The door was wide open (4)

od her head! It felt like everyone was stealthily looking at her."I'm sleepy, I'm going to take a nap!"Unwilling to say more, she hurried towards the classroom. Zhu Xiaomeng gritted her teeth and foll...She was a little taken aback by his serious expression and immediately meekly replied, "Oh."

"What do you want to say"

He let out a sigh. “I really feel ignored!”


She was speechless, taken aback by his rehashing of her past.

He was looking at her seriously, but his tone was accusatory. "You said yourself that you'd put family first and care for the home, but now all you do is work. You've been ignoring me!"

She is his greatest pleasure. Now she sits like a meditating monk, staring at those reports and bills for hours on end, not letting him even play games. Where is that sweet little thing who used to smile and cuddle up beside him Where is that delicate little thing who used to murmur softly by his side Where is that little thing who always wanted to be near him, even when he was working, squeezing herself onto his lap and looking over his documents with him

He furrowed his sword-like brows. "I don't like this at all!"

Lin Meng just stood there for a while.

He looked at her, afraid to hurt her, and added, "I want to see you dancing around me, not around work. If you keep going like this, the position of aunt might as well not be taken!"

Lin Meng suddenly reached out and grabbed his neck, pulling him down. She gently pressed her lips to his, then kissed his face.


She felt embarrassed. It was her oversight. Thinking that the children had something to do, and the man had to deal with both the A-Dong Group and the Shuangmu Group, she could take advantage of everyone's busyness to familiarize herself with her aunt's business. But she should have known that her husband was not an ordinary person. The tasks that would exhaust ordinary people were easily handled by him. She saw him still sitting in front of the computer, seemingly working, but it was very likely that he didn't want to disturb her, so he just sat there, finding something for himself to do.

"Honey, I'm so sorry!" she looked at him apologetically. "I was thinking about the kids and you being busy, and I wanted to finish things with my aunt as soon as possible, but now I realize I was wrong. There's never a time when everything is finished in this world. One thing ends, another starts, so it's better to just stick to our original plan. Honey, I'm so sorry for putting you through this!"

When she's in a good mood and wants to be cute, she'll softly call him "husband." Of course, when she makes a mistake, is in the wrong, or feels guilty, she'll also call him "husband." At that time, she's hoping he'll be magnanimous and forgive her.

"I promise I won't do that again!"

She kissed him several times, then smiled sweetly at him.

He frowned, sat up, and pulled her closer to his chest.

"We agreed it was just for fun, I don't want you to take it too seriously!"

Since you've already taken it, how can you just play around with it

He forgot that, with his wife's sense of responsibility, once she took something on, she was definitely going to go all out.

"Do you really like this job"

"Not bad!"

"Don't you consider being the chairwoman of Shuangmu, or accepting the offer from Bao Man Yi's express company What about the foundation I told you about before Those are all your family's businesses. You can do whatever you want with them, it's way easier than being your aunt."

Her heart felt particularly warm, knowing it must be her husband who was feeling sorry for her.

"My aunt's job is actually quite easy, it doesn't really require any technical skills. You see me looking so busy, but I'm actually thinking about other things."

He looked at her questioningly.

She gave him a mysterious smile and shook her head. "I haven't quite figured it out yet, so I won't tell you for now, lest you laugh at me. But when I do, I'll definitely tell you first, hehe, maybe I'll even want to hear your opinion then!"

It was just those eyes, which shone with such confidence. She must have thought of something good, and she was particularly confident, with the energy to do it.

He saw her like this, and wanted to hint again, but couldn't bring himself to say it.

Actually, he liked to see her like this, as if she were glowing all over!

She acted like a little woman again, rubbing against his chest and tilting her white, delicate face up. Her small mouth was slightly pouted as she shook her head at him several times. “I don’t really want to hear those things you just said,” she muttered. “I don’t want to be a strong woman, okay Business is so complicated, I don't want to get involved. You wouldn’t want me to be swallowed up by someone else, would you”

She suddenly remembered something from the past, stiffened her tiny waist with a defiant air, and bit his chin lightly, complaining in a soft voice.

Back then, I ran around for the sake of prosperity, while you bullied people and had that logistics director of yours mistreat me. I still remember it!

He immediately became awkward and brushed it off. "It's all in the past!"

"It's not over yet, is it If I really went out there and tried to make something of myself, who knows what could happen You know what I mean, right"

She batted her eyelashes flirtatiously at him. "You wouldn't want me to be taken advantage of by someone else, would you"

At first, who was it that urgently stopped her from doing business And who deliberately wanted to make things difficult for her, making her see the harsh realities of the business world!

He defended himself. ("It's all our own company, it definitely won't let you suffer those grievances. That kind of thing is absolutely impossible!")

"Are you sure"

She looked at him with a smile, half her body almost hanging on him. A wave of feminine fragrance hit him head-on. He cursed inwardly, this woman was so enchanting, easily able to captivate people's souls. He really couldn't be sure!

"Then you'll follow me!"

"Oh no!" she giggled. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, you know. I can't be with you every day, or else you'll get tired of seeing me and lose interest!"

She gave him a sly look. “You have to keep things just right, you know That way I can keep you hooked!”

After finishing, she gave him a wink.

He could finally hold it in no longer, and let out a low chuckle.

She saw that he finally smiled, so she let go of him and jumped off the bed.

"Wait for me!"

Then, she ran barefoot to the dressing room. When she came out, her hands were behind her back, and she looked at him with a smile, approaching him in a nearly joyful pace.

"Guess what I'm holding"

His eyes flashed, but he said nothing.

She didn't hold back anymore.

"Ding ding ding—"

With a spoiled look, it took out the sweater from behind.

"Here you go, I finished weaving it for you!"

He guessed it right! But that doesn't stop him from continuing to be happy.

She whispered, "I just finished weaving it today. I was going to give it to you later. But now..."

She stuck her tongue out at him playfully, of course she had to coax him first.

She spread out her clothes, grabbed the shoulders, and shook them at him.

"Pretty good"

He nodded.

She said again, "Actually, I haven't been working all the time. You see, when I'm not working, I knit this. So don't worry, I definitely won't neglect you!"

Saying this, her little face flushed slightly, but her eyes were bright and clear. Though a bit embarrassed, she bravely looked at him.

Even if she has done all this, how can he still speak to her like that!

He took the clothes and touched them, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

"I like it very much!"

"Why don't you try it on" she eagerly suggested.

He nodded.

She pulled him toward the fitting room. Once they arrived, she rushed to help him take off his clothes. He chuckled softly, looking down at her delicate fingertips as they gently unbuttoned each handmade button, like peeling a shell. His heart softened at the sight. Each fingertip felt like it was touching his very soul.

The knitted sweater fits perfectly, as if it were tailor-made for him. The light gray color exudes an air of elegance, and the style is simple and understated, without any superfluous patterns. There's only a delicate needlework of ink bamboo on the left chest.

She reached out and touched the clump of ink bamboo, saying in a crisp voice, “Men should be like bamboo, strong and upright, with a sense of propriety, and even more so with an open heart like a valley, containing the heart of the universe!”

Her beautiful eyes were fixed on him, filled with admiration and undisguised love.

He knew she was using a metaphor to describe him, so he smiled and asked knowingly.

"Baby, are you showing your love for me"

She glared at him. "You've said all those lovey-dovey things so many times already!"

He chuckled, teased by this little woman, his whole body feeling pleasantly uncomfortable!

Indeed, she was his sunshine and his most precious treasure!

She helped him take off his clothes.

She murmured like a little wife, "When the weather cools down in a few days, you can wear it. I'll wash it and put it away for you first."

She folded her clothes slightly and put them aside. She turned around, and was immediately enveloped in the man's arms. Because he had nothing on his upper body, his scent hit her with full force.

"Little one..." He murmured in a low, husky voice, and she knew exactly what he meant. Reaching out, she encircled his lean waist, tilting her head up slightly to receive his scorching kiss. Her softness only fanned the flames of desire burning within him. Kissing her, holding her close, he pressed her against the closet. One hand braced against the wall of the closet while the other cupped her small waist, trapping her in this tiny haven he had created. He showered her with either intense and deep kisses or light, tantalizing ones. And she, with her alluring eyes half-closed, a blushing face like it had been painted with rouge, was lost in his embrace, swaying to his rhythm.

Two people exchanged a passionate kiss inside the fitting room, stopping only just before things got out of hand.

He tidied her disheveled clothes, and she buttoned up his shirt for him. His smile was in his eyes. Hers was on her face. After they were done, their eyes met, and that smile fell into both of their hearts.

After that, Lin Meng's days returned to their usual pace, only slightly busier than before. The extra work was all done during the day. When the three little ones came back in the evening, she put her work aside and spent time with them. Sometimes she would just sit and watch the three of them draw pictures, sometimes she would watch them debate and discuss. At these times, even if she didn't say anything, she could feel that the three children were very happy. They all seemed to enjoy feeling her attention.

Sometimes, she would pick up a tank manual lying around and take a look. Although the professional jargon and cold vocabulary would give her a headache after a while, she just considered it broadening her horizons. However, she was willing to read about little stories about tanks, and she enjoyed reading them. When the man came back, she would chat with him about his day and ask him about things at work. If he had work to do, she would go off to play computer games, read novels, or knit, taking breaks to wander over to where he was working and see what he was doing. If she could help, she would assist him. If it caught her interest, she would pull up a chair and watch him work. But most of the time, he would simply pull her onto his lap.

After work, she would chat with the man about everything and nothing, or they would watch a movie together. But most of the time, she would sit beside the man and watch the three little ones run around.

Three small ones have already made the basic model diagram. Next, they will purchase raw materials, cut templates, carve gears, and assemble them. Lin Meng is interested in this kind of manual labor.

Since the study wasn't suitable for this kind of workshop activity, Rong Ling simply set up a small room in the basement for the three people and brought in a lathe for them to work on. The lathe whirred and buzzed, and the three boys, like three steelworkers, worked with great fervor and enthusiasm. Lin Meng watched with relish.The noise made by the three drew quite a crowd. People like Aunt Yu, Uncle Zun, and even the bodyguards in the villa would often come to take a look. They wouldn't stay long for fear of disturbing the three, usually just standing at the door for a while before leaving.

Lin Meng stared at the three little ones for a while at first, but then he stopped watching them so closely. After all, a lathe is a dangerous thing, and Lin Meng was worried that the three little ones would be cut or scratched by the machine with their small arms and legs. Later, seeing that although the three little ones were small, they were able to operate well and were careful enough, he felt much more at ease.

At this time, some ideas about the position of "Auntie" gradually took shape. Respectful Uncle watched over the three children there, and Auntie would pull Rong Ling into the study to discuss with him, letting him hear her thoughts, then seeing if they were appropriate, and whether there was anything that needed advice.

Instead of hoarding dead money, turn it into living money used for investment. This isn't just about investing in inanimate objects like land and property, but also in living things, such as talented individuals. That's a very bold idea!

Please remember the website domain: g.xxxor these, she'd have lunged and bitten him.“Fine, break it then!” She turned cold. “After you’ve broken it, please leave and don’t come back.”This statement is like a lit fuse, it could easily set him...