t, there was a barrier between the roads. Jiang Chengfeng didn't want to go far out of his way to find a passageway along the barrier, so when he got closer to it, he slightly leaned forward and put L...Lin Meng felt that Rong Ling was especially fierce today, as if he had been holding back a lot of energy. Even though she had used her mouth, he shouldn't have been this crazy, right In the end, he became like a beastman, relentlessly attacking and contributing without any restraint. Her waist was pinched by him until it hurt, and her legs were completely unable to move together. All other parts of her body also hurt; she had been bitten. She was sure that those bitten places would definitely turn blue tomorrow. Even the bones hurt. Although she practiced yoga and had good flexibility, she couldn't withstand his tossing around like this. Being twisted into that shape sometimes gave her the illusion that her bones were about to break.

After that, she was gasping for breath, like she had just finished a marathon. She collapsed onto the bed and didn't want to move at all. Sweat poured down her face and body, soaking everything, but she didn't care anymore.

His breathing was also very rapid, and he seemed to have lost control. But even so, he recovered faster than her, his breath soon returned to normal, like a monster.

He held her close, his slightly rough fingers gently stroking her back, lingering on the bites. His eyes were filled with both pain and guilt.

She couldn't see, she could only just manage to breathe, murmuring a complaint.

"How are you doing today" doesn't seem quite right.

He didn't reply, only lying on his side beside her, gently placing fragmented kisses on her snowy back, tenderly caressing the places he had ravaged with such force earlier.

"Go to sleep!" he soothed her.

She was utterly exhausted. Being kissed and soothed by him like this, her eyelids couldn't hold on any longer, and she became hazy all over. She felt him getting off the bed, and then she felt something warm rubbing against her skin with a towel, followed by a coolness that fell onto her skin.

She struggled to open her eyes, forcing her face to turn. She saw the ointment in the man's hand and closed her eyes again, muttering resentfully, "I'll settle this with you tomorrow!"

He didn't say a word, just gently applied the ointment. Back and forth, he covered every visible bite mark before lying down. He naturally extended a hand and pulled her into his embrace. She was already asleep, but at his touch, she instinctively snuggled closer, burying her head in his chest and quietly falling silent again.

It's like coming home.

He just smiled, but silently.

I'm very tired, but he doesn't feel sleepy. He can't sleep because something is on his mind. At this time of night, the only thing that occupies his thoughts is also the one thing he can't control - Li Lanqiu!

She must have been targeted by Wu Shengnan. Where is she now, and what has she gone through! Is she... still alive in this world! If he had previously felt there was a 90% chance she was still alive, now that possibility is only 50%.

In his view, the dead are the best keepers of secrets. With Wu Shengnan gone, m-party had acted decisively and efficiently to erase her traces from the intelligence bureau. What about Li Lanqiu Had they gotten rid of her too Even if Li Lanqiu was completely unaware of Wu Shengnan's department, simply kidnapped, it was still easier to let one person die to simplify matters. Li Lanqiu was just an ordinary immigrant, with no background whatsoever. Her death wouldn't cause much of a stir.

It's been almost a day since Wu Shengnan died. Could Li Lanqiu have been killed this very day! Will the people he secretly sent find her alive

He couldn't help but furrow his brows, a feeling of unease settling in his heart. She was already burdened by his physical disability, and now this unforeseen misfortune had befallen him. If, in the end, all they found was her body, he would owe that woman for the rest of his life!

That will be his debt for life!

But he doesn't want to be in debt!

Sighing, he thought of Yu Xu, wondering how he was doing.

She in his arms, "hmm" a few times, as if uncomfortable, rubbing her face against his chest several times. He immediately withdrew his thoughts, extending his big palm to gently pat her back. She frowned, not knowing whether it was because she felt his agitated emotions.

"Little one" he called softly.

She stopped rubbing against him, as if his voice had calmed her.

"Be good," he murmured softly, then leaned down and settled himself beside her, half-embracing her.

"Be good…"

The big hand gently patted her back rhythmically.

Her brows slowly relaxed. Her fair face was half-hidden by her long, dark hair. The contrast of black and white was tranquil, like a Taoist painting, which calmed his heart considerably.

Well, I'll do my best and leave the rest to fate.

He pulled her close.

Although his eyes were closed, he wasn't asleep. His phone buzzed in the dark, and his eyes immediately flew open. He glanced down at the woman in his arms, seeing that she slept peacefully undisturbed. He gently withdrew his hands and feet, rolled over, and quickly grabbed the phone from the nightstand.

The caller ID is Yu Xu!

His heart skipped a beat, he sat up, and got out of bed softly but quickly.

"Big brother, I want to sleep at your place tonight. Is there room" A loud voice, without any politeness.

Rong Ling knew he was here for a reason, and it didn't seem too bad.

"Come on over, but don't bring any women!"

"Got it!"

The two brothers talked, just as they normally did. Yu Xu managed a bar and nightclub, so it was common for him to be out late at night. Sometimes, if it was too late to go home, he might even crash at one of his brother's places. It wasn't unusual for him to show up at Rong Ling's place in the middle of the night for a sleepover.

Rong Ling gave the guard a phone call, asking him to let Yu Xu in later. He didn't bother going back to bed, instead he went to the bathroom and washed his face, freshening himself up before going downstairs. It wasn't long before Yu Xu arrived.

"Person found!" Yu Xu blurted out as soon as he saw them.

Rong Ling's eyes flashed, but she didn't show any particular excitement. Instead, she calmly nodded at Yu Xu.

"Go tell them in the guest room."

Yu Xu responded with a sound and went to the guest room with him. When they reached the guest room, they didn't turn on the lights. The two brothers sat down in the darkness very familiarly.

"What's the situation now"

Rong Ling asked, his low voice a bit hoarse, sounding rather dry. This revealed some of his true inner thoughts: anxiety and worry.

Yu Xu quickly gave a rundown of what he knew.

"The person has been found, they are currently doing okay, but it is unknown if they will make it through the night..."

The person Yu Xu was talking about, of course, is Li Lanqiu. The real Li Lanqiu, the one Wu Shengnan had been hiding.

Li Lanqiu's affairs had always been his personal responsibility. Later, when it was discovered that Li Lanqiu had been replaced, he plunged into a frantic search for the real Li Lanqiu. And as they say, hard work pays off; he eventually found him. It was just as well that Rong Ling had discovered it early; if he had only started looking now, he might never have found Li Lanqiu. After all, it was highly likely that party "m" would silence anyone who knew the truth. After all, dead people keep secrets best and avoid a lot of trouble.

Li Lanqiu was still within German territory, held captive in a very secluded location. It was a remote area with little to no foot traffic, and the place she was kept was not easily found by ordinary people. However, Yu Xu's men were never short of capable individuals, and they eventually tracked her down after following numerous clues. Li Lanqiu was imprisoned in a cave artificially excavated into a cliff overlooking the sea. The cliff was about one hundred and thirty meters above sea level, and the entrance to the cave was almost a hundred meters from the sea. Below the cliff, the waves crashed against the rocks, making a loud noise that easily drowned out any human voices. To add to this, Li Lanqiu had been drugged, and her voice box was severely damaged, allowing her to speak only in a raspy whisper, barely audible. She could hardly raise her voice, so even if she called for help, it would have gone unheard. Moreover, that part of the cliff was rarely visited by anyone.

Confining her there would greatly restrict her escape. The seabed was exceptionally perilous, with numerous reefs and treacherous currents. If someone jumped down, they wouldn't know which way the current would sweep them. Those who didn't want to die wouldn't dare jump in at all. However, the person who imprisoned Li Lanqiu was also cunning and meticulous. They shackled Li Lanqiu's feet and neck, then tied her securely within the cave, allowing her to move around slightly but preventing her from reaching the entrance. Furthermore, the cave entrance had been discreetly concealed, making it difficult for others to discover its existence.

After a while, someone would bring food to Li Lanqiu. Yu Xu's people started from that person, and managed to get a general idea of Li Lanqiu's location through secret investigation, finally finding her approximate whereabouts. However, time was running out. They had just roughly determined that Li Lanqiu was in a cave on the cliff, and it seemed that people from m-side were also planning to take action.

That person has already bought food, this is a sign he's coming to find Li Lanqiu!

The man was visiting the local town, wandering around aimlessly. He would disappear one night and reappear the next morning or a few days later, always purchasing a large amount of food before leaving. This was for Li Lanqiu. But this time, he instinctively started buying food and acting like he was going out, but perhaps he was coming to kill Li Lanqiu!

He should act at night because it's too conspicuous during the day, and there are too many variables.

Even Yu Xu’s men dared not act during the day. They held back, waiting until nightfall when they could slip under the cover of darkness. Using a climbing rope, they rappelled down the cliff face and reached the cave mouth, successfully finding Li Lanqiu.

“We couldn’t rescue her immediately, there wasn't enough time. I just had my people give her a handgun for protection. Just in case anything happened tonight, at least she would have an 80% chance of surviving with that gun.”

Looking at Rong Ling's expressionless face, Yu Xu felt guilty, but he said firmly.

“Big brother, you still have Mengmeng and Youyou. So, absolutely nothing can happen to you. Li Lanqiu, she can only suffer a little. Her chances of survival are very high, but—if something really happens to her, it means she wasn’t meant to be. If you want to blame someone, blame me!”

Why could Yu Xu get so close to Rong Ling Why did Rong Ling entrust him with these dangerous and clandestine matters Because Yu Xu has always been Rong Ling's assistant and a member of the special forces. Initially, it was Rong Ling who recommended Yu Xu to his superiors, bringing him into the fold. However, Yu Xu's authority and freedom were not as extensive as Rong Ling's. He knew less and didn't have as clear an understanding of certain matters as Rong Ling did. It was only after Rong Ling tasked Yu Xu with secretly searching for the real Li Lanqiu that he revealed to him the gravity of the situation and its absolute confidentiality.

The opponent is the terrifying "m" faction, a state machine. One cannot afford to be careless. Therefore, finding Li Lanqiu must be done in secret. Even if we find her, we can't rescue her immediately. We have to save her discreetly, without drawing attention to ourselves.

Rong Ling and Yu Xu had secretly conspired on a strategy: to incite the fellow travelers.

Germany is not their own turf after all. Dealing with foreigners can be quite inconvenient. Besides, those temporary mercenaries they hired lack loyalty. What if someone slips up and reveals the plan What if they are threatened and spill the beans The risk of exposure would be huge. That's why it's crucial to use their own people. To find someone without raising suspicion, their network of hiker friends is perfect. They love exploring and wandering around anyway. Once Yu Xu’s people find Li Lanqiu, they can mobilize the hikers, pretend to stumble upon her by chance, and rescue her. They've already sent over twenty people into different hiking groups for this purpose. When Li Lanqiu is found and taken by the German police, they can finally deal with Wu Shengnan properly.

The plan didn't change quickly because Jiang Yichen and Wu Shengnan died so suddenly. Yu Xu and the others had to speed up their search for Li Lanqiu, because time waits for no one.

It could be considered luck that Li Lanqiu was found, but now the situation is, Li Lanqiu has been found, but the驢友 (hiking group) hasn't been able to arrive in time. On one hand, they need to get there as quickly as possible, and on the other hand, they have to pretend to be a carefree group of people enjoying the mountains. This balance is difficult to strike. Moreover, not everyone in that驢友 group are on their side. They can't just do whatever they want, so they can only do their best to subtly guide the other驢友 to the destination, and then carry out the rescue. If everything goes smoothly, this group of驢友 will likely arrive at the cliff near midnight.

The assassin, but merciless.

In such a deserted place, under the cover of night, killing someone is too easy; you don't need to think too much about it. As long as it's dark, the assassin could strike at any time.

"Yes, the killer must remain motionless, and so must Li Lanqiu. Yu Xu understood this clearly; he needed to ensure everything appeared natural. Otherwise, if anyone from 'the other side' became suspicious, Rong Ling might get into trouble."

Who would want to save Li Lanqiu! How could it be so sudden, the assassins who were supposed to kill Li Lanqiu were taken care of! Who was the first to realize and act With both the German police and the z country police seemingly clueless, who discovered the clue so quickly, and in the process of them erasing all traces, found Li Lanqiu!

This will arouse suspicion from party m!

And Rong Ling, it is inevitable that they will be suspected!

This will definitely be a big trouble for him!

Rong Ling's superiors had clearly told him to stop interfering with Li Lanqiu's affairs, or else it would be dangerous. The other party wasn't stupid; that place was full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. You could cover up a couple of suspicious points on your body, but if you have too many, you definitely won't get past that hurdle.

But Rong Ling can't let go!

He is a man who is both ruthless and capable of feeling, but he never wants to owe anyone favors. Therefore, someone was quietly sent to find Li Lanqiu.

Yu Xu understood Rong Ling's feelings, but he absolutely couldn't stand by and watch his older brother get into trouble, nor could he let Mengmeng and Youyou be implicated. Once Rong Ling got into trouble, how could Lin Meng and Youyou, who had been cooperating with him these days, have a good ending!

So, he acted first and reported later, without consulting Rong Ling, he had already arranged for Li Lanqiu's affairs on his own.

“I didn't let my men reveal who we were, I just kept assuring her that we were there to save her. She's smart, she knows the situation well, and she expressed trust in my people. My people made arrangements with her, telling her to follow the plan. She understood very clearly and agreed. There should be no surprises, she should make it through the night.”

Yu Xu looked at Rong Ling and suddenly fell silent.

In the darkness, only two eyes flickered on and off.

"Brother, are you blaming me" Yu Xu gritted his teeth, his voice muffled.

After all, he had the opportunity to safely rescue Li Lanqiu, but he didn't, leaving her still in danger.

"No." A low voice rose. The eyes in the darkness were bright. "If I were you, I would do the same thing. Lao Si, you did well!"

He is a family man, and for his family, he has to be selfish. Even if he owes debts, so be it. Because in life, there are more important things that need his protection.

Yu Xu was somewhat incredulous. He had come bearing the risk of being scolded, facing his brother's cold glare, and even possibly incurring his brother's resentment. But now, not only was he not reprimanded, but he was also praised. He felt lightheaded, as if he were dreaming, and couldn't help but ask.

"Big brother, are you... not joking" That wasn't a sarcastic remark out of anger!

Rong Ling extended his big palm and heavily patted Yu Xu's shoulder.

"You could have been independent long ago, just have more confidence in yourself! Once this is over, I'll report to the higher-ups and get you solo missions."

Just then, he stepped down so that he could take his place.

"Really" Yu Xu almost jumped up. This night was too full of surprises, wasn't it

Rong Ling just punched him.

All, lies in silence.

Yu Xu let out a hearty laugh, his expression radiating a goofy charm. In his eyes, being able to go on a solo mission was the greatest honor!

He laughed for a moment, then quickly composed himself. After all, they didn't know what was happening on Li Lanqiu's side yet, and now, there was nothing they could do but wait.

Feng meticulously double-checked that there were no omissions, then sent Yu Xu to bed. Resting up was essential for facing tomorrow head-on. He felt restless himself, but forced his eyes shut, conserving his energy.


Late in the evening, a group of eight hikers arrived at their destination town. After a hearty meal, they repaired their equipment, restocked supplies, and headed towards the coastline with a chorus of excited chatter. They planned to camp outside, so they could greet the sunrise as soon as they opened their eyes.

This group of friends, averaging around thirty years old, drove with laughter and smiles towards the coastline. They also heard from locals that watching the sunrise from a cliff over 100 meters high was the most beautiful sight imaginable. Locals had become numb to such scenery, but it was exactly what these friends were seeking.

Driving in the dark, cars weren't going as fast. By the time we arrived, it was almost 12 o'clock. Some people started setting up tents, while others built bonfires. A few energetic folks fired up a barbecue, grabbed some drinks they had just replenished, and began eating and drinking together. After a lively gathering, things gradually calmed down.

More than four thirty in the morning, the alarm bell woke up the fellow travelers. Everyone yawned, washing their faces or chatting with each other. Until, under a light blue sky, faint reddish hues appeared, the fellow travelers fell silent and gathered at the edge of the cliff. When the red glow grew stronger and stronger, between the sea and the sky, it seemed to be dyeing the entire sky red, a golden crescent moon with reddish tinge appeared first, followed by half of the sun's face. Finally, the sun jumped up from the horizon, making half the sky crimson. At this moment, some excited fellow travelers started howling, like wolves crying or ghosts wailing, but it was incredibly lively and joyful.

At that moment, a discordant sound rang out.

"Oh, someone's here!"

One person pointed at the edge of the cliff, his face changing color.

Everyone was curious and looked over. They saw a person hanging halfway down the cliff. Hikers naturally wouldn't go anywhere without binoculars, so they took a look through them and screamed. The person hanging halfway up was pale with a bluish tint, clearly showing signs of death. Moreover, their head had been smashed open, and the blood had congealed into a lump.

This is a dead person!

Call the police, someone is starting to yell about calling the police.

At this moment, a hand emerged, clutching a piece of cloth. As the cloth unfurled in the wind, three letters that looked as if they were written in blood appeared through the telescope—SOS. Someone was sending out a distress signal; there were still people inside the cave.

What on earth happened!

The enthusiastic donkey friends tried to contact the police while also attempting to communicate with the person inside the cave. However, the person inside was as silent as a mute, not responding at all. Then, suddenly, the man who had his head caved in tumbled out of the cave and fell into the sea. The splashes of water mixed with the raging waves below, making people feel a shiver down their spine. The body was quickly swept away by the waves and vanished beneath the surface, never to resurface again. The more timid donkey friends were hesitant to approach the edge of the cliff, fearing they might also meet the same fate of being swallowed by the waves.

>Early in the morning, around 6 a.m., the police arrived at the scene, deployed electronic probes to investigate the condition of the cave, and discovered a Chinese woman inside. The woman was holding a gun, and the police did not dare to enter the cave rashly, so they could only contact her remotely. (..tw) After establishing contact, the woman explained her identity in German and then stated that she had been kidnapped and imprisoned there for nearly two months.

Li Lanqiu, this name is not unfamiliar to the police because z country is looking for this person and has sent a fax to them, requesting assistance from their local police in finding this woman. Currently, there is a photo of this woman inside the police station. However, compared to the photo, this woman has lost too much weight, her appearance is emaciated, and she is unkempt, with messy hair. At first glance, it's impossible to connect her with the beautiful and elegant woman in the photograph. But she gave her own home address, and after they compared it, they could indeed find similarities between her and the woman in the photo. Moreover, her account of events matches that of Li Lanqiu who suddenly disappeared.

The police demanded that she surrender her gun, and then they would go down to save the hostages. Li Lanqiu refused, stating that after being imprisoned for so long, she could not trust anyone. She insisted on having Rong Ling from Country Z come. She only trusted him, and only when he arrived would she surrender her weapon and leave the cave! Moreover, she declared that if anyone other than Rong Ling came down, she would open fire. If they used force to take her out of the cave, then the only thing she would give up was her own body!

This is a hostage situation!

The police judge that the woman has been kept in this kind of place for too long and may have psychological problems. In order to avoid a tragedy, they can only agree to her terms and let her go. It just so happens that the z country's police can also come over and take this woman away.

Upon receiving the news, the police of z country notified Rong Ling. Rong Ling expressed willingness to go together.

At this moment, his heart was calm!

Li Lanqiu, she's been rescued!

"Come with me."

Lin Meng stared at him blankly and nodded. The woman she had deliberately ignored finally appeared. This time, it was the real deal, and there was a high probability that it would impact her marriage. She wasn't stupid. After knowing that Wu Shengnan impersonated Li Lanqiu, she had been thinking about the real Li Lanqiu. Everything Wu Shengnan said to her before was true. Li Lanqiu really took the knife for Rong Ling and therefore could no longer have children. And this time, it could be said that Li Lanqiu took the blame for Rong Ling. She came back from the brink of death, would Rong Ling ignore her!

She looked at her husband's obvious joy and had an answer in her heart—no!

And, it might not even be possible!

If it were her, she wouldn't be able to just leave her alone after all the suffering she's been through.

A complex mix of emotions arose in her heart, with bewilderment, a sour taste, uncertainty, and even rejection.

Her feelings for Li Lanqiu were so complex. If she told Rong Ling not to go and leave her alone, it would make her seem too selfish; but if Rong Ling went, she wouldn't feel comfortable, she would be jealous and upset.

Moreover, the woman said she didn't trust anyone but Rong Ling. Only when Rong Ling came would she come out. This kind of obsession reveals her deep love for Rong Ling. With Wu Shengnan gone, is the real Li Lanqiu going to come up Will she continue to fight!

She got on the car in a daze and caught the fastest flight. As the plane took off, she felt a sense of emptiness, as if she would be blown away. She grabbed Rong Ling's arm instinctively.

He immediately looked over. "What's wrong"

Her tone was concerned, just like before. Why was that A feeling of heaviness weighed on her heart. Was it because the plane was taking off

"Are you uncomfortable" he asked, turning to her and pulling her slightly into his embrace. Then he cupped the back of her head and pressed her against his chest. "Be good, bear with it for a while, it'll be fine soon."

Still lingering in my nostrils is that familiar masculine scent, with a hint of sunshine. It smells so good.

She gripped his arm tightly, her eyes squeezed shut. A voice whispered in her heart, "Husband, I'm afraid!"

The plane began to fly smoothly, but she still buried her head in his arms. He was worried.

"Motion sickness"

She didn't know whether to admit it or deny it, burying her head like an ostrich and refusing to speak.

"I'm a flight attendant, coming to see if there's anything I can get for you!" he frowned.

She immediately shook her head. "No."

Even his voice sounded weak.

"I'm sleepy, hug me!"

Then he thought of last night, and thus put aside the worries in his heart, hugging her tightly. Only this was on a plane, because they were in a hurry, so it was a temporary seat made for them to ride with the police officers in economy class, the conditions weren't very good, couldn't hold her freely, at most he could only half hug her.

He tried his best to adjust his posture, letting her lean against him. The policeman in the front row turned his head and asked with concern, but Rong Ling dismissed him. Later, he saw that her face wasn't looking good, so he felt sorry for her and told the police, saying he would pay for the ticket himself, then called the flight attendant and requested a change to first class. Unfortunately, there was only one empty seat in first class. Rong Ling asked Dayang to go out and coordinate with the flight attendant. Later, Dayang brought back two middle-aged men wearing glasses, who both respectfully nodded at Rong Ling before sitting down in their seats. Rong Ling, Lin Meng, and Dayang then followed the flight attendant to first class.

Lin Meng felt that she wasn't actually that fragile. Economy class was fine, but she just felt drained of energy. Even refusing words seemed too much effort, so she silently watched Rong Ling arrange everything perfectly. She lay down, and Rong Ling lay beside her, making it incredibly easy to hold her in his arms.

She still nestled in his arms, silent. He said he would get her something to drink, but she didn't want it; he offered to get her something to eat, but she declined as well.

He remained silent for a moment before speaking.

"Don't you want to come"

Her body stiffened, having been noticed by him.

He let out a long sigh and, in a nasty way, rubbed her head hard with his big hand, messing up her hair. Then, quickly, he rubbed so hard that her face felt warm.

"You silly fool!"

She said nothing.

"Jealous" he chuckled softly, his large hand adding to the infuriating effect.

She perked up a little, raising her head from his arms and biting her lip to look at him.

His gaze was gentle, a smile playing on his lips, yet he said nothing.

That way, it was warm, like a little sun, making you want to hug them. She also felt a kind of silent acceptance, naturalness, and familiar affection. The grey nets that had fallen on her heart suddenly dispersed.

"Seems like I'm a little jealous!" She recovered her usual self, admitting it openly. Then she stuck out her tongue and sheepishly scratched her ears. "I'm also a bit scared."

She looked up at him with pleading eyes.

He just smiled and scolded her. “Silly girl, daydreaming again.”

"Oh, you don't understand," she said softly, acting cute. "I just started overthinking things all of a sudden, and I can't control it. You have no idea how uncomfortable I was just now."

His face turned pale with discomfort.

He knew, so he felt pity.

"It was my fault. I was so caught up in my own happiness that I didn't pay attention to her feelings. She seemed out of sorts, and I carelessly ignored it. "I didn't want you to come with me!"

She widened her eyes and puffed up angrily.

He then poked her plump cheeks with his index finger, teasing her. "Little one!"

After her cheeks were poked in, they puffed back up.

It’s not like you think, flying back and forth takes half a day. I'm afraid you'll be exhausted. Besides, there's nothing much going on there anyway. But, I guess I'll still bring you along. Leaving you alone, I wouldn't feel at ease. You're so naive and easily led astray. I have to keep an eye on you.

She pouted.

He still smiled. “That person, just a friend, once this is over, we won't contact her anymore. I'll take you to see her, maybe this is the last time you see her. But this time, we owe her one, later, we have to make it up to her. Xiao Gua, the matter of compensation, leave it to you later, I don't care!”

This, however, is completely taking itself out.

Lin Meng opened her eyes, and her gaze gradually became brighter.

A man constantly saying "we" implies that he and she are forever one, so if they owe something, then they both owe it together, and when they repay it, they do so together. As for Li Lanqiu, she is merely a "she".

He made it very clear to her that his classification of Li Lanqiu was simply as a friend, someone he could directly say goodbye to and cut off contact with in the future. This gave her a sense of reassurance, and a weighty one at that.

His solution was much cleaner and more efficient than she had imagined.

It's great!

A faint tear welled up in her eyes. She sniffed and burrowed deeper into his arms. But this time, it was a joyful embrace.

"Honey, you're so good."

He chuckled wryly.

“I was just rambling a bit earlier, I guess I’m a little silly.

” She admitted her mistake softly, looking quite apologetic.

He really wanted to kiss her. As he leaned in to speak in her ear, he took a light bite of her small lobe.

"Only my little goofball!"

So, stupid can only be stupid for him to see, and he can only say she's stupid.

She understood, letting out a soft "hmm" and grinning slyly before secretly laughing to herself.

After nearly 12 hours of travel, the plane landed. It was past 7 p.m. local time in Germany when we arrived. We took a car to the town and then rode in a local police car up the cliffside. By the time we got there, it was well past 11 p.m.

Night, pitch black. The weather wasn't very good tonight either. The moon kept hiding behind the clouds and wouldn't come out, resulting in visibility being rather low. At the seaside, the wind was stronger, and on the high cliffs that stood tall, the wind was even fiercer, blowing people's clothes around like they were fluttering. Lin Meng jumped out of the police car, his head of jet-black hair getting blown all over the place.

Furrowing her brow, she brushed her hair behind her ear.

On the cliff, a spotlight was set up, which didn't make it look so dark. After Rong Ling got out of the car, he was immediately asked by the police to talk to Li Lanqiu. Her case had taken up an entire day, and the police wanted to get her out of the hole as soon as possible so they could go back to rest. Now, it was getting late.

As soon as Li Lanqiu heard Rong Ling's voice, she became excited and immediately switched to speaking Chinese.

"Rong Ling, you're here, you finally came—"

Li Lanqiu wept and cried, appearing extremely agitated. Lin Meng didn't step forward because the police had told her that she might agitate Li Lanqiu if she did, so they asked her to stand aside and watch silently. This was the police's consideration after learning about Rong Ling and Li Lanqiu's past. Lin Meng is a sensible person who knows what's important, and she followed the police's instructions.

I can't see Li Lanqiu, but just hearing her voice, Lin Meng's heart feels a little sour and bitter.

She is a soft-hearted woman.


She sighed inwardly, feeling a bit uneasy.

The police took the opportunity to ask Li Lanqiu to throw away her gun and immediately sent someone down to save her. However, Li Lanqiu let Rong Ling go down instead, saying she wanted to see him with her own eyes. It seemed like she was afraid that the police were trying to deceive her with technical means.

She had a gun in her hand, and the police hesitated. But Li Lanqiu still had that attitude, she didn't believe anything, she only believed in Rong Ling. She wanted to see Rong Ling alive. Once she saw him, she would definitely throw away the gun, she swore, with her own life. That crazy serious attitude moved the police slightly, but—they needed to consider Rong Ling's safety, they needed to consider the attitude of the person involved.

"I'll go down!" Rong Ling wasn't afraid. Li Lanqiu couldn't possibly kill him. She was just insecure, she was just scared out of her wits.

He looked at Li Lanqiu on the screen, gaunt and thin, almost like an African refugee. She was so thin, it was pitiful, her emaciation tugged at your heartstrings with a sharp pang of pain. Because of her thinness, her face had shrunk to the size of a palm, making her eyes bulge out, appearing particularly large. Those eyes, flickering in the lens, spoke of innocence, fear, and bewilderment. She was like a lost lamb that stumbled into a trap, struggling to escape, exhausting its energy until all that remained seemed to be a flicker of spirit.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it and couldn't refuse.

On his way here, the police also revealed that Li Lanqiu was addicted to drugs, but she was forced to do so. She was brutally injected with drugs and became addicted. Her suffering is not just being imprisoned here, enduring hunger and cold; she is also tormented by drug withdrawal. That pain is probably like having your tendons ripped out of your body while you are still alive.

This is because of him!

And this may only be one side of the story!

He is sorry to this woman!

He was overwhelmed with immense guilt and without hesitation, made the decision to go through with it. This poor woman, now relying only on him. He had to save her, get her clean, let her live a normal life, and then for the rest of their days, they would be wealthy!

"She had a gun in her hand, this—" The police officer expressed concern.

Lin Meng was also worried. Although Li Lanqiu seemed to love Rong Ling deeply and it was impossible for her to hurt her, she still privately speculated about Li Lanqiu with malice. This was because she didn't want her man to suffer even the slightest accident.

Feng Ling didn't want to wear bulletproof vests. He thought it would be hurtful to the pitiful Li Lanqiu. She believed in him with all her heart, but he approached her with a defensive attitude. This would hurt her.

Lin Meng was so anxious that she let Dayang shout over to call Rong Ling over. She pulled him aside and whispered to persuade him.

"Rong Ling, I'm sorry, but I'm scared. Just to make me feel safe, could you please put on a bulletproof vest I'm just afraid, what if something happens to you What if you get hurt Otherwise, I would go crazy!"

As if, she saw the cold barrel of a gun raised and then the bullet hit him. Just thinking about it made her body tremble and her heart turn cold.

"I know you're very capable, bullets probably aren't even on your radar. But, Rong Ling, I'm afraid, truly afraid—"

Tears welled up in her eyes.

Being in a strange place, surrounded by mostly foreigners, even though they were policemen, made her feel out of place and insecure. The night was pitch black, the cold wind blowing, and she just felt a shiver down her spine.

He looked at her, his brow furrowed. He seemed to be hesitating.

She grasped his hand, in a weak posture, pleading softly.

"Honey, put it on."

Then, taking his big hand, she pressed it against her face, gazing at him with wet eyes, silently begging.

He finally nodded.

She smiled faintly. It was tranquil and beautiful, like a flower blooming. But looking at it, there was also a touch of pitiful sadness. He sighed and touched her face, comforting her.

"Don't worry, I'll protect myself. Wait for me to come up, soon!"

He not only surpassed her, but also readily ceded territory and made concessions.


She nodded, smiling at him. She couldn't let him worry about her. But even after putting on his helmet and bulletproof vest, he still murmured to Dayang, asking him to keep an eye on her, as if she would be lost without him for a moment. That made her heart warm, so she gave him a little mischievous face and felt like he was sometimes like an old mother hen. He immediately raised his eyebrow, stretched out his long arm, hugged her slender waist, and lowered his head to give her a heavy kiss on the lips.

"Don't be naughty!" he scolded her, treating her more and more like a child.

She felt embarrassed, there were still native speakers around who could understand him.

"I'm not mischievous at all!" she argued quietly.

He reached out and lightly pinched her cheek.

"I'm going down now, be a good girl and wait for me here!"

"Okay, be careful!" she thought for a moment before adding, "When you go down there, don't rush into the cave. Wait until you see her throw away her gun, then go in, understand"

Well, let's just say she's a petty person disguised as someone with noble intentions. She would rather have men see her in a bad light than let her man get hurt even slightly!

"Got it!" he chuckled, pinching her playfully. "Be good!"

She hummed in agreement, nodding her head repeatedly. Then she watched as he followed a police officer, standing in the makeshift basket, being lowered slowly, bit by bit.

As they neared the entrance to the cave, Rong Ling's voice rang out.

"Qiuqiu, it's me!"

Considering her current mental state and everything she'd been through, he didn't make the address too stiff and distant.

Li Lanqiu in the cave immediately raised her eyes and looked over, crying.

"Rong Ling!"

The cradle stopped by the cave entrance, but it wasn't fully exposed. It was half-hidden behind the mountain wall. This was also for safety reasons.

Li Lanqiu's gun was pointing at herself. Her eyes were wide open, straining to look towards the hole, as if she were desperately searching for Rong Ling's figure.

The police said it was safe, Rong Ling bent down, revealing a face. The light from the cradle lamp could illuminate his face clearly.

"It's me, Qiuqiu!"

Li Lanqiu cooperated, suddenly flinging the gun in her hand aside.

"Rong Ling!"

Tears streamed down her face like a string of broken pearls. Li Lanqiu looked at Rong Ling, appearing utterly helpless and vulnerable, as if waiting for rescue and redemption. She remained motionless, like a fallen princess, patiently awaiting her prince to save her with his own hands.

Rong Ling then slipped into the hole and untied the straps that were bound around his body.

On the cliff, everyone wasn't as tense anymore, but they were still staring at Rong Ling, Li Lanqiu, and the gun that was lying on the ground. It wasn't until Rong Ling stepped over the gun and kicked it to the corner with his foot that everyone truly breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, danger is averted!

"Get her up here." The man on top commanded through the loudspeaker.

Rong Ling knelt before Li Lanqiu, softening his voice as he reached out to help her up.

Let's go up there!

Up close, she was even thinner than on the screen. Her face was sallow and lacked any real radiance. She reached out a hand and grabbed his large palm with force.

That hand, so cold!

Her hands were also extremely thin, with bones that were particularly prominent, like chicken claws. Her arms were so thin they were just skin and bone, her skin a sickly pale color, somewhat dark. On top of it, there were some bluish dots, which were pinpricks, probably from drug injections.

Rong Ling's eyes darkened.

Guilt churned within him, a storm of emotions.

Li Lanqiu wept, yet she also smiled. Her thin face was streaked with tears, resembling a rain-soaked lotus left to wither. But despite this, she raised her lips in a smile, revealing a glimmer of hope for life. It seemed like a defiant counterattack against such a wretched fate, eliciting both pity and sympathy from the beholder.

"I know, you'll definitely come to save me, definitely come to save me. That woman is fake, you'll definitely find out, definitely find out, you'll definitely come to save me..."

His heart, was moved.

With a finger's touch, he lightly caressed her face. His voice was dark and hoarse, laced with a hint of pain.

"You suffered, it's my fault!"

She shook her head frantically, tears streaming down her face.

He learned from her, she trembled her finger and came over to touch him. He didn't dodge because he owed her. Taking off his helmet, her hand, tremblingly, touched his face, murmuring like a dream.

"It's you, it's really you. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for you all this time."

She was foolishly deceived by netizens, treating her as her close friend and confiding everything in her. But in the end, she was harmed by that "friend" who tied her up and brought her here. All she could think of at that time was him. If he knew she had disappeared, he should come looking for her, right He should come to save her, shouldn't he!

She was trapped in this cave. It was so quiet here, with only her. All she heard each day were the waves, and more waves. She ate, drank, used the toilet, and slept all within this cave. It was crude, like living like a primitive person. But still, she thought of him, waiting for him to come and rescue her.

She was drugged, her addiction took hold, forcing her to answer that woman's questions honestly, revealing all their precious past memories with Rong Ling. But in the end, she only helped that impostor woman get close to Rong Ling, walking side by side with him. She was driven mad by jealousy. She maintained her last shred of pride, yearning for Rong Ling so much, yet she didn't return to his side. That woman simply went back as if she had amnesia, and walked so close to Rong Ling. This was something she had secretly yearned for for years, but never achieved. Yet, a fake woman had it so easily. She was driven mad by jealousy, and consumed by rage, yet there was nothing she could do. All she could do was pray, pray that Rong Ling would discover the truth, pray that he would come to her rescue. She waited for him, constantly, always waiting for him to save her, to pull her out of this darkness.

She was raped, sustained by the man who brought her food, yet he acted like a devil, injecting something into her body. She felt tragically like a comfort woman, devoid of any dignity, just a tool for his pleasure. The man vented his desires on her like a dog, and she couldn't resist. From initially resisting like a virtuous maiden to ultimately succumbing to withdrawal, she became lowly and pathetic, crawling under the man begging for him, just for a little bit of drugs. She was both degraded and numb, feeling increasingly distant from her former self. It seemed that hell wasn't much different.

When she was awake, death crossed her mind, but she refused to accept it. She wanted to see that vile woman die, that repulsive man die. She wanted to see Rong Ling, the man she loved with all her heart, one last time. She couldn't bear to part without seeing him. She waited for him, waited endlessly, even if it meant living like a dog, she would wait for him.

"Finally, I've waited for you." She sobbed softly, meticulously and greedily tracing every inch of his face with her fingertips, etching it into her heart.

He couldn't bear it. "It's all right, everything is fine, there's nothing wrong, no one will hurt you anymore, it's okay, it's okay..."

"...Rong Ling…" she whimpered, tears falling onto the dusty blanket, its original color barely visible. They quickly blended with the gray.

Inside the cave, it was damp and a little chilly. Staying there for too long made one feel uncomfortable. She curled up in her blanket, so thin that she looked as if she could be entirely swallowed by it, which only made her seem colder!

"Come on!" he grabbed her hand. "Let's go upstairs and talk about it. This creepy place is giving me the creeps, okay"

She sobbed, nodded her head, pulled the blanket tighter around her, and with trembling steps, climbed to her feet.

He couldn't bear to look, so he reached out and held her hand.

She must have been very weak, she couldn't even walk steadily. He reached out and steadied her. She leaned against him, tilting her face up to look at him, a sweet smile on her lips, murmuring contentedly.

"I knew you would come, you would come, you would come..."

Many watched, their eyes reddened. A few, silently, shed tears. Even Lin Meng, moved by the scene, lowered his gaze, unable to bear looking at the woman’s smile, that tear-stained, gray-white smile.

At the entrance of the cave, Rong Ling pulled out the rope she had untied earlier and wanted to tie it for him.

She shook her head. "No, don't leave me!"

She clutched a blanket in one hand, shrinking into herself, while the other held onto him tightly as if fearing this thing would tear them apart.

Rong Ling didn't insist, anyway, this harness thing is just to further ensure safety. Actually, a cradle is enough.

Let's go!

He first helped her into the basket. The policeman who had been inside all along hurriedly followed suit, helping her in as well. The basket swayed, and Li Lanqiu bumped against the policeman's arms. But as soon as Rong Ling came up, she immediately burrowed back into his arms, clutching his chest tightly with one hand, as if afraid he would leave her.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, holding it there, and flashed her a smile. "Don't worry, we'll be up there in a jiffy!"

Li Lanqiu nodded. "Don't be afraid, you're here, you're here..."

Some muffled sobs, laced with tears, really make your heart ache.

The cradle, slowly lifted, brought the three figures to view. As they emerged from it, cheers erupted from those on the cliff edge. It was a celebration of the heroes' return, and a welcome for those who had endured this ordeal.

At this moment, many people's hearts are at ease.

Man, he was rescued, all that past suffering, it’s gone, it can all be gone.

Two policemen came up to help pull the person out of the basket. Rong Ling lifted his head and, according to the memory in his mind, looked over. He just saw Lin Meng's pale face and those pair of lively talking eyes.

She was calling him silently!

He smirked.

Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his chest, his heart constricting like a fist. His head felt as if it had been struck by a hammer. He trembled. Instinctively, he tried to twist away, pushing everyone close to him aside, but then he remembered her—Li Lanqiu. She was leaning against him. He couldn't push her away; she might fall off the cliff.

For a moment of hesitation, his chest was struck by another wave of agonizing pain. It hurt so badly that he struggled to breathe, his pupils dilating in agony. Something seemed to tear him apart, irrevocably separating him from whatever had held him together.

Only instinctual thoughts remain!

Someone shot him, the bullet hit him, who was it!

The two policemen close by suddenly looked panicked. He gritted his teeth against the searing pain, instinctively glaring at them with fury. With a painful effort, he raised his hand to push away the gun, the one pressing heavily against his chest. But when his fingers touched it, he felt a chilling coldness, a sensation so familiar it sent shivers down his spine. It filled him with disbelief and left him frozen in place.

Shot after shot, the shooter showed no hesitation, their speed was incredibly fast. Even with a bulletproof vest, it wouldn't withstand such bullets. They had already been pierced through, and the bullets had entered his body.

Boom boom boom —

He could vaguely hear his heart pounding, each beat faster than the last, exploding in his head like a muffled thunderclap. His vision flickered with white light, and cold sweat streamed from his body, making him feel suddenly heavy, as if he couldn't stand.

The body, struck hard and thrown down, soared through the air. It was unimaginable that such a thin and frail frame could possess such explosive power!


He saved her, he took such a big risk, and put in so much effort to save her!

She lay on top of him, laughing maniacally as he fell. The face that just moments ago had seemed so pitiable and fragile was now twisted like that of a wicked witch, bones jutting out, ugliness laid bare!

"I'm already in hell, why are you still alive in the human world!"

She waited for him, through hardship, humiliation, and pain, waiting for him to join her in death. Though they could not share a bed in life, they would share a grave!

As for his current wife, she doesn't have the qualifications or the guts!

After that, she would be all alone. All alone!

"Hmph… Hmph…”

A harsh laugh, echoing across half the cliff face, yet it was grating, like a knife wind scraping against one's ears!

He struggled to push her away, this time, he wouldn't have to worry anymore!

But she clung to him like an octopus, her body heavy, like a mountain pressing down on him. Yet, his whole body was powerless, unable to push her away, unable to push her away...

"Rong Ling—" A scream of terror, so familiar, was calling out to him.

Hey, little one!

My spirit suddenly lifted!

His little darling!

A strange power surged within him, propelling him to push her away forcefully.

Her eyes widened, and she frantically tried to grab him, her thin bones sticking out like the claws of a skeleton!

"Get out!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, waves surged. The ocean resembled a greedy maw, swallowing him whole in one gulp.

He struggled, every part of his body telling him to struggle, to go back. His darling was waiting for him, he had to go back. But his body grew heavier and heavier, uncontrollable, sinking downwards. It was as if an unseen force was pulling him down with all its might. He seemed to struggle, yet he didn't. He sank deeper and deeper, and gradually, the sky turned dark...


Wow, this chapter was so hard to write. I almost gave up several times, but thankfully I made it through.

Then, I wrote desperately, wrote frantically, and finally finished this last hurdle. ⊙﹏⊙band capable individuals who have risen through the ranks, far from ordinary citizens. In the past, with the presence of the former leader, respect for his character naturally quelled any dissent and e...