ns, she aimed for the far targets. It was free, so might as well play something challenging, a test of skill. She ignored what Chiang Dongxian planned to do!She was just not very good at it. The plush...Once she made a decision, she put it into action. After having her porridge and medicine, she went home, specially instructing Miao Qing not to tell anyone, especially Rong Ling. This time, she wanted to surprise them, to come alone, and wouldn't let anything stop her. Little did she know, on the other side, two little fellas were also rushing towards her.

Regarding Lin Meng's illness, Rong Ling didn't say anything. He only told the two young ones that Lin Meng wasn't feeling well. "Not feeling well" had a broad meaning, such as suddenly becoming irritable or feeling unwell after eating too much. The two young ones didn't even think that Lin Meng was sick at all. The two didn't think so, but Li Lanqiu did.

Li Lanqiu had her own sources and knew about Lin Meng's illness. What a good opportunity this was! It seemed like fate had sent her a pillow just as she was about to take a nap. She started thinking about how to drive the two little ghosts out of the house. The two little ghosts were now running around the house all day, their energy levels were astounding, they rarely stayed still. She wanted to sneak into Rong Ling's study, but she had to be careful not to be seen by the two little ghosts. This was very troublesome.

The best time to steal the data is during the day. Rong Ling would return at night, and if she really was a spy, her nighttime activities would be too dangerous. So, she could only act when he left the house during the day. To drive those two kids away, she racked her brains and had no choice but to use Bingbing. She wasn't without other options, but those two were different from Lin Meng. Lin Meng was a woman, a woman like clothing, easily trampled underfoot at any time. But the two kids, especially Xiao Youyou, were Rong Ling's biological son. If she wanted to develop a deeper relationship with Rong Ling, she couldn't touch him in any way. Otherwise, once things were exposed, she would definitely face dire consequences. Besides, when she first appeared, she expressed great love for Xiao Youyou, based on her inability to bear children. It was through this that she could gain Rong Ling's sympathy and guilt to a large extent. This point had to be maintained and absolutely not shaken.

To get Bingbing over here is to expect the two little ones and Bingbing to have a big fight. Because she knows there's a huge conflict between Xiaoyouyou and Bingbing, a fight between the two is inevitable. It would be best if either Bingbing beat one of the little ones badly, driving them both into a frenzy; or the two little ones beat Bingbing up badly, provoking Rongling's anger. Either way, with her subtle encouragement on the side, I estimate that the two little ones will run to find Lin Meng. Even if the two little ones don't do so, she can call Lin Meng, making Lin Meng heartbroken and taking the two little ones away proactively.

In short, the two little ones must leave this house!

The plan didn't change quickly enough, and Bingbing wasn't very helpful. After only a few hits, she came running to her. The two younger ones were too cunning; even though they had done that, in front of Rongling, they said they were just joking with Bingbing and hadn't actually done anything. The juice was already in their stomachs, and the two younger ones refused to admit it. You couldn't do anything about them. She helplessly pointed out to Bingbing that she had been beaten by the two younger ones, but Rongling led the two younger ones into a small guest room where they each got two hits, settling things and calling it quits.

That's the end of it then.

After she returned, she started thinking about recruiting again. Time was of the essence, and the longer she waited, the worse it would be for her. She even thought about drugging her two children, but when she woke up the next morning, she realized that Rong Ling had gone out during the night and hadn't come back yet. This left her feeling depressed; she had missed a great opportunity.

But it wasn't too late. When she heard that Rong Ling had gone out because Lin Meng had a fever, she immediately casually told the two little ones about it. The most annoying thing about the two little ones was that they always hovered around her and ignored her, playing by themselves. However, as soon as she walked away, the moment she was alone for a while, the two little ones each held their toy boxes and came over again, playing in a place not too close to her but not too far away, making it seem like they were watching her.

"Humph, this must be Lin Meng's doing. Leaving himself and leaving the two little ones here to watch her."

"Your mom is so sick, you guys still have the mood to play!"

The two little ones immediately got agitated. They hadn't paid any attention to her before, no matter what she said, but now they looked up at her with urgency.

"Mommy is sick!"

"Your father went out last night, didn't you and your father sleep together Oh, your father hasn't come back yet, I don't know if something happened to your mother!"

"Mommy wouldn't be in any danger!" The two little children shouted together, looking at her with anger.

"Call Mommy! Hurry up and call her!" Little Haohao anxiously pulled on Little Youyou's hand.

“Shouldn't you rush to see your mommy right now instead of making phone calls Oh, just thinking about your mommy lying alone and lonely in the hospital bed, while both of her sons don't even come to visit her, makes me feel so sorry for her. Raising these sons is like raising them for nothing.”

Xiaoyou tensed his face and let out a heavy snort. He made a phone call, but it was to Rong Ling.

"Daddy, Mommy is sick!"

The little guy still knew to check with Rong Ling, but he confirmed it and refused to directly believe what people who weren't close to him said.

Rongling knew the matter couldn't be hidden any longer, so he acquiesced.

The little guy immediately pursed his lips, his face full of grievance. "Daddy, why didn't you tell Youyou!"

"I've been too busy." The father replied dismissively.

The little guy hummed again. “I’m not going to say anything else, I have to call Mommy, I have to go find Mommy.”

"Your mommy might be sleeping right now, don't wake her up." Rong Ling stopped them. "If you want to see your mommy, okay, let Uncle Dayang take you there."

It's estimated that the little woman would feel a little better seeing the two kids. With the two little ones bothering her, she probably wouldn't have much time to think about things randomly.

The little guy thought for a moment, "Oh"ed, and hung up the phone.

Okay, he decided, he was going to give Mommy a big surprise!

So, the two little guys immediately dropped what they were doing and ran to find Da Yang.

Li Lanqiu watched this scene unfold, then personally watched the car carrying the two children drive out of the villa. A smirk crept onto her lips. Very good, now she could make a big splash. As far as she knew, there weren't many surveillance devices inside the house; all the surveillance was outside. Now, the only thing she needed to worry about was whether there were any other setups inside the study. This would require her to tread carefully and probe cautiously.

She carefully went around the house first, making sure there were no unexpected factors, before entering her room. She quickly took out her suitcase and assembled some seemingly harmless small parts, hiding them inside her thigh, then headed towards the study.

The study was equipped with a high-security lock. Opening it required considerable skill. She had noticed the difference between this lock and others, so she had taken a picture of it and sent it to her comrades beforehand. Because of this preparation, she was confident in her ability to open it. She had even studied the techniques for opening locks specifically.

It took her almost seventeen minutes to get the lock open. It was a little longer than she had expected, though part of that was because the lock was a little more complicated than she'd anticipated. Taking another glance at the empty hallway, she quietly opened the door, her figure flashing as she quickly slipped into the study, and just as quickly shut the door behind her.

As long as the persecution doesn't suddenly return, she will be very safe staying inside.

She had been to this study many times before, having scoured it thoroughly on several occasions. She was fairly certain that there were no surveillance devices like cameras here. However, just in case, she carefully inspected the entire study again, paying special attention to the blind spots. She also used an electronic detector to carefully scan the area.

Of course, all her actions were performed with feigned carelessness. After all, since she had infiltrated the place, she had to have a plan for escape. If things went awry, she could simply claim that she saw the study door open and walked in out of curiosity. Although this excuse was weak, who could fault her

She has a certain amount of confidence in herself.

After confirming everything was secure, she immediately turned her attention to the several computers on the table. She powered them on, and as expected, a password prompt appeared. From the inside of her thigh holster, she pulled out a sophisticated small device, connected it to the computer, and began typing furiously. The device, at an astonishing speed, started cracking the password. When the password was finally cracked, a smile spread across Li Lanqiu's face. She glanced at the watch on her wrist, satisfied with the time it took.

"Click, click..." She quickly moved the mouse and typed a string of commands into the computer, beginning to frantically collect data. The computer whirred at high speed, she frowned, squinting, reading line by line, sometimes impatiently tapping her fingers on the desk. Suddenly, her eyes lit up as she discovered something interesting. There was a folder with no discernible naming pattern that required a password to enter.

That should be it!

She secretly felt a surge of excitement, transferring her hands back to the small device and inputting commands, letting it help crack the codes. One second, two seconds, three seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds, one minute, one minute and a few seconds... As she watched, the first code popped up, followed by the second. A triumphant smile spread across Li Lanqiu's face. At this rate, she would soon have what she desired.

Just then, there was a sudden "ka—" sound, the sound of a door being pushed open. Li Lanqiu was startled, quickly pulling the small device from the computer with one hand and hiding it under her skirt, while the other hand feigned calmness as it rested on the mouse. She quickly closed the open page and turned her head to look towards the doorway, thinking in her heart, who could this be at this time!

Her heart was pounding so hard in that moment, it felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. She had thought about the worst-case scenario, but when it seemed to be actually happening, she found herself unable to accept it. Wasn't this just bad luck But as she looked at the door, there was no movement. Just as she was surprised, another sound arose, proving that she wasn't scaring herself.

What are you doing!

Lin Meng opened her eyes wide, looking at her with surprise and apprehension.

She returned here and realized that the two little ones had run to find her. She was both amused and touched for a moment, and immediately called the two children. At the same time, she went upstairs to look for Li Lanqiu. However, before she looked for her, she thought she needed to calm down and prepare what she was going to say, so she came to the small study.

This small study was no longer what it used to be. When Rong Ling decided to open his study to Lin Meng and share it with her, but Lin Meng knew that this man had a lot of things to deal with, the two little ones were often around her, either circling her happily, playing contentedly, or calling out "Mommy" casually, or asking her for something, or being cute and demanding...

In short, the two children were very young and playful, especially since they were both boys. She didn't want them to disturb him while he was working, so she suggested to Rong Ling that they turn the room next to his study into a small study for the children. They could then put a door between the big study and the small one. When he needed to work quietly, she would stay in the small study with the two boys and close the door. If he wasn't busy, he would open the door. This way, her position was right across from him, and the four of them were essentially in one room together.

He took her advice, tidied up the next-door room, and designed it carefully. Lin Meng watched him make the study door so high-tech, and thinking back to the previous closed door, she cleverly felt that this must be a heavily guarded place, then she thought that the door on her side leading to the study couldn't be too simple either, otherwise, anyone with bad intentions could enter directly from here. But she was really impatient with complicated password locks, so Rong Ling got her another one, also a high-end one. To enter, either she or the children needed to go through iris recognition and swipe their card. This sounded somewhat complex, but it was incredibly simple to operate; within seconds, the door would open swiftly.

Of course, for aesthetics and also to cater to Lin Meng's occasional whimsical sense of mischief, the door connecting the two rooms was designed to blend seamlessly with the wall. Only a meticulous observer would notice any discrepancies. Furthermore, to ensure the safety of the large study, this electrically controlled smart door could be programmed with an additional command: it could become a deadbolt, impervious to any attempts at entry by anyone using any method.

After Lin Meng finished building the door, he was very proud. The two children were also excited to surround the door and the technology it contained, embarking on a lively exploration and learning experience.

Lin Meng was back. Although she knew Rong Ling wasn't in the study at this time, out of habit, she still opened the door just as she had done countless times before. As soon as the door opened, she basically saw him hunched over his computer, the crisp keyboard clicking and clacking like a cheerful little nocturne, very pleasant to hear.

The moment the door opened, there should have been no sound, yet she heard something. This surprised her greatly. She thought perhaps she was too familiar with those sounds and was hallucinating. But when she saw Li Lanqiu sitting in front of the computer, she felt something was wrong. Her mind raced, realizing that something was amiss, and it could be very serious!

How did Li Lanqiu, someone who shouldn't be here, get into the study! And she did it while everyone was out!

"How are you here!" she questioned, striding toward Li Lanqiu like an arrow, her cold gaze, like two bright searchlights, fiercely landing on her.

"What do you have in your hands!"

She continued to question him, her mind replaying the moment she had opened the door, when Li Lanqiu's left hand seemed to move quickly.

Li Lanqiu was startled and instinctively moved to hide something. Her mind raced, thinking frantically, "What should I do What should I do now!" Calm down, she told herself, calm down. Think of a way out, think of a way out. But dammit, the escape routes she had planned were only for Rong Ling or other people. She hadn't considered Lin Meng at all! Lin Meng already showed aversion towards her; there was no way he would believe her explanation! To make matters worse, why did she suddenly come here when she wasn't supposed to be well

This is freaking unbelievable!

What to do, what to do!

Her hands were a bit stiff, but her fingers nervously tapped the mouse frantically, hoping to close the window. However, no matter how hard she tried, the window wouldn't close! It seemed that Rong Ling had set up some kind of special configuration on his computer.

What to do, what to do!

Lin dreamt that Li Lanqiu looked out of sorts, and her suspicions grew even stronger. In the final few steps, she ran directly to the computer desk and peered over to see what Li Lanqiu had hidden under the table. But Li Lanqiu's skills were honed from years of training. Even in her panic, she instinctively hid the object perfectly beneath her skirt.

Lin Meng didn't notice anything, but she frowned and turned her eyes away. She saw a page prompting for a password. Her eyelids jumped, and she suddenly let out a furious shout.

"You are stealing data!"

Initially skeptical, she spoke with certainty after taking a sip.

Li Lanqiu's mind, which had been rigid and unyielding, snapped like a brittle thread under the sudden provocation. Her expression twisted into a menacing grimace as she sprang to her feet. With lightning speed, she drew her blade and swung it down towards Lin Meng's neck in a swift, deadly arc.

I can't let Lin Meng ruin her plans!

This was the only thought in her mind!

***As a side note***

I highly recommend my friend's beautiful article: "Wife, Come Back Home" [http://read.xxx/info/368040.html]. The book introduction has a link, click on it to go directly ^_^

A year ago, she was defeated at a blind date by the young master Lan. Since then, she has fallen into his trap.

After a year of marriage, her best friend threw a stack of photos at her. The "Double Flying Swallows" in the picture made her vomit uncontrollably.

Divorce She's pregnant....he moment he left. Of course, someone from his side would report back to him immediately if anything happened in Yandong. Then he knew that his uncle arrived with an imposing air, reprimanded Rong Qi...