led as usual, greeting him at the door. She finally agreed to let him come back home under the pretense of talking about his father, and in truth, it brought a wave of relief. To be honest, she misse...When Lin Meng returned in the car, her face didn't look good. She was still young and not very good at hiding her emotions. The redness around her eyes, which couldn't fade because of the bitterness, could only make people feel more deeply for this girl's sadness.

Feng Ling sat in the car, casually taking the lily of the valley from Lin Meng's hand, and asked softly, "Did someone upset you just now!"

This man is incredibly shrewd!

Lin Meng felt a tightening in her chest and shook her head hurriedly. “No, but I’m still quite sad inside.”

Rong Ling frowned, putting down the lily of the valley and pulled Lin Meng into her arms. “Don’t think too much, it's not like I'm not letting you go home. If you want to come back, it can be done anytime, anywhere. Isn't this still your home”

"Hmm." Lin Meng nodded. Her black hair gently fell with the movement, covering half her face and making her complexion appear even more delicately pale.

He lowered his head and gave her a light kiss on the corner of her mouth. His large hand caressed her head soothingly.

It felt very warm, and gradually dispelled a lot of Lin Meng's sadness!

Lin Meng sniffed, pressing against the clothes on his chest, looking adorable.

"What's wrong" he asked.

She raised her eyebrow slightly and smiled softly. "A whiff of smoke!"

Saying that, she leaned in close to his face. It seemed like a bold move, but done casually.

Rong Ling didn't smoke often, but sometimes, especially in business situations, he had to endure puffing on a couple of cigarettes. This was the first time Lin Meng had smelled the scent of tobacco on Rong Ling; it felt rather novel. She tilted her head back and snuggled into his embrace, sniffing along his jawline.

She looked like a mischievous little puppy. Her shiny black eyes blinked, clear and innocent, just like a dog's.

Rong Ling's heart moved, and suddenly she had the long-lost urge to play a prank.

He lowered his head and, with lightning speed, crashed his lips onto Lin Meng's. He was especially efficient in parting her lips, sweeping across her small mouth. After teasing her delicate little tongue, he kissed her lips gently again, chuckling softly, "Did you taste the tobacco"

Lin Meng's face was flushed red. She didn't look at him, but her black eyes held a smile. Her lips closed, and she burrowed into his arms.

Rong Ling's chest rose and fell slightly, because of the smile.

Lin Meng thought, why was it that even though they both smoked, the smell on this man was so good She had smoked too that day, only feeling a burning sensation in her throat and the smell of smoke was somewhat pungent. It wasn't like this man, perhaps because there was still a musky scent of masculinity on him!

Hey! What's she thinking about!

Lin Meng's ears flushed red. Now, she was even more determined to burrow into Rong Ling's arms and not come out. If Rong Ling knew her thoughts, she would be so embarrassed!

Unknowingly, the sorrow that had lingered in her heart quietly dissipated.

Before he even reached the Yu Jin Hotel, Rong Ling received a phone call, seemingly something that needed him to handle it personally. As a prominent figure, managing such a large enterprise, it was actually difficult for him to spare a whole day like this. Since the house they had their eyes on wasn't finished being renovated, Lin Meng still had to temporarily reside in the Yu Jin Hotel. After sending Lin Meng back to the presidential suite and instructing her to rest early, Rong Ling left.

Lin Meng didn't think much about it, she took out a set of pajamas from her bag and went to wash up. She had run all day, sweating and getting covered in dust. She stayed in the bathroom for half an hour, taking a bath before coming out.

With one hand holding a dry towel, she wiped her damp hair with the other. Because she was thirsty, she wanted to pour herself a glass of water. But just as she had taken two steps out of the bathroom, she was startled by the black shadow sitting on the bed and let out a cry.

“Xiao… Xiao Yi!” She was so frightened that she couldn’t even speak coherently. Instinctively, she pulled her pajamas tighter, afraid of something being amiss. Because she had been thinking about going to sleep directly, under her pajamas besides underwear, there was nothing else. Although her pajamas weren't sheer, they could still vaguely reveal the roundness of her chest. Lin Meng blushed, awkwardly reaching out with her hand to cover her chest. Then, she even took down the towel and blocked it in front of her chest.

Xiao Yi, who had been silent like a statue, got up from the bed. He stood there, his face stoic, watching her without a word. He was very tall, easily a head taller than Lin Meng. His lips were pursed, his eyes deep, and his entire being radiated an indescribable coldness. Standing straight and tall in his tight-fitting black clothes and pants, he gave off the air of a nocturnal predator who could go anywhere and do anything, mysterious and intimidating. Because, to Lin Meng's feeling, he was too oppressive, even solemn!

Xiao Yi had always given her the impression of being carefree and nonchalant, as if nothing bothered him. It seemed like any serious matter would become a joke in his hands. But today, his aura reminded Lin Meng of Rong Ling's fury!

These two men, at this very moment, were astonishingly alike!

"Xiao Yi!" Lin Meng was a little nervous, calling his name again in a hushed voice. She didn't understand why he looked like this, nor did she understand how he ended up here!

Xiao Yi sneered, his expression cold.

"I remember you said not to be a mistress, and you said that applied to everyone. So how come when it comes to Rong Ling, your words don't count anymore!"

He was still eagerly waiting for the little white rabbit to come knocking, unaware that the rabbit had gone looking for someone else and was charging straight at Rong Ling, the big tree, as if she were determined to be run over!

In front of so many people, she could actually cry and say to that man, "Will you support me" It made him burn with anger. He cherished her, respected her, gave her the chance to choose, and also gave her a buffer, but he never expected her to be so humble and beg someone else!

Damn it, damn it all!

Finally, I just stood there and watched as she was taken in by that man. I watched helplessly as she walked out of the house with bags and luggage, following him!

"Lin Meng, you're such a bitch!"

He cursed maliciously!

Lin Meng's body trembled, she took a step back, and her face paled slightly.

"I... I am not a mistress!"

"What! Are you kidding me" Xiao Yi scoffed. "If it's not a mistress, then what is it Isn't being supported by him the same thing Eating his food, drinking his wine, wearing his clothes, living in his house, and even sleeping with him—if you're not a mistress, then something's really strange about you!"

"I... no..." Lin Meng's eyes widened instantly, her lips trembled violently, and she weakly tried to defend herself, but Xiao Yi's blunt words pierced through her, leaving her unable to convince even herself!

Xiao Yi let out another cold snort, his eyes icy with not a shred of warmth!

“I thought you had some backbone, delaying my calls. You weren't willing to be supported by someone Turns out, you were waiting for a better sponsor. How is it that being sponsored by Rong Ling doesn't make you a mistress! How is it that following him doesn't make you feel degraded!”

"I..." Lin Meng bit her lip, wanting to retort, but she felt that all her reasons seemed untenable. This man was too arrogant, and in front of him, she couldn't stand tall!

Xiao Yi strode forward until he stood before Lin Meng. Glaring at her ferociously, he gripped her chin tightly with one hand, forcing her to look up at him, unable to escape his gaze. Looking at the face before him, silent and unyielding, his anger grew even more intense.

“I spoke to you calmly and respectfully, hoping you would go back and think things over. I treated you as a person, someone worthy of my respect. But what about you You turned around and didn't even treat yourself as human, acting like a despicable servant begging for handouts. Lin Meng, is this really you! Is this your true nature!”

Lin Meng bit her lip and shook her head repeatedly, silently denying.

Xiao Yi lowered his head and bit onto Lin Meng's lips.




She naturally struggled.

Xiao Yi wasn't pleased, he bit Lin Meng hard, raised his head, his face contorted and ferocious like a demon.

"Well, do you want to be a virgin for your lover!"

He tightened his grip, clenching Lin Meng's jaw in his hand, wishing he could crush her face right then and there. The pain made Lin Meng cry out pitifully.

He smiled, but it was a cold and cruel one, determined to humiliate her utterly!

"A person like you, do you still need to remain chaste! After having slept with so many men, wouldn't your family's Rongling despise you! How many people have kissed that little mouth of yours! Now, are you still pretending to be so pure! In front of me, do you think it's necessary!"

"No, you mustn't talk nonsense!" Lin Meng cried out in a low voice. Her lips had blood slowly oozing from them, the red tinge of it finally breaking free because of her speaking. It was where Xiao Yi had bitten her just now.

Xiao Yi became increasingly angry. "No!"

Looking at this woman, he almost wished he could shoot her. For the first time, he had put so much effort into pleasing a woman, respecting a woman, and not forcing her in any way, but this was the outcome! It turned out that his sincerity wasn't worth a penny, and he had been trampled upon by a woman to this extent.

You said it wasn't, so it is! This cute little mouth, the biggest liar! Time and time again, do you think I can still believe what comes out of this mouth

He lowered his head and licked fiercely at the blood on Lin Meng's lips, the familiar metallic scent causing a wave of killing intent to emanate from him.

“I should kill you!” Xiao Yi roared, his face contorted with ferocity. “I hate two-faced people the most, and I hate women who act submissive while being disloyal behind my back. You go to Rong Ling! Why do you have to go to him! Wasn't I good enough for you Let you go beg that guy! Haha, do you think that man is better than me Much better Haha, a joke, I tell you, the man you’re begging, is busy having fun with another woman right now. You beg him, you foolish, stupid woman, you actually went to beg him!”

Lin Meng's pupils dilated suddenly, her body as if struck by lightning, staring in astonishment at Xiao Yi.

"You... what did you say!"

He's... he's going to find another woman! No... no... it can't be...

Seeing her pale face, Xiao Yi knew exactly what she was thinking. A sense of satisfaction and revenge filled his heart. He would make her see for herself what kind of man she had chosen!

"Don't believe me, huh Well, no wonder. You're such an idiot, naively believing that man is good. You won't believe a word I say, which is fine. Let me do one more good deed. When he's done, I'll bring you the video of him enjoying himself with women. I believe you'll find the sight rather stimulating!"

At this time, Xiao Yi was malicious. He had never been a good person; he just had too much kindness for Lin Meng. (..) How ridiculous, his rare kindness, and Lin Meng didn't even appreciate it much.

"Oh, by the way!" he raised his voice slightly, becoming more sinister. "You've never seen an AV before, have you Never seen those scenes of men and women... getting intimate, huh Heh heh, it's pretty spicy. You should see it for yourself!"

His malice accumulated layer by layer, and Lin Meng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

“Enough!” she screamed, reaching out and slapping Xiao Yi’s hand that was holding her chin. “You’re lying! You’re deceiving me! Rong Ling isn’t that kind of person, he’s busy with important matters and will be back soon. I know it, he told me! You’re lying, you liar!”

The sullen look that fell into Xiao Yi's eyes made him even angrier, making him even more eager to destroy him. What did she have to believe in Rong Ling so much! That man, what about him was worthy of her such trust!

"Are you kidding me What's in it for me to lie to you Have I lost my mind! Besides, who do you think you are around Rong Ling! Are you his wife His girlfriend Is it your business if he goes out with other women! Don't forget, you're just his mistress. Remember that, you're his mistress. You're just one of many women in his life, one of the many mistresses he's kept before. Who are you kidding You're nothing! You amount to absolutely nothing! You're just a little pet waiting for him to occasionally shower you with attention. When he has free time, he plays with you. When he doesn't, he leaves you aside. Do you expect him to cut off contact with other women because of you! You foolish woman, stop being naive! Compared to those alluring and charming women, what are you A mere green apple! You need to understand your own worth!"

"Enough!" Lin Meng was driven to tears. Xiao Yi's words were too hurtful, exposing almost all her humiliations. Although he didn't say a single curse word, each sentence felt like a sword piercing her.

Xiao Yi made her feel dirty and cheap!

She thought, how could she be so stupid!

In the end, she was still a mistress, wasn't she

She understood the humiliation and lack of autonomy of being a mistress, so she swore that she wouldn't be anyone's mistress. Yet, she became a mistreated mistress!


Is Rongling looking at her like that too!

She asked him to support her, and did he intend to keep her hidden away like a treasured jewel!

Why, why the rush to find another woman! Why, after finding her, do you still have to lie to her!

Why would you do this to her!

This... this shouldn't be happening!

"Xiao Yi, tell me, please. Tell me everything you said just now was a lie, okay" Her face was full of pleading.

Xiao Yi let out a cold snort, looking at her tearful eyes, he intentionally waved away the pang of sympathy that rose in his heart.

"What am I lying to you for!"

"I don't believe it!" Lin Meng shouted, her hands trembling uncontrollably for some unknown reason.

"Don't you believe me!" Xiao Yi frowned. "You have no choice but to believe me. I tell you, this is not the first time, nor will it be the last. As Rong Ling's woman, you just need to be prepared to share him with other women. Stupid woman, I've never seen anyone as stupid as you. You would rather stay with such a Rong Ling than with me. Am I being too good to you I promise you, if you stay with me, I won't entangle with other women, and you still look down on me!"

He suddenly reached out and embraced Lin Meng, biting her ear and growling softly.

“I shouldn’t be too good to you, making you fickle. I should have taken you directly, leaving you with no choice but to be with me. You followed Rong Ling because he got your body, didn't he! How is it, captured by his bed skills, afraid I can't satisfy you!”

He maliciously pulled Lin Meng's hand, pulling him towards his own lower body. The hard touch and burning heat made Lin Meng hurriedly try to pull his hand back.

Xiao Yi directly picked up Lin Meng horizontally and walked towards the bed.

Lin Meng was terrified, feeling that things were spiraling out of control. She screamed, "Xiao Yi, let me down! Xiao Yi, let me down! Let me down..."

Xiao Yi ignored Lin Meng's struggles. Her struggles, and those tiny arms and legs, were pitiful in the face of a man like him who had faced death countless times and fought countless battles.

He threw her onto the bed. The softness of the bedding made her body jolt. Lin Meng panicked and tried to get up, but Xiao Yi pounced on her like a leopard, effortlessly pinning her beneath him. His lithe and tall figure pressed down on her, like a giant canopy, covering her completely, leaving her feeling suffocated.

"Down!" she hissed, fury in her voice.

He lowered his head, ignoring her, intending to kiss her lips, but she dodged him.

He was furious and slapped her cheek hard, a malicious smile on his face: “Tell me, would Rong Ling still keep you if he knew I had taken you! Someone with his status and background, coming from such a family, must still care about face, right! He certainly wouldn’t be willing to share a woman with others!”

"You bastard!" Lin Meng roared, her heart almost reaching her throat. "If you dare to touch me, I'll...I'll...I'll hate you! I swear, I will hate you for the rest of my life!"

Xiao Yi listened to this ridiculous threat and suddenly felt the anger he had accumulated before was somewhat deflated. This woman, couldn't she even threaten someone properly!

"If you want to hate, then hate!" he said with an indifferent smile. "I don't expect you to love me anyway, so let you hate me is fine, isn't it Hate is almost equal to love, isn't it"

Xiao Yi chuckled at himself, feeling that even in this moment, he could still maintain such a mindset. It was truly a step forward!

Lowering his head, he couldn't reach her lips, but he didn't care. Tonight, he would have her no matter what. Here, on this bed where she had once made love with Rong Ling. He would tell that man, this woman, was his Xiao Yi's. He would make this woman know who she should be with from now on!

He no longer wanted to pity her. Reaching out, he tore at her clothes. He realized he should have done this a long time ago, that he shouldn't have let her go again and again.

Lin Meng was scared like a rabbit that had been startled, and she whimpered softly.

"No, no--"

She punched and kicked, seemingly putting all her strength into it. But how could she possibly be a match for Xiao Yi Her meager power couldn't even raise a ripple against him.

"Don't waste your effort!" Xiao Yi laughed at her, lowered his head, and easily bit onto that sexy collarbone. His big hand followed down, touching that soft lump.


Lin Meng's eyes were red with humiliation, and she cried out in anguish.

"Xiao Yi, please don't do this, I beg you, please don't do this..."

She had already felt the disparity in their powers, understanding that before him, she was like a moth obstructing a chariot, or an ant shaking a tree.

Her only recourse was to beg him!

"Please, I beg you, you can make me do anything, just don't treat me like this, please… Xiao Yi, please…"

Why, must she be a woman! Why, must she be so frail! Why, can she only plead with tears! Why, must it always be so difficult for her!

"Xiao Yi... sniffle... please don't do this... please..."

She also wants to keep herself pure, she also wants to be with one person for life. Why can't her humble request be met Why does she have to be touched by other men!

His kiss had already fallen onto her chest. His long leg had already squeezed between her legs; his hand had already pulled down her thin cotton shorts!

How could he be so cruel! How could he be so wicked!

"Are you trying to force me...to drive me to death... Xiao Yi...Do you want me to die..."

This is her only remaining brand! Begging for life and death, how could she end up in such a miserable state!

Xiao Yi's movement suddenly stopped. He looked up and saw the girl below, crying so hard she was gasping for breath. Hearing her wail those words about wanting to die, at that moment, his heart softened and ached!

"If you leave me, how could I possibly force you to stay!"

He growled, his eyes burning with a wolfish ferocity that flickered for a moment with pain as he stared at her.

"Have I ever forced you before! Now, it's you forcing me to do this, it's you forcing me..."

Lin Meng was teary-eyed, her eyes wide with a mixture of innocence and helplessness, but also boundless anger!

"Am I deliberately trying to provoke you Was it intentional!" she screamed, her voice almost cracking, the gleam in her black eyes almost shattering.

“All I want is to live peacefully, can’t I! What have I done wrong Have I killed anyone Set fire to anything Lied to anyone Or owed money All I want is to live quietly, can’t I! Why can’t you just let me go! Would this really make you happy! Or do I truly feel so contemptible to you that as a man, I have to lay myself bare, open my legs and stand there immobile, letting them take what they want!” Xiao Yi, I thought you were different, different… Why are you pushing me to this How can you… ”

She stared at Xiao Yi, her tears flowing like a river, sobbing uncontrollably!

If she hadn't felt something was different about him, how could she have so easily accepted his kindness, so easily let him into her room, and even allowed him to lie on her bed for a whole night!

How could he treat her like that! One by one, they all look down on her! What is she to them In their eyes, is she even a person!

Xiao Yi was in pain, his heart ached terribly!

Looking at Lin Meng who was roaring like that, his strength gradually drained away, and the fierceness in his eyes was also being pushed back little by little!

He hated himself, how could he have so easily softened his heart toward this woman!

Isn't it just a woman's tears! Which woman doesn't cry There have been women who cried in front of him before, so why are this woman's tears so powerful, making him unable to move, making him unwilling to lay a heavy hand on her!

A bitter smile, a self-deprecating laugh, Xiao Yi didn't know what expression was on his face right now.

"Different! ... Since you think I'm different, why are you going to another man! Don't you think I'm good enough!"

Lin Meng shook her head in confusion, clear tears staining her face.

Xiao Yi lowered his head and cupped Lin Meng's face, preventing her head from moving. He began to kiss her gently with his warm lips, one by one. In his heart, he felt a strange reluctance to be too rough with her, yet he couldn't bear to see her so heartbroken.

"Silly girl, don't cry. At worst...at worst... I won't touch you!"

Lin Meng let out a belch and, with tears still streaming down her face, looked at him in bewilderment.

Xiao Yi felt sorrow for himself, how could he be so humiliated in front of her In the past, he would have taken possession of the woman below first and then considered her cries. Even after it was done, he would still do whatever he pleased!

"Got it!" he sighed softly, reaching out and wiping roughly at Lin Meng's tears.

"Stop crying!" He frowned, feeling pathetic. "I didn't do anything to you, why are you crying like you've lost someone You're making me look like the biggest villain in the universe!"

Lin Meng suddenly wanted to laugh. It felt very strange!

The speed at which tears fell also slowed down.

"Then come down first!" she choked out, beginning to make demands.

Xiao Yi immediately widened his eyes, a fierce light still lingering in them. Although he hadn't been too harsh towards her, he never expected to be defeated so thoroughly before her!

"Want me to let you off this time It's possible!" He narrowed his eyes, his dark eyes full of calculation. "If Rong Ling met your conditions, I can do the same for you. From now on, you follow me!"

Lin Meng listened, turned her head away, and said nothing. Neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Xiao Yi immediately caught fire again, seeing her silent demeanor, it seemed even more like a voiceless refusal.

"You've fallen for Rong Ling!" he sneered coldly.

Lin Meng's body trembled slightly, but Xiao Yi, who was pressing her tightly, immediately felt it. He became enraged instantly. Because of his anger, he calmed down instead. The fierce expression on his face disappeared, replaced by cold, indifferent, and ruthless eyes as he stared at Lin Meng.

"I give you two choices. One, you agree to me, and I will give you everything Ling can give you, and more. Two, if you refuse, then well, tonight I won't let you go. Lin Meng, don't test my patience, or when my patience runs out, I won't be so kind. Don't expect anyone to come save you, the only man who could save you is having a good time right now. Since I can quietly come to this place, I can also quietly take you away. Even if you force me to kill you, I won't show mercy. The person I want, even the King of Hell will have to weigh his options if he wants to fight for them. You think death is easy Not so fast!"

This is Xiao Yi, meticulous in every way. He's a master at abacus calculations, the clicking sounds echoing through the heavens and earth, leaving no room for his opponent to counter! No matter which option Lin Meng chooses, Xiao Yi will get her. The difference between them lies only in the timing of his victory.

Lin Meng's silver teeth bit down, and in her helplessness, she felt even more sorrow.

"Xiao Yi, I don't owe you anything, you can't do this!"

"As long as I think, there's nothing I can't do." That's him, the arrogance a silver wolf gang leader should have.

"But I don't want to!" This is also her, even though she is delicate, she still has the most basic pride!

Xiao Yi reached out, with a cruel touch, ambiguously caressing Lin Meng's small mouth, squeezing it heavily.

"This world belongs to the strong. You don't want to, but it doesn't matter!"

Lin Meng suddenly ignited, her tear-stained eyes burning with a fiery, radiant anger! After a mocking laugh, she chuckled through her tears, "With such a worthless body, you find me so desirable!"

Xiao Yixing felt a pang of displeasure. He looked at her coldly, disliking the condescending tone she used.

But Lin Meng smiled coldly.

"You made me follow you, aren't I still going to be your mistress! What difference does it make if I follow Rong Ling You act like this, even if you respect me, even if you look down on me for a moment!"

Xiao Yi pursed his lips, his heart, being slightly touched.

"Different!" he argued forcefully.

"Oh!" Lin Meng mocked. "What's different this time!"

At least, you and I, are one-on-one.

"Can you guarantee that!" Lin Meng also learned to be smart, thanks to Xiao Yi's reminder just now. "Can you guarantee that you won't be flattering and acting! Can you guarantee that you will always control yourself!"

Xiao Yi was taken aback again, suddenly realizing that this girl had become sharp-tongued.

"Hee hee…" Lin Mengqian laughed, finding the whole thing so absurd, so ridiculous. She struggled to pull her hand back. Xiao Yi was lost in thought and didn't press her hand further. She tried to tighten her ripped nightgown to cover her exposed chest.

Xiao Yi's eyes flashed, unwilling. He bound her hands again, one in each hand, pressing them against her sides. Such a negotiating stance would distract her, making her preoccupied with the shame of her body, and it should be more conducive to victory siding with him.

"I can only say, I'll try my best to keep this from happening!" He didn't want to say sweet nothings to her. He was a man who lived on the edge of a knife, he had demanded she follow him so seriously, from the very beginning, he wanted to be completely honest with her. He could deceive her, but he just didn't want to.

As much as possible!

Lin Meng scoffed, giving up her futile struggle. A cold despair settled in her heart. Perhaps this was her current worth! She had changed households, but she was still living under someone else's roof. She still had to look at the master's face and act accordingly, and she still begged for their charity!

Struggling here and there, perhaps still can't escape that net!

She weakly closed her eyes, letting out a long sigh in her heart. When she opened them again, there was only one thing she wanted to confirm.

"Xiao Yi, I just want you to tell me the truth. Rong Ling... did he really go looking for another woman!"hes, I can pick out some things that each of us likes!"On the first day she came, it was basically like that. First, he took her shopping at the mall, then to all kinds of small shops, buying many uni...