nt to go back to city B. Book me the fastest flight available!"Miao Qing readily agreed. This was a piece of cake for her."Sister, you can't leave me behind," Lu Yuedao hurriedly added.Finally, he got...Chapter Name: 065

Wu's wife's heart was filled with resentment. She never expected that things would come to this, and the mysterious bigwig still wouldn't let go of their daughter. ( ..tw good-looking novel) They planned to cover up this matter and send their daughter to a strange place to start anew. When things calmed down, they would seek other ways out.

But news had already spread throughout the tenth middle school that Wu Shengnan had been raped. Although the person who spread the news left a clue, turning the incident into an accident and eliciting sympathy from many people, making Wu Shengnan a pitiable victim, Wu's wife's heart was still heavy.

That mysterious bigwig sure knows how to play his cards. He's using two tactics at once: firstly, sending photos and letters to threaten the Wu family into sending someone away immediately; secondly, spreading rumors at school to cut off Wu Shengnan's way back. What girl could possibly face the embarrassment of this situation and return to see her classmates or friends She'll probably have to hide out in another province for the rest of her life!

She hated the man's methods for finding a wife, and she hated Lin Meng, the "culprit" behind this whole affair. Her hatred burned so fiercely that she wished she could grab the young girl before her, grind her to dust, and wish that it was this girl who had been subjected to such violence.


She could only suppress the hatred, raising a smile and looking at Lin Meng with forced friendliness. "Mengmeng, right Come on, sit down!"

With a voice that was both warm and slightly unsettling, Mengmeng woke Lin Meng with a jolt. She nodded her head cautiously and picked up a chair to sit down. Wu Yong and his wife then followed suit and sat down as well.

Two people came to find Lin Meng, naturally there was something important. Wu Shengnan and that stranger's intimate photos were still held in the mysterious big figure's hand. Who could have imagined that the mysterious figure would suddenly go crazy and expose those photos Nowadays, these kinds of photo scandals are almost endless on the internet. Wu Yong still wanted to mix in City J, he still needed this old face, and he still wanted to keep his position as Deputy Director. Those kept photos, and possibly already recorded discs, were a hidden bomb that could explode at any time. Wu Yong had to get all that stuff back.

For the sake of her daughter's future, Wu's wife also had to get those things back. Although her daughter had gone through such a thing, Wu's wife still hoped that her daughter would marry well. As long as she got those disgraceful things back, the rest was just a matter of time. Years later, or even decades later, as time passed and circumstances changed, who could remember Wu Shengnan from back then The Wu family could find someone else, move to a new place and start over. Who would still remember those things that happened before!

The couple, skilled at calculating, thought long and hard. There was no trace of the mysterious figure. Although they suspected it might be Rong Ling, they couldn't be certain and dared not go to him directly to apologize and retrieve their belongings. So, they turned to Lin Meng, who appeared weak and harmless.

This girl has already been investigated. Despite the negative rumors swirling around her at school, at her core she is just a poor little thing burdened with the label of illegitimate child. Wu Yong, having worked on many cases for years, had encountered similar children from broken homes before. He knew that such children were often timid, introverted, and inherently insecure.

Both husband and wife are going all out, intending to win a complete victory with both kindness and force. This time, success or failure depends entirely on how Wu's wife performs.

Before his wife could speak, her eyes welled up and two tears rolled down her cheeks. She choked back sobs.

Lin Meng had seen people cry, and he himself had cried many times, but he rarely saw middle-aged women crying. The face that had slowly entered old age bore the fatigue of being ravaged by wind and frost. Tears, slightly turbid, slid down the cheek along the wrinkles that could not be concealed, slowly rippling with a kind of invisible pain!

She... she can't stand seeing others like this!

Mrs. Wu cried for a while, then composed herself. Seeing the young girl across from her fidgeting nervously, she said tearfully, "Mengmeng, Auntie and Uncle came today specifically to apologize to you. Our son, Male... he's been foolish!"

As she spoke, there was another burst of wailing. This kind of crying and shrieking was a woman's forte, at such moments Wu Yong was useless, so he just sat there, silent. But his stoic expression alone held a certain indescribable sadness and solemnity.

This couple had their child late in life, and are now over fifty years old. They are truly not young anymore; one can clearly feel their aging, especially since they came today dressed in plain clothes.

Lin Meng mumbled, watching Wu's wife weep, yet he didn't know how to reply.

"Dream Dream, Auntie knows our son was wrong to you. He offended you, and she really deserved it. Your Uncle and I had already disciplined her at home, even beat her, making her admit her mistake. Last night, your Uncle went to No. 10 Middle School to find Male Male, wanting her to come over and apologize to you. But we were just too late, Male Male was... "

When this was mentioned, Mrs. Wu truly felt heartbroken. Tears, like pearls on a broken string, streamed down her face.

“We admit that our son has wronged you. We were blind and offended you. But our son is just a little girl, not even an adult. It’s normal for her to be naive. Put yourself in our shoes and be merciful. Please forgive our son this time!”

Saying that, Wu's wife suddenly stood up and came to Lin Meng's front. "Plop," she knelt down, "Mengmeng ah, Auntie is kneeling before you, you just forgive Nannan, Nannan knows she was wrong, she really knows she was wrong, you just let her go, please, I beg you, let her go. She's lying in the hospital now, crying and threatening suicide, Auntie can't bear it, really can't bear it. Please, Mengmeng, forgive our Nannan, Auntie is kneeling before you, Auntie is bowing to you..."

"As she said, she was about to smash her head on the ground. Lin Meng hurriedly reached out to stop her. "Auntie, don't!"

Lin Meng felt incredibly embarrassed and her heart ached with a mix of emotions. Having never had a mother herself, she couldn't fathom the depth of this mother's love and devotion to her daughter!

But Wu's wife refused, stubbornly insisting on kowtowing and weeping, "If you don't open your mouth to forgive, I'll keep kowtowing! I apologize for my daughter, I apologize..."

Lin Meng sighed helplessly, and her heart was also not feeling well. "Aunt, get up, I forgive her."

Mrs. Wu's bowing action stopped abruptly as she raised her head and looked at Lin Meng, tears streaming down her face, but the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, as if she couldn't contain her joy. "So, you'll let our son go!"

Lin Meng sadly nodded. "I understand about what happened between me and her. What happens to her from now on has nothing to do with me. You...and Uncle, there's no need for this."

Wu's wife was taken aback for a moment, fearing that this was Lin Meng's excuse. She immediately burst into tears and pleaded, "Good girl, since you've said so much, please return the things you took of the boys to us. We have done as you said, we sent the boy away far, far away and will never let her come back again. Just take pity on this old married couple, and return the photos of our children."

Lin Meng was stunned, biting her lip for a long time, and then frowned helplessly.

"I don't know what picture, I don't understand what you are saying!"

"Why don't you understand! This is all because of you, how can you not know!"

"Hmm..." but it was Wu Yong who let out a soft cough.

Wu's wife suddenly felt that her tone was too urgent. She immediately, with tears in her eyes, looked at Lin Meng and made a silent plea.

"I really don't know!" Lin Meng frowned even more.

"My wife is weeping bitterly. 'You still don't forgive him! You won't forgive the men, you won't forgive me and your uncle either. Oh dear God, what sin has our Wu family committed Are we just going to stand by and watch our only daughter die! Mengmeng, that's a living soul! Do you really have the heart to watch our son Nan because of this! Nan is constantly terrified, he keeps brandishing knives, threatening to cut his wrists. Without the return of the photos, aren't we driving him to death!"

"I don't know what photos you're talking about!"

"You might not know this for sure, but the person behind you definitely does. He's done all of this for you. As long as you speak up, I believe we can get those photos back!"

"I don't understand..." Lin Meng mumbled. Because Xiao Yi hadn't mentioned anything to her at all.

"Wife Wu really panicked and immediately grabbed Lin Meng's arm, clutching it tightly. "Mengmeng, Auntie sees that you are also a kind person, you wouldn't be so heartless. Just tell that person to stop this matter right here. Our family has suffered enough, how could a young girl bear it Let her go, you ask that person to let our Mengmeng go! Auntie begs you, please!"

Lin Meng frowned.

Wu's wife was so anxious that she wanted to kowtow again, but Lin Meng stopped her.

"Auntie, I really don't know anything. I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Wu's wife was slightly taken aback and was pondering what to say next when Wu Yong spoke up, recounting everything that had happened last night in detail.

"Meng Meng, your uncle believes you didn't know about this and that you weren't behind it. Your uncle has met many people and knows you are a good girl who wouldn't have such a wicked mind. Your uncle doesn't think about anything else now, he just begs you to return those things that were filmed. Our son, Nan Nan, has already been ruined; this life will likely be like this forever. I only hope that her future life will be peaceful and ordinary, living until she is old. As for those photos, please, for the sake of us, a couple who are over half a century old and one foot already in the grave, return them to Nan Nan. Let this poor child no longer have any worries and find a quiet place to live out her days!"

The speech was very heart-wrenching.

Lin Meng turned her head away nonchalantly, but she didn't expect Xiao Yi's reaction to be so intense. Her heart felt cold and sour as she watched the couple. She was a bit lost, even if she were slow to understand, she knew that there were some things she couldn't intervene in. This tacitly admitted that it was her who did it, and it also indirectly implicated Xiao Yi.

No, you can't!

Xiao Yi is a social thug, but Wu Yong in front of him is the deputy director of the police station. One is a criminal, and the other is an officer. If she betrays Xiao Yi now, how can Xiao Yi live afterward! Instructing others to assault a minor girl, that's enough to land someone in prison. Xiao Yi helped her, although his methods were extreme, she couldn't forget her gratitude.

No, she can't say anything. If she says anything, they'll be finished! She'll be finished! Xiao Yi will be finished too!

"I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. It pains me deeply. It's not that I don't want to help, but the truth is, this has nothing to do with me. And I don't know any big shots! That's all there is to it, Auntie and Uncle. I think I'm going to head home now!"

Wu Yong stood up angrily, glaring at Lin Meng without hiding his rage.

“Miss, we’ve all pleaded with you. Can’t you just have a heart Do you really want to watch our daughter die!”

"You shouldn't come to me about this!" Lin Meng gritted her teeth, her lips almost bleeding. She endured the pain with difficulty. "Your daughter got into trouble, you should find the one who caused it, I have nothing to do with this!"

"The mastermind behind this was clearly targeting you, that's why they went after our boys so viciously. Don't you dare deny it!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

Lin Meng sank his face, turned his head, and was about to leave.

But Wu's wife suddenly got up from the ground, opened her arms, stopped her, and burst into tears.

"Mengmeng, you just promised Auntie that you would forgive our son, Nan Nan. Why are you still holding onto it! Nan Nan has been sent away and will never see you again. What use are those photos to you! Please give them back to us, Mengmeng. We beg you!"

"I don't have any pictures!" Lin Meng was also getting anxious, shouting. Her fair face flushed red.

Wu's wife softened her tone and coaxed skillfully: "Yes, we know you don't have the photos there. But asking for them back from that person isn't just a matter of your word, is it Auntie doesn't ask for anything else, today I came here just to ask you for one sentence. Please, give that person a message, return those that were taken. Just this one sentence, do you think it's okay"

Wu's wife collapsed with a thud and knelt down again.

"Aunt, please, I beg you!"

Wu's wife gripped Lin Meng tightly, and Lin Meng couldn't let go. Looking at Wu's wife who was crying without any composure and pleading with him, Lin Meng felt very reluctant and almost agreed. But in the end, he was just a little bit short!

gritting his teeth, Lin Meng pulled Wu's wife's hand open with all his might.

"Aunt, I'm sorry, there's really nothing I can do about it. I have to go study!"

Turning around, Lin Meng ran.

Wu's wife was caught off guard and nearly pushed hard by Lin Meng. Before she could lunge forward, Lin Meng had already opened the door and shouted outside, "Mr. Ni!"

Teacher Ni immediately ran forward and asked with a smile, "Is it over"

She smiled sweetly as she looked inside. Wu's wife was kneeling on the ground, tears streaming down her face, looking utterly disheveled and pathetic. Since she had something to ask of Lin Meng, she couldn't be too concerned with appearances. However, in front of "outsiders", she still needed to maintain a certain facade. She quickly wiped away the tears from her face, got up from the ground, and stood tall, her back straight.

Teacher Ni stood outside, her heart was actually quite uneasy. She was afraid something might have happened to Lin Meng. But the counseling room was designed with a very good soundproofing effect to protect student privacy. Standing outside, Teacher Ni couldn't hear anything. Now seeing Lin Meng come out safely, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well then, Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, I'll be taking Miss Lin away now!"

But Wu's wife refused. Wu Yong also frowned, they hadn't reached their goal yet.

"Teacher Ni, we still have some things to tell Lin Meng."

Lin Meng suddenly raised her voice. "Teacher, I've said everything I had to say. There's nothing left to say. I want to go back."

This very much aligns with Teacher Ni's wishes. At this moment, he disregarded Wu Yong and his wife's face and patted Lin Meng on the shoulder and said, "Then you should go back quickly."

Lin Meng hummed in response and ran away. If she stayed any longer, she felt she would definitely be no match for this couple, Wu Yong and his wife, and would end up defeated, surrendering everything.

Here, Teacher Ni said some apologetic words, but also cleverly expressed her intention to see the guests off.

Even with thick skin, this couple couldn't stand it anymore. They could only force a smile and say thanks to Teacher Ni before leaving.

Because all the students were in evening self-study, the campus was very quiet. The streetlights' light was scattered and dim because they were too far apart, so the entire campus still looked quite dark. Even the cement pathways seemed gloomy and eerily silent.

Wu's wife walked on the cement road and couldn't help but pull Wu Yong's arm. "Husband, what should we do next!"

The most important reason for these two to come here was to get back Wu Shengnan's photo, but it wasn't as simple as that. Wu Yong is a police officer, and he has reached the rank of deputy director, so when he does things, he naturally considers more and uses more means than others.

After much deliberation, he came to find Lin Meng with his wife. Although he felt that Lin Meng should be easy to deal with, and the chances of success were high, he also knew that nothing in this world was certain, and anything could happen. Lin Meng was surprisingly resolute, and seemed to possess a cunning kind of intelligence, which greatly surprised Wu Yong.

He had a recording pen on him, which was already set to record before Lin Meng arrived. He and his wife's duet was aimed at getting back those obscene photos while also trying to catch Lin Meng's criminal evidence.

Wu Yong had a ruthless streak, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting in his current position. This time, the victim was his only precious daughter; there was no way he would swallow this injustice silently. He suspected that the big figure might be Rong Ling, but without concrete evidence, he wouldn't be foolish enough to name him directly. He could only repeatedly, when talking with Lin Meng, guide her towards that mysterious person, hoping that Lin Meng herself would reveal it. Even if Lin Meng didn't say anything, as long as she agreed to return the photos, it proved that this incident was indeed orchestrated by Lin Meng, and he could charge her with a crime. He might not be able to touch Lin Meng right now, but as long as he had criminal evidence in hand, there would always be a day when it would come in handy. Perhaps, this matter really had something to do with Rong Ling. When Rong Ling fell, he could also expose this incident and add insult to injury.

The most important thing is that there's a crackdown on organized crime happening in the city right now. I strongly oppose this kind of behavior, which resembles that of the mafia. The murder of Liang Su, who worked at the Land Bureau, last time was taken very seriously by the leaders above. Although things haven't made much progress for now and it seems to be over on the surface, only someone like me, "inside" the system, knows that the leaders above have specifically issued instructions to keep investigating Liang Su's case and absolutely not let go.

If he really put his mind to it, he could spin his daughter's rape as a mafia issue. As long as the big leader on top gave the nod, he might be able to bring Rong Ling down hard, and as for that insignificant Lin Meng, he would definitely end up in jail. Wu Yong had even planned everything out and made arrangements for his escape route. He would wait until he lured Lin Meng into confessing to the crime, then he'd hide the evidence for a while. He'd take advantage of his current position to embezzle some money, then formally submit his resignation, using the excuse that his daughter had suffered an unfortunate incident and he couldn't bear to stay in the country, wanting a fresh start in a new environment. He could then fly abroad under a legitimate pretext.

This way, he managed to escape persecution. At that time, he secretly handed over some of the criminal evidence he had gathered to the authorities. Regardless of what sentence would be passed later, he wasn't afraid of any repercussions because by then, he would have already escaped to an unknown country to live a peaceful life.

Wu Yong's abacus skills are impressive. His wife didn't need to think twice before agreeing. For their daughter, both of them were willing to go all out this time.

But, heaven doesn't want to help them either!

Lin Meng had set her mind on the fact that Xiao Yi was a powerless thug who couldn't stand up to these officials. So, for Xiao Yi's sake, she didn't dare say a word more. Unexpectedly, this perception inadvertently saved her from danger.

Wu Yong was furious. Things were going exactly as he planned after Lin Meng arrived. He saw Lin Meng agreeing to forgive his daughter, and everything was about to fall into place with the retrieval of those photos. But at the crucial moment, the girl stubbornly claimed she didn't know anything.

Wu Yongqi slammed the recorder shut, filled with anger. What he just recorded was completely useless, a waste of time.

"Let's go back first, and we'll figure something out later!"

Wu Yong said in a deep voice, though his face was calm, but under the cover of the dark night, his eyes showed a beastly ferocity!

Wu's wife reluctantly nodded and left with Wu Yong.

Actually, it's because this couple is too crazy and malicious, judging others by their own standards. Lin Meng wouldn't say anything for Xiao Yi at that time, but seeing Wu's wife cry like that, she had already secretly made a decision in her heart. If this was really done by Xiao Yi, she would definitely make Xiao Yi return those photos to Wu Shengnan. She wasn't a vicious person by nature, and putting herself in Wu Shengnan's shoes, she didn't want to use those photos to cause her any more pain. Wu Shengnan had already gone through enough!

When she had things on her mind, Lin Meng couldn't sit still. She wanted to calm down and read a good book, but all she could think about was Wu Shengnan. She never imagined that Xiao Yi would do such a thing, and even record it in that way. Thinking about it herself, no matter how she looked at it, it felt awkward.

He really couldn't hold back anymore. Lin Meng was unable to resist and could only sneak away to the bathroom during everyone else's quiet evening self-study, clutching his phone in his pocket and pretending he desperately needed to use the restroom. It was a bit embarrassing, wasn't it

She entered the restroom cautiously, taking a quick glance around to make sure no one was there before pulling out her phone and calling Xiao Yi.

The phone connected, and Xiao Yi's faint laughter came through.

"Girl, miss me" is a light-hearted tease.

Lin Meng blushed at his teasing. How could this man so easily say such things! She didn't know how to answer, nor did she want to. Frowning, she went straight to the point, asking suspiciously: "Wu Shengnan's matter, was it... you who did it!"

Xiao Yi remained silent for a while, before softly humming in response.

Although Lin Meng suspected that Xiao Yiqian was behind this, when he admitted it himself, she felt differently. Suddenly, she felt a chill run down her spine. She thought to herself, this man… his methods were truly ruthless!

A faint sigh escaped Lin Meng's lips. There was a tinge of guilt in Lin Meng's heart, directed at Wu Shengnan. She disliked Wu Shengnan, who had repeatedly made things difficult for her. Lin Meng deeply wished misfortune upon Wu Shengnan, such as being beaten up, falling from a building and being bedridden for weeks, or even ending up hospitalized with an illness. These were the extremes she could fathom. However, Xiao Yi's actions surpassed her expectations by tenfold. For someone as young as her, it was truly difficult to accept.

Okay, Xiao Yi is doing this for her!

Lin Meng blinked, unconsciously tightening her grip on her phone. After biting her lip, she had already made up her mind.

Didn't you take some pictures of Wu Shengnan!

Xiao Yi suddenly straightened up, raised an eyebrow, and said with a smile that carried a hint of danger. "How did you know!"

"Wu Shengnan's parents came to look for me!"

"Oh, what are they saying!"

They begged me to give them back those photos!

Xiao Yi's face immediately darkened, and he asked alertly, "You agreed!"

"No, I said I don't know!"

Xiao Yi suddenly relaxed and smiled. "Hehehe, the little girl is quite guarded, isn't she Tell me, what did Wu Shengnan's parents say to you!"

Lin Meng pointed out the key points and gave a brief summary.

Xiao Yi secretly rejoiced in his heart and pretended to be puzzled. “Since you guessed it was me, why didn’t you directly agree or expose me back then!”

Lin Meng thought simply and naturally replied, "How could that be possible! If I told on you, what if you were arrested and sent to jail!"

"Hee hee..." Xiao Yi laughed even more heartily. It turned out that this girl wasn't as innocent as he had imagined. This alertness was something he truly admired, but what made him happier was that in such a chaotic moment, she could still put him first in her heart. Didn't this mean that she already had a place for him in her heart

Xiao Yi was overjoyed, like a fox with a smile on its face.

Lin Meng didn't know what had amused Xiao Yi. Her heart skipped a beat, as if she had said something wrong.

Xiao Yi laughed for a while, then stopped and said in a gentle voice: "Girl, you don't have to worry about this. Just like before, pretend you don't know anything. You also have to tell yourself that this has nothing to do with you, understand!"

Lin Meng was puzzled. "Why is this!"

Xiao Yi feigned profundity. "There are some things you wouldn't understand."

"You said it, so I naturally understand." Lin Meng became angry, feeling that she was looked down upon by Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled and coaxed her. "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but even if I did, it wouldn't be very helpful. It would only make you more anxious and confused. It's better for you to just stand outside quietly and not worry about anything!"

"This won't do!" Lin Meng frowned. She made this call precisely because of this matter. "Xiao Yi, what you said, I may not understand now, and it's okay if I don't. But there's one thing, you have to promise me!"


"You need to return all the things you have that belong to Wu Shengnan. My business with her is over, and this matter ends here."

"No!" Xiao Yi refused without hesitation. "Don't meddle in her affairs."

“No!” Lin Meng asserted, unusually firm. “This is my own affair. You said yourself you were helping me. I also said that I owe you one. So this time, it’s up to me, and I’m making the call. I’m insisting you return those things!”

Xiao Yi was silent for half a moment, and let out a low hum.

"Woman's compassion!"

Lin Meng slowly narrowed her eyes, feeling a little prickly under the accusation.

Xiao Yi continued, “You think Wu Shengnan’s parents are good people Her father, Wu Yong, got to his position by squeezing and exploiting countless others. Right now, you're claiming ignorance about Wu Shengnan, so they can't do anything to you. And we still have the photos, which makes him even more cautious. But if you just agreed to their request and gave them back the photos, who knows what he might do With his current position, he could easily get rid of someone without a trace!”

Lin Meng gasped, finding Xiao Yi's words too alarmist. She softly argued, "This is a society governed by law now. If he did that, he would... he would be breaking the law."

"Illegal!" Xiao Yi sneered. "Laws are made to restrain ordinary people. For those in power, laws are nothing but nonsense!"

“You... you're being too absolute!” Lin Meng was speechless. At her age, she hadn't experienced anything serious and naturally couldn't agree with Xiao Yi's words. Besides, from elementary school to high school, the nearly ten years of education she received had been promoting the harmonious and beautiful side of society. When would the school teach students about the dirty side of society!

Lin Meng swallowed hard, finding it difficult to speak. “I don’t care about what you said. All I want is for you to return those things to Wu Shengnan. What you did was excessive to begin with. If you don’t return them to her, I… I can’t live with myself; I won’t be able to sleep or eat.”

"What's keeping you up at night!" Xiao Yi was amused by Lin Meng again. "This is my business, what does it have to do with you Why are you blaming yourself for something that isn't yours"

"Xiao Yi!" Lin Meng was cornered by Xiao Yi and had nothing to say. She couldn't help but get anxious. "In short, you have to listen to me and return the thing."

"No!" Xiao Yi firmly refused.

"How could you do this!" Lin Meng gritted her teeth in anger. "What you did is... very wrong, you know If Wu Shengnan's father finds out about this, he'll get you, you know! You have to give that thing back immediately and let this matter end. I appreciate you helping me, but I don't agree with your approach at all. What you did..."

“That’s who I am!” Xiao Yi suddenly interrupted Lin Meng, shouting, “Lin Meng, that’s just who I am, I kill people and set fires. If anyone messes with me, I’ll make sure they can’t live or die. I’d rather they never came into this world. You’ve known me for more than a day, you should know what kind of person I am!”

Lin Meng fell silent, remembering their first meeting when he had held a knife to her.

Over there, Xiao Yi's breathing was heavy, as if he was angry. After a moment of silence, he continued, "Lin Meng, I am this kind of person, and I won't hide it from you. You might not be used to my ways, you might feel uncomfortable or even unhappy in your heart, but let me tell you, that's just how I am. Since you know me, don't even think about escaping. I'm going to claim you!"

"Slap!" Lin Meng's heart pounded as she frantically threw her phone away, flinging it far out of reach. She stared at the cyan-colored phone, as if glaring at a ferocious beast ready to devour her.

This was Xiao Yi's first time confessing his feelings, the first time he expressed ownership so forcefully. Lin Meng was taken aback.

Of course Xiao Yi heard the commotion coming through the phone. He had a pretty good idea what Lin Meng had done and couldn't help but shut off his phone in frustration. Running his hand through his hair, Xiao Yi felt annoyed at his own inability to keep his cool.

Why did Xiao Yi feel a surge of anger when he saw Lin Meng's expression of displeasure Actually, it wasn't abnormal for Lin Meng to be upset and express herself that way, was it Having been constantly instilled with the values of goodness, integrity, and living up to one's conscience, most people would probably make the same decision as Lin Meng. It was already quite difficult for her to hold her ground against Wu Yong and his wife in their mental battles. But remembering her unhappiness and rejection, Xiao Yi felt a sense of distance between him and this girl. She was too pure, while he had become utterly tainted, black from head to toe. Fearful that she would stay far away from him, severing all ties, he had just revealed his most vicious side to her as if he were throwing himself into the abyss.

The demons in his heart were stirring, tempting him: Tell her, tell that girl, let her know everything about you. She might be uncomfortable at first, but she'll definitely get used to it, and then that girl will be yours!

He wants Lin Mengxin to willingly follow him, and he can't keep hiding everything he's involved in from her.

It seems to have frightened her!

Damn it!

Xiao Yi muttered under his breath, and couldn't help but punch the red wooden table.

He desperately wants the girl to understand him, get used to him, and walk into his life, but he seems to be rushing things.

Maybe I messed things up!

Thus, he became resentful of the restless Wu Yong family again. Xiao Yi snorted and immediately took out his phone to make a call, commanding in a deep voice:

"Li, you pick out another set of photos and send them to Wu Yong. Make sure he behaves himself and doesn't bother people he shouldn't. Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Later on, Wu Yong unexpectedly discovered a yellow folder on his desk at home. It was the same style as the one he had found when he first discovered Wu Shengnan. The familiar look gave Wu Yong a jolt. When he opened the file and looked at the photos inside, along with the brief letter attached, Wu Yong's face turned pale!

The security around his house was no joke. The guards patrolling back and forth were all veterans from the military. Under such heavily guarded conditions, someone could infiltrate his home undetected, leave something behind, and slip away without a trace. Such skill would make it child's play for that person to silently kill him inside.

Wu Yong was astonished, and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

At this moment, the night wind was blowing outside, rustling the leaves. The dense branches cast mottled shadows on the indoor walls through the large glass panes. As the wind moved, the branches swayed, and the shadows on the wall danced as well. Wu Yong caught a glimpse of this with the corner of his eye, becoming suspicious and startled. His heart pounded, and he abruptly flipped over, jumping to the back of the desk. He hurriedly pulled open the middle drawer and took out his pistol. He immediately loaded it and scanned his surroundings warily, a sheen of perspiration appearing on his bronze forehead!

Actually, there is nothing inside!

Actually, it's just the wind outside moving!

Wu Yong sat like that, hunched behind his desk, maintaining a state of alert. He crouched there for a long time before finally resigning himself to the fact that he had overreacted. He put away his gun and wiped his forehead – it was icy cold!

Then, Wu Yong and his wife never harassed Lin Meng again!

This matter just ended quietly and without a sound.

Lin Meng didn't call Xiao Yi again and didn't know if Xiao Yi had followed her request. She was afraid that Wu Yong and his wife would come to her door again, but luckily, the couple didn't show up. Therefore, Lin Meng guessed that maybe Xiao Yi still listened to her and returned those things.

She was sitting there, thinking this and that, but she just didn't want to call Xiao Yi. What he said when he was about to finish that day really scared her.

Lin Meng is a young woman who craves a peaceful and stable life. All she wants to do now is study diligently, avoiding all the chaos and commotion around her.

Xiao Yi, that man, his life was so different from Lin Meng's. Lin Meng felt she was far away from him and didn't want to get involved or have any entanglement. After Gao Xi came looking for her, she insisted on staying far away from Xiao Yi.

Before Liang Su's death, Gao Xi had come to find Lin Meng.

That day, Gao Xi went to visit Liang Su who was hospitalized. Unexpectedly, when he pushed the door open, he discovered that Liang Su had already passed away. The police had reason to suspect Gao Xi's involvement in this murder case. Their reasoning was likely as follows: Gao Xi brought a dagger with him, using the pretense of visiting Liang Su to directly kill him, and then claimed innocence and called the police.

Before Gao Xijin arrived, Liang Su seemed to be fine.

Gao Xi needs Lin Meng to prove his innocence, which means proving that he wasn't in the ward when Liang Su was killed.

When Lin Meng was hospitalized with acute pneumonia, Gao Xi and two policemen came to the hospital to visit Lin Meng. Because people inside the police force had already been notified and knew that Lin Meng was under Rong Ling's protection, they were very polite to Lin Meng. They roughly asked Lin Meng about what happened that day, then signed and made their mark before leaving.

Liang Su still has no leads, but Gao Xi has already proven that he is not involved in this case. He is now innocent, so he came to find Lin Meng. Firstly, he came to thank her; secondly, it was also a warning.

“I heard about what happened to you at school. I wanted to help right away. My dad and Principal Chen are old friends, I even call him Uncle Chen. If I had spoken up, Principal Chen wouldn't have made things difficult for you. But back then, the police suspected me, so I couldn't get too close. I thought I was overthinking it, but someone helped you first thing in the morning. However, that person, Lin Meng, do you know he's very dangerous!”

Lin Meng tightly clenched the glass in her hand, her face slightly changing. It was noon now, and Gao Xi had invited her to this bar next to their school.

Gao Xilie narrowed his eyes, and a hint of reminiscence flashed in his deep-set eyes.

That day...in the hospital ward, I saw you and him, from the window of your floor.

That is to say, Gao Xijian saw blood on Liang Su's chest, as if someone had stabbed him in the chest. He immediately called the police and shouted for a doctor. Plainclothes policemen appeared immediately, broke into Liang Su's room, and after feeling that Liang Su was not breathing, they hurriedly began searching for someone.

Gao Xijin had seen a lot of the world, and at that time he realized that something was probably not right. He was also cautious and looked around for any suspicious characters. For some reason, he suddenly ran towards the window and looked out at the main entrance to the inpatient building downstairs. And then he saw Lin Meng, standing close to a man, their postures very intimate. He frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart, knowing that at that time Lin Meng was still considered a woman who respected propriety, how could she be so bold as to be so intimate with a man in front of so many people!

He squinted, but all he saw was the man's back. Until a bread truck stopped and the man got in, leaning out slightly to say something to Lin Meng with a smile. That was when he finally saw the man's face. It wasn't very clear, but because he had known about this person for some reason before, he recognized him at once! He was startled then, thinking to himself how strange Lin Meng was. She had just been involved with Rong Ling, a fierce tiger, and now she was associating with this hungry wolf!

The Silver Wolf Gang is a mysterious organization not well-known to many people in City J, but coincidentally, Gao Xi knows the inside story. Although Gao Xi doesn't know Xiao Yi's position within the Silver Wolf Gang, he knows that several influential big shots within the gang treat this man with utmost respect.

Many people suspect that Wu Shengnan's incident was carried out by Rong Ling, but Gao Xi doesn't think so. This style of action is too much like the Silver Wolf Group's modus operandi, and he has reason to believe it is related to Xiao Yi. He got some information through certain channels, which also seemed to indicate this. So, he came to find Lin Meng.

“I don’t know the specifics of your relationship with that man, but Lin Meng, I have to warn you, that man is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s not someone you can handle. When he treats you well, he might even pluck the stars from the sky for you. But once he tires of you, you'll be left with nothing. And if you truly ignore my advice and follow him, you could end up losing everything – your safety, your freedom, even your life. You might find yourself imprisoned, or worse, on the run.”

It was like something that only appears in movies, but Gao Xi said it with his own mouth and placed it right before Lin Meng's eyes. Lin Meng didn't know how she walked out of that "Water Water Bar" that day. She just felt that even though the midday sun was scorching hot, she felt freezing cold all over. When she got back home at night, she stared at that turquoise phone for a long time. With a deep breath and gritted teeth, she turned off her phone, took out the battery, and buried it deep inside the drawer.

Some people are not meant to cross paths. Perhaps, that's for the best!

... First published by Xiao Xiang Academy.

Life was passing by smoothly and calmly, just as Lin Meng had hoped. But calmness and stability were the greatest crisis for Lin Meng. His days were too peaceful, without a single ripple. So Lin Bao became restless. He was already eager to act, but he held back because of Rong Ling's unpredictable intentions. Then, as time passed, he discovered that Rong Ling hadn't contacted Lin Meng again and even received some confirmation! And finally, he made his move!

He first went to find Lin Meng's homeroom teacher and took out the doctor's diagnosis from the hospital stating that Lin Meng, who had just recovered from pneumonia, needed to rest properly. He requested the homeroom teacher to allow Lin Meng to no longer attend evening study sessions. Evening study sessions were something imposed on students by the school. The evening study sessions for first-year high school students were different from those for third-year high school students, where teachers would actually give lectures. Instead, it was a true "study your own material" session where students learned independently. This was merely a means for the school to keep students confined within its walls and a method for ensuring that their students could study diligently and achieve excellent academic results and high college admission rates. Whether or not one attended didn't really matter.

As Lin Meng's father, the parents all spoke up, seeming quite reasonable. Teacher Ni had no choice but to let him go. Now, Teacher Ni treated Lin Meng with extreme care, not daring to offend him or his biological father in the slightest.

Lin Meng sat in Lin Bao's car, but found that the car wasn't heading home. She was immediately curious: "Dad, where are we going!"

Lin Bao let out a hearty chuckle. "Good girl, Dad will take you out for a nice dinner tonight."

Lin Meng was so surprised and overjoyed that she didn't know what to do. She never expected her father to care about her so much, taking special leave for her so she wouldn't have to attend evening self-study, and even taking her out for a delicious meal. It felt like the last time her father had taken her out for a treat was when she was very young.

Actually, her body wasn't that fragile and she didn't need to rest at home specially. Lin Mengxiang said this, but when the words reached her lips, she took them back and started giggling foolishly. This was her father's kindness, why should she refuse it! She didn't even know what delicious food they would be having later! Lin Meng licked her lips, looking forward to it very much, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the lights outside the car window. She thought those little lights hanging on the treetops were so beautiful, so lovely, and so lively and cheerful, just like they were playing with her!

The car finally stopped in a luxurious place. After following the beautiful attendants for a while, they entered a private room. The door to the room opened, and a slightly plump middle-aged man immediately stood up and greeted Lin Bao with a beaming smile.

"Lao Lin, you're finally here! I've been waiting for you for so long!"

Lin Bao squinted, smiled and walked up to shake hands with the middle-aged man. After exchanging greetings, the slightly plump man with a square face suddenly shifted his gaze to Lin Meng.

"Well, well, this must be Lin Meng. Come in, come in!"

A middle-aged man suddenly reached out to grab Lin Meng. He was quick and grabbed Lin Meng's hand in a flash. Lin Meng was startled and didn't dodge. She felt like the middle-aged man seemed to squeeze her hand, giving off an indescribable feeling that made the hairs on the back of Lin Meng's neck stand up. Her face changed color, and she quickly withdrew her hand.

That middle-aged man chuckled, let go of his hand, but didn't seem to care. He even pretended to be a gentleman by pulling out a chair for Lin Meng and asking her to sit down.

Lin Meng bit her lip, feeling a little unhappy. The middle-aged man's strange behavior just now had dispelled much of the joy in Lin Meng's heart. She looked up at Lin Bao, puzzled. Didn't her father say he was bringing her here for a delicious meal Who was this inexplicable person! What was he doing here!

Lin Bao still had his small eyes squinting, smiling so hard they were almost slits. Instead of pulling Lin Mengli away from the middle-aged man, he reached out and pushed her closer, gesturing for her to sit down. Finally, his big hand landed on Lin Mengli's shoulder, forcing her down onto the seat.

The middle-aged man smiled and sat down in the seat next to Lin Meng. However, Lin Bao walked back and sat down beside the middle-aged man instead.

This seating arrangement made Lin Meng frown. But she also knew, with guests present, she couldn't make a scene. It would be best to say little and avoid ruining things for the important people.

That middle-aged man there began to shout for the waiter to come over, and in a way that was unclear, he said to the waiter, "Bring the menu over to this lady, let her order!"

Lin Meng had never eaten here before, so she didn't know what to order. The female waitress kindly bent down and whispered beside Lin Meng, "Miss, take your time and look. If you don't understand anything, just ask me!"

Lin Meng glanced at the menu, which was written in an obscure language, making it almost impossible to tell what the dishes were. Helplessly, she turned to Lin Bao for help.

Lin Bao let out a hearty chuckle. "Director Wang, why don't you help Meng Meng order She's young and doesn't come to places like this often. Just do us a favor, I trust your taste!"

This statement is quite profound.

Then, Mr. Wang burst out laughing. “Alright, I’ll take the liberty of making a decision.”

Lin Meng turned her head to look at this Wang Zong, but she felt a pang of fear when she saw that Wang Zong was looking at her with a very strange expression. His eyes held a smile, as did the corners of his mouth, but this smile made Lin Meng feel very uncomfortable. She immediately frowned and lowered her head.

Wang Zong was very satisfied with Lin Meng, extremely satisfied. Lin Meng was brought out of school directly by Lin Bao, dressed in a very obvious student outfit, simply pure to the extreme. As soon as she entered, a faint smile played on her lips, which made Wang Zong's eyes widen. He felt that tonight's meal was absolutely worth it!

This is the woman Rong Lingxiang had his eyes on!

As soon as he thought of this, Mr. Wang's body couldn't help but get hot. When ordering dishes, seeing Lin Mengbei biting her lip with a distressed expression, she was a charming little daughter. Her pitch-black hair fell over her face, seductively brushing past her small face and white neck, it was simply too heart-stirring. The way she looked at Lin Bao for help, that youthful innocence, with the bewilderment of a girl who didn't understand the world, but surprisingly, the long, slightly raised eyebrows revealed a charm that made people dizzy!

No wonder someone like Rong Ling, who aims high but lacks the ability, would fancy him. He truly is a remarkable person!

"Wonderful, absolutely wonderful!"

When Wang thought of the exciting place, he unconsciously shouted it out loud.

The female waitress was stunned. Lin Meng was also puzzled, but she resolutely refused to look up at Mr. Wang! She had made up her mind, she would just eat when the time comes, and after dinner, she would go home immediately! and thought about it again, she felt he shouldn't have died so easily. She had notified him in time, and during their interactions, he had patiently taught her about the Silver Wolf Gang. This made...