at Zhang doctor now Have him come out, or hand him directly to the clan so they can investigate and clear Duo Duo's name!”Fung Choi-king isn't stupid. When he said "someone with a heart," he was inten...The Ho family retaliated because Rong Qikeng was utterly unreliable. Originally, the men from the Ho family who were captured had held strong, and they hadn't revealed anything important about the Rong family. However, when news reached the Ho family men that Ho Ya and Rong Qikeng had arrived at this point, they decided to "pledge allegiance" to the Liu family instead.

The He family wasn't originally wealthy and had always made their living through business. They possessed the typical traits of a businessman, that is, they treated people according to how beneficial they were to them. They secretly negotiated with the Liu family, agreeing to stand on the Liu family's side and accuse Rong's family of various crimes. In return, they received a guarantee from the Liu family that they would all receive leniency in the end.

He Zhanxu was released, and this was the first sign of Liu Jia's intention. No matter how the other men in the He family might react, He Zhanxu could now guarantee that there would be no further problems for him. He Zhanxu's release was also because the He family needed a man to take charge now, as Laotai (the old madam) had suffered a stroke and "was not in her right mind," so He Zhanxu had to lead the counterattack against the Rong family.

He Zhan's legal team sued Rong Jia, led by Rong Qinkeng, stating that the previous agreement between He Family and Rong Family regarding "termination of cooperation with Rong Family unilaterally and compensation for all losses" was untrustworthy and legally invalid. They demanded that Rong Family continue fulfilling their shared responsibilities arising from the collaboration!

Although Rong Qikeng has some minor troubles here, it's that his wife Mu Xinfeng's family has always been unreliable. He wanted financial support from them, but it never came through. However, he is generally quite calm and relaxed, and can already foresee that even if he doesn't become immensely wealthy, he will definitely live a comfortable life. This sudden summons by the court to cooperate with the investigation into He Zhan's lawsuit immediately stunned him, and he cursed inwardly.

At first, there were signed and sealed documents in black and white. How could such an agreement be without legal effect With his secretary in tow, he went to court very displeased.

After understanding the situation, he was so angry that he almost lost his temper!

You old bastard, you dared to screw me over!

Fang Qi couldn't have imagined that the foolproof plan he had meticulously arranged would ultimately capsize in the hands of Old Mrs. He, a senile and clueless old woman!

Why would the agreement become invalid!

Because this agreement was originally signed by Old Madam He and Rong Qikeng. At the time, Rong Qikeng was in a hurry and, with his eloquent tongue, finally persuaded Old Madam He. So, fearing that she might regret it after further consideration, he quickly took out the pre-prepared agreement and showed it to her. Upon Old Madam He's request, he added several clauses, including the one where he promised to transfer part of his shares if he secured the position as head of the family. Under his urging, Old Madam He didn't hesitate much and signed the agreement. After getting the signed agreement, he felt relieved and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, thinking she was a foolish old woman who believed everything he said, even without consulting her own lawyer to carefully review the clauses. Without men around, these women in the He family were simply pushovers, easily manipulated!

Only now does he realize, being too smart can backfire!

Where did Old Mrs. He get bewitched by his slick tongue This old fox had other plans in mind all along. So, he urged her, she followed suit, and she didn't even bother to call her usual lawyer. That's why when they signed the agreement, there were only him, the lawyer, and Old Mrs. He in the room!

Not even He Ya!

Where was He Ya at the time!

She said her stomach was not feeling well, so the servant girl A Mei who was always by Old Lady He's side helped He Ya back to her room to lie down.

So, the "discomfort" at that time was actually a scheme!

The He family never truly trusted him and always kept a watchful eye on him!

What's infuriating is that, after all this, he even went to see He Ya and tried to coax her, telling her to take good care of herself. Now it seems like he was completely played for a fool and is still bragging about it!

Now, He Jia's argument for the agreement being invalid is that the old woman suffered a stroke and was not of sound mind. Rong Qikeng signed this agreement with her in this condition, which makes it invalid. Going deeper, Rong Qikeng's actions were deceptive, tricking others into signing contracts to benefit himself. To some extent, this could be considered a crime!

This is He Lao Tai's signature move!

A woman who has survived a turbulent wartime era, three years of natural disasters, and ten years of the Cultural Revolution, and still holds a position of importance in her large family, how could she not be intelligent! Even if she is elderly and frail, all those years of experience would not allow the younger generation to deceive her so easily!

Kong Qi, naturally unwilling to accept this, raised objections. At the time of signing the agreement, he was certain that the old woman was fully aware of her actions, so the agreement was valid. Moreover, his lawyer was present at the time and could vouch for his words. Besides, there was He Ya and the servant Amei, who were present throughout the conversation between him and the old woman. They only left just before the signing was completed!

"At this point, Rong Qinkeng's heart had sunk to the bottom. He could tell that his chances of winning were dwindling."

His lawyer, of course, would be biased towards him and couldn't be considered a credible witness. Furthermore, in this case, his lawyer might even be suspected of being an accomplice, also facing charges. His testimony would likely not be recorded at all. As for He Ya and her maid, Ah Mei, they belong to the He family. Ah Mei is utterly loyal to Madam He; she would follow whatever the elderly madam said, blindly. If the old woman said the sun rises in the west, Ah Mei would confidently tell everyone that it does. As for He Ya, before her child was lost, she might have spoken up for him. But now, with her child gone and herself left paralyzed, there's no way she would testify for him! He looked at He Ya sitting in the wheelchair, her expressionless face and eyes devoid of almost any emotion. When she looked at people, it felt like she wasn't looking at a living being, but rather a pile of dead flesh. A chill ran down his spine, and he immediately averted his gaze upon meeting her stare!

He felt that if the woman could just move, she would rush over and turn her cold gaze into an ice knife, which would then pierce his heart!

If a woman truly sets her mind to something, it can be downright terrifying!

Furthermore, the most favorable evidence for Mrs. Ho's condition is the prescription from her doctor. Before signing the contract, Mrs. Ho had indeed suffered a stroke and was taking medication prescribed by the doctor. Although Rong Qikeng confirmed that Mrs. Ho was conscious at the time, speaking coherently, and even able to get out of bed and walk, all the testimonies from the Ho family now are that the old woman was confused and incoherent. He, Rong Qikeng, can't withstand the unified narrative of dozens of people in the Ho family!

The court sent people to investigate Old Lady He's mental state. The investigators saw the old woman lying in bed with her eyes slanted and mouth crooked, needing help even for defecating and urinating. When they spoke to her, she trembled her lips for a long time before uttering a few words, which were meaningless. Her pupils rolled back frequently as she spoke, resembling a madman. They concluded that the old lady was indeed mentally unstable.

Once this authoritative agency's investigation came out, the situation became too advantageous for the He family. Moreover, the He family now has the Liu family's support behind them. Compared to this, the Rong family, where Rong Sanbo is trapped, has the biggest protective umbrella. Under such unfavorable conditions, what can they use to turn the tide

There was almost no suspense, the court ruled the original agreement invalid. The Rong family's big tree will continue to be dragged down by the He family's sinking ship.

Because of Rong Qikeng's actions, many people are angry and some even want to vomit. Many people have directly cursed him. The Rong family is already in a difficult position, being attacked and coveted from all sides. This is a critical time when they need to correct their words and deeds, strive to maintain the company's image, and ensure the normal operation of the company. However, Rong Qikeng did this, which is simply blackening the Rong family. What's more, as the Executive President of Yidong, he also brought shame upon Yidong.

How is this reported in the newspaper!

The esteemed Yadon Group, for the sake of money, resorted to underhanded tactics to deceive an old lady who was out of her mind. This is simply not something a reputable company should do. It's a disgrace to their family name!

The Rong family doesn't deserve to be called a prominent family; they should withdraw from the circle of prominent families.

Similar news reports made both Rongjia and Yadong appear very negatively. Although in order to protect their image as much as possible, Rongjia still spared no effort in this highly publicized court case watched by numerous media outlets, saving Rong Qikeng. In the end, Rong Qikeng avoided being sentenced with a public statement saying, "I didn't know the old woman was mentally unclear and willing to cooperate with He family's request to void the agreement, and I am willing to apologize to Mrs. He and the He family for this matter." However, the He family really can't tolerate Rong Qikeng anymore!

First, the Rong family immediately removed Rong Qikeng's title as head of the Rong family, and the board of directors also revoked his position as acting CEO. This was done to respond to public media criticism, placing all blame on Rong Qikeng and stating that this was solely his actions, in order to protect the image of both Asia Eastern and the Rong family to the greatest extent possible.

But, Rong Qikeng's sins were not so serious. He Ya was smart, cunning, and experienced in designing people. So, during her interactions with Rong Qikeng, this woman who basically used her intelligence for bad purposes extracted a lot of useful information from him. Men with weak willpower, after a few cups of yellow wine, became dizzy. A woman then uses eighteen kinds of techniques to dance gracefully and show off her charm. Basically, the treasures hidden in a man's belly would inevitably be taken out one or two.

He Ya now hates with a venomous face, hating to her very core. Naturally, she utilizes everything she knows. A single true thing becomes tenfold in her telling, let alone the completely fabricated ones. For those, she uses the tactic of "true and false," weaving "neither real nor unreal" narratives.

Then, rumors about Rong Jia's negative aspects emerged one after another. He Ya was very high-profile, with a crippled figure but still formidable, pointing directly at Rong Qikeng. In front of the media, she directly stated that these revelations were all made by her. At the same time, she bit back and claimed that these were all told to her by Rong Qikeng. To ensure the authenticity of this information, she swore a poisonous oath, saying she dared to do anything. She also bluntly stated that if Rong Qikeng killed her two sons in her womb, she would absolutely make him pay!

She wants revenge!

As a result, He Ya's affair with Rong Qikeng and all the dirt about them were also exposed, plastered across gossip magazines everywhere, and mostly on the front pages.

Wong Kwai's personal image plummeted to a new low.

I asked a passerby on the street for their comment: "Ronny Tong, he dares to hit even his own son, he's not a man at all, and he doesn't deserve to be called human!"

Thus, it can be seen that Rong Qi had reached a level of disgust that was truly unbearable. While he wasn't hated to the point of being like a rat crossing the street, everyone chasing and beating him, he wasn't far from it!

The private bungalow he bought outside was repeatedly vandalized with rotten eggs, windows were frequently shattered by stones from unknown sources, and even dead cats were left in his yard.

Cong Qi-kang was forced to have no choice but to seek refuge in the main house of the Rong family. Only there, at his parents' place, could he find temporary peace.

But, the peace is short-lived!

Because He Jia's intentions were made up, He Ya's father, He Kuan, revealed everything he and Rong Qikeng had conspired about. This was also the last resort He Lao Tai Tai originally intended to use to threaten the Rong family, preventing them from abandoning the He family. After these matters were exposed, Rong San Bo was taken away and could no longer enjoy the treatment of being confined at home with occasional visitors. Although he wasn't imprisoned in a cell, but rather guarded at a heavily secured location, his diet remained decent. However, he was completely cut off from the outside world. In other words, even if Rong San Bo had a thousand schemes brewing in his mind, no matter how clever they were, without a messenger to relay information and adapt to external circumstances, all he could do was wait silently for the day of his downfall!

This big tree at Rong's house is already half fallen, and its roots have started to be pulled out of the ground!

It's not just the Liu family that is making a move, all the major families from Kyoto have also joined in, taking advantage of the situation to besiege the Rong family. The Rong family now finds itself like a vast plain exposed and vulnerable, with numerous warlords eyeing it greedily, poised to carve it up at will. Their future looks bleak! The situation is extremely perilous!

In this case, Rong Qikeng's crimes are so heinous that they are utterly unforgivable!

Get him out of Rong's house and forcefully reclaim all the stocks he has in his hands that are related to YADONG!

This is the result after several influential people from Rong's family discussed it!

---### Off-topic

Continue to ask for monthly tickets!

Ps: highly recommend my friend Ali's novel "Occupy the New Wife", book number 349479.

Excellent urban romance, extremely abusive and incredibly pampering, just finished, a must-read!

【Description of the Abuse Version】

"I have it." She was filled with both trepidation and excitement, anticipating his reaction.

"Take it off."

She hadn't expected him to be so cold and heartless. That was their child, he said it like he was dealing with trash.

The cold operating table, she refused anesthesia because she wanted to remember the pain he gave her.ulder and winked at her again. "Mengmeng, I'm rooting for you! Hehehe, do you also want to hear Rong Lao Da sing"Shedding the allure, she briskly walked towards her husband. Her mission was practicall...