Sedimentation (9)

! She is fragile and delicate, look at her now—Her clothes were torn, and her hair was a mess. He could see the black strands of hair scattered on the ground, obviously Lin Meng's. And because her clo...Lin Zixīn's heart skipped a beat, and she asked urgently. "Was that man very close to you Did he walk past you"

"No, he was looking at me, ohhh, help, he was wearing sunglasses, but I just knew he was staring at me... ohh..."

Jin Sai Mei was terrified, her body pressing hard against the wall as if that could lessen the fear in her heart.

Lin Zi let out a sigh of relief in her heart. At this moment, she also came back to her senses. According to her mother's words, it was obvious that the other party was just scaring her mother and didn't really want her mother's life. Otherwise, if they wanted her mother's life, they should have succeeded at the time of the car accident!

Well, her mother deserves a good scare. She should be scared badly so that she won't mess around anymore!

Thinking about it, she feigned helplessness and let out a sob.

"Fine, what can I do I'm your daughter after all! Mom, don't panic first, I'll call Rong Ling and the others right away!"

"Okay, okay, hurry up and hit, hurry up and hit..."

As she was speaking, the phone call ended. Kinsey's eyes welled up with tears as she clutched her phone like a life preserver, staring fearfully at the figure in black who was now a considerable distance away from her. Though they were far apart, she didn't dare breathe, anxiously hoping for a call from Lin Zi, praying that Lin Zi would be able to resolve this situation.

Lin Zi doesn't have Rong Ling's phone number, so she could only call Lin Meng. After a few rings, the call was answered, and she rushed to speak, but was cut off by the other party.

"Take care of your family, and next time, I will show you no mercy!"

The moment the chillingly abnormal sentence left her lips, he hung up the phone. It was clear he wasn't willing to say another word, or perhaps, he simply couldn't be bothered!

The person who answered the phone was Rong Ling!

Although it was just one sentence, its power was still formidable. Lin Zi was still startled. She bit her lip hard and took several deep breaths before calming herself down.

So, her guess was still correct. Probably out of consideration for Lin Meng's face, Rong Ling didn't go too far. Now the only question is how much "leniency" Rong Ling meant by that!

She let out a bitter smile, but the next second, she couldn't help but be afraid, and then tears streamed down her face from fear. She didn't know what would happen to her. She had worked so hard to get to where she was today. If all her abilities were reduced to ashes――

She thought about it, and her head ached so badly she couldn't stand it. If that was the case, she really could just die!

She hated, she was annoyed, she blamed. After crying like that for a while, she fiercely wiped the tears from her face and called Jin Sai Mei. The phone was picked up quickly.

"Hey, how's it going" Jin Sai Mei asked hurriedly.

Lin Zi shouted angrily, "I'm going to be killed by both of you! If I end up with nothing in the end, I swear I'll drag you and Lin Dong down with me!"

Jin Sai's legs went soft, she gasped repeatedly, her two rows of teeth chattered uncontrollably, but she couldn't utter a word.

"Now, you are going home with me. You're not allowed to leave the house until I tell you. Also, from now on, you're not allowed to go near Lin Meng again!"

Jin Sai Mei mumbled incoherently, glancing away into the distance. She noticed that the shadow had vanished, and guessed that perhaps Lin Zi and Rong Ling had said something. Although she was still afraid, she let out a breath of relief and could finally speak.

"Zi Zi, Lin Meng over there... what did he say to you"

"What do you have to say!" Lin Zi said coldly. "Get home right now!"

"What… what if something happens to me!"

"Go home first, I probably won't kill you for now!"

Jinsai Mei shuddered again and hurriedly walked away, basket in hand, muttering to herself as she went.

"Zizi, don't hang up the phone, stay and talk to Mom for a while. Mom is scared!"

Lin Zi's eyes flashed with anger, and she hissed again. "You know you should be afraid, yet you still dare to provoke me!"

Jin Saimei didn't dare to speak much. She just clutched the phone tightly, stooped her waist and peeked around, like a spy. Luckily, the market wasn't too far from home. After walking carefully for about ten minutes, Jin Saimei finally reached home. After she got into the elevator and saw the elevator door close, she let out a long sigh of relief. She felt drained all over and couldn't help but lean back against the elevator with her back.

When the elevator stopped on the fourth floor, Jinsemei slightly opened her weary eyes and glanced at it. That one glance almost sent chills down her spine. As the elevator doors slowly slid open, that familiar blackness from head to toe nearly killed her!

No, no, it can't be them. It can't be them…

Finally, the elevator doors swung wide open on both sides, revealing the person standing outside completely. At that moment, an undeniable truth shattered her hopes mercilessly. The gleaming katana clutched in the black-clad man's hand, radiating a bone-chilling aura, sent her into a silent scream.


The basket tumbled to the ground. Her phone, also because of her overwhelming fear, fell along with it. She raised her hands to her chest in an instinctive defensive posture, but they trembled uncontrollably, offering no protection whatsoever. She was as fragile and vulnerable as a fish waiting to be slaughtered.

The man shook the knife in his hand, and suddenly pointed it forward. The tip of the blade was aimed straight at her head. Jinsemei was terrified and shrank back desperately, tears streaming down her face, her complexion as pale as death.

"Spare... Spare my life... Spare my life... Spare my life..."

With trembling lips, she tossed and turned, fixated on those two words. As the blade approached her face, poised to pierce her skin, she could bear it no longer. Her eyes rolled back, and her entire body went limp like a heavy sack of potatoes, sliding down the elevator wall with a sudden jerk. She lay motionless, having fainted! Simultaneously, the flax-colored trousers between her legs deepened in hue, becoming noticeably wet – she had urinated!

The black-clad man glared coldly, sheathed his watermelon knife within his black overcoat, and turned to leave. The elevator doors closed shortly after, starting to ascend according to the floor Jin Sai Mei had pressed earlier. But Jin Sai Mei had fainted, knowing nothing at all. Even when the elevator reached her designated floor, she remained motionless.

Lin Zi kept calling out, her voice panicked and desperate. But because it was a mobile call, her voice came through as weak and pitiful. At this moment, Tang Shengjun called again, forcing her to hang up the phone hastily and quickly disguise her expression. This old man was someone she had finally managed to capture. He valued her obedience, diligence, filial piety, and discretion – never causing trouble or making a fuss. She absolutely couldn't let him know about what had happened with her mother; otherwise, it would greatly diminish her image in his eyes, and consequently affect their relationship. Rong Ling was a man of his word. Since he had promised to show leniency, he shouldn't have taken her mother's life.

Thus thinking, she braced herself and faced Tang Shengjun.

Meanwhile, Kim Sae Ron was quickly surrounded by many people because this elevator wasn't just for her family; others needed to use it too. In this shared elevator, you're sprawled out there so large and you urinated, scattering the vegetables you bought all over the place! How are we supposed to use this! Especially that pungent smell of urine pervades this small space of the elevator, it's really unbearable.

"Who is this What's with the look"

A number of people coming home from work at this hour noticed the elevator in a sorry state. Instinctively, they frowned upon seeing it. Someone pressed the elevator button to keep it on the first floor and sent someone to call the property management. Some said that they recognized the man; he seemed to be a resident of this building as well. There were also kindhearted people who said, “Maybe this person is ill,” adding, “If that’s the case, we should call an ambulance right away.” The reason they concluded that Jin Saimei wasn't dead was naturally because her bloated body was slightly undulating with each breath.

Amidst the commotion, someone who didn't mind the smell went into the elevator and pushed Jin Saimei. In the end, they really woke her up. Jin Saimei's first reaction was to push back hard at the person who pushed her, then she suddenly pulled back, widening her eyes and kicking them hard.

"Stay away!" she shouted.

The person who pushed him turned black with anger. I was trying to help you, but your expression is like I'm a rogue who's going to molest you! Seeing Jin Sai Mei like this, and hearing her voice so forceful, he could tell there wasn't anything serious going on. He felt disappointed and stood up directly, walking out of the elevator.

When others saw Jin Saimei like this, they were also a little unhappy. Some with sharp tongues even directly criticized her.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I'm here to help you, but what's your attitude"

"Indeed, what a shame that he doesn't know a good person when he sees one!"

"Besides, this is a public elevator, not your own bathroom. Don't be so oblivious!"

"Yeah, the impact is really bad, you should be more self-aware..."

Jinsai Mei was stunned and looked down following the condescending gazes of everyone, her face flushed red and white before turning black altogether. She lowered her eyes, her lips trembled slightly, and suddenly crouched down to pick up her phone before rushing out. Everyone gave way to avoid her dirt and mess. Jinsai Mei just rushed out and walked down the stairs.

Then someone called.

"Hey, you really need to clean this place up. It's so dirty and smelly, how can people even ride in here"

Jin Sai Mei ignored the stares, her head down as she pushed forward. Finally, she managed to turn onto the staircase, taking a slight breather and then feeling shame so intense she wanted to disappear into a hole. Some of the people surrounding her were familiar faces. To be seen in such a disheveled state by them – how could she possibly face anyone after this! Even thinking about everyone seeing her like this made her feel unbearably itchy all over!

Embarrassed and annoyed, Jin Saimei was truly furious for a while, then she became scared. She immediately thought of Lin Zi. Picking up her phone, she saw that the call had already ended. Her heart felt irritated. She thought to herself, "What's wrong with my daughter When something happened to me, why didn't she call or ask someone" Then she remembered that Lin Zi was currently on her honeymoon with Tang Shengjun, so it might be inconvenient for her to call. So, she suppressed the anger in her heart. This daughter was her greatest support, and she couldn't afford to estrange herself from her.

Thinking of Lin Zi's previous instructions to return home quickly, and recalling the man with the watermelon knife who hadn't killed her after all, she scrambled up the stairs, staggering towards the fifteenth floor. As she climbed, she couldn't help but speculate in her mind, perhaps her own daughter had reached some kind of agreement with Rong Lingda. If that were true, then it would be a blessing!

She wasn't someone who exercised regularly, and her somewhat plump physique struggled with the climb up ten floors. By the time she reached fifteen floors, she was drenched in sweat. Ignoring her need to rest, she gasped for breath and finally reached her doorstep. She glanced around repeatedly to make sure no one was waiting for her. Only when she was certain was she able to quickly rummage through her bag for her keys, unlock the door, and swiftly dart inside, shutting it behind her.

Only then did she truly let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, I'm home. Finally, I'm safe.

She plopped down on the ground, realizing this wasn't right. She didn't care about being dirty or anything like that, so she crawled forward a few steps and suddenly landed on the floor near the entrance hall. Then, she lay there motionless like a dead fish.

At this moment, her fear finally erupted like layers of volcanic lava that had been accumulating for a long time.

She lay there for an unknown amount of time before Lin Zi's call came in. She quickly answered it. Lin Zi expressed relief upon learning that she was back home. She also explained that Tang Shengjun was present and it wasn't convenient to talk. She repeatedly warned Jin Saimei and Lin Dong not to cause any more trouble. She stressed that if this situation ultimately harmed Tang Shengjun's interests, there would be consequences, and Tang Shengjun would definitely take action against her.

Jin Sai Mei changed color again, her lips trembling as she repeatedly said that she would never do that again. After these repeated experiences, she was almost scared out of her wits and dared not provoke Lin Meng anymore.

Lin Zi again said that family matters, she didn't want to tell Tang Shengjun about them. She was keeping everything a secret from him to avoid affecting his perception of her and to ensure Jin Saimei cooperated with her. Jin Saimei naturally agreed readily, and then the call ended. Lin Zi said that she would call again when she was free, and Jin Saimei just stayed at home and didn't go anywhere else!

Jin Sai Mei obediently listened, not daring to be arrogant at all. She went to close all the doors and windows in the house to prevent anyone from entering. After that, she changed into a new pair of trousers and, too lazy to wash them, just shoved them directly into a basin of water to soak. She went to the living room and nestled into the sofa, quietly waiting for Lin Zi, Lin Dong, and even possibly another attack from Rong Ling.

Soon after, a property manager came over and gave Jin Sai Mei a talking-to. He then ordered her to immediately clean the elevator. Jin Sai Mei didn't dare leave the house, so she could only return inside to retrieve some money. She then went back out, putting on a smile and profusely requesting that, due to her illness, the two property managers find someone to help her clean up.

Money can make the devil go to work. After the two property managers took the money, they looked a little better on the surface, but they still said some words to Jin Sai Mei, reminding her to pay attention in the future and not affect others, after all, it was a public elevator.

Jin Sai Mei dressed up her grandson like a little baby and repeatedly praised him, eventually sending the person away.

After closing the door, she muttered under her breath, held her anger in, and lay back down on the sofa.

It was well past nine o'clock, and darkness had enveloped the outside world when the doorbell rang, startling Kinsley. She jumped up from the sofa with a jolt, too scared to immediately go answer it. The insistent ringing continued, however, and she eventually couldn't bear it any longer. After thinking for a moment, she grabbed a kitchen knife and cautiously approached the door.

"Who is it" she asked timidly.

"Mom, it's me!" A slightly weak voice of Lin Dong could be heard outside the door.

Jin Sai Mei then gathered her courage and peered through the cat's eye. Seeing that it was indeed her own son, she let out a breath of relief, quickly opened the door, and scolded him severely.

"What's wrong with you Why did you turn off your phone Don't you know I almost got into an accident because of you Where have you been -- oh!"

She gasped and hurriedly reached out to steady Lin Dong, who was staggering and about to fall.

"What's wrong"

Only then did she see, her son's face was so pale, and he was also sweating profusely.

Lin Dong let out a muffled grunt and didn't say much, hurrying into the house. Jin Sai Mei also hurriedly helped him inside, then at a glance, she gasped again.

"What's going on!"

She saw Lin Dong's hands holding a black cloth, which looked wet and had a faint smell of blood seeping out.

"Let me sit for a while!" Lin Dong said weakly.

Kinsley immediately agreed, helping him to the sofa with all her might. As soon as Lin Dong reached the sofa, he could no longer hold himself up and collapsed completely, taking up the entire couch.


It seemed as if it was only then that he finally let out a relaxed breath.

Jin Sai Mei hurriedly reached out and pulled the black cloth away.

"Ugh—" Lin Dong gasped, drawing in a sharp breath of cold air. "Don't move, gently, gently!"

"What's wrong" Jinsey Mei was very worried.

"Give me some hemostatic medicine, antiseptic solution, cotton swabs, hemostatic patches, and Yunnan Baiyao!"

At this point, Jin Sai Mei was already bleeding. Seeing the dark red blood at her fingertips and hearing Lin Dong's words, she panicked even more.

"You... you're also in trouble"

Lin Dong let out an "um," but then immediately shushed. "Don't make a sound, quickly get me the medicine!"

Jin Sai went to get the medicine in a hurry. After she came back, she put everything she needed aside and prepared it. She unwrapped the black cloth covering Lin Dong's hands. After seeing Lin Dong's terrible hands, tears started streaming down her face.


How could you be so heartless!


Yet it was Lin Dong's ten fingers that were stripped of their fingernails, leaving them bloody and gruesome. This wasn't all; his ten fingers were also brutally broken.

Lin Dong, with a piece of gauze in his mouth, gritted his teeth and endured the pain. Sweat poured down his face as Jin Saime helped him clean up. After Jin Saime had roughly dealt with it, Lin Dong spit out the gauze in his mouth and let out a long sigh.

Jin Sai-mei burst into tears, and through Lin Dong's account, she realized that their family had truly gotten themselves involved with a malevolent spirit this time. Lin Dong's actions naturally led to the capture of those who wronged them.

I regret it!

I regret it so much!

Now this mother and son are afraid, because this is just the beginning!

Having no other choice, both Lin Dong and his son were terrified. They could only call Lin Zi for help. Lin Zi promised to call them back in about ten minutes and hung up first.

She had finally coaxed Tang Shengjun into calming down, but she received a call from her manager saying that the originally secured role of female lead in a big-budget film with many stars had been revoked. Instead, she was downgraded to the second female lead!

Her heart skipped a beat, realizing that her punishment was finally here!

That movie's plot is really good. If she can perform well as the female lead, there's a high chance she could even compete for Best Actress. To this end, she put in a lot of effort, even during her honeymoon, she was busy reading the script and pondering the character. But now, she's been downgraded to the second female lead, playing a negative role. This deep blow instantly drained all her energy. She had already planned it out, she would use this movie to step onto the international stage, and then as Best Actress, she would join the ranks of top domestic actresses. After taking on a few more projects from Tangshi Group, she would be able to hold her own internationally.

Now it's over, her plans are completely ruined, and this is all because of her foolish mother and brother!

In a fit of rage, Lin Zi gave Jin Saimei a call and started berating her nonstop. Her outburst was so intense that both Lin Dong and Jin Saimei lowered their heads in shame, afraid to speak a word.

If I don't get what I want, none of you will ever be happy. Whoever dares to stand in my way, I'll kill gods and Buddhas! Even if it's my own family!

Kinsay comforted Linzi softly, "Don't be angry!"

Lin Zi roared, “I’m messed up like this, and you still expect me not to be angry! You two ruined my carefully planned path. Do you know what I had to sacrifice to get this role! Now, because of your stupid actions, all my efforts are gone. This is a signal, my good lead role has been taken away. In the short term, who would dare to touch this hot potato and let me be the leading lady again! I hate it, I really hate it! How could I have parents and a brother like you!”

Lin Dong hung his head in dejection, not daring to utter a sound. All Jin Sai Mei could do was cry, sobbing softly.

“For the next two months, all your allowances are canceled!” Lin Zi said angrily. “All of you behave yourselves and just pretend that Lin Meng doesn't exist. If any of you dare to cause trouble again, don't even think I'll give you a single cent! And if you make me mad again, I'm going public, cutting ties with all of you in the newspaper. From then on, live your lives as you please, die or be reborn, it’s none of my business!”

Jin Sai Mei hurriedly said, "Oh, we all listen to you, we all listen to you, ZiZi ah, don't be angry, don't be angry, we all listen to you, we all listen to you!"

In the middle of their conversation, she hurriedly tugged at Lin Dong's sleeve.

Lin Dong was brutally punished this time. The so-called "ten fingers connected to the heart," all ten of his fingernails were pulled out deeply, a pain he would never forget in his life. Moreover, his finger bones were broken. Although they could heal in a few months, during this period, both hands were basically scrapped. He couldn't do anything, and even the slightest movement caused excruciating pain. This pain would haunt him for several months, tormenting him constantly, reminding him of the source of it all. He was also warned not to go to the hospital for treatment, so he was terrified, truly terrified.

"You have your way!" he replied in a sullen voice. "Just pretend... pretend that person never existed!"

Now, he doesn't even dare to mention the name "Lin Meng".

Lin Zi snorted. "Do as you please, anyway, I've said my piece. You know my character, I always do what I say. Lin Dong, regarding this child... If her mother can afford to raise her, then send her back to her mother with some money. When she grows up, we'll take her back. But if her mother can't afford it, you hire a wet nurse and make it clear that this child has nothing to do with her mother from now on! You gave birth to a daughter but refuse to raise her, and when the child grows up, the mother shouldn't even dream of taking advantage of her!"

Lin Dong immediately nodded repeatedly.

Lin Zi thought of everything she could, and then gave some more instructions. Finally, she told Lin Dong and his mother not to go out for this month before hanging up the phone!

Then, she called Lin Meng again, but no one answered. Thinking about it, she wrote a text message and sent it to Lin Meng after finishing it.

The text message was watched by Rong Ling and Lin Meng together. The general content is that Lin Zi guaranteed herself that she had subdued her mother and brother, and they would not bother Lin Meng again in the future, and also asked Rong Ling to show mercy. That's all for now.

Feng Ling always does things efficiently and never drags things out. Since he was determined to discipline the Lin family, of course, he would do it all in one go. Originally, disciplining them was only meant to end tonight, so to Lin Zi's low-spirited plea, he only replied with a single word — "Hmm."

That's the end of the story about Lin Dong's family. They never came to visit again, but that's a tale for another time.

The results of the two small listens were like this, I was very satisfied.

With the story finished, both children’s hair was mostly dry. Youyou stood up, her large and bright eyes scanned around quickly, then she ran to one side, fetched a high stool, and moved it next to the cabinet leaning against the wall.

"Youyou, what are you going to do"

Lin Meng asked softly.

The little boy gave her a smile, remained silent, and continued to carry the chair. Finally, when he reached the bookcase, he climbed onto the stool, opened the glass door on top, and stretched out his two hands to take out the fat doll from inside the cabinet.

At this time, Little Haohao also rushed to Little Youyou's side in a hurry. Seeing that Little Youyou took out the chubby doll, he hurriedly spread his hands and took the chubby doll.

Rong Ling's eyes flashed.

Lin Meng's heart skipped a beat.

Little Hao held two plump dolls, waiting for Little Youyou to close the glass door again. He jumped down from his high stool and extended his hand forward, giving one to Little Youyou. The two little ones, each holding a white, chubby doll—the same porcelain dolls Yu Xu had picked up from an antique stall earlier—walked carefully towards Lin Meng.

When she got close, Little Youyou smiled sweetly at Lin Meng and handed over the little doll she was holding.

"Mommy, Youyou wants a little sister. You promised Youyou that you would give Youyou a little sister!"

“And there's a little brother too!” Xiao Hao also handed over the boy doll in his hand.

--- Aside ---

The story of the wealthy family's young wife four years ago has already been published as "A Love Affair in a Wealthy Family." It is on sale at Dangdang, ZuoYue, JingDong, Taobao, and major bookstores. Please support it, o(n_n)o Thank you!

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