incere apology in his voice. "Lin Meng, I'm sorry. I took some medicine this morning and my head started to feel dizzy. I don't know what happened. I was confused and did that to you. When I woke up,...But the on-duty staff member immediately doused her with a bucket of cold water.

"Your sister-in-law has gone out and hasn't come back yet!"

"What!" Li Lanqiu screamed first, this sudden feeling of hope dashed was like falling from a high altitude straight to the bottom, that feeling, painful enough to drive her crazy.


She was so excited that she forgot about her swollen face and the split on her lip. In that sudden outburst, her cheek muscles ached like they were being scraped, and her lips felt as if they had been cut.

She gasped, "Oh," and drew in a sharp breath.

"Are you alright!"

She covered her face, too embarrassed to speak. In her heart, she had already begun cursing Lin Meng's ancestors for eighteen generations.

Rong Ling took over for Li Lanqiu and asked the questions she hadn't gotten to yet.

"Where is she Why hasn't she come back yet"

The duty personnel stammered, indicating that they didn't know.

Has she never come back after she left

"Yes, he never came back."

"Then where could she have gone" Rong Ling murmured, asking a question. "The one who drove her, wasn't it Xiao Lu"

"Yes," the duty personnel replied.

Rong Ling's face darkened. He took out his phone and made a call. After the call connected, he angrily asked:

Where are you now, Lin Meng!

After listening for a while, he became angry and shouted angrily.

"You filthy woman!"

And then asked, "When will she be back"

On the phone, I don't know what was said. Rong Ling cursed angrily, "Trash," and hung up the phone.

Li Lanqiu immediately looked over curiously and tugged at Rong Ling's sleeve eagerly. Gritting her teeth, she asked with a distorted expression.

What's wrong

His face was contorted with anger.

That woman ran to Xiao Yi and didn't come back! That bitch, she went to find that wild man again. Divorce, this marriage has to end, you bitch, you bitch...

Rong Ling seemed to be unable to control himself, his whole person becoming fierce as if he wanted to kill someone.

Li Lanqiu was overjoyed!

Lin Meng, that idiot, was afraid of Rong Ling's punishment and actually went to seek out Xiao Yi. Haha, how foolish, utterly stupid. This is only a slightly less insulting humiliation than wearing a green hat, something no man can bear. What's more, who knows if there's anything going on between her and Xiao Yi! Even if it's clean, she will be slandered.


She and Xiao Yi… their relationship… is really good!


Just this one sentence, and it can easily place a person in an inescapable predicament.

Indeed, Rong Ling was like being touched on his reverse scale, an aura of killing intent surged towards Li Lanqiu and roared.

"Shut up!"

Which man would be willing to be reminded by a woman that he's been cuckolded!

"Dayang, reverse, go back!"

He was furious, as if he didn't even want to enter this house!

He took out his phone again and called Lin Meng, yelling at her angrily.

"You, woman, if you have the guts, stay by that man's side and don't come back!"

He roared, then slammed down the phone and punched the car seat beside him.

The look on his face, as if he was about to go crazy, was truly terrifying. Although Li Lanqiu knew she wasn't the target of Rong Ling's anger, seeing him like this still made her feel a little afraid.

Lin Meng will die a horrible death!

That was the thought that flashed through her mind in an instant.

It's just hateful! She traveled all this way by car, yet she didn't personally make Lin Meng cry her eyes out and beg for mercy on her knees.

Xiao Yi --

She silently repeated his name in her heart, filled with a hatred so deep it burned like fire. It was him again, disrupting her plans, the damn fool! Damn him to hell, I say! Damn him!

Ironically, while she was furious at this moment, she couldn't do anything to him. Because she needed Xiao Yi to cling to Lin Meng, the tighter the two of them clung, the more advantageous it would be for her. Because this would promote the divorce between Rong Ling and Lin Meng even further.


This is what Rong Ling just shouted!

She gave Rong Ling a reassurance pill, the water is here and it's working, it should be soon!

With her cheek lightly resting in the palm of her hand, Li Lanqiu's lowered eyes flashed with a cruel yet exhilarating light.

Rong Ling finally took her to the hospital for a checkup, which made Li Lanqiu overjoyed. Although Rong Ling said that she still had to live in that small villa, this made her feel a little unhappy. However, what Rong Ling said next immediately dispelled her unhappiness.

She has the ability to smash, and I have the ability to fix it. I'll fix it even better than she smashed it! If she has the guts, let her smash again, smash once, I'll fix it once!"

That way, it seems like he's at odds with Lin Meng. It's clear he won't back down until one of them is defeated.

Li Lanqiu was pleased to see this situation, so she didn't complain. However, Lin Meng's final threat towards her needed to be discussed properly. She relayed Lin Meng's exact words to Rong Ling.

"Rong Ling once again displayed the posture of being on the verge of a breakdown. 'She really said that'"

Li Lanqiu immediately said in a pitiful voice, "She brought... those... four people, all... heard. You don't believe me, you can... ask them!"

This alone was enough to prove that Lin Meng really had said those words. Rong Ling pursed his lips, his face turning grim. After a long silence, he let out a hum.

She wouldn't dare, she'd only make empty verbal threats at most.

"…"Li Lanqiu immediately put on a look as if she was about to cry. "I feel… I think… everything she said… is true."

"She doesn't have the guts to do that!" Rong Ling still snorted coldly. "If she dares to do such a thing, I will definitely not show her any mercy!"

This statement was truly impactful and threatening. When Li Lanqiu heard it, she couldn't help but start hoping that Lin Meng would actually do this. If so, Lin Meng wouldn't just be unable to harm her, but would even get Rong Ling to hate her. At that time, even if she divorced Rong Ling, she would definitely be suppressed by him. She thought again, let alone Rong Ling, what kind of good life would Lin Meng have if she married Rong Ling With the power of the Yadong Group, the entire Rong family's influence, and the assistance from the US side, everything Lin Meng thought could protect her was simply fragile and vulnerable.

She will be worse off than dead!

Li Lanqiu smiled slightly, then the corners of her mouth twitched convulsively.

It hurts, I pulled at the wound again!

Damn it!

Muttering to herself, she heard Rong Ling speak.

"Just in case, I'll assign you two bodyguards. That way you'll be protected!"

Li Lanqiu didn't really want people following her. It was very inconvenient for her actions. Rong Ling had arranged two people for her, which definitely showed Rong Ling's affection for her and also his suspicion of Lin Meng. She was just foolish to push these two people out.

"Let them...guard the house, you know, my...identity..."

If I don't say it, Rong Ling will understand.

"I'll have those two listen to you, just arrange it."

Li Lanqiu immediately rejoiced, this was equivalent to having two more obedient subordinates.

"Well done, you!"

She blushed as she spoke. However, at this moment her face was smeared with brown earthen ointment, looking quite dreadful. This smile, this blush, only made her entire face look distorted, not to mention ugly and frightening!

He gently knocked on the door, and when the waitress delivering food peeked inside, her smile immediately vanished. She was so startled that she nearly dropped the tray of food.

My God, that's terrifying!

Her heart pounded in her chest. The female waitress was so startled that her face paled slightly. After much effort, she managed to successfully serve the dish. As she walked out, her steps were noticeably quicker.

She said she admired the cold noodle man in the private room very much. To be able to withstand that woman's strange smile without changing his expression was truly not something an ordinary person could do!

Li Lanqiu, amidst this overwhelming sense of self-satisfaction and blind arrogance, ate her meal with gusto and a certain perverse delight. Later, she was sent back to the small villa by Rong Ling. The first floor of the villa was in disarray, just as it had been when she left. Rong Ling said that someone would come to clean up soon and told her to rest well before rushing off. He had taken over from Ya Dong, and there were countless matters demanding his attention.

Li Lanqiu had the two new bodyguards stationed downstairs, instructing them on what to do when people arrived shortly. She then briefly outlined their basic responsibilities before heading upstairs to rest. Rong Ling said he would stay the night at her place. She couldn't possibly rest! How could she have the energy for a good fight with him in bed tonight if she didn't

But she had rested enough, and after finally waiting until eight o'clock in the evening, she finally got a call from Rong Ling who had gotten off work. She also waited for Rong Ling to drive towards her, but halfway there, Rong Ling was intercepted by someone.

"My son is throwing a tantrum at home, and no matter how my mom tries to soothe him, he won't calm down. I have to go back!"

Li Lanqiu's face turned sour, she didn't dare to get angry at the child. She only whimpered pitifully, "Rong, you promised... me!"

Lin Meng fought too hard, even after resting, she hadn't healed the wounds on her face. Speaking still hurt, and she spoke in a broken, hesitant way.

Rong Ling sighed on the phone.

That woman stayed huddled with Xiao Yi and didn't go home. Her son couldn't find his mother, so he cried for his father. I could only go back. My mom also had some opinions. She even started scolding me on the phone just now.

"Come on..." Li Lanqiu pouted coquettishly.

But that obviously didn't work on Rong Ling, how could he possibly come and spend the night with this woman!

"Get some rest early. If you need anything, just let me know and I'll send those two over to you. I'm going to head out now."

Li Lanqiu immediately felt resentment, thinking that the little brat was just as hateful as Lin Meng. But due to the unique identity of the little brat, she could only swallow her anger. After hanging up the phone sullenly, Li Lanqiu became angrier the more she thought about it. When she saw a few children's books on the table, she immediately swept them to the ground.

What a bummer!

At midnight, a car quietly drove into the Rong family's house in Haiyi District. A slender woman quickly jumped out of the car and went inside, smiling as she walked upstairs. She first went to the rooms of the two young children, took a look at them, and saw that they were sleeping soundly with their bellies open. She smiled, carefully pulled over two small towels, covered the bellies of the two children, then kissed each child's face before tiptoeing out of the room and into another room.

In the room, a man raised his head from his laptop. His cold face softened when he looked at the woman, a gentle smile playing on his lips. He pushed the laptop aside.

The woman burst into laughter, running towards the man like a nimble fawn. She sprang onto the bed and threw herself into his arms, her delicate body softening like silk as she leaned against him.


With a smile, she sweetly called out. In her heart, even at this point, she still felt excited. To be able to so openly and happily go after Li Lanqiu, something she couldn't have imagined before. After all, Li Lanqiu was Rong Ling's first love, and she had the intention, but she was worried that Rong Ling would stop her and get angry. But today, it was Rong Ling who took the initiative to ask her to teach Li Lanqiu a lesson, as long as she didn't end up needing surgery, everything else was up to her. He also had foresight and gave her advice to run to Xiao Yi after beating Li Lanqiu, so she wouldn't be retaliated against, and he would not be able to stop it at that time.

This man's ability to do this shows that he has completely let go of Li Lanqiu. That excited her. Another point, naturally, was getting revenge. After beating up Li Lanqiu, she thought about how she and Rong Ling perfectly exemplified the saying "You finish your performance, I'll take the stage." She couldn't help but smirk and sneak away, happily running to find Xiao Yi.

If one word were to describe her mood at the time, it would be -- ecstatic!

Even better, this was her first time participating in her husband's mission. Not only did she not hold him back, but she also greatly helped him out. In his words, that means "she exceeded expectations."

"Honey, how did I do today!"

Although he already praised her with text messages, she was still delighted to hear him praise her in person.

This pampered look, simply adorable, really like some kind of small animal. Rong Ling felt his hands itching, couldn't help but pinch her little ears.


She giggled, her sparkling eyes like diamonds, beautiful enough to make one's heart skip a beat. The joy and pride in her expression softened his demeanor.

“Little dear, you are my lucky goddess!” He showered her with the greatest praise. To her, he felt he shouldn't be stingy with sweet words. She was his little woman, and she performed so well that he should offer the whole world to her face to win her favor.

Her laughter became even more melodious and light, so much so that his heart warmed, and his body too felt a pleasant heat.

His long fingers, gentle as silk, slid into her soft hair. He stroked it gently, up and down, until she was giggling with delight. Then he lifted her up.

"Follow me!"

Her eyes widened with curiosity, but she didn't ask. Instead, a smile played at the corner of her lips, trusting and expectant as she let her small hand be grasped by his, allowing herself to be led away.

She stepped out of the room, walked down a dark corridor, and descended the stairs. She then passed through the equally dim living room and turned into the hallway leading to the basement. She tilted her head, looking at the tall and imposing man beside her, her beautiful eyes sparkling brightly.

This time, without him guiding her, he stood on the plum blossom stake, squatted down and stretched out his hands to her. She naturally opened her arms, letting herself be held by him. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him affectionately as she nestled in his embrace.

After a brief darkness, she arrived at this secret base for the second time. Without the embellishment of rose petals and candles, this secret base was filled with metallic coldness. Even the bright light carried a hint of chill. The room's setup was remarkably simple: a computer desk, a computer, and some unfamiliar electrical appliances placed against the wall. All of them indicated the seriousness and formality of this place, proving it to be a place of business. Once you entered here, you were essentially entering mission mode.

She slightly gathered her relaxed mind, her beautiful eyes looking at Rong Ling.

But the man laughed easily, setting her down and pushing her back into her chair. He leaned in, his handsome face almost touching hers.

"Shhh, sit here and be quiet, wait for me!"

She didn't know what he was planning to do, but she nodded without hesitation.

He rewarded her with a quick kiss, straightened up, and turned on all the machines in the room, then switched on the computer.

It had been about ten minutes, when the familiar voice of the old man suddenly came to mind.

"What's going on"

"How is Xu's case going" Rong Ling asked.


Rong Ling hummed in response, then changed the subject abruptly and asked.

"My wife is doing great, isn't she"

Lin Meng's heart skipped a beat, her hand unconsciously tightening slightly.

That one remained silent. Rong Ling continued, "My wife is amazing, isn't she As soon as she got involved, she snagged the big fish. You see, if you guys had agreed to let my wife know about this earlier and cooperated with me, wouldn't all of this have ended a long time ago"

The old man on the screen had a suspicious twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Rong Ling raised an eyebrow, provokingly asking, "Head, is that what you mean"

The old man's mouth twitched even more violently.

"You woke me up in the middle of the night, what's the matter!"

Rong Ling's lips curled up, a half-smile playing on her face. She still asked the same question. "Isn't my wife amazing"

The old man finally couldn't hold on any longer, his mouth twitching violently.

"You woke me up just to say this" His tone clearly conveyed his annoyance.

"She's amazing, isn't she"

The persistent gaze conveyed only one thing: if you don't answer me, I'll just keep asking. As for you, don't even think about sleeping.

That rascally energy made the old man at the other end's eyes bulge.

Rong Ling simply looked at the old man fearlessly, waiting coldly.

The old man was clearly no match for him, and judging by Lin Meng's performance today, he was indeed in the wrong. So, with a heavy sigh, the old man said.

"Yes, she's great!"

Rongling felt unsatisfied. It wasn't right for his superiors to have such a resentful attitude!

"My wife is amazing, isn't she" he changed the subject.

The old man's eyes bulged, staring at Rong Ling. He was both annoyed and helpless. "You little brat," he thought, "Is this how you repay us after we haven't approved your application You're being unreasonable! Besides, it wasn't just one person who made the decision."

The old man glared at Rong Ling with a look. This time his voice was louder and deeper than before.

"Yes, yes, yes, your wife is amazing, your wife is capable, your wife is excellent, your wife is great, okay"

That helpless tone, there was even a hint of coaxing a child. However, after saying this, his gaze towards Rong Ling was filled with warning. You little brat, disturbing my sleep in the middle of the night, waking me up for this trivial matter, I'll accompany you. But if you dare to pester me further, I'll open fire!

That was Rong Ling, a brilliant person. At a glance at his old boss's appearance, he knew when to stop, and pretended to say something.

If Xu has any further news, please tell me immediately. That's all for today, head. Get some rest!

Saying that, he cut off the video.

The old man on the screen was speechless. This kid dragged him out of bed for such a trivial matter. And he even said something about going to sleep earlier It was already past twelve! What nonsense!

The old man muttered a few words, then shook his head and chuckled.

You've never been so attentive to your wife before, you little rascal!

What kind of character!

This old man is still sharp as a tack!

On Lin Meng's side, she was naturally moved and her heart was filled. From Rong Ling's there, she understood that some superiors in his department had some thoughts about her, doubting her loyalty, her experience, and her online criticism of current affairs, holding a negative attitude towards her. Just now, she got the admission from Rong Ling's superiors with their own mouths, admitting that she was capable, that she could do it, that she was excellent, and that she was great. This was really like clearing her grievances and making her feel like drinking cold drinks on a hot summer day, refreshing and cool to the bone. Moreover, you have to know that being able to make someone who has always denied you admit your excellence with their own mouths, this strong contrast between before and after, first suppressing then raising, will really make people's hearts fly!

And all of this, was fought for by his men!

She looked at him with emotion and tenderness, seeing her man walking towards her with obvious joy. He bent down again and rubbed her head affectionately.

"Little one, repeat what we just said, listen carefully --"

She grinned, revealing a set of pearly white teeth, and chuckled silently. Just then, the man stared intently at her, his gaze piercing into her eyes, and in a low voice mimicking an old man's tone, he spoke.

"Your wife is amazing, your wife can do it, your wife is excellent, your wife is great!"

Then his tone changed abruptly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. In a voice anyone could hear, soft and doting, he said, "My wife is amazing, my wife is capable, my wife is excellent, my wife is wonderful!"

When he looks at you with those eyes that can draw your soul in, praising you like a bard with the sexiest voice imaginable, even a steel bar would melt into water.

Her face flushed red, she reached out and gently touched his cheek, then stood up. He also straightened slightly, lowered his head, and looked at her tenderly. His eyes, like two jars of fine daughter's wine, would make her drunk.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, cupped his face, and with a mixture of shyness, admiration, and seriousness, sighed lovingly.

"Honey, you're the best!"

He blinked, and the next second, two soft mounds were pressed against his lips. The tender flesh held his lips, sucking lightly before rubbing against them.

His heart, itched a little. His lips, felt numb.

She parted her lips and looked at him, smiling shyly.

Alluring and bewitching!

A hint of charm in the eyes!

He reached out and pulled her close, hugging her waist tightly.

At night, at the same time, in different places, different aspects are revealed. Here with Rong Ling, it is quiet and beautiful. Lin Meng is like a small animal, nestled in Rong Ling's arms. Her stunning face, because of her peace of mind, looks sweet. While Rong Ling's arm possessively wraps around her waist, the other arm goes over her head, as if to forcefully incorporate her into his embrace even in sleep.

For Li Lanqiu, in the wee hours past midnight, when people are at their deepest sleep, it is her most dangerous hour!id he ask you anything about me!"Lin Meng's heart sank suddenly. Xiao Yi's words, if taken seriously, were accusing her. She could put this aside for now. What she didn't expect was that Jiang Po Lan...