention, pricking up her ears.

Rong Ling is not good at being sentimental, and he would never tell his story with Li Lanqiu as tragically moving, even if it was his first love. In front of his current woman, to talk about his past with another woman, to make people cry, that's absolutely something Rong Ling, a man of such intelligence, wouldn't do.

So, his story with Li Lanqiu, when he told it, was terribly dry and lacked any entertainment value. It was just like many melodramatic soap operas out there: a young delinquent boy met an all-around excellent girl. Due to some chance encounter, the boy and girl ended up together. Under her influence, the boy began to strive for improvement and gradually left behind his street fighting life. Then, during one brawl, the losing side refused to accept defeat and called in dozens of brothers for revenge. At that moment, with the boy and girl together, facing iron bars and watermelon knives, the boy told the girl to run away first and not worry about him. But she didn't leave; instead, at a critical moment, she shielded the boy from a blow.

The girl's life was immediately in danger and she was rushed to the hospital, where she barely survived. However, her condition did not seem optimistic. Furthermore, their relationship was exposed as a result of this incident and met with opposition from the girl's family. In the end, the girl was sent abroad and married someone else there, bringing this love story to an abrupt end!

She took a knife for me. This is what I owe her. She's back now, with amnesia, and she's asking for my help to recover her memories. I can't refuse her. Before, I didn't tell you these things because I was afraid you'd overthink it, and also afraid that if you knew, you'd have a disagreement with her. I... don't want to see this!

After saying that, he suddenly fell silent, but held her even tighter.

Lin Meng could feel Rong Ling's past affection for Li Lanqiu. Otherwise, with his cold-hearted nature, he could have simply ignored her. But when she thought of herself, her heart was filled with contradictions. When she had returned to the country, hadn't this man been unable to completely reject her!

He is cold-hearted and aloof, yet he still remembers old affections.

Can we blame him for that

If that's the case, wouldn't she even have a chance

But she refused to believe that what happened between him and Li Lanqiu was just that. Given his love for Bingbing and his almost unquestioning trust, it showed he had once cared deeply for Li Lanqiu!

He wasn't willing to say more, was she supposed to keep trying to pry it out of him!

Do men and women who have had ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends investigate every single one of their former partners!

She doesn't know!

In silence, she lowered her head, gently pressing her face against the palm of his hand!

"You... do you still have her in your heart!"

She asked in a hushed voice. For some reason, her throat felt dry!

He suddenly pulled her face up, making her meet his eyes in the darkness. His eyes were bright, deep, and even in this blackness, their light seemed to pierce through it all!

"I thought what I did would never make you say such things!"

His tone was a bit heavy, as if he were somewhat angry!

She was startled, inwardly berating her daughter's posture and her own wild thoughts!


She immediately apologized because she felt she had hurt him.

“I’m sorry, Rongling, I don’t know what’s wrong with me either!” She turned around, slightly crouched down, and held his face in both hands, holding it tightly. She leaned in, pressing her forehead against his, her bright eyes looking at him.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm a mess right now, probably a little ugly. But please understand me! Rong Ling, I'm so jealous, I just... I want to have you all to myself, keep you hidden away, not let anyone see you, I..."

I don't know how to express this tangled yet fervent state of mind. She could only go to him, kiss him, just once, and look at him!

His eyes grew brighter and brighter.

The darkness prevented her from seeing the slow bloom of his smile, but through the feel of his lips meeting hers in a kiss, she could sense the curl at the corners of his mouth, feel the warmth of his amusement.

Relieved, she immediately playfully punched him.

"Well, you're laughing at me!"

He reached out and grasped her small fist in his hand, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest as he finally let the sound escape.

"You're awful!" she said, turning her face away with a blush. After another bout of laughter, he complained with a hint of remorse.

"Why, in the end, am I always the one who ends up apologizing! Today I came to find you, it's supposed to be you who should apologize! Hmph, how annoying, I feel so stupid!"

He will always lose to him in the end!

She reached out and smacked herself on the forehead!

He immediately reached out and grasped her hand tightly. Hearing her complaint, he felt a pang of sympathy. Looking inward, he wondered if he had met another woman, could this little woman in front of him be so easily dealt with! Whatever he said, she believed it! If he spoke more seriously, she would rush to apologize!

He felt—as if he were bullying her!

This feeling made him feel even more heartbroken for her while feeling ashamed!

It's all his fault! He is the root of all her problems and worries!

Stupid woman!

"Good girl!" He pulled her hands to his sides and held her tight, hugging her like a doll.

I swear, I will never let you down. My heart belongs only to you! Remember this, for your whole life, never forget it!

Her heart was instantly filled with sweetness like honey!

This man, it's rare for him to say such things!

It feels like I made a profit!

She smiled silently, her enchanting narrow eyes narrowed slightly, emitting a faint seductiveness in the darkness!

“Is it a talisman!”


"This is a talisman, isn't it"


At his puzzled look, she giggled and, with her own unique way of understanding, explained it to him.

"I won't apologize to you, my heart only belongs to you. This is the amulet you gave me, a lifelong amulet that you promised! I treat it as an amulet, can I"

He was speechless, in awe of her extraordinary imagination!

Charm, how thoughtful of her!

He didn't know his words had so much power!

But he wasn't stupid, and the moment passed, he immediately understood, and laughed with contentment.

"Okay, amulet, I give this to you, an amulet for life!"

"Fantastic!" she exclaimed, her cheers echoing through the room.

He looked at her, his heart warmed. He thought this little woman was like a silly little fool! But what could he do This silly little fool made him let go more and more, making him want to protect her more and more.

"Little one…" he murmured in a husky voice, laced with a hint of seduction. He drew his sensual, thin lips closer. The desire burning in his eyes was like a war drum, heralding the start of a battle.

She noticed that gradually, her eyes became lost in thought, and unconsciously, she slightly parted her red lips, as if waiting to be tasted.

Closer, getting closer, so close that her lips were becoming sensitive, feeling like in the next second, he could kiss her.

She actually craved it a bit!

The only thing that spoiled the moment was when her stomach suddenly let out a loud "gurgling" sound, as if it wanted to join in the celebration!

She froze immediately, then her face flushed red!

Oh my God, so embarrassing!

The stomach is making such a terrifying sound, and at this moment of all times!

She couldn't bring herself to look at him, averted her gaze. But the man's hand reached out and landed on her stomach, pressing gently.

"Hungry" he asked softly, with a smile.

She nodded.

He chuckled softly.

"Aren't you full already! Little one, did your stomach become a bottomless pit!"

What a terrible look!

She immediately pouted her full lips and placed her hands in front of him. There was still a bandage on them!

“What! You don't believe me when I say I'm full Look at my hands, they're so weak, I can barely hold chopsticks! How am I supposed to eat like this You called me and I decided to wait for you, to eat with you. But then… well, long story short, I didn't end up eating anything at all! I've been starving since last night, but you went off to eat with... her! Without even caring about me! You… you're abusing me! You won't even feed me!”

She said her last words to him in a tone of accusation, but the coquettish meaning within them was so thick it was impossible to ignore!

"Alright!" he lightly patted her butt. "Let's go get some food!"

"It's so late already, where should we even go for dinner! I don't want to go out anymore, I'm tired!"

"Right here at home!"

"Humph, then I won't eat the leftovers you and she have!"

He slapped her butt again!

"Come with me, I guarantee I won't abuse you!"

"You said so!"

Her eyes rolled, and a mischievous grin spread across her face. She immediately scurried after him.

The room was still dark, but her small hand was tightly held by his big, warm palm. Holding hands, she felt especially secure walking forward!


National Day, I was invited by a friend to go to Beijing for a play. The updates are not guaranteed, but the latest will be on October 7th!

This chapter was originally going to be about Rong Da cooking a romantic meal for Meng Meng, which would have infuriated Li Lan Qiu. Oh well, time's up! Let's just end it here!

Finally, wish you all a Happy National Day o(n_n)o~h last night; the man had even carried her to bathe her. She had been grateful for his kindness at first, relieved in her heart, thinking that he was finally going to end it all. And she could finally...