Chapter 526: An Uncommon Meeting (Part 2)

o the two dumbfounded security guards, "You guys go buy..."Ye Fan uttered some extremely precious names to him.Two security guards looked at the chairman with strange expressions, but they dared not d...The area of this camp is huge, and Ye Fan finally saw the diamond mine that had been dug open.

If according to Ye Fan's current identity, these diamond mines, at least a part of them are his. 。Looking up, there was a hill that resembled a ring-shaped crater. In the middle was a dug-out cavity, and on the surrounding slopes, several black soldiers were patrolling back and forth with guns in their hands. 。 Just below, there were roughly hundreds of black men working hard. Each one was shirtless, revealing their frail bodies, like famine refugees. Many of them had scars from whipping on their bodies. Outside the mine, under the protection of a group of soldiers holding guns, several tables were set up. Some people were checking the ore that the miners had handed in. 。After those black miners came out of the hole, each one held a fist-sized piece of ore in their hands and lined up in front of the table. 。That must be the diamond mine, right I wonder how many diamonds are inside Ye Fan glanced at the stone in the black man's hand. 。Here, everywhere is a diamond mine. When the time comes, be sure to have Andre's guy come and get some mining done. 。It's no big deal to exchange airplanes and weapons, anyway Kunka is a coward who craves powerful weaponry. 。If you don't even have your life, what use are there diamonds 。Ye Fan quickly made up his mind. 。At this time, the person sitting behind the table collecting ore took the black laborer's ore and threw it into a basket on the scale. He glanced at it and then waved his hand quickly. Then a soldier pushed the miner and gave him a lump of something black and mushy, which looked like food Or something elseOh, there seem to be a few coins as well. 。This is all there is! Seeing the Black man looking that way, the Black man wearing a beret grinned and said, "General Kunka gave them food to eat, this bunch of people should work hard for it." 。"

When Li Su translated this sentence, Ye Fan couldn't help but mutter in his heart: This guy is even more stingy than Andre. Be careful these laborers revolt! >>> 。At this point, the convoy had driven into the camp and stopped. The black man's intention was to walk inside. 。Ye Fan walked while glancing back at those miners. Each one of them had a numb expression, and their eyes were dull as well. 。Those waiting in line to exchange ore for food and coins were like a flock of sheep, with soldiers acting as overseers, their grim gazes sweeping back and forth. 。"Ah…" Just at this time, two guards rushed into the crowd, quickly grabbed a miner, dragged him out, and threw him onto the open ground. Then, the two of them didn't say anything, directly whipped him with their whips. 。The beaten Black man was wailing in pain, rolling on the ground helplessly. 。 Seeing this scene, Ye Fan couldn't help but frown. Li Su had already asked the black man wearing a beret, "What's going on" "Stealing ore, this kind of thing happens often... These damn pigs, they feed them to make them work, and they dare to steal the general's ore!" The black man wearing a beret didn't even look over there, he knew what had happened and couldn't help but mutter. 。This is the mine that the organization wants to buy, right Even if it's just helping Kunka launder money, they could still make a lot of profit every year. But these diamonds, are they really blood diamonds 。Ye Fan sighed in his heart. This mission assigned by the organization was probably not just as simple as obtaining advanced weapons, right It's likely that another faction has set their sights on the mineral resources here and is using this mission as an opportunity to intervene. The aristocratic families within the empire have already extended their tentacles to all corners of the globe. 。Kunka, I'm afraid that in the end, she will likely become just another proxy. 。He let out a cold snort in his heart, Ye Fan withdrew his gaze and looked into the distance. 。"The general is over there!" Beret whispered, and then he headed toward a shed near the mine. 。Ye Fan looked up and saw that beside the mine, in a shed, a group of black soldiers were surrounding a man. 。That man is the Kunka that Ye Fan saw in the photo provided by Ren Zhihua. 。Here, everyone made him a general. 。Kunka has gotten a bit chubbier in the photo, and also a bit plumper! That awning is covered with military canvas, and there are chairs underneath. 。Kunka leaned there, squinting his eyes. His body didn't resemble the powerful and fierce man in the photo, like a panther at all. Instead, he was fat, almost like a wealthy merchant. But in those squinting eyes, a glint of coldness would occasionally flash. 。To Ye Fan's surprise, in such a nearly barbaric place, General Kunka was actually wearing a snow-white shirt. And the style of that shirt should be from a European famous designer, worth tens of thousands of dollars. 。General Kunka leaned back in his chair, one hand holding a whip and tapping it lightly in his palm. 。After Ye Fan walked over, he still leaned against the chair and listened to the person in the beret whisper a few words to him. 。Ye Fan felt as if he were being scrutinized by a wild beast. He was like a lion on the plains, always ready to tear its prey apart. This gaze enveloped him for about half a minute. 。Then he stood up and handed the whip to the guard beside him: "Hello, are you Mr. Ye" After saying that, he took two steps towards Ye Fan. 。Ye Fan was also about to step forward and shake hands with this legendary general, but he heard a low growl from the side like a wild beast! > Hearing the roar, Ye Fan immediately looked to the left, and saw under the awning, lay a strong wild beast! It was...a lion > ! That was really a lion! Although it looked slightly smaller, it was a cub, but from its size and the fangs exposed when it opened its mouth, such a creature could easily tear apart an adult human! The lion had a chain hanging around its head. When it saw Ye Fan approaching Kunka, it growled with some hostility. 。"Shut up, don't scare my guests" 。Kunka let out a hearty laugh, and then he even generously stopped the soldiers preparing to attack Ye Fan, instead warmly embracing him. 。Ye Fan's face was wearing a faint smile, he did not show any reaction because of the lion's roar. 。Ye Fan's composure surprised Kunka slightly. 。He usually used to impress his visitors with this lion's head, and almost everyone would turn pale. 。But the Ye Fan before them, including the beautiful woman behind him and the sharp-eyed man, did not react at all. 。Kunka couldn't help but look at Ye Fan with admiration, and paid him even more attention!It seemed that the person sent to negotiate this time was a remarkable individual. 。Recalling past negotiation experiences, Kunka couldn't help but sneer in his heart...ments. Linhai is still the people's Linhai; no one can run amok here. These two days, for your safety, just stay home and don't go anywhere. I'll ask Bai Ju from the Chaoyang Police Station to send a...