to marry"……"Are you satisfied with such a result Will you seek revenge"……We all asked each other sensitive questions, of course. This way we could go back and report what we learned, and attract read...Jiang Chengfeng invited Lin Meng to a high-end club, under the pretext of taking her out for a meal. There, he booked a private room because he knew that her life safety was recently threatened by an unknown force. Therefore, when choosing the location, he was very careful. The high-end club was members-only; wanting to enter required membership, this wasn't something ordinary people could just casually mix in with. After entering, arrangements were made differently based on the length of membership and importance, further elevating security and confidentiality to another level. He worked as a special police officer, and in this aspect, he was always very meticulous.

Although he pondered and did these things in private, Lin Meng was actually completely unaware of them.

On Lin Meng's side, despite the warning Xiao Yi had issued for some unknown reason beforehand, she was quite happy to see Jiang Chengfeng. It seemed like it had been a while since they last hung out properly.

How are your parents doing recently!

Out of habit, every time she saw him, she would always ask about him. She would never directly ask Jiang Yichen or his mother because she knew the couple disliked her. However, remembering Xiao Lang's affection, inquiring after them had become a part of her life.

A matter of course!

Jiang Cheng looked at her like that, his eyes softening in a different way.

"Well, they are all doing fine!"

The two of them ordered their dishes and chatted for a while about each other's recent happenings and some interesting stories they had heard from elsewhere. As the meal was almost finished, Jiang Chengfeng put down his chopsticks, and a slight change appeared on his face.

"Mengmeng, I have something to tell you!"

"How serious!" Lin Meng chuckled lightly and took a sip of tea.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, as if smiling, but it looked very strained.

"Mengmeng, leave Rongling!"

She almost choked, hurriedly put down her teacup, looked at Jiang Chengfeng in astonishment, and with a "glug" sound, swallowed the tea forcefully.

"You... you..." She suddenly didn't know what to say.

Out of the blue, why did he suddenly say that

"Don't worry, just listen to me first."

He soothed her for a moment, then slowly began to speak.

“There’s something I’ve never told you, and originally, I didn’t intend to. Because, I wanted to see you happy. Back then, you insisted on being with Rong Ling, and later, you wanted to marry him. Deep down, I actually disagreed, but you seemed so happy, so I could only offer my blessings. I thought, Rong Ling is what you want. In this world, there’s nothing more important than feeling happy yourself. My secret doesn't really need to be brought to light.”

But what I see is that Rong Ling deceived you, causing you to suffer criticism from all sides; he even took another woman home shortly after the marriage, and now he's forcing you to leave your home. You're living at the Ruan family now, aren't you And this is because Rong Ling still has that woman in your family, isn't it!

Lin Meng felt a dryness in her throat and silently nodded.

Jiang Chengfeng snorted disdainfully. “With your conditions, you can find a man who treats you like a treasure anywhere. Why would you stoop so low He treats you like this, he deserves to die! So, I can’t just stand by and watch anymore. I have to tell you my secret that I’ve kept for so long. Mengmeng—”

Jiang Chengfeng suddenly grabbed Lin Meng's hand, squeezing it tightly. His usually cold face darkened, and a deep hatred appeared on his features.


Little Wave, it was Rong Ling who killed you.


"This is impossible!"

Without hesitation, she retorted sharply, her face flushed with panic. Her mind whirled, a deafening roar of just three words -- impossible, impossible, impossible!

“I’ve looked into it, the assassin back then was sent by Rong San. He originally intended to kill you, but Xiao Lang took the bullet for you instead. As for Rong Ling, I can’t guarantee if he had murderous intentions at that time, watching you being shot. But he is the root cause of everything. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have been targeted, and Xiao Lang wouldn’t have died in the end. So, you shouldn’t marry him.”

"He...he couldn't possibly want to kill me, it's impossible!"

Jiang Cheng rode on the wind, ignoring Lin Meng's murmuring and continued speaking in a low voice.

"At that time, for your happiness, I could only endure it. I watched helplessly as you were rescued by Xiao Lang and eventually married the man who killed him. But this man is too much! After marriage, he treats you like this, which is simply outrageous. Mengmeng, you must leave him and divorce him. For Xiao Lang, for you, I can't let him get away with it!"

The ferocity in his voice sent a chill down Lin Meng's spine.

"Brother Jiang, you...you misunderstood. I'm not...I'm not with him..."

"You don't need to explain, nor do you need to protect her. Mengmeng, think about Xiao Lang, think about him carefully. You and Rong Ling being together is the biggest mistake. This will make Xiao Lang restless even in death!"

This was too heavy a statement, like a sharp sword piercing Lin Meng's heart. Her complexion changed drastically and her lips trembled uncontrollably.

“I… I don’t know!”

Her hands trembled violently, she needed to grasp something to steady herself. But as she hastily grabbed the teacup, it shook along with her. The tea inside swirled and danced, like a peaceful lake suddenly disrupted by a massive stone.

Jiang Cheng rode the wind, his expression grim as he pressed forward.

“Think about it yourself, from beginning to end, what has Rong Ling done to you! Think carefully again, how is he treating you now! He can't even satisfy the most basic honeymoon. Just after getting married, he can hook up with other women! What kind of person is this Do you still dare to talk about forever with him! You were in danger before, right I saw the records at the police station about you almost being killed on the street that day. The woman who was shot and killed at the time was right beside you, how close she was to you! When you were so dangerous, where was he He was messing around with other women! Lin Meng—”

Jiang Chengfeng suddenly roared, calling out his name directly. "Wake up, get out of that man's grasp. He is definitely not the person destined for you."

Lin Meng bit her lip tightly, her face ashen, her hand clutching the teacup, the veins bulging on her knuckles.

She hesitated, she wavered, she was confused, she endured. What Jiang Chufeng said to her was too shocking. She had never known that Xiaolang's death was due to such a reason. She always thought...thought it was the elders of the Yinlang Group who wanted to kill her at the time, and she had hated them ever since, until the newspaper published news that those elders died in the explosion.

"At that time... At that time, my uncle... attacked the Silver Wolf Gang fiercely. I thought it was..." She swallowed hard, bringing up that name, her heart aching. "I thought it was because of Xiaolang, wasn't it!"

“We initially thought so too, but later we found out it wasn't. You know, my father was in full charge of the Silver Wolf Gang's capture back then. The news we got afterward was that the assassin was from Rong San's hand. Mengmeng, to be honest with you, me and my father have endured for so many years, and in the end, we definitely want to get rid of Rong San, to avenge Xiao Lang!”

Lin Meng's eyes widened suddenly.

Jiang Cheng tightened his grip on Lin Meng's hand once more, the wind whipping around them.

"About this, I've only told you besides my family. Please don't tell anyone else. Sooner or later, Little Wave's revenge will be served, Rong San --"

Jiang Chengfeng let out a cold snort. “It's almost here!”

She was instantly shocked. With her intelligence, she could easily discern the meaning behind Jiang Chengfeng's words. He said it would be soon, which meant it would be soon. But, Rong San...Rong San uncle...Rong San...

She had hated this person at first, hating him for the death of Xiao Lang. But later, because of his relationship with Rong Ling, because of his genuine care for Rong Ling, and because of his love for the little guy, she truly let go of much of her hatred towards him, and gradually in her heart, she started to accept him.

Now, Jiang Chengfeng says he wants to get rid of Rong San. How By killing him! But Rong San is the head of the military district, an old general who received his rank long ago, and even travels with armed guards. To get rid of him wouldn't be so easy. Be careful, he might end up not getting rid of Rong San, but instead putting himself in danger.

"He's...not so easy to deal with. You...don't go messing around!"

"Are you worried about me, or him!" He asked her harshly, always looking at her face with a warm smile, yet coldly. His gaze, also carrying blame, was like a sword, vowing to peel her apart and see if her insides were as crimson as his!

"I…" She bit her lip hard, sighing as she replied. "I'm worried about you!"

He smiled, his brows and eyes softening with tenderness.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

She didn't quite believe it, her heart was pounding in her chest. She felt like the things he had just revealed had hung her heart up, making it tense and unsteady.


I want to say, can we let go, put down this so-called revenge But the moment she had this thought, she felt ashamed. That young life stood before her, but with his life, he saved hers, allowing her to be alive and sitting here right now. Compared to anyone else, she, the one who was saved by him, had even more reason and obligation to avenge him!

Ok, the object is Rong San!

Rong San is Rong Ling's most respected uncle, he can be considered as his father. Rong Ling will definitely not stand by and watch Rong San get into trouble, he will definitely take action. She understands him, that man, for those he cares about, he will do anything crazy. Then wouldn't Rong Ling end up facing Jiang Chengfeng! If the two of them really reached that point, what should she do!

Lin Meng felt pain. As soon as she thought about it, she felt like her heart was being squeezed tightly by a hand, aching all over. Even breathing hurt.

"You... Rong Ling..."

Looking at Jiang Cheng riding the wind like that, he doesn't seem to be letting Rong Ling go. What should we do What should we do!

"You leave Rong Ling, I'm going to start dealing with him. You leave him. For yourself, for your precious son, and for Xiao Lang!"

Jiang Cheng sneered cruelly. "You haven't forgotten, have you Rong Ling almost let another woman give birth to his child for him. Who knows what that man will do in the future."

"He... he's not like that!" she gritted her teeth, defending him.

Then tell me, what is he like! Tell me again what he's doing now, and all those dirty things he did before, they're not true!


In the midst of bitterness, she shut her mouth at his questioning!


Think about Xiao Lang well!

Her heart ached, and her eyes turned red.

Because of him, you shouldn't be with Rong Ling!

Tremblingly, she shed tears, but hastily, trembling hands, wiped them away, then, with a forced smile and chin held high, prevented any more from falling.

Jiang Cheng only felt a twinge of pity at this moment. He sighed softly and gently patted Lin Meng's hand.

"Mengmeng, I'm not forcing you. You saw that I gave Rongling a chance, and I genuinely wished for the both of you. But as long as he treated you well, I wouldn't have acted this way towards him. But look at now—" He frowned deeply, a deep "川" character forming between his brows, etched there like a knife had gone through, radiating a menacing aura.

He -- ticked me off!

“You… what are you going to do to him!” She spat out the words, her teeth chattering and her face as white as a sheet of paper.

He chose to keep it.

Then you'll know!

Her head suddenly started hurting.

She should have asked for clarification, out of fear of being bullied. Yet she was afraid to ask because of Xiao Lang, because of the Jiang family who were still alive. She was afraid, so afraid and flustered.

"I need to... think it over carefully, think it over very carefully!"

Her teeth ground together with such force that her gums were pressed raw, bleeding. A faint metallic tang spread in her mouth as she swallowed, the blood should have been hot, but she felt a chilling numbness throughout her limbs, as if frozen solid.

He agreed.

"Think it over."

and also instructed her.

"About today's events, please don't tell anyone else. I know you won't."

He was so sure, what could she do!

She unconsciously, nodded in agreement.

He rang the bell, summoning a waiter to settle the bill. After everything was taken care of, as he rose to leave, she suddenly grabbed him, seizing his hand and pressing his large palm hard onto the table.

"Don't mess with Rong Ling!"

This sentence, like a flood, poured out. As it came out, it seemed to carry with it a gust of wind. She had held back for so long, and finally spat out these words.

His face immediately turned very ugly.

"Lin Meng," he said, his gaze piercingly cold. His words were colder than the icy air around them.

"You're alive, while XiaoLang is dead!"

This is too heavy, too heavy!

The depth here is beyond Lin Meng's capacity to bear!

Suddenly, Lin Meng lost all her strength and her hand went limp, resting in his palm.

Jiang Cheng stood up, fully erect. He crossed his arms and stared coldly at her. From where she stood, he seemed so tall that Lin Meng had to look up at him, feeling a suffocating pressure emanating from him.

Just like that, he stared at her with icy eyes, until his gaze almost carved an unmelting ice stake into her heart, making sure she acknowledged the truth. Only then did he speak, his tone softening somewhat.

"Come on, let me walk you home!"

She stood there, motionless, her face ashen. Her eyes were vacant, like flowers battered by a gale— fragile, delicate, on the verge of falling from their stems.

He frowned, walking out until he reached the doorway of the small room. She didn't move an inch. He stopped and turned to look at her, and all he saw was her standing there blankly, as if her soul had been torn apart and left in ruins, stripped of even the most basic human reactions.

The tighter his brow furrowed.

“I can be lenient towards Ling Yi, but Mengmeng, you need to break up with him completely!”

She looked at him with wide, frightened eyes like a startled rabbit. In those fathomless black orbs, fragments of light flickered, revealing shards of broken sorrow, a mournful wail like ice cracking under silent pressure, piercing the eyes with pain.

He looked away, not daring to delve any further, afraid he would be overcome with heartache and pity.

"Come on, I'll walk you home. You're not in a fit state to be alone right now!"

She moved her lips, and after a long pause, she spoke in a low voice.

"You go back first, I want to be alone for a while. I'll get someone to pick me up!"

After she finished speaking, she lowered her eyes.

Long, heavy eyelashes drooped down like weariness itself, covering her eyes and concealing the darkness and secrets within.

He looked at her deeply, then turned and walked away, choosing -- not to say goodbye!

She was right there under his gaze, she couldn't escape!

Anyone who receives her, no matter who they are, should never be tolerated!

Because she is Lin Meng!

So he was certain!

In fact, Miao Qing and the others were staying right next door. Even though Jiang Chengfeng, the head of the serious crimes unit, personally promised to protect Lin Meng during this critical time, Miao Qing was still uneasy. Regardless of what others thought, her duty was to protect Lin Meng well. As long as she kept that in mind and acted accordingly, everything would be fine.

When Jiang Chengfeng left, she knew. So, she knocked on the small room's door. But from inside the room, Lin Meng's voice said he wanted to be alone. Miao Qing was a little confused, but she could only wait by the door.

Because the soundproofing in the room was excellent, Miao Qing didn't know a thing about Jiang Chengfeng and Lin Meng's conversation. She only saw that when Lin Meng came out of the room, her face was as pale as a ghost. Her originally bright red lips were now dull and scary. It was like a flower had gone into the room, but after coming out, it seemed to have lost all its moisture instantly, turning gray and withered.

Miao Qing's eyes turned cold, and she hurriedly reached out to help Lin Meng because she seemed unable to even walk steadily. As she got closer, she smelled a faint scent of alcohol. So, Lin Meng had been drinking. The coldness in Miao Qing's eyes deepened. She knew that Lin Meng didn't particularly like drinking, so under normal circumstances, when others persuaded her to drink, she would only refuse. If she couldn't push back any further, she would just take a small sip or two.

Here, besides Lin Meng's own restraint in drinking, there is a little reason. She had heard that Rong Ling once ordered Lin Meng to drink less alcohol outside or not drink at all, because after she drank, she was extremely alluring. Ordinary men couldn't control themselves when they saw her. Lin Meng was somewhat indifferent to attracting men because some initial experiences left a shadow in her heart. So ever since Rong Ling pointed this out, she paid attention to it.

Today she drank, and quite a bit. Enough that you could smell the alcohol on her breath with every sip.

"What's going on!"

Miao Qing asked her in a low voice. She waved her hand lazily and muttered something.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Miao Qing could obviously feel that Lin Meng's whole person was listless, as if she had been severely crushed or deeply hit. So, she quickly glanced at the small room behind Lin Meng to confirm that there was no abnormality such as commotion or fighting inside. Then, while supporting her out, she said to her:

"You look down, is something wrong"

She shook her head.

She said with concern, "If something happens, don't keep it to yourself. That will only make you upset. If anything comes up, just tell me. Basically, I can solve a lot of things!"

Lin Meng was startled, then she turned around and threw herself into Miao Qing's arms, hugging her tightly.

"Miao Jie."

A voice, tinged with faint sobs, was like a young girl who had suffered a great injustice, her heart brimming with pent-up anger that she hadn't dared to unleash.

Miao Qing knew that things had gotten out of hand.

"Come on, what's the matter, Sister Miao will help you solve it!" she said confidently and sincerely.

Since Mo called her sister so kindly, she felt obligated to do her best. But nestled in the crook of her shoulder, holding onto her tightly with both hands, she remained silent, not saying a word. When she finally let go, all she said was...

"Let's go back!"

Miao Qing frowned slightly and tentatively suggested, "Why don't you wait in the room for a while longer, I'll have the boss come pick you up!"

She trembled her lips, her dark eyes flickered, like tears were about to overflow from the depths of a spring, and her complexion seemed even worse.

"No need!"

Such a performance made Miao Qing know that something had happened, and it seemed to be quite serious!

She pushed everyone aside, even the boss!

Miao Qing hesitated, wondering if she should call Rong Ling.ouldn't move at all!Now that she's finally able to hold her head high, she glared accusingly at him!I think he is too domineering!Abruptly, the man scooped her into his arms."Ah---"She let out a soft...