four hundred

towel in her possession was almost used up, before her entire face was clean.Striving, taking deep breaths again and again, slowly driving away the sadness. This time, it took about ten minutes. Alth...But facing twenty years, this kind of comparison really made her uncomfortable. ( looks good novel) And what Li Lanqiu said, Rong Ling's initial performance towards Bingbing and He Ya's protection was true, for a time, she was so jealous and unwilling. Also, that cold man, he disliked taking photos so much, but look at the photos in front of her now, one after another. She didn't know, originally, this man was so fond of taking pictures earlier, and originally he could be so intimate with a girl!

What envy-inducing redness! It's so red, it seems like blood is about to burst forth!

Besides, why didn't the man tell her that Li Lanqiu's taking the blade for him back then led to his infertility This was no longer just a life-saving grace; this kindness, coupled with the resulting infertility, must have been an incredibly heavy burden. Would the man really send her away so readily, as he claimed

Lack of confidence, it's really a serious lack of confidence!

Ugh, so annoying! What a terrible man, how many things is he hiding He said he would tell her about the investment, but he hasn't given any details yet. He didn't even mention his business when that awful Rong Qikeng was showing off!

This kind of concealment really made her extremely unhappy!

He... did he really put her first She had married him, entrusted him with almost everything, confessing like a naked babe. But him, he remained an enigma!

Looking at the photos on the table, at the two people's intimacy when they were young, her heart suddenly felt a tightness. Was it because she wasn't enough, so she was always blocked by him at every door

This idea was unbearable for her!

Most importantly, the woman he brought in flaunted herself before her! As the rightful mistress of this household, she had to not only tolerate a woman who clearly had an ambiguous relationship with her husband moving into their home, but she also had to endure this woman displaying intimate photos of her and her husband in front of her, then accept her mockery and scorn!

What kind of logic is this!

This is such a gasp!

One by one, she thinks she's easy to bully!

Anger isn't sudden, it's been there from the start. Just that the more I think about it, the higher the flames of anger burn! Anger without an outlet because she suddenly dislikes calling him and seeking answers. Because she repeatedly lowered herself, compromised for that man, but what she received was his continued secrecy. So, she feels, it's pointless!

She stood up, stared at the photograph for a while, and finally reached out to flick it away with force. Thus, the photograph fluttered like a leaf blown by the cold wind, falling off the table in disarray. She looked as if she felt a little better, then stepped forward, stepping on the photograph with a sense of venting her anger, trampling it with a crushing force. Then she went back to her room, changed her clothes, grabbed her bag, and left!

She felt suffocated!

Being alone in her room made her feel suffocated!

Oh, no, there should be one more person. But precisely because she lived under the same roof as that woman, she found it even more unbearable! Just thinking about this, she now had an urgent desire to get away!

I hate this woman!

And she didn't want to hide this dislike anymore!

She needs to get out, far away from here! She needs to get out, breathe some fresh air! She needs to get out, find friends! She needs friends, to chat with, play with, or even just watch a movie together. Anything really, she -- needs company, someone besides a man. That would make her feel less lonely and helpless. Or maybe, actually, what she really needs is someone to confide in, someone to pour out all her worries, anxieties, and frustrations to!

She thought, who should she go to! Sun Fei, she should be busy at the advertising company right now, but if she called her out, she should be able to spare some time. Or maybe, ah Zhen! Ah Zhen is at home with free creative time, and her schedule is very flexible, so she can always be found. Or maybe, the few girlfriends she knew back in Guangda!

Sitting in the car, she pondered, her eyes open, unconsciously absorbing the scenes on both sides of the car. On the roadside, a young woman kicked a young man, seemingly in anger after an argument. She watched for half a minute, and even after the car drove past and left the couple behind, she didn't react. She realized, perhaps, that she had been too accommodating and tolerant, allowing that man to walk all over her! Perhaps, she should learn from that girl and give him a hard kick, no, a heavy retaliation!

In short, don't follow that man. Otherwise, it would make her very easy to fool!

At this thought, her heart surged with emotion!

"Stop!" she shouted sharply, commanding the driver Ah-Yi!

She suddenly thought, perhaps she should let Rong Ling worry, make him anxious. That way, he should pay more attention to her. Just like Li Lanqiu who got into a car accident and was injured.

Remembering Li Lanqiu, her heart ached even more. Then, filled with resentment, she thought to herself, "I won't see that man again. I won't let him see me either. Let's see what he looks like then!"


Lin Meng was young and not used to being called "Mrs." or "Madam," so she preferred everyone to call her "Lin Meng" or "Meng Meng." Ah Yi chose the latter.

"Stop the car, I'm going for a walk. You don't have to follow me. When I want to go back, I'll take a taxi!"

She said with a stern face, because she knew Yi was Rong Ling's loyal subordinate. As long as Rong Ling wanted to know something, he would definitely tell him everything!

As for her, she didn't want to see Rong Ling for the time being!

I hate it so much!

Her displeasure was so obvious. From the moment she got in the car, she let Ah Yi feel her unhappiness. He didn't know what was wrong, but, since she requested to get out, he obeyed!

Only criminals require 24-hour surveillance, and she is clearly not a criminal. Ah Yi needs to respect her privacy! And he will soon learn what terrifying consequences come from his respect. From now on, he will still respect Lin Meng's requests, but when she makes inappropriate demands, he will secretly inform Rong Ling first, then act according to Rong Ling's instructions!

Of course, that's a story for another time!

"If you need a car, just give me a call and I'll come pick you up!"

Lin Meng nodded, just like every time she watched Ah Yi drive away, her gaze was calm and casual. She didn't feel that this time, unlike many times before, was any different!

With her bag slung over her shoulder, she began to stroll down the street. Her striking appearance drew a lot of attention. But this was a busy, bustling street, full of people coming and going. Some were awestruck, some smitten, but absolutely no one would dare to be rude!

After all, this is a society governed by law under the sun, in broad daylight. Everyone is watching, regardless of whether it's true or false, people tend to want to be seen as good citizens!

This is also why Aiyi is willing to respect Linmeng and let her walk alone!

But, the bloodthirsty vultures, when hunting, don't care whether it's day or night, nor do they care if their prey is surrounded by a heated commotion or a chilling silence. They fix their gaze on the target and need only to focus with all their might, for one strike is all it takes!

Li Lanqiu's contacts started to fall into place, a murder silently unveiled its curtain!

While Lin Meng's phone rang, it was because Rong Ling, who was far away, suddenly felt a strange sense of unease. This made him feel restless, and he rarely felt this way. Besides, he was a person accustomed to walking on the edge of life and death, and he had an extraordinary premonition about certain dangers!

His heart pounded in his chest, he tensed up, and heightened his senses, trying to perceive everything around him. After feeling that there was no apparent problem on his side, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly pulled out his phone to call Lin Meng.

But Lin Meng didn't answer. She didn't want to answer, because her heart was clogged, and she was holding back her anger!

Rong Ling's heart tightened, and she quickly called Ah Yi.

"Go check on Mengmeng right away!"

Ai Yi's heart skipped a beat, but his military nature kept him calm as he gripped the steering wheel.

"Mengmeng got off the car not long ago and said she wanted to walk around by herself, so she sent me back!"

"She's out there, alone!"

"Hmm," Ai said, his voice barely a whisper. He was already scanning the road, searching for a way to turn around. Returning along this route was inevitable.

"Go back immediately and bring her here. I'm feeling very uneasy right now!"

Aha, I hear you.

Rong Ling called Lin Meng again, but for the second time, Lin Meng didn't pick up. Rong Ling was practically going crazy because before this, she hadn't told him a word about running off to another place on her own. He had warned her, telling her never to ignore his calls again, or else he would make her pay. Since then, she had been obedient and never missed one of his calls!

Hurry up and answer!

Frowning, he couldn't help but mutter under his breath!

But, as if against him, she just wouldn't answer!

"Damn it!"

The curses intensified, and the bad feeling grew stronger!

After hanging up the phone, he resorted to drastic measures. He activated the GPS tracker on his diamond necklace to locate her position and then sent the brother closest to her location to rush over. Then, in a flurry of activity, he used his phone to perform a series of complex operations and shouted into it.


Lin Meng jumped in fright at the sudden sound of Rong Ling's voice, and instinctively turned her head to look for him.

"Where are you! I'm telling you, you could be in danger, so run, right now, get out of there!"


She realized she couldn't keep up with Rong Ling's train of thought, and then she discovered that Rong Ling's voice was coming from her hand! To be precise, it was coming from her cell phone. How was this possible She hadn't answered his call, so how could he be talking

However, unbeknownst to him, this specially made phone, after being manipulated by Rong Ling, could forcibly conduct communications!

Just as she had begun to feel a little suspicious, even Lin Meng herself couldn't help but tense up, a very uncomfortable feeling sweeping over her entire body!

Footsteps pounded closer and closer, a frantic rhythm that made her heart race. She instinctively tried to turn, but just then, a man's voice roared out, startling her.

"Get down!"

It felt like I was shouting at her.

Even Rong Ling on the phone shouted along.

"Get down!" Although he didn't understand the situation on the phone, he trusted his gut.

Two imposing male voices made her instinctively crouch down. Then, there were screams of terror, from many people, men and women. Before she could even understand what was happening, an iron arm reached out and yanked her up. She didn't even have time to scream before a burning body pulled her into its embrace. In that moment when she was being dragged upwards, she caught a glimpse of a woman collapsing beside her, blood gushing from her head!


She gasped, her eyes widening to an unbelievable extent!

"Follow me!"

An irresistible voice rose from the man, he forcefully pulled her back and ran!

She stumbled along, completely clueless about what was going on. Yet, the instinct to survive guided all her actions. Then, the man beside her suddenly pulled her into a tight embrace. A bear hug!

That man let out a deep groan, she turned her head to look, but was stopped by the man's command.

"Keep running!"

I don't know, I don't know anything!

Run, keep running, run as hard as you can!

The car skidded across the ground, emitting a sharp, screeching sound as it crashed into Lin Meng's line of sight. The car door flew open, and a male voice cried out urgently.

"Boss, come up quickly!"

She was quickly pushed into the car, and then the man who had been pulling her roughly let out a dull grunt. It wasn't until she was fully inside the vehicle that she realized the sound was familiar, just like—the commotion when Rong Ling was shot!

A bloody curtain flashed in my mind!

A woman on the ground... blood all over her head... wide eyes... screams everywhere... You might be in danger... Run!

The scorching body pressed closer, following right behind. With a loud clang, the car door shut firmly. The black car shot out like an arrow from its bow!

"Mengmeng!" Rong Ling, who had been listening intently from the other side, raised his heart, his face slightly pale, and shouted!

Lin Meng turned her head to look at the man sitting beside her, to see the man who was still gripping her arm tightly.

The man turned his head!

And she, once again, widened her eyes and opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a sound!

Familiar... yet strange!

Strange... yet familiar!


In one voice, like the changes of the sea and the mulberry fields, yet again like thousands of sails passing by, the figures remain!

The man flashed her a wicked smile.

"Long time no see, my little dreamer!"

"Dream Dream!" Rong Ling's voice immediately sank. His large hand, with almost the force of crushing the phone, grabbed the phone!

Xiao Yi lowered his head, looking at the source of the voice. He reached out and gently touched Lin Meng's hand. Lin Meng's hand trembled. Xiao Yi smiled, a smile so mature yet so alluring!

"Good girl!" he whispered softly, effortlessly snatching the phone from Lin Meng's hand.

There, Rong Ling, who didn't know the situation, was furious.

"Xiao Yi!"

A roar, almost shattering the car windows!

She can only be his little pet, no other man is qualified to call her "good girl"!

And Xiao Yi smiled faintly, slightly lowering the car window. A pair of eyes, honed by experience, flashed and glinted, softly yet devilishly whispering with a hint of laughter.

From now on, she belongs to me!

After finishing his words, he reached out the window and gracefully spread his long fingers, releasing the phone. The phone fell straight down, but under the speed of the speeding car, it was flung far away, hitting the ground. After a series of impacts, it finally shattered into pieces, its broken parts scattered across the road!

It feels like an ending!g shook her head and smiled. She was about to go pick up the meat beside the car, but Rong Ling stopped her. ( no pop-up ads) These meats packed in a large plastic container weren't light. For thi...