o outdo someone. She was both ashamed and flustered and afraid, reaching out with both hands to push him away, but she was forced to endure the gap in his sudden kiss, brokenly shouting: "Elevator......As soon as Rong Qikeng received the distress call from the He family, his heart skipped a beat. Now, he was deeply intertwined with the He family, and he fully understood the gravity of the situation. If something happened to the He family, he would be implicated as well.

He hushed Mrs. He in a low voice and told her not to panic. He asked them to tell him what had happened from beginning to end in detail. After listening, he felt even more uneasy. How could it be Jiang Chengfeng who was behind this And he'd arrested so many people - soldiers, officials, businessmen... It was like uprooting the entire He family. Moreover, if it were Jiang Chengfeng's men, why hadn't Jiang Yichen said anything This didn't make sense at all.

Jiang Yancheng and He Jia, their relationship was not ordinary. How could his son have such poor eyesight! All of a sudden, a premonition told Rong Qikeng that something bad was going to happen. He Jia's woman asked him what to do, what could he do That was Jiang Chengfeng, he had dealings with Jiang Yancheng, but he couldn't even be considered an acquaintance with Jiang Chengfeng. Moreover, when Jiang Chengfeng handled cases, he was always ruthless and merciless, executing "official business" thoroughly.

He told the woman from the He family to remain calm, hung up the phone, and immediately instructed his men to investigate what had happened. They needed to find out what crime the He family had committed and where they were taken. On the other hand, he was furious with Old Mrs. He for being so useless. She usually meddled in everything, but when it mattered most, she collapsed. What a weak shell!

A trace of discontent and slight disdain flashed through his mind. He pondered for a moment, then called Jiang Yancheng. As soon as the call connected, he greeted him with a hearty chuckle, feigning indifference.

"Uncle Jiang, your son made such a big commotion tonight! What happened!"

"Oh!" Jiang Yichen acted clueless there. "What do you mean"

"Hoo hoo, didn't expect they would arrest He Kuan and his family! This is a bit too much, isn't it"

"What! " Jiang Yichen feigned surprise. "I rarely interfere with Cheng Feng's affairs. I really don't know about this."

As soon as Rong Qikang heard this, his heart skipped a beat. This must be a trick! Such a big thing, he didn't believe that Jiang Chengfeng wouldn't inform his father in advance. Moreover, he didn't believe that Jiang Yichen hadn't told Jiang Chengfeng about his relationship with the He family and himself! Jiang Yichen had been navigating the political arena for so many years, his son couldn't be that foolish. And if Jiang Chengfeng were just a deaf ear to everything outside work, someone who only focused on his duties, and didn't understand human affairs at all, he wouldn't have climbed to such a position, let alone served as the head of the heavy case unit for so many years. Judging by how he could always bring down powerful people every year yet remain unscathed in his position, this man naturally understood the ways of the world, and must be very adept at it!

Jiang Yichen wasn't telling him the truth, which could only mean that this matter was more serious than he imagined. But he knew Jiang Yichen was evading him, yet he couldn't force Jiang Yichen to confess!

"This came out of nowhere! Could it be... something's going on at headquarters!" He could only probe like this.

Ke Jiang can still kept things under wraps. “Chongfeng didn’t specifically tell me, so it probably wasn’t a big deal. But as you know, some things my son does are top secret, even from his own family. If he revealed even half a word, it would be a breach of discipline, so…”

Jiang Yichen didn't elaborate, but his implication was clear: Jiang Chengfeng's matter is beyond his reach, so you coming to me, Rong Qikeng, is pointless!

"Hearing this, Rong Qi had to use force. (..tw)" "But, He Kuan is working for Chief Liu. Is it Chief Liu who --"

"Hold on, Chen!" Jiang Yancheng abruptly interrupted him. "It's best we stay out of other people's business!"

Rong Qi's heart skipped a beat when he heard Jiang Yancheng's sudden, fierce tone. He let out an "Ah" in surprise, his mind racing to understand what this meant!

Soon, Jiang Yichen requested to end the meeting.

"Well, that's all. No other business here. I better go, I have some urgent matters to attend to."

After finishing his statement, he didn't wait for Rong Qikeng's reply and hung up the phone. This clearly wasn't giving Rong Qikeng a chance to speak!

Rong Qikeng's heart sank further and further. Jiang Yichen's attitude really made him more and more confused, confused at the same time, but also increasingly felt something was wrong. He mentioned Liu Shouzhang, but Jiang Yichen prevented him from doing so. According to his understanding, the He family was Liu Shouzhang's people. If Jiang Chengfeng wanted to seriously move the He family, he would definitely have to go through Liu Shouzhang's level. And according to Jiang Yichen and Liu Shouzhang's relationship, Jiang Chengfeng couldn't possibly not know. Even if he was instructed by other forces to arrest the He family, he couldn't bypass Liu Shouzhang. It was bound to be a greeting with Liu Shouzhang. But once Liu Shouzhang had been informed, the He family couldn't have been suddenly arrested like this without any prior wind or news, and not even a hint of information had come to him. So, he just suspected that something might have happened to Liu Shouzhang.

This is unlikely, because everyone can see Liu Shouzhang's success. Besides, the leader of a faction in the army isn't that easy to bring down. If it were that easy, he wouldn't have put so much effort into digging at Rong Sanbo's wall previously!

Moreover, even though he didn't know the specifics of the relationship between the Jiang family and Liu Shouzhang, it was clear they were deeply connected. If something happened to Liu Shouzhang, Jiang Yancheng wouldn't be so composed. And Jiang Chengfeng wouldn't dare lead the charge against him.

Then that's all there is to it --

Rong Qi grinned, narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly changed his expression!

If Liu was the one in charge, then what would happen to the He family The He family doesn't know why they offended someone or what they did wrong. They just can't hide it anymore, so Liu decided to wash his hands of them!

This is the most likely scenario!

Rong Qi suddenly sprang up from the leather chair. He suddenly realized that Jiang Yancheng's attitude towards him just now was impatient, and at the end, he hurriedly wanted to cut off the phone call, making up an excuse that he had something urgent to do. So, what exactly was the urgent matter Or maybe there wasn't anything urgent at all!

What happens next might be terrible. Yet, a voice in his head insists, telling him, it's him, it has to be him!

A sense of crisis made his whole body tense up!

I quickly dialed the phone, asking my subordinates what they had found out. But the news I received was very bad. As soon as the He family members entered the station, they were separated from the outside world. Anyone involved in the investigation was allowed in, but everyone else was prohibited from approaching. And tonight, several bigwigs had been brought into the station, all of whom had gone in and never come out. There were people from the police, prosecutors, judicial authorities, and disciplinary inspection commissions inside. This immediately made me think of "anti-corruption"!

This is going to be a big deal!

Where else can Rong Qikeng sit down!

If He Jia were really found out on this side, he would probably be finished!

At this point, he had to find someone immediately and nip the problem in the bud before it grew any larger. In fact, when facing such a situation, he should have gone to Rong Sanbo because everything related to politics in the Rong family fell under his jurisdiction. However, Rong Qikeng thought about his recent actions of colluding with the He family, which had indeed chipped away at Rong Sanbo's power, and knew this was absolutely out of the question. If he went to Rong Sanbo, it would be like handing himself over for a beating and immediately relinquishing his position as head of the family.

No, absolutely not. We can't go down Uncle Rong San's path. We should ask someone else to help, and hopefully they can alert Uncle Rong San about this so he can fix it for us. The problem is, that means owing a lot of favors, and those favors will cost dearly!

Who cares about future bleeding now!

Find someone important first!

Rong Qikeng was furious inside, bitterly hating the incompetence of the He family. At a crucial moment, they were dragging him down. But he couldn't just abandon them. Ever since Rong Ling had humiliated him, his reputation within the company and even within the family had been shaky. Therefore, he absolutely couldn't afford to be dragged down by the He family.

Then, for the first time, he had a pang of regret!

If he hadn't teamed up with the He family in the beginning, things would have been better; if only he hadn't met He Lao TaiTai and He Ya.

Where on earth do all these "ifs" come from!

If I had known this day would come, why did I do it in the first place!

It's too late!

The next day, news of the He family being arrested spread rapidly and even made it onto several important newspapers and morning news programs. People speculated that the He family was finished. After all, almost no official is truly clean; and with a family involved in business, there's no way to be squeaky clean. Only through a combination of government and business can one make money fastest and most aggressively. However, this method is also extremely dangerous. Once things go wrong, they could very well lose everything.

So, at the opening of the market that morning, shares of HaiNa Group, the company run by He Jia, were sold off frantically. The stock price plummeted all the way to its limit down. This was a very heavy blow for the He family, and it was also bad news for Rong Qikeng. He had big ambitions and had long set his sights on the He family. Therefore, secretly, he bought a large number of He family shares from retail investors, planning to swallow up the He family in the future. As promised by Mrs. He originally, she would transfer some of the He family's shares to him, and then give some to the child in He Ya's belly, plus what He Ya would inherit in the future, Rong Qikeng would ultimately receive a very substantial amount of stock. Perhaps, the He family might one day become his!

He even secretly treated the He family as his own personal possession!

Now, the stock price has plummeted, it's practically sucking his blood dry. If there are still no positive news from He's side in the next few days, then his losses will be substantial. This isn't just referring to the stock market aspect, but also to the businesses he personally handles and those that cooperate with the He family. If the He family faces misfortune, it will naturally affect all related businesses.

He barely slept last night, thinking about these things, his head was aching. It was because he had just come up and his foundation wasn't stable, eager to make achievements, but overseas companies didn't give him any face and were unwilling to do business with him, so, his ties with the He family became deeper and deeper. Recently, due to Rong Ling's challenge, in order to enhance his reputation and credibility, he again cooperated with the He family to develop several projects. In his view at the time, these projects could bring huge profits. Also, when those projects were initially signed, he received praise from all levels, stabilizing the situation. But after just a few days, those projects suddenly turned from fragrant to smelly. This simply made his personal ability and credibility even more questionable!

It's just icing on the cake!

At this moment, he was staring intently at the large board, his ears straining to hear the reports from his subordinates about the He family. Still no progress. His eyes were bloodshot, a mixture of urgency and exhaustion etched on his face. A phone call came in shortly after, it was an elder from the clan, requesting him to convene a temporary meeting immediately. They needed a proper explanation and a reasonable response regarding the situation with the He family.

He was anxious inside, but he had to agree.

He took this position and enjoyed some privileges, but when something went wrong, he was inevitably the first person to be held accountable!

He had no idea how to deal with this situation at all. Thinking about the accusing stares and sharp, cold questions from the elders in his clan made his head hurt. Suddenly, he thought of Rong Ling—the man he now hated with a burning passion. Ironically, he found himself wondering what Rong Ling would do in this situation! How did he handle similar situations in the past

He laughably learned from Rong Ling in a moment of crisis; yet paradoxically, he always denied Rong Ling, constantly belittled him, and always thought himself stronger.

But it turned out that he Rongling was able to hold the entire scene together when similar crises arose. With his aura, he overwhelmed everyone and made them believe him, even if they didn't want to, following him obediently. As for He Rongkin, although he sat in the position of chief executive, he became flustered and sweating profusely when faced with questioning and accusations from the elders. In the end, he ended the meeting with a perfunctory “Let’s just leave it at that for today, everyone go back and think about it,” and fled in disgrace.

He Jia kept pressuring him, treating him as a savior and urging him to find a way to save their men. Their words carried veiled threats: if the He family were to perish, then Rong Qikeng would be finished too.

Upon hearing this, Rong Qikeng really wanted to scold the person on the phone.

These jerks!

At this time, internal strife must absolutely be avoided!

He Ya cried and wailed, sobbing and fidgeting as she called, asking about the situation. She asked who he had gotten to help him, as if she didn't believe he was truly putting in effort. He now loathed this woman with all his being, and all he wanted was for this matter to be resolved, for both families to pass through unscathed. Then, he would immediately distance himself from the He family and find a way to kick this woman to the curb. She dared to doubt him now!

Hmph, this little fox spirit is simply a scourge. It's no wonder Rong Ling didn't want her in the beginning.

Heartfilled with resentment, he became even more impatient to speak with her. He mentioned a few big names, indicating that he had truly done his best, and then he quickly hung up the phone.

She wanted to confirm it herself. He didn't have the time or energy to deal with her. Now, even hearing her voice was annoying.

In fact, he really did try to find someone, but almost none of them worked out. People in the officialdom are good at reading faces and changing their stance with the wind. None of them wanted to offend powerful figures and jeopardize their own careers. He saw that the people he had found were all influential, yet they all shook their heads at him in the end. He knew then that things were developing toward the worst possible outcome.

That is, the He family was pushed out by Liu's chief; this time it seems like they are really going to be ruined.

Although, he hasn't figured out yet why this is!

In domestic cases, corrupt officials are often brought down due to interpersonal conflicts. More often than not, it's about someone crossing the wrong path or being caught in a power struggle between factions. It is rare for them to be exposed by genuine law enforcement, disciplinary committees, or whistleblowers, because everyone knows that systems like reporting and seeking redress have long been rendered ineffective in this country.

The dispute over the factions is now impossible to see any trace of, so it seems that the only remaining explanation is the "clearing the way" theory. However, what baffled him was why Liu, the leader, had promoted He Kuan in the first place. Why, after all the hard work of promoting him, would he then bring him down What exactly did He Kuan do to offend someone

After racking his brains to no avail, just when he felt like his head was going to explode, he suddenly received a message from an underling responsible for keeping tabs on Jiang Yichen. It said that Jiang Yichen had gone to Rong Ling's house and, based on the location, it seemed he was looking for Lin Meng. After all, Rong Ling was clearly at work in the company!

Jiang Yancheng went to look for Lin Meng!

Why is this!

At such a sensitive time!

Ron couldn't sit still, thinking about it.

Immediately, he instructed his subordinates to keep a closer watch on Jiang Yichen. Then, he swiftly pulled out a stack of papers from the drawer. The top sheet was a collection of various relationship diagrams, events, and some of his own speculations and doubts. This was something he had prepared beforehand, locking it away in the drawer just before the meeting to prevent it from being seen by anyone who might be interested, intentionally or unintentionally. Some things on this sheet were too sensitive for public view.

Picking up a pen, he added another small arrow to Jiang Yancheng's piece and wrote in "Lin Meng." After thinking for a moment, he used an arrow to connect Rong Ling, who was already there, with Lin Meng.

It seemed like just a moment, something flashed in his mind. Too quickly for him to grasp it at once.

But, looking at Lin Meng, he really felt like he had missed something, and it seemed very important!

Before, he never even thought about her.

"Lin Meng…"

"Lin Meng..."

"What did I miss..."

Muttering to himself, he picked up a pen and drew out another clean sheet of paper. "Swish swish swish," he scribbled away.outed angrily."Hey, what are you saying!"His voice suddenly rose in pitch, and he glared angrily at He Ya.He Ya immediately sank her face. "What's this look about!"After finishing, he complained to th...