s.At that moment, his cold heart softened slightly. He silently told himself to just let go of this girl. The hospital gown was white and blue, and on her it was incredibly alluring, making her frame...After dinner, Rong Ling directly took Lin Meng into the study. This was a place Lin Meng generally didn't dare to enter. She always felt that it sounded very solemn and involved a lot of his private affairs. She thought it would be inappropriate for her to enter, so she chose to lie on the tea table in the living room to do her homework. Rong Ling directly pulled her in, which surprised her.

In the study, there was a large desk. Because it was big enough, Rong Ling didn't mind sharing half of it with Lin Meng. Although, he wasn't too fond of women entering his study!

"You study across from me!" He pointed to the other half of the table, then took out a file he had already looked at partially and continued reading it. Over there, the laptop was also opened, looking like a proper office setup.

Some things, in fact, had already been swirling in Lin Meng's mind while she was eating. She felt that it would be better for her to say them sooner rather than later. Otherwise, if Rong Ling was immersed in his work and she disturbed him again, it might be annoying!

"Rong Ling!" she called out softly.

"Hmm." Rong Ling let out a snort from his nostrils, his bright and spirited eyes still fixed on the document.

"I want to tell you something!"

"Well" he still said without looking up.

"I... I want my dad to go to school tomorrow."

Then Rong Ling looked up, "What's the matter"

Lin Meng blushed sheepishly and, stumbling over her words, recounted the whole story.

"I'm sorry, I told everyone you were my cousin without asking... Would that bother you"

"No!" Rong Ling retorted firmly, and unexpectedly praised her. "Your excuse is quite good!"

Lin Meng blushed and lowered her head, not daring to say that this wasn't actually her idea.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't expect to be seen by my classmates. Will this cause you any trouble!"

She watched Rong Ling anxiously.

Rong Ling let out a disdainful snort. "It's just gossip on a small scale, who would take it seriously!"

He already knew about this. His subordinates weren't incompetent, and although the initial investigation hadn't been comprehensive, he knew exactly what had happened to her at school today. That's why he arrived so quickly when Lin Meng and the Jiang brothers reunited. At that time, one of his men was sitting at the tea table next to Lin Meng, hearing every word of their conversation and relaying it directly to Rong Ling. When Rong Ling heard Jiang Chengfeng's words becoming increasingly inappropriate, he had no choice but to run a red light and speed over. He was genuinely worried that some foolish woman would nod and agree blindly. Thankfully, there weren't any particularly infuriating words exchanged between her and the Jiang brothers.

That day, he gave her a choice. Although she chose to stay, it was impossible for her heart to fully agree. If she had no thoughts at all, that would be strange. When Jiang Chifeng put forward such an enticing offer, it was normal for her to think about leaving again. She must have been bothered by rumors, so she wanted to leave even more. But he had said it before: if she angered him, don't expect to leave so easily.

"Don't worry about rumors. They'll die down in a few days." He, being one of the people involved, wasn't cooperating. How could the rumor possibly spread like wildfire if he wasn't playing along

“Tomorrow night, I'll take you to the new house. At that time, I’ll have Miao Qing pick you up. Your luggage will be sent ahead of time, you just need to get there! That place is quiet, the environment is good, and the neighbors aren’t the kind who pry into other people’s privacy, so you can live there with peace of mind. If there are any ill-intentioned people at school trying to bother you, don’t worry, nothing will come of it. You moving and recovering is a perfectly valid reason. That apartment complex isn’t accessible to just anyone, no one can intrude on your privacy, so you can go home every day feeling safe and secure. As long as you appear innocent and upright, there’s no need to fear those rumors that spread like wildfire!”

Besides, he already had plans and definitely wouldn't make things difficult for her anymore.

"Well, I hear you." Lin Meng's heart skipped a beat. Rong Ling's words calmed her down and made her feel that those rumors were not really a big deal.

"I'll arrange for your father to go to school tomorrow. "

Li Meng nodded furiously, like a chick pecking at grains.

Rongling took out her phone. "I'll make a call."

Lin Meng didn't follow him, watching Rong Ling exit the study.

Rong Ling slipped into the gym and shut the door. The room had excellent sound insulation; even pressed against the door, you couldn't hear a thing. He purposely avoided calling Lin Meng because he had his reasons.

Lin Bao answered the phone and didn't need to waste any time. He just gave a brief explanation, and Lin Bao on that side wouldn't dare disobey.

After hanging up the phone, he started dialing Jiang Yichen's number again. He wasn't someone who would let others walk all over him and still smile about it. The Jiang brothers were bold enough to interfere with his woman. If he didn't do something about it, wouldn't people think he was easy to bully

The phone rang, and Rong Ling said faintly, "Hello, Director Jiang, it's me, Rong Ling!"

Jiang Yichen's body stiffened, and he immediately sat up straight. He took the phone to his ear, his expression tightened for a moment before relaxing slightly, pulling a smile and saying, "Oh. It's Rong Ling. What a surprise, you called me. Hehe..."

Jiang Yancheng understands there's a saying, "If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing," and this applies to making phone calls as well.

"Hee hee..." Rong Ling also chuckled softly, but it was a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "After our last get-together, I should have treated you to a separate meal. As the head of the Jiang Hall, you are responsible for the peace and security of our entire province, J Province. As a citizen, I should express my sincere gratitude."

"Where, where, this is my job, I shouldn't be thanked..."

Such polite remarks are common. The two of them engaged in empty pleasantries, agreeing with each other for a while. Then Rong Ling changed the subject and said, "Director Jiang, you're a busy man, so you probably overlooked disciplining your son!"

"Oh!" Jiang Yancheng followed up, knowing this was the real reason Rong Ling called. "Did my two sons do something to offend you"

"Hehehe... I wouldn't say it's a huge offense, but your two sons have their eyes on my woman. That makes me a little hot under the collar!"

Minor offenses are always there. It's just politeness that makes it not a big offense.

Jiang Yancheng fell silent over there.

Rong Ling continued, "Director Jiang, you need to know that if this were to happen to a man, he wouldn't be able to bear it. This time, for your sake, I'll let it go. But if there's another time, I absolutely won't let it slide so easily. I'm afraid that at that time, I might hurt your face, Director Jiang. That's why I'm giving you a call ahead of time to give you a heads up, so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again. After all, I also want to get along well with you, Director Jiang!"

Jiang Yancheng's face sank, his big hand gripping the phone tightly, and he said in a deep voice: "President Rong, please rest assured, this kind of thing won't happen again. I will discipline my two scoundrel sons well."

"Heh heh..." Rong Ling was laughing there, still with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "It's not really a big deal..."

Jiang Yancheng cursed inwardly: "It's not a big deal, you called me to threaten me, and said you would hurt my face in the future! Bull**!"

Jiang Yichen's face darkened with anger, but he still managed to smile and respond politely. The two of them exchanged a few more polite remarks before hanging up the phone.

This is social interaction. Even if you're both secretly cursing each other and wanting to bite each other, you still have to smile and be polite!

Jiang Yichen sat there thinking for a while, then called Jiang Chengfeng and roared angrily: "Come home tonight, bring your brother with you!"

With a bang, he hung up the phone.

Over there, Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow as he caught on quickly.

Jiang Yichen being able to sit as a deputy department-level official in a province, and still in the Ministry of Public Security, naturally couldn't be as refined and elegant as he appeared on his face. Many people, at their first glance of Jiang Yichen, would be surprised that this deputy department-level official of the Ministry of Public Security actually had such a scholarly air about him, like a scholar. If it weren't for knowing his identity deeply, many people wouldn't think he was a policeman. However, those who knew Jiang Yichen better all knew that Jiang Yichen was a tiger general, and when necessary, he was absolutely ruthless. (..tw good-looking novel)

If he wasn't courageous, he wouldn't have reached his current position. Jiang Yichen once chased a murderer for seven days and seven nights without rest. He even dared to inflict all sorts of punishments on a vicious and stubborn criminal to obtain crucial clues, despite risking disciplinary action. He beat him up, subjected him to eighteen kinds of torture, and finally, when the man was dragged out, he was covered in blood with hardly any intact parts. However, Jiang Yichen obtained the valuable clues he desired...

Such a person, if they became a criminal, would definitely be a headache for the police. But if they became a policeman, they would surely be the nemesis of all those vicious criminals!

Jiang Yichen naturally had his connections, and soon, a file about the Jiang brothers, Rong Ling, and Lin Meng was placed on Jiang Yichen's desk. Jiang Yichen skimmed through it from beginning to end, so angry that his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

"Damn it!" he muttered angrily.

By the time Jiang Chengfeng brought Jiang Po-lang, who had finished evening study, back to their home that he hadn't been to for days, as soon as he entered the study, he was kicked by Jiang Yan-cheng, who had already been standing there.

"You two bastards, you've ruined my face!"

Let a younger man, one generation younger than him, "point out" to him like that! Since Jiang Yancheng took the position of deputy director, he had never been humiliated like this.

These two worthless things!

Jiang Yancheng glared angrily at his two sons, truly wishing he could add two more legs to them!

Jiang Chengfeng and Jiang Bolan had already discussed on the way, they probably guessed what their furious father was upset about. They were well-behaved and planned to stay silent, listening to their father's lecture.

Don't be fooled by Jiang Yancheng's refined and courteous demeanor. He appears warm and genial to outsiders, like sunshine warming your face. But he is a textbook two-faced person. When facing those close to him, his true nature emerges, transforming into a hot-tempered tiger who does whatever he pleases.

Jiang Yancheng picked up the file on the table and angrily threw it at the two brothers, scolding: "I thought it was something important, but it turned out to be because of a woman. Shameful, really shameful. If you two really had other reasons to confront Rong Ling, I would have acknowledged it. This shows that my two sons have backbone and dare to face challenges head-on. I would even welcome being taught by Rong Ling. But look, look, what are you two spineless bastards fighting for It's just a girl, who is at most prettier than others. You two act like you've lost your souls, doing such stupid things. I really wasted raising you! I should… I really should have shot you both!"

Jiang Po Lang flashed past the oncoming stack of files, and chuckled with a flattering smile. "Dad, this...this isn't hard to kill two people with one shot, is it Even though you are known as a sharpshooter, you're not that divine yet! Dad, don't get angry, for us two, it's not worth it..."

At this moment, the kid was still teasing his own father.

Jian Yancheng walked closer and kicked Jiang Po浪 again. Jiang Po浪 chuckled and didn't dodge. According to his experience, if he got kicked by his father a few more times, his father would calm down, and everything would be fine.

But this time, the nature of the event is different.

Jiang Yancheng looked at the two people deeply and ordered: "From now on, Lin Meng is not allowed to approach again."

He isn't joking!

Both brothers also realized their father's seriousness, so they both became serious.

Jiang Yancheng turned his head to look at Jiang Chengfeng, his voice sharp and urgent. "Chengfeng, you're growing up and forming your own opinions now. I can't control you anymore. But I need to remind you, as a government official, especially in the judicial system, the most important thing is to lead by example and maintain your integrity. You should understand that if you get involved with that kind of girl, it would almost ruin everything you've worked so hard for these past few years. Think it over carefully, Chengfeng. Is she worth it"

“And you, Jiang Po-lang—” Jiang Yan-cheng spat out his name. “You little bastard, who do you think you are A greenhorn, not even out of school, and you dare to have wicked thoughts about Rong Ling’s woman! I don’t object to you finding a girlfriend this early, but you can’t be so stupid as to attack with a pebble against a rock. You know you can’t beat Rong Ling, yet you foolishly charge into the jaws of a lion! Having such an idiot for a son, it’ll bring shame upon the entire police station! From now on, you are forbidden from getting anywhere near Lin Meng!”

Jiang Po-lang's heart sank, his face fell. He muttered in a low voice, "Dad, it's just making a friend, it's...not that serious, right!"

"Making friends!" Jiang Yichen kicked Jiang Po-lang again in anger. "Be honest with yourself, are the friends you make ordinary ones! You little bastard, dare to act in front of your old man, huh!"

As his own son, he surely knows what his son is thinking!

Jiang Po Lang was momentarily speechless, his face flushed red. "It's nothing... it's nothing! We can just remain ordinary friends!"

"Are you out of your mind!" Jiang Yancheng was furious, "Do you have to be locked up in a dark cell for a few days before you behave! Alright, alright, if you insist on being stubborn, I'll send you to the dark cell tomorrow and lock you up for ten or even half a month. Let's see if you're still so tough!"

“Dad——” Jiang Chengfeng spoke calmly. “We’re family, is it necessary to be so angry Although Rong Ling warned you, what he did wasn't something that should have been seen in the first place. Could he really get you into trouble for this I think you should just calm down!”

“You――” Jiang Yichen was angry, his chest heaving violently. He raised his hand as if he wanted to slap his eldest son. But seeing the clean face of his eldest son, he couldn't bring himself to do it. This eldest son was considered his greatest pride in his life. He inherited all the advantages of him and his wife, and was both intelligent and capable. He knew what he wanted. On the surface, he was gentle and courteous to people, seemingly lacking any aggressiveness, making it difficult for people to feel guarded against him. In reality, however, he was a ruthless and clever person who knew how to launch effective attacks without leaving a trace.

"How could you be so clueless..." Jiang Yichen lowered his head a little dejectedly, not knowing what was going on with his two sons. It was just Lin Meng, wasn't it What was all the fuss about!

Don't you know the Rong family Since liberation, how many generals have they produced The current top figure in the military is Rong Ling's third uncle, another influential figure in the Rong family. You think Rong Ling is almost on par with his third uncle, which shows that this person is very skilled and extraordinary. It also shows his status in the Rong family. Although the Rong family is rumored to have constant internal strife, they have always been united externally. If you really go against Rong Ling, his third uncle will definitely not let you off!

Jiang Chengfeng smiled faintly and said in a conciliatory tone, "Dad, I know what you're saying. I was just momentarily confused. Rest assured, I won't contact Lin Meng again."

Jiang Yichen was surprised, thinking that he would also have to face him directly. Unexpectedly, he actually heard his words. As expected of his proud eldest son, Jiang Yichen felt a little comfort in his heart.

"That's good, Dad knows you are a sensible one."

Jiang Chengfeng smiled faintly and sighed, "Perhaps because it's rare to meet such a good opponent, I always want to have a showdown with Rong Ling. So, this time, I lost my composure." It was considered an explanation, anyway.

Jiang Yichen let out a hearty laugh, his face immediately relaxing. "Well, it's good that you have this idea. People are most afraid of having no rivals. Rong Ling that kid is indeed quite good, a rare talent once in a century. The only thing is, he does business while you do politics, two tigers fighting each other, different paths lead to different destinations. In the end, when two tigers fight, it often results in both sides being injured. So, while you certainly have this idea, you also have to be realistic. Besides, you should also consider your old man, me! I'm only in my fifties, still young, and there's still a lot of opportunity for me to climb higher. If you fall, then my position will probably come to an end. Hehehe, you can't possibly drag down your old man, can you"

Jiang Chengfeng smiled. "That's natural, I'm hoping that Dad can quickly reach a higher level!"

"Haha..." Jiang Yichen laughed happily. This eldest son spoke so pleasingly, making him feel very good.

Jiang Po Lang stood to the side, watching his father's face shift from gloomy to bright. He secretly admired his elder brother. He wondered how many years it would take him to reach his brother's level.

Jiang Yichen frowned, raising his eyes to look straight at his son. But on that face with a faint expression, he couldn't see anything. It seemed that his son's skill in concealing his thoughts had become even deeper.

Jiang Yichen thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "As the eldest brother, it's your duty to think of your younger brother. Since you say so, I believe you must have your reasons. Then... about Xiao Lang's matter, I'll leave it to you!"

After that, the two brothers were driven out of the study by Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Po Lang vaguely understood what was going on.

"Big brother..."

He blushed, eyes filled with gratitude and shame as he looked at Jiang Chengfeng, then lowered his gaze. "Big brother... it must have been my departure that allowed you to achieve your goals!"

Jiang Cheng smiled as he caught the wind, reaching out to give Jiang Po-lang a playful punch on the arm.

"Father's words make sense. Don't be foolish to hit a stone with an egg. For a while, try to avoid contact with Lin Meng. Right now, we can't help Dad much, but at least don't drag him down and ruin his career!"

"Hmm..." Jiang Po Lang mumbled softly, lowering his head and pressing his lips together. Inwardly, he felt rather uncomfortable.

Jiang Cheng stood in the shadows, looking out at the night scene being swept by the wind. The darkness was absolute, a desolate expanse devoid of light. He let out a low sigh.

"That girl, she's actually pretty good. It's just like this now..."

He hesitated for a moment, his voice tinged with sadness: "She and Rong Ling will definitely not be able to be together in the future. If you're truly interested, in the future...don't despise her!"

Because he was certain, he never gave up before. Now, though...

Fine, just treat him as a silly little brother at home!

Jiang Po waved, red-eyed, unable to utter a word, only nodding heavily again and again.

...Xioxiang Academy first release...

The next day, Lin Bao picked up Lin Meng at Jade Garland Restaurant and drove to school together. In front of many teachers, he personally followed Rong Ling's instructions and "cleared things up" with the head teacher, Ms. Ni.

Mr. Ni smiled and sent Lin Bao away, the stone in his heart finally landing completely. After that, even if similar things happened again, it wouldn't have much to do with her, after all, this was something the parents cleared up themselves.

Upon hearing the news, Zhu Xiaomeng and another person came to inquire about Lin Meng's situation. This time, Lin Meng was more cautious. In front of other classmates, she sat in her seat and spoke freely without any restraint.

Oh, so you moved to recuperate!

Oh, so that man is her cousin!

One of the eyewitnesses from that time, a woman, said this morning: "That man looked a lot like Lin Meng. I thought he might be a relative at the time!"

With the powerful addition of female members, the rumors were immediately shattered -- coming on strong, and going out just as strongly!

But within just one morning, the campus had become much quieter. In its place, however, was a different kind of gossip. Naturally, the girl's change of story wouldn't have happened without Ling's role in it.

Here, Lin Meng, who had solved the trouble and wasn't too bothered, wanted to apologize to Jiang PoLang for yesterday's events.

In yesterday's situation, with Rong Ling present, there were many things she couldn't say. Looking at the Jiang brothers leave like that, Lin Meng felt guilty and uneasy. At least, she needed to obtain forgiveness from Jiang Po Lang and his companions openly and honestly. So, she asked Ma Hou to pass a message to Jiang Po Lang, saying she wanted to talk with him at noon. But Ma Hou brought back news that Jiang Po Lang would be practicing basketball at noon and would probably be very busy in preparation for the upcoming basketball game, leaving no time for him to meet. Lin Meng was told to just have her words relayed through Ma Hou.

Lin Meng was stunned!

Even a fool could sense that Jiang PoLang was probably…hiding from her!

Is it because of what happened yesterday

Lin Meng frowned in distress.

What nextengyi's mother was still alive.Fang Meijia was visiting the Ruan family for the first time. When she first met Lin Meng, Lin Meng didn't have much of a good impression of her. This woman was arrogant...