Is she someone you can move (1)?

he will no longer have to live in fear.Yes, let him die...let him die...A wild, beastly glint flashed in his eyes. Even his handsome face contorted into a terrifying grimace. Thoughts of murder flitte...Du Caixin had been harboring resentment towards Rong Ling and Lin Meng ever since her son's affair. She humbled herself and approached Li Lanqiu, introducing her into high society, hoping that Li Lanqiu would eventually abandon Lin Meng and help her bring her son back from Africa one day. However, Li Lanqiu turned out to be a fraud and died, shattering Du Caixin's hopes and driving her to the brink of madness.

Everyone knows her closeness to the fake Li Lanqiu, Lin Meng is certainly no exception. She figured it all out, Lin Meng would definitely be kicked down by the fake Li Lanqiu. The hints revealed by the fake Li Lanqiu and Rong Ling's actions were all confirming her guess. But suddenly, everything changed. Because of this scheme by the fake Li Lanqiu, Rong Ling and Lin Meng are more likely to get divorced than ever. At this point, even if the real Li Lanqiu was found, her influence on Rong Ling would probably be greatly reduced. Lin Meng is definitely going to secure her position as Mrs. Rong and become the head of the household. So, based on her past grievances with Lin Meng and her recent closeness to the fake Li Lanqiu, Lin Meng wouldn't hesitate to make things difficult for her!

So-called villains are those who constantly project their own victimhood onto others. Lin Meng did nothing wrong, but Du Caiyi's mind raced with unfounded fears, leading her to take the initiative and strike first. While Fake Li Lanqiu didn't explicitly reveal the person plotting against her, her words hinted at Lin Meng. Therefore, when the police approached Du Caiyi to investigate Fake Li Lanqiu, she revealed this information.

At the very least, he's always able to get Lin Meng all riled up!

Lin Meng, whenever he receives a blow, even the slightest one, is something Du Caiyi would be delighted to see.

And she was calm inside. These were all lies that Li Lanqiu had told her, and she also told the truth, so she wasn't afraid to confront Rong Ling.

Rong Ling brought Lin Meng over, Du Caoyi looked at them, sneered in her heart, but remained composed on the surface.

Rong Ling explained to Captain Wan, "We were on our way home. You asked me to come here, so I came with her."

Captain Wan nodded and didn't ask Lin Meng to leave, letting her sit down beside him. Then, using the record he got from Du Caiyi, he began to question Rong Ling.

Rong Ling was naturally fully prepared, responding coldly and steadily.

"As for the matter of someone wanting to kill the fake Li Lanqiu, there is such a thing, but that was her one-sided statement to me, and I don't know if it's true or not. However, since she said so, I sent people to protect her and installed surveillance cameras around the villa. In fact, Captain Wan, basically, we can be sure that she committed suicide out of fear of crime. The surveillance footage from the villa has already confirmed that no one else entered that night. What is suspicious is only the person who stayed in the villa. But you know, at that time I thought the woman was real and had a relationship with her, so I sent people to protect her. Those people are trustworthy, and my wife wanted to disobey my orders to those people, which was absolutely impossible. At that time, I was prepared for the possibility that my wife and she would have conflicts, so I chose them specifically. My men, my wife couldn't control them. Besides, those people were just hired bodyguards, and none of them would be foolish enough to risk being shot to death to do murder for you. If the police insist on suspecting, then arrest all those bodyguards. I believe that with the wisdom of your police force, if any of them is really the murderer, they won't escape your eyes! In everything, evidence matters. Now there are all sorts of rumors outside, but I believe Captain Wan, you certainly won't believe those unfounded words!"

He hit on all the important points. That's where Rong Ling's meticulous thinking comes in. Even someone as experienced as Captain Wan couldn't help but nod after hearing Rong Ling's words.

You're right. It's just that this involves a human life and there's also the issue of someone taking another person's place. So, when we investigate this, we have to be very thorough. We also really want to figure out what this woman's motives were for getting close to you.

"I want to know that too," Rong Ling's face turned cold. "It would be troublesome for you guys. By the way, Mrs. Du said this, and it reminded me of something. Back then, when that woman returned to China, someone threatened to kill her!"

Rong Ling immediately told him where she had sent the fake Li Lan Qiu to her cousin, Li Yi Ping, at the beginning. However, Old Madam He was not very welcoming to her. In the end, she and Li Yi Ping left Old Madam He's house. On their way to the hotel, they were intercepted by a group of people and threatened in the end.

“She claimed to have amnesia at first, and that's why I completely believed her. I took her back home and searched for people to help her settle this matter. I couldn't find those who threatened her that night, and they never appeared again. But who knows, maybe this woman set up such a huge scheme Perhaps those people were actors she hired! The kidnapping of Deputy Jiang's wife was also related to her, wasn't it She could gather so many people; her influence is truly remarkable. I reckon the way things turned out that night was similar to my approach.”

Rong Ling let out a cold snort, a mocking smile playing on his lips.

"As for this matter, Li Yiping from the He family can vouch for me!"

After a moment's pause, he hummed again.

"That woman is a habitual liar, and I don't know which of the things she said are true and which are false. I just hope that your police department can give us a result as soon as possible and stop her from fooling people anymore!"

This statement made Captain Wan feel a pang of sympathy for the man before him. Despite his imposing figure and apparent strength, he was clearly being played like a fool by this woman. The fact that such a capable person could be manipulated in this way made him even more pitiable. One could only imagine the turmoil brewing inside him, given his pride. If Captain Wan were in his shoes, he couldn't help but feel enraged!

Of course, he was also glad that he had made the right decision this morning and hadn't become a puppet of the Liu family. (..tw好看的小說) Combining Jiang Yancheng's information with the latest investigation results, it turned out that the fake Li Lanqiu was most likely Wu Shengnan - someone who was said to have had a falling out with Rong Ling's couple. This gave her motive for approaching Rong Ling, and even more so for breaking up the couple. She told Du Caiyi that Lin Meng wanted to kill her, which was very likely a means she used to frame Lin Meng. Now, all that remained was to wait for the response from the US side. Wu Shengnan's mother was in the US, and once the DNA test was successful and the parent-child relationship was confirmed, then this case would be solved quickly.

He glanced at Lin Meng again, but she remained seated calmly, silent as ever, as if the suspicions Du Caiyi had revealed about her held no relevance to her whatsoever.

This woman was remarkably composed, neither arrogant nor agitated. One couldn't help but admire her. Even with the sweltering heat of this season, she sat there like a lotus blossom, exuding a refreshing coolness that dispelled much of the inner turmoil within. She was just as she had stated that morning -- although disgusted, she wouldn't lay a hand on the imposter Li Lanqiu because it would simply lower her standards. To think that such a woman would order a killing, he found it inconceivable. At least, she possessed a pair of very clean eyes, gazing at you serenely, reflecting back a pure and unadulterated image of yourself within their depths!

My heart skipped a beat. Captain Wan beckoned Rong Ling aside to speak privately. As a result, only Du Caiyi and Lin Meng remained face to face in the room, along with Captain Wan’s subordinate. The subordinate was only there to take notes; after Captain Wan left, she kept silent and sat properly. Du Caiyi's gaze lingered on Lin Meng.

Since she had given such an account, it was certain that she and Lin Meng would become enemies. Only she hadn't expected that before this, fake Li Lanqiu had already experienced such a thing, and there were others who wanted to harm her. Moreover, Rong Ling's words just now were all face-to-face, vigorously defending Lin Meng, which immediately lowered the possibility of Lin Meng being a murderer.

Look at Ling's attitude, she's going to come back and protect Lin Meng!

It's terrible!

Du Caiyi felt a surge of resentment in her heart. But she was still smart enough to know that she couldn't push this any further, otherwise, she might get herself into trouble.

After some thought, she still felt unwilling to accept it and meaningfully said to Lin Meng.

"Men, once they stray, they'll keep doing it. Lin Meng, you have to be extra careful in this matter!"

This is trying to stir up trouble between Lin Meng and Rong Ling's marriage.

Lin Meng secretly found it amusing, but she only glanced at Du Caiyi once and remained unmoved.

Du Caiyi continued, “As for the real Li Lanqiu, no one knows where she went. We just have to wait until she returns—”

She paused, looking at Lin Meng. Seeing that she was still unmoved, a cold glint flashed in her eyes. She detested this woman; so young yet so composed. This only made her feel threatened! When she was younger, at this age, she hadn't reached such a level. Compared like this, she naturally felt more and more uncomfortable in her heart.

"Men always have a special sentiment towards their first love. Once she's found, you're probably going to have another tough battle!"

She sighed softly, as if pitying Lin Meng. This also seemed like a kind reminder. But Lin Meng remained as still as a statue, unmoved by the sound. Her quiet face radiated the splendor of youth, fair and tender, truly like a white lotus flower. Especially her eyes, black as ink, like two pools of spring water.

It's so beautiful! So beautiful!

Du Caiyi glanced at the scene, her eyes involuntarily flickering. A feeling she called jealousy gently flowed through her heart.

Time flies!

Facing her, she suddenly felt her own age!

Her hand twitched, she wanted to touch her carefully maintained face. But, she held back! Yet a sour taste welled up and she couldn't help but spit it out.

"Keep a good eye on your man, the men of the Rong family, none of them are easy to tie down!"

This statement is clearly laced with malice and provocation!

The female police officer sitting on the side grew increasingly impassive, her head drooping lower and lower. However, a conclusion was forming in her mind. It seemed that Du Caiyi and Lin Meng had a grudge against each other. In that case, the credibility of the information she provided would have to be slightly discounted.

Then, Captain Wan and Rong Ling returned after finishing their private chat. Du Caiyi immediately shut up. Captain Wan proposed to take his leave, leaving with his men, saying he would contact Li Yiping.

Therefore, in this house, only Rong Ling and his wife, along with Du Caiyi, remained.

As soon as Captain Wan left, Du Caiyi naturally didn't need to pretend anymore. Her face immediately fell. Because she had lost some weight recently, her cheekbones stuck out prominently, which made her look rather sharp.

"Aren't you leaving yet" That's asking to be kicked out.

Even the birds wouldn't bother with her, they just half-closed their eyes and sat there.

Lin Meng still didn't speak. Seeing her husband like this, she knew he had his own opinions. If he hadn't given specific instructions, she would continue to do things as usual.

Du Caiyi saw this scene and became angry. Rong Ling sat there, and his entire aura opened up, bringing an invisible pressure that made him seem like the master of the house. She wanted to chase him away, but she thought about his identity. After all, this was still his home, and she couldn't drive him out. Besides, he was the head of the family, so she had even less reason to do so.

What does it mean that he is sitting here now!

To her surprise, Rong Ling's coldness made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to stay and see Rong Ling's expression, so Du Caiyi simply turned and left.

"Don't leave, sit down!" Rong Ling opened his mouth, it was a command, a low and deep tone that didn't give anyone the option to refuse.

Du Caiyi suddenly frowned, stopped her steps and thought for a moment before straightening her back and walking on. She intended to use this aloofness to save face from Rong Ling.

"Sit, or you'll regret it!"

In brief, it was like a cold rod striking Du Caiyi. She felt both fear and anger. She knew Rong Ling's methods well. She despised this illegitimate son but was helplessly afraid of him. So she could scorn Lin Meng, but dared not sneer at Rong Ling.

"You threaten me" She whirled around, glaring at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling didn't speak, nor did he look at her. Just that cold expression, and the black light showing from under his half-lowered eyelids, was enough to frighten people. His claws were hidden beneath!

"What do you want" Du Caiyi asked. I couldn't help but squint my eyes, finding it hard to look at him.

Rong Ling didn't reply.

This is very disrespectful to Du Caiyi's face. Du Caiyi had also held a high position for many years and had always been admired by others. But now that she was old, she was treated like this by a young man. She was proud and had a temper; why should she stay because of Rong Ling's words!

A rebellious sentiment rose within her, and she turned away again.

Rong Ling didn't speak!

Du Caiyi didn't feel any eyes on her. All she could think about was that look of Rong Ling, sitting there silently, yet it seemed as if the entire world was already under his control.

She purposely shifted her weight onto her feet, the heels of her high-heeled shoes clicking on the ground with a sharp "tap tap tap." She hoped this would get Rong Ling to speak again, but apparently, the noise only made him more agitated. She had walked quite far, yet Rong Ling still hadn't spoken a word.

She was uneasy, and terrified of Rong Ling. After twisting her face for a moment, she gritted her teeth and unwillingly walked back, resuming her seat on the sofa.

Lin Meng's gaze swept over.

Du Caiyi immediately felt a pang of resentment in her heart, and at the same time, she felt a blush of shame. She felt like she had been laughed at by Lin Meng. Her face couldn't help but flush red, and at the same time, she glared at Lin Meng. Unexpectedly, Rong Ling's cold eyes immediately shot over. In that instant, it was like two ice knives stabbing into her heart, making her chest constrict in fright, and she almost gasped.

Those two dark points radiating a beastly ferocity were terrifying!

She forced herself to remain calm, but still she lowered her eyes in defeat. Only by doing so could she suppress the fear in her heart and avoid being outmatched.

But, she was indeed affected and started to fidget. Time slowly became unbearable, but because of her pride, she would absolutely not open her mouth to ask Rong Ling. Luckily, Rong Fei Wu finally came back!it. However, they were only vaguely aware of what he had specifically done. Within this limited knowledge, there was one thing that terrified them: the position of Rong Qikeng seemed to be in jeopard...