Chapter 1369: Regret in His Heart

completely out of combat. Ye Fan also had some wounds on his body, but luckily he dodged all vital points. These wounds weren't fatal.He still held a machete in his hand, this was already the several...Big Bull was excited and launched into a passionate explanation, while Little Bull remained ashen-faced, his head hung low in silence.

Ye Fan became increasingly angry as he listened. Huang Amao was truly incorrigible. In just a few days, he had made Daniu harass those young women with a little bit of charm in the business world. Although he hadn't taken any concrete actions yet, the impact was too bad. Several girls were even frightened to tears and dared not come to work.

People say rabbits don't eat the grass by their own burrow, but Huang Amao is different. He specifically targets shopping mall guides near the security department.

That's really messed up.

"Huang Amao, is what Dayu said true" Ye Fan stared at Huang Amao, watching to see what else he had to say.

Huang Amo's face was as white as paper, his lips trembling. However, he didn't dare deny it and stammered, "It's true."

"Alright, you tell me then. How do you want me to punish you"

Huang Ama's heart skipped a beat. He realized Big Brother meant he wouldn't let him off the hook today. It seemed his beating had been for nothing.

"This time, I'll do it for 21 pieces per centimeter."

Huang Ama's voice trembled with fear as he spoke.

"Oh" Ye Fan raised an eyebrow. This Huang Amo, did he still have a craving for that kind of top-grade old woman and actually wanted to try it again

"Big Bull, how do you handle this" Ye Fan didn't say a word, but turned his head to look at Big Bull. He wanted to see how Big Bull would deal with this kind of situation.

Da Niu obviously did not expect Ye Fan to ask for his opinion, so he frowned and thought about it.

Huang Amo suddenly winked at him, but Da Niu pretended not to see, ignoring Huang Amo completely. Suddenly, he thought of a way to get rid of the problem once and for all, and said to Ye Fan, "Why don't we just cut off my cousin's little jj That way, he won't do any more bad things."

Huang Amo's mouth gaped open in terror as he stared at the big ox. No way, a relative He was actually this ruthless.

Ye Fan, who was sipping tea and watching the leaves swirl in his cup, almost choked on his drink after hearing this. Ye Fan's throat twitched, and he stared at Da Niu in astonishment.

The big shot, after saying something, successfully caught the attention of both people. He couldn't help but scratch his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

After a brief lapse in concentration, Ye Fan quickly regained his composure and said, "Well, that's a good idea. It's worth considering."

Huang Ama was so scared he was about to cry. He immediately hugged Ye Fan's leg and cried out, "Chairman, please, give me another chance! I don't want to be a eunuch!"

After he finished speaking, he hugged Ye Fan's thigh and kept licking his own mouth, blood splattering all over the ground.

In order to save his own life, Huang Amo this time was merciless. He beat them down one by one, each slap leaving a bloody handprint.

The big ox stared at his bloody cousin, speechless. Although he wasn't afraid of a fight, seeing his cousin torture himself so recklessly made him feel a twinge of sympathy.

"Alright, stop it. I wasn't actually going to cut you."

Seeing Huang Aju continuing like this wasn't a solution, so Ye Fan stepped forward to stop him.

This time it was self-inflicted, although there wasn't anything like a 21p. However, the lesson he received from Yellow Hair should be deep enough, next time he shouldn't dare to mess around again, right

"Big Bull, get all the female sales assistants who were harassed by Huang Ah Mao over the past two days here."

Ye Fan rushed toward the big bull, he already had an idea in his mind.

Let me know if you'd like me to translate any other text!

"OK." Big Niu turned and hurried downstairs.

After a short while, Daniu led in seven or eight young women. They were all beautiful and well-proportioned, with charming looks that drew people's attention.

And among them was the rural girl Ye Fan had just seen in the corridor. Apart from her, they were all old employees.

Although Ye Fan knew Huang Amo was a scoundrel, he couldn't help but frown when he saw eight women. This animal had actually harassed eight female sales assistants in just three days. That is to say, he actually wanted to seduce all of them at once.

You have to know, these are all employees from within your own company! Your reputation within your own company is being tarnished by people like Huang Amo.

It is imperative to thoroughly rectify this perverse atmosphere.

When those women heard the bull call them into the security office, they still had resistance in their hearts and wouldn't go in even if they were killed.

That's Huang Amo's lair, they wouldn't dare go in even if their lives depended on it.

But the senior employee said this was the chairman's intention, and the chairman is currently in the security department office.

But these female shopping guides were still a little hesitant. Huang Amo had been pestering them too many times these days, and they already had a shadow in their hearts. They wouldn't risk their lives.

But the foreman had become more shrewd. She secretly peeked outside the security office door and sure enough, the elusive chairman was actually inside the security office.

And at that moment, the security chief was already sprawled on the ground, constantly twitching his lips.

So he went back and told his sisters about it, and only then did the eight of them dare to come in.

If they were the chairperson, they would still feel very confident, after all, the chairperson is their idol.

But when they entered the security office, they were also taken aback by what they saw.

Although they had heard about it from the foreman, seeing it with their own eyes was a completely different feeling. While they secretly felt relieved, they couldn't help but feel a chill run down their spines. The security chief could really strike himself down like this! To actually beat himself up to this state...

“Don’t be nervous, I called you here for nothing. Recently, Huang Amo, the head of the security department of the Extraordinary Group, has harassed you. As a candidate for chairman, this is my dereliction of duty, and I take full responsibility. I sincerely apologize to you.”

After he finished speaking, Ye Fan bowed deeply to the eight women who were clearly standing uncomfortably.

The eight women had been anxiously waiting, but they never expected the chairman to make such a fuss and come to them specifically just to apologize.

For a moment, they all felt warm inside. All the grievances they had suffered these past few days vanished. Everyone hurriedly helped the chairman up, saying things like "You shouldn't," and "We don't deserve it."

They all looked very anxious and nervous.

While Huang Ama saw Ye Fan like this, he was so scared his face turned pale. He truly hated himself. Who was the chairman In Linhai City, who could make the chairman bow his head Someone like that hadn't even been born yet.

But the chairman, for his own sake, was actually going to apologize to those village girls. He felt ashamed and deeply regretful in his heart.

But now it's too late to regret, he cried out: "It's not the chairman's fault, it's all my fault, my fault"

After finishing his words, he slapped himself hard, spat out blood and saliva that flew like beads, even a few droplets splashing onto the white clothes of those women.gest of all.There's also another one, she's stunning, I don't know who she is, but her cherry lips are so tempting, I really want to leave something on them.Ye Fan swallowed a mouthful of saliva at a...