Escape 045

eling dazed and confused. This state continued until she stepped off the plane, onto solid ground, and was hit by the cold airport air. Only then did she startle awake and come to her senses.That man...Don't plead with a man consumed by desire, it only fuels his flames. Lin Dong lowered his head, frantically kissing her tears with his tongue while one hand eagerly clutched at her bra. He couldn't stand a woman's complexities; he simply yanked it open with force, pulling it out and throwing it far away. His rough palm finally claimed its territory! The tender and soft touch sent shivers down his spine, making him moan with excitement, his breathing suddenly becoming rapid and heavy!

Lin Meng felt shamefaced and deeply humiliated!


The broken tears, like a river bursting its banks. She screamed hysterically, pushing and shoving Lin Dong, like a woman on the verge of losing her sanity!

Lin Dong's movements paused, as if he was hesitating.

Lin Meng cried looking at him, her heart and eyes full of pleas. Her delicate lips opened and closed, nothing but broken sobs. "Brother...don't...please...don't..."

But Lin Dong immediately thought of the woman in his arms, about to be embraced by another man, and under another man's body. She was no longer the pure and innocent Lin Meng she once was; she would become a high-class courtesan, the most outstanding business capital, a famous flower of the wine country. So why should he spare her! This little person who had been raised by his side since childhood wasn't originally his Why should he give her to someone else!

His rage finally consumed his mercy! He reached out, pressing her forehead against the wall with a force that left her breathless. He leaned down and finally bit into those lips he'd craved for so long.


Lin Meng desperately shook her head, but no matter where she hid, his lips could find her! In the tears that streamed down her face, her heart sank little by little!

Why, why would you treat her like this! What did she ever do wrong!

Why, why!

Heart, roaring in unwilling defeat!

She softened her resistance, and he took advantage of it to knead her breasts with his palms wantonly. (..) She looked at the familiar face before her, revealing an absolutely terrifying beastly lust. Tears welled up in her bloodshot eyes. Trembling, she reached out, slowly approaching the bottle filled with bath milk. Finally, just as she was about to grab the thin neck of the bottle, she closed her eyes, hot tears flowing freely. It was the last trace of helplessness and a sigh of resignation.

When she opened her eyes, that pair of eyes filled with humiliation and pain flashed a glimmer of determination. She clenched her hand, grabbed the bottle of body wash, and with all her might, smashed it down on Lin Dong's head!


Lin Dong cried out in pain, his hand jerking back and his body leaping. He instinctively reached up to touch his head!

Lin Meng smashed the bottle at him with all her might, pushing him hard with both hands. She even raised a leg and used a kicking technique she learned during military training in high school on Lin Dong's leg. It worked! Lin Dong stumbled, almost falling down.

Lin Meng couldn't bear to think too much. She hung her tears and suddenly rushed to the door, twisting the doorknob and pulling it open, darting out. On that side, Lin Dong was strong and powerful. After a shake of his body, he immediately stood firm. When he reacted to what had happened, he roared: "You little wretch!"

then chased it out.


Lin Meng screamed, intending to run to her room but changed direction and dashed towards the door. She didn't even bother putting on her shoes, flung open the front door, and ran out, following the stairs down. Behind her, Lin Dong relentlessly pursued her, his angry roars sending shivers down her spine. Outside, rain poured down. Lin Meng gritted her teeth and plunged into the deluge, barefoot and heedless, running into the pitch black ahead. Behind her lay the gates of hell; she would rather run into this icy darkness than remain there waiting for damnation!

Her petite frame made it hard to imagine she possessed such explosive power, able to run far ahead in a very short time. Lin Dong watched as her figure gradually disappeared into the rain curtain, and couldn't help but mutter angrily. After she completely vanished from sight, he could only helplessly return home. According to his estimate, that girl had nothing on her, so she would inevitably return to this house sooner or later. When she got back, just wait until he dealt with her! She had the guts to hit him!

Lin Meng didn't know how long she had been running. Her chest felt tight and constricted, a suffocating pain that was only intensified by the cold rain beating against her. It seeped through her slightly parted lips, which were open from her rapid breathing, down into her throat, leaving a chilling numbness in its wake. Yet, at the same time, her chest burned with an intense heat, as if a fire raged within.

She ran until she was exhausted, her legs aching with pain. She fled desperately, without any destination in mind. As fatigue took hold and she could no longer move, she stumbled and fell to the ground in the rain. Opening her eyes, consciousness returned. All she saw was the unfamiliar -- unfamiliar streets, houses, shops.

She herself doesn't even know where she is!

With such heavy rain, there were few people walking on the street, and only one or two sports cars raced past, creating a high wave.

Lin Meng coughed violently, her mouth gaping open as she gasped for air. The rain water went down her throat, sending shockwaves through her body. She trembled uncontrollably after a painful cough. With great effort, she reached out and pressed against the wet ground, using it to pull herself up. She staggered towards the side of the street.

It was already so late, and with the terrible weather, most of the shops had closed. Lin Meng found a shop that still had its awning extended out over the street, sheltering him from the rain.

Although there was no heavy rain, his drenched body was quite uncomfortable. A gust of cold wind sent chills down his spine. Lin Meng sneezed several times in a row and trembled, shrinking into a ball. He couldn't stand the chill for long, so he bent his knees and sat down, hugging his legs to create a small circle around himself to conserve some warmth.

The rain -- a constant patter -- fell with an almost joyful enthusiasm, but this joy was its own, failing to touch Lin Meng. She shivered in the cold, her pupils dilating slowly, lost in confusion!

This world is so vast, yet when she was in such a state of destitution, there wasn't even a place for her to go.

If you don't have a single penny, don't even dream of checking into any hotels!

Home --

Needless to say, there was no way she was going back tonight. Only Lin Dong's home remained, which felt like it was inhabited by a monster. She simply didn't have the courage or guts to face that beast!

But why! Lin Meng didn't understand, why would such a thing happen! She had only been out for a week, why did everything become different! She had desperately hypnotized herself to go back to the beginning, to forget this past week, but why couldn't heaven let her be quiet!

Lin Dong, he's her brother! Her real brother! Why would he suddenly do something so terrifying! Thinking about how intimate they were, it felt like her head was exploding!

What should I do now

She huddled under the eaves, her mood darker than the overcast sky. She had nowhere to go and nowhere to escape...

This dark and gloomy world, revealed Lin Meng's delicate face, paler than paper. Her hazy eyes swayed precariously in the cold wind...

Laughter, growing louder as it approached, revealed beneath a canopy of checkered umbrellas, a stumbling procession of legs. It was accompanied by the gruff laughter of men, incoherent and lacking any discernible pattern.

"Go... Go... go again... Drink... drink again..."

"Heh heh, old...old least I can...still...drink another...3...3 bottles..."

"Six... Six... You... Just blow it... Blow it..."

"Piss... crap talk... drink again... you... your money... all... it's all going to... that woman... give... give her everything..."

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"Heh heh... that... that little girl... is... really... so... alluring... ah..."

"Brother... how many brothers... covered... covered her... haha..."

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Four men, supporting each other, huddled in pairs under one umbrella. Their breaths indicated they were quite drunk.

Lin Meng saw the four drunkards, who looked very tall. She quickly shrank her body and retreated as far back as possible. Then she lowered her head and buried her head between her legs, trying her best not to attract attention!

Four men mumbled nonsense, stumbling toward Lin Meng. They were about to walk past her when a rough voice, laced with amusement, croaked out, "Little... little girl!"

The man crawled out from under the umbrella, staggering toward Lin Meng. He stared at Lin Meng's long, jet-black hair, but his mind was filled with the face of a woman with a seductive and alluring aura in a dim bar.

The man knelt down with a thud, the damp ground soaking through his pant legs. He didn't seem to notice, only staring at Lin Meng and smiling foolishly, clearly very drunk.

"Little… little beauty… please… please stay and have another drink with me!"

As he spoke, he reached out to grab Lin Meng!

The other person holding an umbrella was not very drunk, still somewhat conscious. Seeing the situation, he immediately floated forward with unsteady steps, wanting to pull the kneeling man up.

At this moment, Lin Meng raised her head and instinctively dodged the outstretched palm of the kneeling man. In the midst of darkness and confusion, that face suddenly appeared, as white as if it would glow. It was like a guiding light in the pitch-black path, or a water lily breaking through the murky swamp - elegant, serene, with a faint fragrance, and unbelievably beautiful! Whether it was the drunken man or the one who intended to help her up, they both stared in astonishment.

This book is first published on this website, please do not reprint!lace by another."Enough!" Rong Ling roared, twisting his brows, his whole body brimming with barely contained rage. Looking into Li Lanqiu's eyes, he seemed rather ferocious.Li Lanqiu looked at him, s...