Chapter 169 Blood-Colored Stone Bead

h hall, it was natural that most of his rewards would be decided by Xu Long. However, the main hall will always be the main hall. If there are any rewards from above, they will still be awarded. 。At..."What"

Su Xin was shocked.

The Supreme Bloodline only exists in legend within the Eastern Desolation.

Before this, he had never heard of anyone waking up.

And now...

"The master said that this stone bead would be of great use to those who awaken their bloodline,"

"If it's never refined by anyone, this stone bead will naturally emit a special attraction, drawing in some bloodline awakeners. The higher the awakened bloodline level and the closer the distance, the stronger this attraction will be," Black Dragon said.

Su Xin couldn't help but look at the blood-red stone bead floating before him.

Indeed, the allure of this blood-red bead was too great to resist.

"The master also specially instructed that although this stone bead has a huge attraction for those who awaken their bloodlines, ordinary bloodline awakeneers are not qualified to refine it at all. If they forcefully try to refine it, there is a 90% chance they will die directly."

Therefore, the master specially set up this test.

The Black Dragon continued, “This trial is divided into several levels. Those who enter the trial will face a challenge corresponding to their level of cultivation. You, for example, are only at the first stage of Nirvana Realm, so you will face a low-level trial.”

"A test at the lowest level" Su Xin was stunned.

“Of course, although it’s the lowest level, the difficulty is actually the same. According to the master, only those who have passed this test are qualified to attempt to refine this stone bead. But if they can't pass the test and still insist on refining it, then it would be a suicide mission,” the Black Dragon said.

"Death" Su Xin's expression became strange. "Black Dragon Lord, didn't you say before that failure in the examination means death"

"That's just to put pressure on you, scare you intentionally," Black Dragon laughed.

"Frighten me" Su Xin was astonished.

> Before you, two others were also attracted by this stone bead to come to the bottom of the abyss. These two people's bloodline ranks were not low either. One was at the peak of the first grade bloodline, and the other was even a divine bloodline. When they first entered the test, I also told them the same thing as you.

"Although, they both ultimately failed to pass the test left by their master, I didn't kill them. I merely placed a few small measures on them, preventing them from telling others about what happened here," said Black Dragon.

"Even those awakened with Divine Bloodlines can't pass the exam" Su Xin was taken aback.

A divine bloodline, at least once in a millennium, when the bloodline awakens, intelligence and thinking abilities in all aspects will be greatly developed. It is definitely the most terrifying genius, but in the end, it couldn't even pass this test

“At first, I didn't know the master's requirements. But later I understood that the test set by the master should only be passed by those who are at the same level as him, awakening with the supreme bloodline, and you have now passed the master's test, so the awakened one must be the supreme bloodline Black Dragon Dao.”

Su Xin, after hearing this, fully understood.

It turns out that the previous trials in prison were purely to distinguish bloodlines.

Only those with awakened supreme bloodlines have the possibility of passing this test, which means only those with awakened supreme bloodlines can refine the blood-colored stone bead before them.

"Su Xin, the stone bead is right here. You can try refining it and see what happens with the Black Dragon Dao."


Su Xin nodded, then moved his mind. A large amount of true essence swept in and immediately formed a small space around him.

And he himself had settled down in meditation within that space, the blood-red stone bead hanging quietly before him.

How can this stone bead be refined

Su Xin was doubtful, trying to reach out with his hand towards the bead. At the same time, a drop of blood from his fingertips spilled in, falling into the stone bead.

And when the fresh blood dripped into the stone bead, the bead trembled slightly and immediately transformed into a ball of blood-colored light that darted into Su Xin's body, merging completely with him.

The refining process is very easy.

Just like refining ordinary weapons.

Su Xin didn't feel any difficulty at all.

But after he truly refined this blood-colored bead…

A unique and unparalleled power surged within him, spreading throughout his body.

Su Xin only felt a sudden wave of comfort wash over him, as if he had suddenly been embraced by his mother.

Unparalleled warmth, ease, and exhilaration.

This power still comforts his soul.

This is a wonderful feeling, making Su Xin's whole being completely immersed in it.


I don't know how long it took, but Su Xin gradually emerged from this wonderful state.

After recovering, Su Xin immediately noticed some changes in himself.

"Well, my cultivation level" Su Xin's expression was a little stunned.

The first thing he sensed was a change in his cultivation level.

Prior to that, he had just broken through to the Step Nirvana realm. Even though he was trapped in that prison space for over a year, his cultivation level didn't improve much. However, now, he discovered that his cultivation level had increased.

And it has been greatly improved.

He directly ascended from the first Nirvana realm to the peak of the second Nirvana realm, even approaching the third Nirvana realm.

And on the spiritual consciousness level... before his spiritual consciousness was always weak. Even after practicing the mental consciousness method, "Heart Realm," the improvement in a short period of time wasn't great. But now, Su Xin could clearly sense that his spiritual consciousness had improved significantly compared to before!

At least ten times, even dozens of times improvement!!

"My current state of consciousness, should I be able to condense the Heart Tower now" Su Xin thought to himself.

The Mind Pagoda is a method in the 《Xinxingjie》 used to protect mental consciousness. It has extremely high requirements for mental consciousness.

Under normal circumstances, Su Xin's spiritual consciousness must reach at least the peak of the fourth step, even approaching the level of the fifth step, in order to be able to condense a heart tower.

Now, Su Xin felt that he should have already met the requirements for condensing the Heart Pagoda.

That is to say, his spiritual consciousness has almost reached that of a Five-Step Nirvana Venerable.

"How could it increase so much all of a sudden" Su Xin felt a little unbelievable.

It's not just about cultivation, even one's spiritual awareness has been raised so much at once.

Not only that, Su Xin also faintly felt that there were some other aspects of himself that had changed. He couldn't say what these changes were or exactly what they were, but he just felt like he had changed a lot in general.

At the same time, Su Xin also found that in his mind, the blood-colored bead appeared again.

Before it had transformed into a crimson streak of light that merged with his body, now it was condensing again into a bead. This blood-colored stone bead, however, was noticeably smaller than before, forming in his mind.

It shrank by a whole circle.

"Could it be that the recent enhancement I received caused this stone bead to deplete a cycle" Su Xin couldn't help but ponder.

Although I don't know the specific reason, this stone bead is indeed magical.

At this very moment, his strength and spiritual awareness have both been greatly enhanced.

This is a matter of him doing it himself, but it would take a very long time to cultivate to achieve this.

Just as Su Xin was surprised by his own strength improvement, the black dragon, whose body had been circling ahead like a small mountain, opened its mouth, "Su Xin, I can see that you are very satisfied with that stone bead."

Su Xin smiled.

Just having it refined, it raised his level so much, of course he was satisfied.

"Hmph, this stone bead was painstakingly obtained by my master after spending countless efforts. For someone with the same supreme bloodline as you, it's naturally of great use," Black Dragon snorted coldly. Immediately, its blood-filled maw opened again, and two streaks of light appeared before Su Xin.

These two things are also for you

"What is this" Su Xin looked at the two things in front of him with confusion.

A charm, and a pitch-black scale.

That talisman, it was a spatial talisman. When crushed, it formed a spatial passage that could directly lead to the master's hometown.

Black Dragon said, "Although the master has passed away, he still has some attachments to this world. Since you have received the stone bead left by the master, you can't take it for granted. You have to repay the master's kindness."

So, when you grow strong enough, you will use this talisman to travel to your master's homeland. Then, you will have to do some things for your master.

"What's the matter" Su Xin asked.

"Just wait until you get there, then you'll know," said Black Dragon.

Su Xin raised her eyebrows slightly, but didn't think much of it.

That blood-red stone bead was of extraordinary importance to him. The owner of the black dragon, Emperor Thirteen, had given it to him; it was indeed a favor. To return it was only right.

Moreover, this Black Dragon lord didn't pressure him. He left the decision of whether to visit his master's hometown and repay the favor entirely up to him.

“As for this scale…” The black dragon raised its two massive, lantern-like, dark gold eyes and glanced at Su Xin.

Su Xin immediately knew, these scales were from the black dragon itself.

"Take this scale with you. If you ever find yourself in mortal danger, use this scale to summon me, and I will arrive as quickly as possible to save you," said the black dragon.

Su Xin, hearing this, couldn't help but be delighted.

He was worried because he had used up his master's talisman containing sword intent, and now he had no real trump card to save himself.

Unexpectedly, this Black Dragon elder actually gave him a scale and promised that in case of a life-or-death crisis, he could summon him using the scale. Wouldn't that be like having one more trump card

"Thank you, Lord He Long. Su Xinlian expressed his gratitude."

"You don't need to thank me. I just don't want you to die before you can repay your master's kindness," Black Dragon's voice was cold and emotionless, "Well, if there's nothing else, I'll send you on your way."

"Are you sending me away" Su Xin's heart skipped a beat. "Black Dragon Lord, is this lake's abyss... your doing..."

“You guessed right, this abyss is what I created. I'm just too lazy to interact with the outside world and don't want anyone to bother me, so I created such a place. Sure enough, after thirteen thousand years, very few people have come to disturb my Black Dragon Path.”

"Really!" Su Xin exclaimed.

The heart of the lake was a bottomless abyss, frightening even those who were beyond powerful. Even figures like the 'Mountain Master' and the 'Palace Master' treated it with caution, making it the number one forbidden place in Qingxuan Domain. It was surprisingly created by this Black Dragon Lord himself, all because he didn't want anyone to disturb him

And, this Black Dragon elder has actually been staying under this lake for a whole thirteen thousand years

So, his master, Di Thirteen, has also been dead for thirteen thousand years

"Oh, and there's one more thing I forgot to tell you.

The black dragon spoke again, "More than a year ago, shortly after you were pulled into this abyss, someone broke in and came all the way to the bottom. There's no doubt about it; that person was looking for you.

"Huh" Su Xin couldn't help but raise his head.

Has anyone ever gone to the bottom of the lake to seek him out

Could it be Master Su Xin thought to himself.

The heart of the lake is a bottomless abyss, a place even transcendents fear to tread.

Among those he knew, there was only one who had the ability and might to delve into this lake's depths to seek him out—his master, the Sixth Mountain Lord.

…… himThere are very few people within the entire Heavenly Flame Dynasty, and even the surrounding territories, who he would not dare to offend."You!"The master of Qingyang Palace's face twitched with a...