Chapter 549: The Emperor of Shadows

nd drove to an ordinary rest stop. Then, the car ran steadily towards the outskirts of Yanjing."Heard you're leaving" Long Nu didn't turn her head, concentrating on driving.There are still some matter...Sun Shaohui didn't expect that this fat man would raise the price by tens of millions all at once. It seemed like a very wealthy man indeed. He was even starting to have second thoughts, wondering if he should extort some money first and then kill the deal. After all, this silly fat man was a rich second generation who wasn't short on money.

“What Young Master Sun, can’t you afford a higher price” Seeing Sun Shaohui remain silent, the fat man smirked. He then glanced at Lin Yao, his eyes lighting up especially when they landed on her high breasts, before speaking, “Hey, beauty, didn’t you say this pair of earrings definitely belonged to you What are you standing there for Hurry up and flirt with your boyfriend! Don't you know flirting is a woman’s weapon against men Besides, for your man, at this time, he will definitely pretend to be cool for face, killing two birds with one stone!”

Is the fat person stupid

When the fat man said this, no one would think that the fat man in front of them was a fool. They just thought that the fat man was a rich second generation who had too much money and didn't know the heights of the sky.

But, I would never think that fat people are stupid.

Who ever heard of an idiot using intimidation tactics Who ever saw an idiot with such a sharp tone His words were like slapping Sun Shaohui and Lin Yao in the face, like a sharp dagger stabbing their soft underbelly, almost making them gasp for air!

"One hundred and twenty million!" Sun Shaohui's face turned ashen, gritting his teeth to utter a number.

Just increased by 20 million!

Sun ShaoHui's actions became even more terrifying, clearly driven by anger. At this moment, he regretted agreeing to the bidding competition with Fatty. Competing in finances was truly not his forte. He should have used his authority to force the jewelry store to sell him the jade directly or simply given it to him.

Could it be that the young master of the Sun family has to pay for things Coming here to spend money is already giving face, who would dare to charge the young master of the Sun family

Hearing that Sun Shao Hui had suddenly raised the bid by twenty million, the fat man's cheeks trembled. He stuck his tongue out to lick the grease off his lips, then slowly said, "One hundred and fifty million!"

Since Sun Shaohui added 20 million at once, Fatty wouldn't back down. He directly added 30 million, giving a number that made many people's blood pressure rise noticeably. At this point, the funds they were bidding with had far exceeded the original value of the jade earrings.

Actually, it's about face now, not about who owns the jade earrings.

At this moment, no one would back down. The fat man seemed to have firmly grasped Sun Shaohui's heart. When he shouted out 150 million, Sun Shaohui immediately opened his mouth and yelled, "190 million."

Sun Shaohui's eyes turned red, and he decisively added another 40 million, throwing out a number that shocked everyone around him.

"Two hundred million!"

The fat man took another bite of chicken, lightly swaying the drumstick in his hand. Looking at him with such a nonchalant expression, it seemed as if he were saying: "Old Master Fat here is not short on money."

Seeing Fatty's provocative actions, although Sun Shaohui was furious, perhaps because the price was too high, he hesitated for a moment.

25 million!

Sun Shaohui hesitated, his companion Lin Yao was completely consumed by anger, and as soon as she spoke, she raised the price by fifty million.

As soon as the number was uttered, Sun Shaohui's heart skipped a beat!

For the Sun family, 25 million wasn't a big sum. However, he didn't have that much cash on hand, and if...he let his elders know he spent 25 million on a pair of earrings, they definitely wouldn't approve!

"Beauty, your words are even bigger than your feet!" Hearing Lin Yao report this number, the fat man laughed, laughing like a fox. There was no trace of his previous goofy smile: "However... you win, this pair of earrings is yours."

The next moment, just as everyone thought Fatso was going to bid a higher price, Fatso suddenly handed the earring to Lin Yao.

The sudden change caused everyone, including Sun Shao-hui, to turn pale!

The fatty did it on purpose!

At this moment, everyone understood.

The fat man who was grinning foolishly just moments ago was actually smarter than a fox. His innocent smile had fooled everyone. Now, no one underestimates him, nor do they regard him as a simpleton.

It has to be said, he is truly a performance king!

Lin Yao also knew, similarly, she also knew, 250 million wasn't a small sum!

So... she didn't immediately take the earrings, but instead looked to Sun Shaohui for help.

“Well, beauty, what's this Are you bluffing me Or do you think your man is broke” Seeing that Lin Yao wouldn't be swayed, the fat man deliberately said, "This is your fault, you know. In ancient times, kings started wars for beautiful women. Although Young Master Sun isn't a king, he's still a well-known figure in Beijing. Spending thousands of gold to win a smile from a beauty shouldn't be any pressure at all, right, Young Master Sun"

As soon as the word "fatty" was uttered, everyone's eyes turned to Sun Shaohui in unison, ready to see how he would react.

At this moment, although Sun Shaohui knew that Fatty was digging a hole on purpose to make him jump in, the situation at hand left him with no choice but to act!

Thus, even though he knew Fatty was teasing him and setting a trap, he still jumped right in!

Because... given his status and standing in Yanjing, if he didn't accept the humiliating task, he would become the laughingstock of the entire Yanjing elite!

Everyone would think he was showing off his wealth and power in front of his woman, only to be slapped in the face!

His reputation and prestige will be reduced to the lowest possible point!!

"Two hundred and fifty million, it's nothing to me." Sun Shaohui gritted his teeth and forced a smile, deliberately using a contemptuous look at Fatty: "But you..." He sneered.

As he spoke, he sneered. At the same time, he reached out and took the earring.

At that moment, his right hand trembled slightly, and his heart ached even more!

Seeing Sun Shaohui take the earring, a mischievous smile flashed across Fatty's face. Then, he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, before taking out his sunglasses again and humming a tune as he walked downstairs.

When they heard him humming a song, the people present once again froze in place. This bafflingly rotund fellow was singing a children's rhyme...

However, no one dared to laugh out loud at the scene. Seeing Sun Shaohui at this moment, with a murderous look on his face Just as Fatty was turning around, the smile on Sun Shaohui's face froze instantly, his body trembled slightly without saying a word, and a flash of fierce killing intent flashed in his eyes!

And the entire second floor seemed to have still air, not a single person dared to speak, not a single person dared to breathe. Everyone knew that Sun Shaohui was very angry at this moment, and whoever spoke at this time would definitely become the target of his anger.

No one dared to touch his scales.

"Want to kill me"

The obese man standing at the top of the stairs, chewing on a chicken leg, muttered to himself. The moment a killing intent flashed in Sun Shaohui's eyes, he sensed it, but... he didn't say anything, nor did he stop his steps, only a faint, imperceptible smile played on his lips.

Just like that, let the fat man leave Sun Shaohui looked at the fat man's back, his eyes flashing with cold fire...the Beauty Apartment"Ye Fan's mouth gaped open in astonishment as he looked at everyone, but they all gave him a look that said "you just realized this". Ye Fan couldn't help but smile wryly again. Ye...