, there was no trace of the fish soup on the table. Jiang Xiaoxiao was no longer as cold and sharp as before, a faint smile reappeared on her face, still looking very approachable."Mumu, maybe I'll go..."Bing Bing."

She called out softly, walked in, and finally sat down by the bed. But the lump huddled under the blanket remained motionless. She leaned over, gently lifting a corner of the cool quilt, and was met with her daughter's tear-streaked face.

Her heart ached deeply.

"What's wrong, my little one!"

Reaching out, she touched her little face. Bingbing, as if confirming her presence, cried out, "Mommy, I'm scared," and huddled closer to Li Yiping, causing Li Yiping's heart to ache even more. Indeed, so much blood had frightened the child. That's why she didn't go to her own room but instead ran to hers, then wrapped herself in blankets! Even on such a hot day, she wasn't afraid of suffocating herself.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mommy is here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, good, don't be afraid..."

As she was being soothed, she pulled the cool blanket away. Patting her on the back, she felt it was damp. Her forehead and hair around her ears were also wet, it was unclear whether they were from tears or sweat.

Baby Bingbing was sobbing softly and huddled into her arms. Li Yiping kept comforting her, thinking to herself that this child, who had once been treated like a precious treasure, was now scared and left alone to cry in her bed. The difference in treatment between before and after was so stark, it was heartbreaking and lamentable!

Just wait, just wait until we've left this house.

By then, you'll be mommy's little treasure, and mommy will spoil you rotten. But mommy definitely won't coddle you, she'll teach you to be a good kid that everyone likes.

Li Yiping thought to herself, sometimes a smile on her face, sometimes coldness in her eyes.

The next day, she went to the hospital and was scolded by He's mother as soon as she arrived. She wasn't given any explanation before being berated for being so late. She didn't say much, only replying that she had been taking Bingbing to school, which is why she was late. She then said she brought something for He's mother. He's mother angrily scolded her again, claiming that if she hadn't left last night and stayed home to watch He Ya, she could have helped her notice He Ya's abnormalities.

Li Yi-ping only just found out that He Ya had an accident. Her lower body lost feeling, and it was clear that the anesthesia had worn off. The hospital staff tried to provide relief, but it was useless. Now, it can be basically confirmed that it was caused by an overdose of anesthesia, and it looks very likely that this outcome will lead to paralysis of the lower body.

Paralyzed from the waist down!

This is something no one would dare imagine, especially when it happens to a young woman in her twenties. She was just starting out in life. In less than a day, He Ya lost both her children and then her lower body. She immediately crumbled, sobbing uncontrollably, unleashing every curse word imaginable at the doctors and the hospital. She roared and screamed, vowing that if they didn't cure her, she would bring the entire hospital down with her!

What a big mouth!

If this were still the former He family, she said such words, and the hospital side would naturally get angry, and they had to be careful to accompany them. But now that the He family is declining, on the verge of completely sinking, how could the hospital care about He Ya Besides, they open a hospital, and they are also backed by powerful people. They are not threatened by any patient casually.

"Miss He, Mrs. He, on behalf of the hospital, I would like to express my sincere apologies." The deputy director of the hospital earnestly said to the furious mother and daughter, his face grim. "This is a medical accident, which is what we least want to see. Rest assured, anesthetist Meng Xiaogong, we have already suspended him pending an investigation. And if you wish, you can also have a medical malpractice report conducted. Our hospital side will fully cooperate and take full responsibility."

“Taking responsibility What’s the point when everyone is already like this Taking responsibility, what good will it do!” He Mother was furious, her eyes bloodshot, as if they were about to burst.

"I don't need you to take responsibility, I just need you to give me back my daughter in good health. Cure her, cure her!"

Mother He excitedly stepped forward, grabbed the vice-dean's shoulders, and shook him vigorously.

The deputy director's subordinates immediately came over to stop her. "Madam, please don't do this. Let's talk things through. Please let go of my director first, please…"

He Ya also started to cry and shout, demanding that they cure her and threatening to sue the hospital.

The hospital was unhappy about this, inwardly cursing their luck. They thought to themselves, "What a stubborn family!" There was a sense of frustration building up inside them.

The vice dean bit back a retort, letting out a muffled grunt.

"I've said what I had to say. Think it over."

As he spoke, he hurried away, not wanting to stay for a moment. After all, this time he had come out just to go through the motions. If they wanted to make a scene, let them. Could they possibly turn the world upside down

Therefore, a small mistake made by the anesthesiologist ended He Ya's lower body and her entire life!

He Ya looked at the empty ward where the doctor and nurses had vanished in an instant. She collapsed, her entire being consumed by madness. Using the vilest language, she started to scream. Li Yi Ping listened on, finding it increasingly unbearable. Her brows furrowed involuntarily. It was hard to imagine where He Ya had learned these insults from; some were so vile that she had never even heard them before. This was a woman from a noble family! In terms of upbringing, she seemed worse than ordinary women!

Though she was inwardly muttering, she didn't show it on her face. She remained silent, trying her best to hide herself in a corner. Perhaps her days of acting invisible had been effective, so He Ya and her mother both ignored her, too busy to vent their frustrations on her.

He Yali was tired and panting, she lay on the bed to rest. After resting for a while, she started thinking about her grandmother again.

Where's Grandma!

It seemed she only just remembered there was still an old woman at home who needed looking after, as if she had completely forgotten about the old woman suddenly fainting and collapsing in front of her earlier.

The old lady's condition is not good now. She's about the same as He Ya, perhaps even a little better. The old lady had a stroke before, although she recovered later, the doctor still advised her to take good care of herself and avoid any stimulation. Yesterday, when the old lady saw He Ya like that, with her experience, she knew that the two lumps in her stomach were going to be gone, so she was overly stimulated and fainted, suffering another stroke. At that time, everyone was busy with He Ya's affairs, and the old lady was neglected. By the time they remembered to call a doctor for the old lady, it was too late. When the doctor rushed over all night, the situation was already set. The old lady lay in bed with slanted eyes and crooked mouth. The doctor was helpless and could only give her a few injections after that, advising her to rest quietly. Wait until after a period of rest, then see what to do next.

It can be said that the old woman became like this entirely because of He Ya. So, whenever He Ya mentioned the old woman, Er Bo's wife, who had originally sympathized with and felt indignant for He Ya, her expression turned indifferent and she scoffed. Mother He, hearing this, blushed with shame and whispered the matter to He Ya in a low voice.

He Ya didn't immediately worry about the old woman's condition. Instead, she started talking about her own affairs right away.

"What are we going to do now, grandma's like this and there's no way she can come out. Mom, what am I supposed to do What should I do! Mom!"

He Ya hurriedly grabbed He Mu's hand.

"Mom, please help me think of a way! I don't want to be disabled. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in bed. Mom, please help me, please!"

Mother He felt conflicted and reached out to gently pat He Ya's hand, trying to comfort her. To be honest, she didn't have many ideas herself. Most of the time, finding people was handled by the elderly matriarch. Asking her to find someone influential who could take charge in this matter right now, however, proved difficult as she couldn't think of anyone suitable at the moment.

Aunt Two's heart was very upset. She thought He Ya this girl was too heartless, so she spoke up and scolded her.

"Girl, your grandmother has always been so good to you. Now that she's in trouble and lying in bed just like you, unable to move, you don't even bother to show her some concern! You only care about your own little matters!"

He Ya was taken aback.

He Mother immediately turned her head and spoke up for her daughter. "Second Sister, don't say that. The maid has gone through this, it's truly a great tragedy. Right now, she's anxious and didn't think of Grandma, it's understandable!"

He Ya also chimed in immediately. "Grandma, good people have their own blessings. In a few days, she'll be fine. Last time, when she had a stroke, didn't she just lie in bed for a few days and recover"

Then, she looked at her second aunt with great grievance. "Second Aunt, if I look like this, it's possible that I will always be like this!"

After finishing, he started crying again, and then began another round of cursing the hospital from heaven to earth!

No matter how she raged, in the end, the hospital's attitude was only to conclude it as a first-level medical accident, expressing their willingness to take full responsibility, and through written materials, issued a public notice.

This matter, from the hospital's side, is considered settled.

The He family doesn't want to give up, but they are simply powerless against the hospital!

This matter, down to its core, can only be blamed on Rong Qi's sudden actions. If he hadn't acted so impulsively, she wouldn't have been in such a rush that she chose the nearest hospital, letting an unfamiliar doctor anesthetize and operate on her. At the time, she was hemorrhaging heavily, and the situation was critical. Her usual doctor simply couldn't make it in time, so whoever was available had to do. Because everyone was panicked, no one was prepared. So, "what if" happened. That "what if" possibility, just like that, hit her right between the eyes!

He Ya hates Rong Qikeng!

Alas, Mother's hatred!

Old Mrs. He is also hateful!

The entire He family, from top to bottom, all hate!

The way Rong Jinkeng acted that day, in the midst of all this gossip and speculation among these women, took on a terrifying air, almost deliberate. It seemed like Rong Jinkeng was planning to cross the bridge and burn it behind him, so he directly seized the opportunity to use this situation to get rid of the child. After He Ya's surgery, Rong Jinkeng disappeared without a trace. His attitude was quite clear now.

The old woman lay in bed, unable to care for herself. She was incontinent of urine and feces, with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes. Even speaking was a struggle. Yet, her one functioning organ, her brain, seethed with rage towards Rong Qi, wishing she could turn him into a straw man and shoot him with darts every day. Her heart also burned with resentment towards her granddaughter He Ya. With effort, she opened her mouth, making it clear — she didn't want to see He Ya again!

As for He Yalu's paralysis, the old woman didn't care at all, so there was no way she would stand up for her. In her mind, this granddaughter had already lost all value, worse than a useless pawn.

The wind direction of the He family has changed once again. Following Li Yiping, He Ya was also ostracized, of course, compared to Li Yiping, He Ya's treatment was even worse. At first, her ward was still bustling with people coming and going. Although the family members had different thoughts in their hearts, they could all speak kindly and coax her. Later, after the old lady said those words, the number of people visiting her in the hospital plummeted. In the end, besides He's mother and Li Yiping, only the maid responsible for delivering meals appeared a few times!

He Ya immediately felt her predicament. She had cried, pleaded, and even threatened, but it was all useless. Her mother couldn't help her, and Li Yiping even made it clear that she didn't like the old woman and wouldn't plead on her behalf. Fearing a backlash, He Ya, whose temperament had become increasingly extreme, turned to Li Yiping and launched into a furious tirade. Li Yiping felt she had done enough, so she calmly walked away. She used this outburst as an excuse to stop visiting the hospital every day, which relieved her considerably. She felt that enduring the scolding was worthwhile. Later, when He's mother criticized her again, Li Yiping brought up this incident, stating that she wasn't going to the hospital anymore. Even then, He's mother couldn't do anything about it.

No one stood up for her, and very few people genuinely wanted to protect her. Feeling completely abandoned, He Ya, who had lost the favor of the old lady, finally stopped demanding explanations at the hospital. She decided to go home. Once back, she would use every means necessary to regain the old lady's love. She realized more and more that the old lady was her greatest support in life. By clinging to the old lady's leg, she could take revenge on Rong Qi, seek revenge on the hospital, and vent all the anger she harbored!

So, He Ya decided to leave the hospital and go home immediately. As soon as she got home, she went straight to see her grandmother. Although her grandmother outwardly said that she didn't want to see He Ya again, as He Ya was her eldest son's granddaughter and her mother was the most important woman in the house (after her grandmother), no one dared to stop her mother from pushing her wheelchair to see her grandmother.

As soon as He Ya, sitting in her wheelchair, entered the old woman's room, the voices inside stopped abruptly. He Ya's aunts and sisters-in-law stared at her silently, showing neither concern nor warmth, only a wary and distant aloofness.


The month is ending, those with monthly tickets hurry up and vote! I've made He family so miserable, how come you guys are still not giving me enough support 55


Highly recommend my friend Lazily God's work "Unmarried Mother - Lover of a High Official," book number: 377251.

It involves the workplace, Gao Qian, and military service. It's exciting and not to be missed ^_^


Five years ago, his mother forced her to leave by locking her in a small dark room and giving her a check.

Five years later, she ventured into the workplace with her son, only to tragically discover that after all the twists and turns, she had ended up back in front of him.

Back then, he resented her heartless departure.

But she hated him because he had made her experience the darkest and most miserable life.

Further entanglement, things change, people change, hearts change, there are already many men around her who willingly guard them and their child.

And he, for years, had not let the passage of time diminish his initial mad love. Once again, he was hopelessly infatuated with everything about her.

This time, no matter who stands in his way, he will claim her love!airy.He growled again, a hint of frustration in his voice. "You said you liked me. Words once spoken can't be taken back, are you trying to go back on your word now"She seemed not to hear him, a begui...