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d to clench her legs tightly, squeezing his waist, and hug him with both arms at the same time, so that she wouldn't accidentally land her butt on the ground. But this way of moving was too ambiguous,...By the time Jiang Chengfeng finished work and came to visit in the evening, the double room had become quite lively. The college student named Xiaozhen had several more classmates come to visit her. On Lin Meng's side, Lin Bao and his wife had arrived, as well as Miao Qing, and a nurse specially arranged by Miao Qing for Lin Meng was on standby.

So this small ward felt rather cramped.

Jiang was busy with his wind affairs, getting to the court early. He had to prepare materials and attend hearings, only having time free by late afternoon. Then he realized that in his haste this morning, he had forgotten to inform Lin Meng's parents. He also didn't know if she was doing well being alone in the hospital Immediately, he reached out to a friend at the hospital and asked him to visit her. It turned out that Lin Meng had been taken care of perfectly, with both her parents having arrived. Apparently, there was even a high-ranking official who had specifically instructed everyone to look after her properly!

Big shot!

Jiang Cheng was surprised. Lin Meng's family seemed to only be middle-class, the kind with modest wealth. How could they possibly be involved with high-ranking officials!

He hesitated for a moment, then rushed over after work. Of course, even in his haste, he didn't forget to stop by the fruit store and buy a basket of fresh fruit, fearing that Lin Meng, who was currently unwell, wouldn't have enough nourishment!

Lin Bao had learned about Jiang Chengfeng from Lin Meng's mouth, and he also knew that thanks to Jiang Chengfeng's help, Lin Meng was able to be sent to the hospital in time. Thinking that if it weren't for Jiang Chengfeng, Lin Meng might have been unfortunate, Lin Bao felt a chill down his spine despite the hot weather!

This darling daughter of his, she's incredibly useful, her bright future hinges on her. What if something were to happen to her He wouldn't know what to do! Besides, he never expected Rong Ling to be so attentive towards Lin Meng, even sending someone to take care of her! Could it be that Rong Ling has taken a liking to his daughter

Lin Bao felt a mix of joy and worry. If Rong Ling was truly interested in Lin Meng, it would mean that Lin Bao had found a powerful patron. After all, the saying goes "it's good to take shelter under a big tree." In J city, he could then act more boldly. However, he also knew deep down that his own Lin Meng didn't have the qualifications to be Rong Ling's wife. At best, she could only be considered a mistress. Given Rong Ling's status and position, he would naturally marry a woman from a respectable family. Men are fickle by nature, and it was uncertain when he would discard Lin Meng.

Right now, Lin Meng is at the peak of his popularity, a top-tier hotshot. Several business tycoons have already approached him, wanting him by their side and offering many benefits, just waiting for him to come on board. If Rong Ling interferes, how dare he send Lin Meng to someone else! Just watching such huge profits slip through his fingers, Lin Bao's heart must be aching!

So, this fog-like situation before him truly left him baffled, his emotions a mix of joy and sorrow!

By the way, there's also Jiang Chengfeng!

Anyone doing business in J city, even those who are somewhat successful, would know Jiang Chengfeng. Especially those involved in construction, who often find themselves entangled in lawsuits, big or small, would definitely know him. As a senior judge, he held significant decision-making power over the court's rulings. Whether someone lived or died, how much their sentence was altered, and what penalties they received often depended on his whim. Moreover, his father was the deputy director of the provincial Public Security Bureau, with a substantial number of police officers under his command. With such a background, he could intimidate anyone! Everyone would be in awe of him, eager to curry favor. However, this man was as unyielding as oil and salt, leaving people to sigh in frustration.

Now, a great opportunity lay before Lin Bao. The person he had always wanted to curry favor with was right in front of him, but Lin Bao didn't know what to do!

He is a little afraid that Lin Meng's matter will be known by Jiang Chengfeng. According to his heartless personality, if he knew that he sent a minor girl out for sexual transactions, he would probably sentence him. Even though Lin Meng is his daughter!

He was still optimistic, thinking that Jiang Chengfeng didn't have the guts to go against Rong Ling. Then he should seize this opportunity and improve his relationship with Jiang Chengfeng!

As soon as Lin Bao thought of Rong Ling, he felt a sense of security. His heart calmed down instantly. He immediately smiled and reached out, eagerly saying, "Jiang Chengfeng is it Mengmeng owes you one!"

Jiang Cheng, even though he held a grudge against Lin Meng's father, still politely returned the greeting with a smile. He seemed amiable and approachable.

Lin Bao saw a great opportunity and immediately climbed up the pole, getting closer to Jiang Chengfeng. Jiang Chengfeng was no ordinary person; with his background, he had met countless people. Having taken on all sorts of cases, he had honed his sharp eyes into golden ones. He could see through people with just one glance!

After talking with Lin Bao for a while, Jiang Chengfeng had gotten to know his character pretty well. This businessman who seemed quite successful on the surface actually harbored a humble nature deep down. Although he interacted with people with cunning and shrewdness, there was also a trembling nervousness of a small person. It was a typical mentality of someone who had suddenly become wealthy. Jiang Chengfeng didn't really look down on this kind of person, but even though Lin Bao was careful and roundabout in his approach, Jiang Chengfeng could still see through his flattery. This was something he disliked the most. If Lin Bao wasn't Lin Meng's father, Jiang Chengfeng would have definitely left without a word. He wouldn't waste time talking to someone like this, who he simply couldn't find common ground with!

Still have to say, Lin Meng's face is big!

Jiang Chengfeng patiently accompanied Lin Bao, chatting with him word for word. Lin Bao had clawed his way up in society and knew how to read people's faces. He sensed that Jiang Chengfeng was not engaging in the conversation and thus, sullenly ended the conversation.

Jiang Chengfeng let out a sigh of relief in secret, thinking to himself that Lin Bao wasn't completely worthless after all. At least he knew when to retreat; that was somewhat commendable.

He strode forward a few steps, sat down at the head of Lin Meng's bed, his brow slightly curved, and smiled: "How do you feel!"

Last night, when she seemed like she was struggling to breathe, he was terrified. His heart pounded in his chest, afraid that if he wasn't careful, she would pass away. This feeling of dread about someone's life disappearing, he had only felt for his own family before. Lin Meng was the only outsider who evoked this emotion in him!

Lin Meng smiled, slowly squinting her eyes. Gratitude flowed in her beautiful black eyes.

"Much better!" he asked again. "Have you had dinner"

Jiang rode the wind and laughed. "Not yet, I'll eat later, I always eat dinner late!"

Lin Meng immediately turned her head to look at Lin Bao, silently pleading.

Lin Bao's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "It just so happens that none of us have eaten yet, why don't we eat together I'll treat you all to a meal as a thank you to Mr. Jiang for saving Mengmeng. Please don't refuse!"

Lin Meng immediately flashed a cute smile and looked expectantly at Jiang Chengfeng.

Jiang Cheng didn't nod. Instead, he asked Lin Meng, "What are you having for dinner"

"Someone will bring dinner over soon!

Jiang Cheng, thinking it was just a boxed meal situation, immediately blurted out: "Then let's go together! Send me one too. It would be too lonely to leave you alone here eating. Besides, if we go and feast while you're here by yourself, that wouldn't be right, hehe..."

Although he was smiling, somehow the words that came out of his mouth were impossible to refuse. Perhaps he just had an aura that made people unable to resist him.

Lin Meng slightly opened her mouth, turned her head, and looked at Miao Qing with some embarrassment. After all, Miao Qing was her patron. Fortunately, Miao Qing was very tactful, cooperative, and generous.

"That's what it is all about, folks! We're truly in the spirit when we are all together!"

Jiang Chengfeng took another look at Miao Qing because of this, only feeling that this woman was extraordinary, but he didn't think much about it, thinking to himself that she was probably a relative of Lin Meng or something.

It wasn't long before it was dinner time. Everyone ate and drank, but after that, there was a silence that hung in the air. Jiang Chengfeng tried to hold back, but he still felt like there were some things he had to say, some things he needed to clear up.

This room is a shared ward. With an outsider present, Jiang Chengfeng didn't want to ask too directly, so he subtly hinted at Lin Bao about the kiss marks on Lin Meng's body instead.

"Mr. Lin, although this is a harmonious society now, the world is still difficult. No one can predict what might happen next moment. Miss Lin Meng, as a young girl, shouldn't be out alone so late."

Although his tone was casual, his words were sharp. To be blunt, he was being sarcastic and laced with blame.

Lin Bao's forehead immediately broke out in a fine sweat, his mind racing with thoughts of whether Jiang Chengfeng had noticed anything. But he was an experienced man after all, so he quickly calmed himself down and replied calmly, "Yes, I was careless yesterday, careless..."

"There are all kinds of people in this world, so you have to be careful from now on!"

"Yes, yes!"

Jiang Cheng smiled and rode off, saying nothing more. As an outsider, he had said enough. As for Lin Meng's unwillingness to go home yesterday, he guessed she might have had a quarrel with her family. Now that they were all together, it wouldn't be right for him to bring up their family issues. He would wait until he got back and inquire with his friends later.

The kiss marks on Lin Meng's body were truly a nuisance to Jiang Chengfeng's eyes! He wanted to see what was going on beneath the surface.

Lin Bao let out a dry laugh and looked at Jiang Chengfeng, thinking to himself, "These wealthy people are really hard to befriend. They're all so shrewd, every few words contain too much pretense. It makes me feel pressured."

At this time, Lin Bao was still unaware of the trouble his son had caused. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sit here so calmly. Lin Meng didn't tell anyone outside because, firstly, he didn't have the face to do so, and secondly, he couldn't explain it!

Because, Lin Dong's arrival could only remind her that she couldn't defeat Lin Dong! This book is first published on this website, please do not reprint. still opened the door just as she had done countless times before. As soon as the door opened, she basically saw him hunched over his computer, the crisp keyboard clicking and clacking like a cheerfu...